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It appears that I have little choice since I want a 4X4 but DON'T want a four door. It appears that only Ford, Mazda and maybe Nissan offer a two door 4X4. What is it with four door 4X4 trucks? The open cabs appeal to me but I don't want to sacrifice bed space for two full unneeded doors.


I have had 3 4x4 WD vehicles here over the last 11 years, used 4WD once in each vehicle just to check it out ( 2WD on order ). Unless you're gonna utilize 4x4 then ( in my opinion ) it's a waste of money.

It is strange why everyone would not make them in 2 door tho??



Toyota Smart Cab 4x4. which is a 2+2 suicide doors. :)

I'm still a little touchy about my last Toyota. It was a 4X4 four door and it was a true lemon. The local Toyota dealer made a lot of money off me. Had it been a good vehicle, I'd still have it. My present truck is a 2004 Nissan 2WD and it is the very best vehicle I have ever owned. Unfortunately I don't much care for the new Nissans. I have gone so far as to see if it is possible to convert my old Nissan to a 4X4. The guy who does that kind of work thought I was crazy.

I think I'll wait to see how much the new Fords cost. We have a LOT of mud roads up here and I'll be fine until the rains start. My old Nissan doesn't go in the mud very well. Walking home in the rain to fetch my tractor to pull it out of the mud isn't much fun.


Toyota Smart Cab 4x4. which is a 2+2 suicide doors. :)

I'm still a little touchy about my last Toyota. It was a 4X4 four door and it was a true lemon. The local Toyota dealer made a lot of money off me. Had it been a good vehicle, I'd still have it. My present truck is a 2004 Nissan 2WD and it is the very best vehicle I have ever owned. Unfortunately I don't much care for the new Nissans. I have gone so far as to see if it is possible to convert my old Nissan to a 4X4. The guy who does that kind of work thought I was crazy.

I think I'll wait to see how much the new Fords cost. We have a LOT of mud roads up here and I'll be fine until the rains start. My old Nissan doesn't go in the mud very well. Walking home in the rain to fetch my tractor to pull it out of the mud isn't much fun.

Bad luck on your Vigo. Think any make on the planet has a '' lemon '' every once and awhile and not much fun being the recipient. ;) .


Toyota Smart Cab 4x4. which is a 2+2 suicide doors. :)

I'm still a little touchy about my last Toyota. It was a 4X4 four door and it was a true lemon. The local Toyota dealer made a lot of money off me. Had it been a good vehicle, I'd still have it. My present truck is a 2004 Nissan 2WD and it is the very best vehicle I have ever owned. Unfortunately I don't much care for the new Nissans. I have gone so far as to see if it is possible to convert my old Nissan to a 4X4. The guy who does that kind of work thought I was crazy.

I think I'll wait to see how much the new Fords cost. We have a LOT of mud roads up here and I'll be fine until the rains start. My old Nissan doesn't go in the mud very well. Walking home in the rain to fetch my tractor to pull it out of the mud isn't much fun.

Bad luck on your Vigo. Think any make on the planet has a '' lemon '' every once and awhile and not much fun being the recipient. ;) .

My Thai wife was a Toyota lover, now she's not so sure and switched to being an Isuzu lover. I told her Isuzu was out of the picture because they don't make what I want.

While I was working for a Thai company in 1991, they bought me a new Isuzu rather than the Toyota that I wanted. I hated it from the first day. It idled so rough that the fenders shook and it had no power. I tried to trade with one of the other expats for his old Toyota but he flat refused. The old Isuzus had the reputation of having a tractor engine and that was pretty accurate. I have to say that the new ones are MUCH improved.


Toyota Smart Cab 4x4. which is a 2+2 suicide doors. :)

I'm still a little touchy about my last Toyota. It was a 4X4 four door and it was a true lemon. The local Toyota dealer made a lot of money off me. Had it been a good vehicle, I'd still have it. My present truck is a 2004 Nissan 2WD and it is the very best vehicle I have ever owned. Unfortunately I don't much care for the new Nissans. I have gone so far as to see if it is possible to convert my old Nissan to a 4X4. The guy who does that kind of work thought I was crazy.

I think I'll wait to see how much the new Fords cost. We have a LOT of mud roads up here and I'll be fine until the rains start. My old Nissan doesn't go in the mud very well. Walking home in the rain to fetch my tractor to pull it out of the mud isn't much fun.

I bought a Toyota 4x4 2.5 Turbo common rail in 2000, i also thought that was a lemon. My mates used to say that they forgot to put the turbo in, it was gutless!!



Toyota Smart Cab 4x4. which is a 2+2 suicide doors. :)

I'm still a little touchy about my last Toyota. It was a 4X4 four door and it was a true lemon. The local Toyota dealer made a lot of money off me. Had it been a good vehicle, I'd still have it. My present truck is a 2004 Nissan 2WD and it is the very best vehicle I have ever owned. Unfortunately I don't much care for the new Nissans. I have gone so far as to see if it is possible to convert my old Nissan to a 4X4. The guy who does that kind of work thought I was crazy.

I think I'll wait to see how much the new Fords cost. We have a LOT of mud roads up here and I'll be fine until the rains start. My old Nissan doesn't go in the mud very well. Walking home in the rain to fetch my tractor to pull it out of the mud isn't much fun.

I bought a Toyota 4x4 2.5 Turbo common rail in 2000, i also thought that was a lemon. My mates used to say that they forgot to put the turbo in, it was gutless!!


Perhaps they did. :D

Different story now with a modern Toyota, and fit a cheap chip in minutes takes it over 200 hp/400ft/lb tq.


"Different story now with a modern Toyota, and fit a cheap chip in minutes takes it over 200 hp/400ft/lb tq."

What do you call cheap? and how does it affect fuel consumption?


I agree with the guy that said if you use a 4x4 regularly then ok. I am a bird photographer here in Thailand and bought a Ford 2.5 turbo diesel in 2009 2WD. I put goodyear wranglers 4x4 tires and run the shit out of it. In really rough terain. Never been stuck. Roads here are pretty good even in the boonies. I have wished for it once on top of Doi Chiang Dao in the rainy season. But in all my travels i have never seen a farang in those areas.... Driving there own vehicle.

Of course i am not everywhere so i am sure some do. But none i have seen. I have seen many Thais in those areas with 4x4's. those guys know there way around. Especially the birders. Top class folks to say the least.

83,000 trouble free miles so far. in just over 1.5 years. Two sets of tires.

Bird pics are at: www.flickr.com/photos/avianphotos/


"Different story now with a modern Toyota, and fit a cheap chip in minutes takes it over 200 hp/400ft/lb tq."

What do you call cheap? and how does it affect fuel consumption?

Look at my topic '' Cheap diesel performance '' :)


I've alway liked the Vigo and Fortuners. But don't you think Toyota have milked Thailand long enough with these models. Not only are they looking dated, their dynamics, interiors and overall specs are dated. The hard plastics and poor equipment levels are way below current standards.

The new Ford, Mazda and Colorado all seem to be good packages.

Yes, it's been smart business for Toyota, but it's time for the consumer to open their eyes and demand more. Once demand slides you'll see prices of Toyotas slide and there'll be deals a plenty. Then the model that should have been released years ago will become available.


I've alway liked the Vigo and Fortuners. But don't you think Toyota have milked Thailand long enough with these models. Not only are they looking dated, their dynamics, interiors and overall specs are dated. The hard plastics and poor equipment levels are way below current standards.

The new Ford, Mazda and Colorado all seem to be good packages.

Yes, it's been smart business for Toyota, but it's time for the consumer to open their eyes and demand more. Once demand slides you'll see prices of Toyotas slide and there'll be deals a plenty. Then the model that should have been released years ago will become available.

Are you saying gizmo's sell cars, or buyers want gizmo's or what. Personally l would rather have Toyota's '' Vehicle Stability Control ''.


you are not alone meneer...wanted to buy Ford but the Hi Trac don't come with 2door and 4wd ..have to get a reg 4wd and add options,,

now looking at only Tiger 4wd..lots of time..lots of choice..wish I could find a Toyota Landcruiser here...!!!but really need a workhorse second truck....


I agree with the guy that said if you use a 4x4 regularly then ok. I am a bird photographer here in Thailand and bought a Ford 2.5 turbo diesel in 2009 2WD. I put goodyear wranglers 4x4 tires and run the shit out of it. In really rough terain. Never been stuck. Roads here are pretty good even in the boonies. I have wished for it once on top of Doi Chiang Dao in the rainy season. But in all my travels i have never seen a farang in those areas.... Driving there own vehicle.

Of course i am not everywhere so i am sure some do. But none i have seen. I have seen many Thais in those areas with 4x4's. those guys know there way around. Especially the birders. Top class folks to say the least.

83,000 trouble free miles so far. in just over 1.5 years. Two sets of tires.

Bird pics are at: www.flickr.com/photos/avianphotos/

I use my Toyota 4x4 4 door for photography too. I really love folding up the rear seat and putting a pad on the floor and having a selection of bodies/telephotos within reach. I couldn't do that with less cab space.

Selling it now.. great truck imo.. my 7th Toyota truck since 2000 between here and the states.

Bangkok Images is a Thai Visa advertiser. Please click on my Avatar for URL and Email contact information.


i got a 4 door big mistake never use back doors and road tax is way higher for 4 door than 2

best get it bought soon all the component factories in Japan going to be shut for months, whilst cars are made here many components imported.

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