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Want Some Advice On Calorie Counting


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I need to get into shape as Im starting to get a bit of a stomach and double chin (Im 6ft and now weigh around 90kg). I dont have a problem with getting into the gym, I can often go for months by going 3-4 times a week and Im in ok shape then, however if I stop for more than a couple of weeks I find it hard to get into it again. My plan is to get into the habit of running 4km-5km around 5 times a week followed by some weights.

That part isnt a problem for me, the problem is that I like my food, I dont mean junk food though, just any food, I can easily put away breakfast plus 3 square meals a day, I also have a problem with eating at night and can never sleep on an empty stomach.

So my questions are:

What is the best way to count calories, particularly for both western foods and thai? Is there a good website or system that I can follow?

What kind of healhy snacks can I eat at night say around 10pm (based on me going to bed around midnight)? I know they say you shouldnt eat after 8pm but that is just not possible for me, Ive tried so many times and just end up starving hungry and eating a huge sandwich around 11pm :(

In the past when Ive tried to watch what I eat my regular day has consisted of the following:


2 tangerines

A bowl of muesli OR 2 slices of toast (brown bread) with either margarine or peanut butter


1 sandwich (2 slices of brown bread) with plenty of salad and either a tin of tuna (no mayo) or sardines for the filling or cheese/ham (I can only eat tinned fish so many days in a row before I get sick of it).

Mid-afternoon snack (often after the gym)

Same as above but with just 1 slice of bread

Possibly a couple of small bananas too


Thai food, I go for anything here but I usually need more than just some rice with something on top and often have 1-2 side dishes.

Evening snack

Biscuits/cookies + milk (slim)

I try to eat those digestive buscuits but they are so plain and dull and often end up on choc ones :(

What would the above be in total calories for the day and how could I improve on it?

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Without weights of the food your eating nobody can say a thing.

I know what you mean with going to the gym and then if you stop for a while its hard to get back into shape. I have the same problem. Every year when my parents are here i get a long break from the gym.. and that break gets longer then even when they are gone.

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