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Ok, so my sis-in-law is in BK. She called yesterday to say she was involved in some type of street fight (not directly, as in the physical contact - but more yelling) and apparently called a Thai police some name that is not socially acceptable in Thailand. She was asking for $6000US to get out of jail on bail.

Is this possible? If she is in jail, really, would bail be set so high? If, instead, it has something to do with drugs(I do not know that it DOES, I am just trying to think this through - I suspect we are not getting the whole story) - how does Thai law apply to US citz.?

Hope this thought is coherant and someone can shed some light on it for me.



When a person is in any country........ (whether local or foreign) , YOU are

subjected to their laws, particularly " Criminal Laws " . For example,

if a person is caught and convicted for serious drugs offences in Malaysia,

he/she will face the mandatory death penalty. You cannot say, " I am from

Timbuktu..... and in Timbuktu, I will only go to jail for that offence. "

I hope that " US " citizen understand what I am trying to say with regards to

Thai laws or any laws in any countries.



US citizens are exempt from any laws in any country other than their own, unless thay are wealthy and can afford exceptional attorneys - then they are above the law even in their country.

(well, actually they are not any different to anyone else in this world - they are subject to the same laws as anyone else)

Imagine the sh!t you'd be in, verbally abusing a cop in Chicago, or wherever . . .

What a bizarre question . . . . Call the US Embassy.


That sure is some question alright,,why do some people think that because they are a US citz. that they can do as they please and will get off because they are from the USA,,if anything they will get the same or worse treatment because they posed to have the bread to pay.

In a traffic accident they are usually at fault in any other country,cause if they was home where they belonged the wreck wouldn't have happened.

So anyone in a foreign country should be on their best behavior,and what was a farang doing getting mixed up with the cops for in the first place.??

Ok, so my sis-in-law is in BK. She called yesterday to say she was involved in some type of street fight (not directly, as in the physical contact - but more yelling) and apparently called a Thai police some name that is not socially acceptable in Thailand. She was asking for $6000US to get out of jail on bail.

Is this possible? If she is in jail, really, would bail be set so high? If, instead, it has something to do with drugs(I do not know that it DOES, I am just trying to think this through - I suspect we are not getting the whole story) - how does Thai law apply to US citz.?

Hope this thought is coherant and someone can shed some light on it for me.


6000 usd? Yes, it seems to be the price for something about drug.


Agreed with frenchfarang, that is a seriously large bail, someone I know was arrested with a marijuana joint and his bail was only 50,000 baht (less than $1500). Don't know what your sister is up to, but it isn't yelling at a cop! She needs the embassy involved and she needs a lawyer, if she is really in this much trouble. Just make sure you know exactly whats up before you western union her $6000, talk to the US embassy. US Embassy in Thailand will have all the relevant phone numbers etc.


I would say that policeman has alot of (face) pride to extort that much.

Let her use here credit card at western union for a cash advance. Stay out of it,

she will be sober by the time the holidays are over and free as a bird most likely.


Let's not forget, Doctor, over here the police usually get to keep the bail even if the accused does not run away. This is extortion, although possibly justified as we don't know what offences have been committed.

Guest IT Manager

Not sure where your information comes from David but a friend of mine was banged up a couple of years ago and he was bailed for 40K baht, which I got for him and it was returned on the cort date, by the police, in a very polite way.


Update: Embassy now confirms SIL in jail for many charges. They tell us next to nothing due to privacy laws. Part of her charges are for theft and they believe the money originally requested was for a payoff of some sort to the police.

KevinN, SlingSling, fox, taxexile - I misworded my first post and want to clarify. I did not mean to imply she would be above Thai law. I only wondered if she would go to some sort of national/international court as opposed to a BKK local court. At this point, I do not believe that is the case.

Can anyone comment on jail conditions in BKK?


Think this amount is almost definatly a 'buy out of jail'.

Had to 'bail' my brother-in-law out a few times for motorcycle offences. He';s Thai, so the cost is less (I paid through his sister - my wife - so they didn't see the farang connection), but there was no record kept after the 'bail' changed hands, no fine or court date.

SameSame, you do not want to know what Thai prisons are like believe me! I think you can visit BKK Hilton, if so check it out for yourself.

Old saying: "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime".

Update: Embassy now confirms SIL in jail for many charges. They tell us next to nothing due to privacy laws. Part of her charges are for theft and they believe the money originally requested was for a payoff of some sort to the police.

KevinN, SlingSling, fox, taxexile - I misworded my first post and want to clarify. I did not mean to imply she would be above Thai law. I only wondered if she would go to some sort of national/international court as opposed to a BKK local court. At this point, I do not believe that is the case.

Can anyone comment on jail conditions in BKK?

Maybe you should travel to Thailand and see your sister, arrange a laywer and try to minimize her stay behind bars.


I think she did more than say something mate and you said they wouldnt say nothing due to privacy laws - theres no privacy laws in Thailand, especially when it relates to farangs - I bet you a mil, I could go and find out all for nothing as they have no privacy laws at all - i would do as George says mate (if your that worried) - saying something, is a misdemeanor, it would not carry a $6,000 bond.



I only know what I read here and what I can research on the internet. According to the Department of Corrections - Ministry of Justice -Thailand, there is a treaty between the US and Thailand in which convicted prisoners can be transferred to serve time in their own country. See website:


Our situation has not gone this far yet. My SIL has not been formally charged yet (there are charges pending) but if convicted, we are all concerned to see her return to the states to serve out whatever sentence is given out. We were very concerned originally that this arrest could have drug implications, but apparently that is not the case (not that theft is any better/worse, just more surprising than a drug charge would have been)

I appreciate all of you who have responded. Thanks for your imput.


Hi Same Same: Your Quote " I only wondered if she would go to some sort of national/international

court as opposed to BKK local court. "

Sorry to say that the answer is definitely " No " ..... unless that person has committed " War Crimes "

Just for your info on the notorious Bangkok Hilton, you can key into this website :http://home.freeuk.com/mounsey/bkt6.htm#e.

Get a good lawyer and good luck. All the best.

With warm regards,


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