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Electrics Broke After Last Night Storm!


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Last night a big rainy storm.....

Ok i though...cool...and kept on working on my new website.

Then suddenly...a big boom outside from high out of the skies....


all electric went off....after looking outside......the whole soi khao talo out of electric and a waterfall coming down.....


then sleep,maybey electric comes back soon en work some more i thought....

But waking up in the morning....happy to see my tv on....electrics yes....look e-mails first....

But unfortenly after many pushes on the power buttom...nothing happens.....

looking at the router....also....no lights...DEAD....

later i discoverd that 2 villa's from here same thing happend....i mean...this guy also has a broken lcd screen!!!

Any one else????jap.gif

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ha ha ha . . . I also enjoyed a half day INTERNET HOLIDAY :-)

where are you - Pattaya ? I am in north of Bangkok, and I know some people in north west of Nakorn Pathom also experienced this very big rain storm !

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If there's one thing that I learnt living in areas that are thunder-prone is that with the first rumble you disconnect EVERYTHING from the power sockets, also (and above all) the phone connections for ADSL and you dont plug them back in until ALL the thunder has gone away.

Any other procedure is crass stupidity.

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A house in our village lost everything in the last big storm. I think that's the one, Rimmer, where you headed home fast to disconnect everything!

He lost everything. TV, Computer, micro, refrig, etc. Direct hit on his house....

That one yesterday was pretty big also. Unplugged everything...

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Check your insurance contract guys.

I had an airco compressor fried after the electric company changed wires in the soi

Asked to my insurance broker to check with the company if my condo contract covered this

First answer from the company NO.I didn't have this option they said.And I asked to have a complete contract at signature....

Broker was angry (me too) .He managed they changed their view.

Cost 8200b;check received 6200 b :)

Hope you have a good broker

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All down to the non extistance of, or poor, earthing of electrical installations and buildings.

At the first sign of an electrical storm my wife unplugs everything in sight. As we live in Singapore, I tell her its not needed, and it isn't as all electrical installations are earthed.

Who ever introduced the non earthing of everything in Thailand needs shooting.

Edited by soihok
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Earthed/grounded or not, a direct lightning strike is probably going to fry everything that's plugged it, no?

Very good chance. Direct lightning strikes are very unpredictable as to the outcome.

I have a very well grounded house including the structure. I had a direct strike a few years ago. Something I will never forget. You could see the electricity jump out of the electrical plugs and many lights blew up, just like the movies. The electric meter actually blew up and caught fire similar to a Roman Candle. Many other electrical items were taken out or failed a couple weeks later. About 30,000 baht in damages and repairs. Fortunately my computer survived. However an external CD drive did not. I can only attribute it to, the computer was plugged into an UPS which helped to absorb the surge, where the external drive wasn't.

The grounding apparently help prevent fire. A Thai house close by (which wasn't grounded) caught fire and burned to the ground.

I now have a policy of unplug and turn off everything (including phone plugs and lights) whenever there is thunder or lightning close by. Remember turning off electronic devices does not necessarily turn it off. They must be unplugged!

We have had several direct strikes since. Resulting in absolutely no damage because of this policy.

Edited by BB1950
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Earthed/grounded or not, a direct lightning strike is probably going to fry everything that's plugged it, no?

Very good chance. Direct lightning strikes are very unpredictable as to the outcome.

I have a very well grounded house including the structure. I had a direct strike a few years ago. Something I will never forget. You could see the electricity jump out of the electrical plugs and many lights blew up, just like the movies. The electric meter actually blew up and caught fire similar to a Roman Candle. Many other electrical items were taken out or failed a couple weeks later. About 30,000 baht in damages and repairs. Fortunately my computer survived. However an external CD drive did not. I can only attribute it to, the computer was plugged into an UPS which helped to absorb the surge, where the external drive wasn't.

The grounding apparently help prevent fire. A Thai house close by (which wasn't grounded) caught fire and burned to the ground.

I now have a policy of unplug and turn off everything (including phone plugs and lights) whenever there is thunder or lightning close by. Remember turning off electronic devices does not necessarily turn it off. They must be unplugged!

We have had several direct strikes since. Resulting in absolutely no damage because of this policy.

Unreal. Seems you are very lucky to have survived this with only minimal loss!!! Wow...

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We have had several direct strikes since. Resulting in absolutely no damage because of this policy.

Looks like Somebody's sending you a message. Might try moving and see whether you keep getting direct strikes.

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We have had several direct strikes since. Resulting in absolutely no damage because of this policy.

Looks like Somebody's sending you a message. Might try moving and see whether you keep getting direct strikes.

Why? I got the message. I know I'm safe.

They say lightning strikes the Empire State Building about 100 times a year. In 4 years we've only had about 7 direct strikes. One person was taking a bath in the bathtub during that first strike which created the electrical damage and did not realize we had a direct strike. The person wanted to know what all the commotion was about.

Like I said before, the structure is well grounded. Maybe that's why I've had several direct strikes. Lightning is looking for the shortest path to ground.

The frequency of the direct strikes are going down as time goes by. I assume it's because the area is becoming more developed and the really tall coconut trees are being removed or killed by lightning strikes. They seem to get struck quite often.

The late Roy Cleveland Sullivan, is recognized by Guinness World Records as the person struck by lightning more recorded times than any other human being (7 times) and surviving. He died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at the age of 71 over an unrequited love

I would be more cautious of the girls/boys of Pattaya.

Edited by BB1950
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