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What Questions To Ask To Test Your New Thai Girlfriend ?


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Personally, I'd want to meet and understand the family. Find out what they have, where they live and work and what their attitudes are to a variety of different scenarios.

Who takes care of the mother and father if they are sick?

How many kids are there and who is expected to pay for the education, health matters and other sundry items.

Does she have any debts or problems with the bank? That may sound an odd question but I had a g/f who still owes 500,000 to the bank and no means of paying it and I refused to.

What is she really like when it comes to shopping? Does she demand the most expensive shoes. clothes etc. Or is she really content / pleased to have what she is given.

Where is she looking to live? Big house or happy in a condo / rented place?

So many basic questions you would have answers from a lady in the West.

Once I'd found out about them then I'd want to know what they expect from me

And i would make sure I watched their eyes when they are talking. Thai people do not seem to have a great deal of control over their eyes. Lastly I'd make sure I was with the family a lot if they are in the same area, to get that 'feel' of how welcoming they really are. True warmth in their ways or not?

It isn't rocket science when you take your time unless you are desperate to wed her.

Just my 3pennorth (or 2 cents) :P

This advice is worth a lot more than 2c...

These are crucial questions to determine if a marriage has a snowballs chance in Dantes inferno. If you get a red light early on then great, time and money probably saved.

For a new Thai gf, asking her is not necessarily the best way to get accurate answers - he's got to determine some fundamental facts for himself. If the Scandanavian friend has played bargirl bingo then the odds are he's being played, however, there are cases where a woman hates that life and will jump at the chance of a good man.

Even if she's a 'good' Thai she may simply tell him what she thinks he'd like to hear. She probably tells white lies like most women - and men ("no, your ass looks perfect in that dress"), no biggie, but relationship fraud is so common that he needs to take fact-finding measures beyond what is normal in the west.

She could be good marriage material, so beware of spoiling it by doing a Spanish Inquisition early on, especially if you're out of the country and can't balance sober questions with some hands-on TLC.

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if there are 10 oranges and you take away 4, how many oranges do you have?

How can you expect a Thai lady to understand your parochial sectarian bigotry?

Or was that an arithmetic question? IN which case, I would recommend using the less contentious guava


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Personally, I'd want to meet and understand the family. Find out what they have, where they live and work and what their attitudes are to a variety of different scenarios.

Who takes care of the mother and father if they are sick?

How many kids are there and who is expected to pay for the education, health matters and other sundry items.

Does she have any debts or problems with the bank? That may sound an odd question but I had a g/f who still owes 500,000 to the bank and no means of paying it and I refused to.

What is she really like when it comes to shopping? Does she demand the most expensive shoes. clothes etc. Or is she really content / pleased to have what she is given.

Where is she looking to live? Big house or happy in a condo / rented place?

So many basic questions you would have answers from a lady in the West.

Once I'd found out about them then I'd want to know what they expect from me

And i would make sure I watched their eyes when they are talking. Thai people do not seem to have a great deal of control over their eyes. Lastly I'd make sure I was with the family a lot if they are in the same area, to get that 'feel' of how welcoming they really are. True warmth in their ways or not?

It isn't rocket science when you take your time unless you are desperate to wed her.

Just my 3pennorth (or 2 cents) :P

I have a tried and tested way..in fact a whole questionare (and method) of gauranteeing that you wont get scammed all your life savings..

Definately worth more than two cents :P

Actually though ,id have to PM it to you, as i wouldnt want it to get around, hence tipping off all those sneaky little land dwelling brown phiranas out there..:ph34r:

Oh, and for me to part with what is such a foolproof method, saving countless time and many baht, id probably have to ask for a small donation ;)

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Do you sit down when you pee?

laugh.gif I'm a bloke and I do cos I'm so old.biggrin.gif

im not even old, but sometimes im lazy.

political threads on this forum often state the people get the government they deserve. i posit it might well occur to individuals and their chosen mate.

if you look to take the easy route you get burned in all things.

if she is too cute or too young for you and you try to run with it, its your fault not hers.

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Ask the same questions repededly, but rephrased and see if you get different answers....but bare in mind that they often don't understand. Most liars get caught that way.......that's why I can't lie. Too hard to remember different stories.

and like another poster said, pretend that you are poor.

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My goodness, if any guy needs guidance about what questions to ask a prospective wife then he really should consider renting by the hour rather than signing up for the life-time plan.

What do you expect ? A number of these guys are here because they can't get a girlfriend back home. They don't know how to talk to a girl. Sad, isn't it ?

It reminds me of a guy who was so proud to introduce us his new girlfriend. She was obviously a prostitute and seemed to be embarassed herself by the whole situation. But he was so happy, he was 30 something and she was probably his first girlfriend. What could we do ? The best is to let him enjoy the situation then try to make the landing as soft as possible. With a bit of luck, it will be part of the leaning process and he will then be able to find a "real" girlfriend.

A colleague of mine a while ago was worried that his son didn't have much interest in girls (he is 17-18). He took him to a "special" father-son holiday in Pattaya. It worked. The son really enjoyed it and now brings regularly new girlfriends home.

Whatever it takes ...

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Here are some starters to sort the wheat from the chaff.

What is your job? What is your source of income? Can I meet your friends? What do your friends do? What is your address? Can I go to said address? May I look at your telephone? Do you mind if I call you ten times a day? What do your parents do? Can I meet them?

These are good questions as far as questions go, but the problem with questions is that they all have answers and solutions. They would filter out a lot of the field, the majority in fact. Who could all be filtered out without asking any questions. An actual top-tier operator isn't going to be rolled over by any of those, a lazy drunk who goes for the low-hanging, mature fruit might...

The real operators have only one, single exploitative weakness which they cannot really defend against (assuming the probe is conducted competently).

Open a yahoo or hotmail account under a different name and make contact. Take it from there.


Every other post after this proffering advice are band-aids on the cast. Some are scrapes of sticky tape. A couple are just greasy strips of random litter and (used?) toilet paper. 1-ply.

some questions for prospective girlfriends/wives

where did you get all your lovely tattoos dear

how come all your friends can play 8 ball so well

you can speak some english, german, norwegian etc, your school language program must have been excellent for a school in nakon nowhere

is "bak kwai noi" a polite name for me, as everyone in the village calls me that

its great you can sit in a bar farang so happily, some village girls just dont seem comfortable

Those questions aren't really sardonic, or even wry. If you get tripped up by a tattoo'd bar girl who crushes bar pool who proposes marriage in between drinks on a Tues evening, you couldn't possibly ever be a victim, just a walking statistic.

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Do you sit down when you pee?

laugh.gif I'm a bloke and I do cos I'm so old.biggrin.gif

im not even old, but sometimes im lazy.

political threads on this forum often state the people get the government they deserve. i posit it might well occur to individuals and their chosen mate.

if you look to take the easy route you get burned in all things.

if she is too cute or too young for you and you try to run with it, its your fault not hers.

You are absolutely correct. However there are exceptions. I would tell you about them but no one would believe it. There is something odd about this country. I play the odds so I have an age appropriate and looks appropriate woman. But there are times I think I am nuts for not going for the gold. Not generalizing or stereotyping but my last couple encounters were so convincing. It is that deer in the headlights look that gets me.

he mental difference between a 19 year old Thai woman and a 38 year old Thai woman should be great. But it's not. We talk about the same things, we go the same places and enjoy the same activities. This does not make sense to my Western mind but it is true. The 19 year old woman should have some apprehension being seen in public with me but none exists. Thai people treat me the same, not that I really care. I keep work and social life separated and don't live in the same town where I work. But I have always done this as I don't think it is wise to mix business and pleasure.

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And we just live for those exceptions, don't we, Mark. Not everyone is compatible and all you can do is sample a lot of the merchandise to see what fits. Treat everyone with a smile on your face and a bit of lust in your heart and things will work themselves out. I'm constantly surprised at what great experiences often happen to me, and yet nothing is ever constistent enough to make hard and fast judgement calls.

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great thread folks

funny and provocative

i cant add much cause marriage is not a concern of mine

and i am not as funny as i would like to be

i could however write a book on my dating experiences here

here is a bit for you

i like a gal who cleans her plate at a meal

i also like the gals who sweep when then come to my place but it is not a requisite

it just shows me they are helpful people (or are looking for hairs)

one time i just met a gal brought her home and she helped me fold my laundry

nothing ever came of it but it felt very warm

i also like the gals (that i dont know) who ask for 20 baht

it is smart, not a lot to ask for, and if she asks enough people she'll make a bundle

as another poster said the eyes tell all

and of course how she treats you

even the rent a gals i would never bother with if they didn't show some genuine interest in me

its all about how they talk to you treat you and look at you

the voice too, and phone manners, and follow through on promises, all common sense

if anything i have the opposite problem of the posters question

i am too sensitive and too picky about who i would spend time with

i'd rather be alone

when i first came here and didn't know any thai

i paid my dues and got taken advantage of

after that the problems went away for me

and i felt like a king in paradise

if you are not a good judge of character then you need this thread and tactics

the email idea is fantastic but i dont think i want to know

and as someone else said ask about those things you yourself are not so proud of

the math question is super and funny

i had a love once who could not add one and one

but she was a goddamn beautiful person inside and out and her emotional intelligence out shined mine

i am way too picky for my age and looks

the times i lowered the bar just a little bit

i found my options expand exponentially

keep the posts coming

took me time to get around reading them but a fascinating read indeed


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as another poster said the eyes tell all

and of course how she treats you

even the rent a gals i would never bother with if they didn't show some genuine interest in me

its all about how they talk to you treat you and look at you

the voice too, and phone manners, and follow through on promises, all common sense

if you are not a good judge of character then you need this thread and tactics

the email idea is fantastic but i dont think i want to know

I like posts like this one because, in simple honesty - the answers are given, even when they might not have been intended.

The OP and most of the responses are asking how to avoid misery. For that, there is really only one valid solution - competent entrapment.

The gentleman above has given the answer for how to achieve happiness. For that, there is really only one valid solution - stop looking for what does not exist. Be satisfied with a well-played game, or a game played well for at least a while.

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If u have issues about specific moderating action you can take it up with support [at] thaivisa dot com

Any further discussion of moderation WILL earn u a warming.

I suggest those that want to post on this thread also do so only if u have something on topic to say. This is NOT the jokes forum

Wow cant beat good witch burning :lol:

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as another poster said the eyes tell all

and of course how she treats you

even the rent a gals i would never bother with if they didn't show some genuine interest in me

its all about how they talk to you treat you and look at you

the voice too, and phone manners, and follow through on promises, all common sense

if you are not a good judge of character then you need this thread and tactics

the email idea is fantastic but i dont think i want to know

I like posts like this one because, in simple honesty - the answers are given, even when they might not have been intended.

The OP and most of the responses are asking how to avoid misery. For that, there is really only one valid solution - competent entrapment.

The gentleman above has given the answer for how to achieve happiness. For that, there is really only one valid solution - stop looking for what does not exist. Be satisfied with a well-played game, or a game played well for at least a while.

A relationship based on 'tests' is doomed to fail. WHen you don't feel the need to test; then maybe you are ready for a relationship.

What tests is the OP setting himself?


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A relationship based on 'tests' is doomed to fail. WHen you don't feel the need to test; then maybe you are ready for a relationship.

What tests is the OP setting himself?


It was not for me but for a friend with little Asia experience.

I never had a gf who needed to be 'tested', intuition and not being desperate.

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A relationship based on 'tests' is doomed to fail. WHen you don't feel the need to test; then maybe you are ready for a relationship.

What tests is the OP setting himself?


It was not for me but for a friend with little Asia experience.

I never had a gf who needed to be 'tested', intuition and not being desperate.

then if he is your friend, why dont you tell him that?

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