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Slow, Slow, Slow


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True is again beginning to really irritate me. During the last few days, my SME 2Mb connection speed has been increasingly deteriorating. Will ADSL become obsolete before we see any improvements? This isn't rocket science. Why can't us poor customers ever get the kind of service we pay for?

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True is again beginning to really irritate me. During the last few days, my SME 2Mb connection speed has been increasingly deteriorating. Will ADSL become obsolete before we see any improvements? This isn't rocket science. Why can't us poor customers ever get the kind of service we pay for?

Complaining here isn't going to do anything. I hope you can ask true and report back their response.

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What kind of speeds does the SME services actually give..

When pacific went down TOT were telling me that the goldbiz or cyberbiz or whatever 'webcafe' type account (thier description not mine) gave about 800kbps international speeds for 2700 baht..

Considering they said I would get a 400 - 600 kbps out of my goldcyber account I am not so convinced..

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What kind of speeds does the SME services actually give..

When I first subscribed to it a little over a year ago, I was getting 80% of what they advertised, even during the day. This mostly lasted until a few months ago when they changed my IP address range. Now, I'm lucky to get 5% at any time of the day or night. Very pathetic. All I want to be able to do is listen to a basic 128kbps radio stream without breaking up every two seconds, and not have to wait for what seems like an eternity for a webpage to open.

Complaining here isn't going to do anything. I hope you can ask true and report back their response.

I wish complaining to True would change anything, but I've long since given up on anything positive coming from that.

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A good speed test I have found and used before is the 2wire one, it seems to provide a more realistic speed reference to the international line.

After several runs I get between 865 and 886 kbps, my ISP is TOT on gold cyber home use, I'm in Phuket. I've got ta say for 1000baht a month I have been very happy with their service thus far, yes the odd outage and problems but overall for the money excellent.

Maybe a few more people could try the same test and atleast then there would be a base line to compare ISP's with.

Heres the link http://www.2wire.com/?p=154

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I like that test. The file size is quite big so it's a little more accurate in it's results. I tested at a whopping 41kbps with True's 2048/512 Kbps SME, Bht2,900 per month, 20-1 user ratio, 60% gauranteed package - and I'm in Bangkok. What's going on? This may be a silly question, but shouldn't I be expecting a better speed than this?

Edited by melus
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Yes, we should get better speeds... we're paying a ****load more. If we don't get more, why pay? Why bother? I'm going to have a long talk with True tomorrow. My friend who uses a 600 baht/month package on a TOT line tests at 512k, fairly consistantly, when I get less than 100k, fairly consistantly.

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Let me know how your talk with True goes tomorrow. Perhaps ask them to change our (people on the SME premium scam) IP addresses back to the 202.176.106.xxx range. I really think this is the problem. I know how reluctant you are to call True.

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Yep, I'm reluctant all right. Aside from the long waits, the irritating hold music, and the clueless support, there are other risks. The last time I called to complain about slow speeds, my service was cut (the adsl signal was aborted) and I had to make several more calls to sort out the problem, wherein the clueless support folks kept saying that my service was *not* suspended. After a few days of being transferred from one person to another, they finally admitted that yes, my service was indeed suspended, because of a glitch on their part. After a week of calling and faxing, I finally got my signal back.

Another fine example of True's exemplary service. Not.

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Speed Meter

Your bandwidth was clocked at

85.10 Kbps

Seems to be on a slightly heavy used server (at least at 7:25 anyway)

http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ using the Washington server...

They use a big file as well, and test both download and upload...

Last Result:

Download Speed: 417 kbps (52.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 204 kbps (25.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Bit more realistic, espacially considering the time!!!

Using Maxnet4life 512/256 at 2500/month (also for small businesses and sme's)

Edited by monty
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Last night speeds were really, really bad but check to LA on speakeasy today give me 413/212 on my 512/256 circuit so believe there has probably been a problem the last few days and with at lot of luck perhaps behind us. Until the next time. :o

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Well using GoldCyber here on Phuket via TOT I am getting 800 - 900 speeds mostly with the occasional drop down to high 6's or 7's..

Thats using the 2wire speed test above which appear to record faster speeds than Mcafee or others I have used..

Considering i am on a 1000 baht home package that makes the SME packages a bit of a joke..

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Even with the speakeasy test, I get only around 150-200k.  With Mcafee's test, I get around 140k.  Both tests in the morning.  Not that much difference for me, it seems.

This is the pretty much the same results as I get with True's SME 2048/512 Mbps super deal. Looks to me like they're capping our speed no matter what speed you sign up for. Grrrrr.

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At PC Pitstop I got download speeds of between 310kbps and 712kpbs. These are about as good as I would ever expect for a 1Mbps connection and downloads from a site based in the US. I'm using True btw.

Another thing to consider is the number of paths or routes you're using simultaneously. While one route may only give you 70kbps of bandwidth, using many together will let you use more of your available bandwidth.

Some programs, such as Download Accelerator, will automatically use several connections to the same source and therefore give more bandwidth. The same is true of P2P programs. Downloading just one thing might give me 20kB/s but downloading several things together I can get combined speeds of over 100kB/s. (over 800kbps).

Be wary when using programs to test speed. There are many factors affecting the result, not just your ISP here.

Edited by Lormaak
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Lormaak, we already know about using speed tests, the topic has been discussed EXTENSIVELY in this forum. What we're ticked off about is that we're paying A LOT more than normal for premium packages, and we're not getting the speeds we should be getting. We *know* what we should be getting because we've tested at these same sites before, and have gotten MUCH better results. Now, we're getting *lousy* results while paying the same as before, which is about 5-8 times what home users pay. Other people on other ISPs use the same tests and get *much* better results at far cheaper rates.

So, we're considering whether we should stop paying premium rates for substandard service.

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Well, I'm new here, and am not going to trudge though loads of old threads to make sure I'm not repeating stuff.

So True's customer service is ****, and there aren't too many other options? However, it still seems ridiculous that I can consistently get 800kbps from a True home account and a business account can't even manage half that. So what's going on?

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So True's customer service is ****, and there aren't too many other options? However, it still seems ridiculous that I can consistently get 800kbps from a True home account and a business account can't even manage half that. So what's going on?

Monty figured out my strange speed with Maxnet4home and that was because he figured they were giving me the Maxnet4life package which should be more money and faster. I guess this must me my answer as I have had very fast speed from Day 1 And every body and I mean everybody else has SHIT SPEED from Maxnet4home. And the clincher was that with Maxnet4home they are said to block P2P Use and I use Limewire with out any problems.

Maybe True made a boo boo in youf favor also ?

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No boo boo sir, since we've been using these packages for over a year now. I did have that done to me once, when I was using an old package... I asked for 1mbit, and got 128k instead. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, until I checked the local speed myself. Then I had to convince the people at True that they had messed up (yet again). I got 3 months of paying for 1 mbit and getting 128k service. True. There's nothing like it.

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No boo boo sir, since we've been using these packages for over a year now.  I did have that done to me once, when I was using an old package... I asked for 1mbit, and got 128k instead.  I couldn't figure out what was wrong, until I checked the local speed myself.  Then I had to convince the people at True that they had messed up (yet again).  I got 3 months of paying for 1 mbit and getting 128k service.  True.  There's nothing like it.


Just a Thought :o

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Thanks very much for the speakeasy test site very very useful. If anyone cares - I'm on the True 2mb package at 2200bpm. I've always been a pretty big supporter of TRUE as I've never had any issues with them - speed, to uptime to phone service but now I'm starting to grumble, past few nights, its been quite slow. Current speed tests from Speakeasy:

NYC Test:

Download Speed: 154 kbps

Upload Speed: 153 kbps

DC Test:

Download Speed: 232 kbps

Upload Speed: 218 kbps


Download Speed: 165 kbps

Upload Speed: 173 kbps

2nd Round: Seemed upload speed was more generous this time.

NYC Test:

Download Speed: 143 kbps

Upload Speed: 302 kbps

DC Test:

Download Speed: 131 kbps

Upload Speed: 325 kbps


Download Speed: 181 kbps

Upload Speed: 362 kbps

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