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A few weeks ago, I rescued two small kittens in Malaysia. One of them was only four weeks old and still needed milk. The other one was only about six weeks old and too sick to take with me to Thailand. I left them with a veterinarian to take care of them until they were strong enough to leave or find them good homes. They advised me to come back and get them because the chances of them finding any homes for those kittens was next to zero. I left the clinic with some money and said I would come back in two weeks and try to get them out! So now I am about to go back around March 30th to process my new visa and pick up these kittens. I want to take a bus back with the kittens. I took it last time and I don't think the border guards even checked the bus. The veterinarian could give me a health certificate for them, but they are too young for most of the vacinations that are required if I were to fly them back so that is way out of the question. I'm just worried that the border guards in from Malaysia to Thailand might give me a hard time trying to get them into Thailand and I don't know if they will even accept a 'donation' to allow them into the country. People have told me that they don't care about such things and money might be the only thing they want. Does anyone have any advice or ideas to help me with this? And no I am not interested in leaving them by the side of the road at the border!


I just shake my head at people like you.... will you save the whole world? You are aware that Thailand is FILLED with stray dogs and cats and certainly doesn't need more brought INTO the country.... You couldn't have adopted one of the thousands of cats in your neighbourhood that desperately needs a home? I'm sure there's plenty of kittens too. Whatever...


I just shake my head at people like you.... will you save the whole world? You are aware that Thailand is FILLED with stray dogs and cats and certainly doesn't need more brought INTO the country.... You couldn't have adopted one of the thousands of cats in your neighbourhood that desperately needs a home? I'm sure there's plenty of kittens too. Whatever...

im sure the OP just found them, wasnt actually looking to adopt,but who can resist baby baby kittens, put them in the vet clinic for treatment being a good person, and now wants to continue taking care of them.

to the OP, call before u go, make sure the vet didnt dump them, or whatever....



I just shake my head at people like you.... will you save the whole world? You are aware that Thailand is FILLED with stray dogs and cats and certainly doesn't need more brought INTO the country.... You couldn't have adopted one of the thousands of cats in your neighbourhood that desperately needs a home? I'm sure there's plenty of kittens too. Whatever...

im sure the OP just found them, wasnt actually looking to adopt,but who can resist baby baby kittens,

Me. If it doesn't go 'woof' I'm not interested :D


I just shake my head at people like you.... will you save the whole world? You are aware that Thailand is FILLED with stray dogs and cats and certainly doesn't need more brought INTO the country.... You couldn't have adopted one of the thousands of cats in your neighbourhood that desperately needs a home? I'm sure there's plenty of kittens too. Whatever...

Look, if you don't have anything constructive or helpful to say, just dont say anything at all. But FYI, I didn't go out looking to find these kittens and it's really none of your business even I did; these kittens would have certainly died if I hadn't done something. I'm doing the best I can and I don't need jerks like you giving me a hard time about it either.


I just shake my head at people like you.... will you save the whole world? You are aware that Thailand is FILLED with stray dogs and cats and certainly doesn't need more brought INTO the country.... You couldn't have adopted one of the thousands of cats in your neighbourhood that desperately needs a home? I'm sure there's plenty of kittens too. Whatever...

im sure the OP just found them, wasnt actually looking to adopt,but who can resist baby baby kittens, put them in the vet clinic for treatment being a good person, and now wants to continue taking care of them.

to the OP, call before u go, make sure the vet didnt dump them, or whatever....


bina, thanks, I did call the vet and she said she gave them to her friend to take care of because her baby was sick. So I have to go back down there in a few days and try and get these kittens out of Malaysia. I just looking specifically for help about getting them across the border and all these other discussions on here are useless.


I just shake my head at people like you.... will you save the whole world? You are aware that Thailand is FILLED with stray dogs and cats and certainly doesn't need more brought INTO the country.... You couldn't have adopted one of the thousands of cats in your neighbourhood that desperately needs a home? I'm sure there's plenty of kittens too. Whatever...

Look, if you don't have anything constructive or helpful to say, just dont say anything at all. But FYI, I didn't go out looking to find these kittens and it's really none of your business even I did; these kittens would have certainly died if I hadn't done something. I'm doing the best I can and I don't need jerks like you giving me a hard time about it either.

Good for you.


Nobody seems to know the answer to OP's question, so here's my suggestion. If I were you, I would prepare a small cage with comfortable bedding which could travel on your lap, and just take a chance on it. Even if the bus gets stopped, I think you might be able to bluff your way through with them. Not an ideal answer... but what else can you do? If you win, well and good. If you lose, you feel you've tried your best. Oh yes, and sit as near the back of the bus as you can get (less likelihood of disturbance, or of others complaining).


I just shake my head at people like you.... will you save the whole world? You are aware that Thailand is FILLED with stray dogs and cats and certainly doesn't need more brought INTO the country.... You couldn't have adopted one of the thousands of cats in your neighbourhood that desperately needs a home? I'm sure there's plenty of kittens too. Whatever...

Look, if you don't have anything constructive or helpful to say, just dont say anything at all. But FYI, I didn't go out looking to find these kittens and it's really none of your business even I did; these kittens would have certainly died if I hadn't done something. I'm doing the best I can and I don't need jerks like you giving me a hard time about it either.

It became my business when you posted it on a public forum yes? And I am being helpful, I always speak out the harsh reality and people like you desperately need a dose of it. There are literally stray animals on every single soi in your neighbourhood right now that will most likely die if no one does anything for them and you are actually going out of your way to bring in more strays from another country. I just find it outrageous and so should any thinking person.


You will find you have no troubleif you travel To thailand on local bus or 3rd class trains. You may havetrouble if you try to travel on an aircon bus or train.


I just shake my head at people like you.... will you save the whole world? You are aware that Thailand is FILLED with stray dogs and cats and certainly doesn't need more brought INTO the country.... You couldn't have adopted one of the thousands of cats in your neighbourhood that desperately needs a home? I'm sure there's plenty of kittens too. Whatever...

I'm sorry Laughing Man just said what was on his mind honestly and that hits a nerve sobeit, but his point is valid as someone who has adopted a couple of kittens here already and could adopt a new one or 2 every few weeks here I can't see how you could tie yourself up to these kittens, of course you can walk away and should have, it is necessary, as TLM said you can't save the world and it's certain there are many just as deserving as those 2 right in your own neighborhood, if not, just ask me and I can set you up with a few.....

Personally you found a vet for them and gave the vet money to take care of them and that was very compassionate of you but from there I'd leave it to them to find them homes or not in Malaysia..


The OP is in his right to adopt a kitten from Malaysia if that what he wants. Kittens from Malaysia has just as much right to be rescued as kittens from Thailand.

You may disagree of course, but please hold the flames.


I just shake my head at people like you.... will you save the whole world? You are aware that Thailand is FILLED with stray dogs and cats and certainly doesn't need more brought INTO the country.... You couldn't have adopted one of the thousands of cats in your neighbourhood that desperately needs a home? I'm sure there's plenty of kittens too. Whatever...

Look, if you don't have anything constructive or helpful to say, just dont say anything at all. But FYI, I didn't go out looking to find these kittens and it's really none of your business even I did; these kittens would have certainly died if I hadn't done something. I'm doing the best I can and I don't need jerks like you giving me a hard time about it either.

It became my business when you posted it on a public forum yes? And I am being helpful, I always speak out the harsh reality and people like you desperately need a dose of it. There are literally stray animals on every single soi in your neighbourhood right now that will most likely die if no one does anything for them and you are actually going out of your way to bring in more strays from another country. I just find it outrageous and so should any thinking person.

Those kittens are no longer strays (because of what I did) and they will not be strays any longer after I take them back to Thailand. They will be mine! I want them or I wouldn't be going all out of my way to go back and get them.

// EDIT: Flame deleted. More flames and holidays will be handed out!

// Phil Conners

// The Mod Team


I just shake my head at people like you.... will you save the whole world? You are aware that Thailand is FILLED with stray dogs and cats and certainly doesn't need more brought INTO the country.... You couldn't have adopted one of the thousands of cats in your neighbourhood that desperately needs a home? I'm sure there's plenty of kittens too. Whatever...

I'm sorry Laughing Man just said what was on his mind honestly and that hits a nerve sobeit, but his point is valid as someone who has adopted a couple of kittens here already and could adopt a new one or 2 every few weeks here I can't see how you could tie yourself up to these kittens, of course you can walk away and should have, it is necessary, as TLM said you can't save the world and it's certain there are many just as deserving as those 2 right in your own neighborhood, if not, just ask me and I can set you up with a few.....

Personally you found a vet for them and gave the vet money to take care of them and that was very compassionate of you but from there I'd leave it to them to find them homes or not in Malaysia..

It was and is not necessary for me to just walk away. It it were, I wouldn't be on here asking for help. I'm not trying to save the world. These are two kittens that I want to keep, so how does that equate with trying to save the world?! If there were desperate kittens in my neighboorhood, I might have done the same, but I haven't seen any.

BTW, I spoke with the SPCA in Malaysia and their only option was to put them into a cattery where the chances of them finding homes were zero. So they'd spend the rest of their lives living in filthy dirty cages until they got a disease and died. That's not what I want for them. Next time you find some kittens that will die on the street and you just feel like walking away, post mail me and I'll see what I can do. This is a direct challenge to you and you only, not for anyone else reading this forum.


I just shake my head at people like you.... will you save the whole world? You are aware that Thailand is FILLED with stray dogs and cats and certainly doesn't need more brought INTO the country.... You couldn't have adopted one of the thousands of cats in your neighbourhood that desperately needs a home? I'm sure there's plenty of kittens too. Whatever...

I'm sorry Laughing Man just said what was on his mind honestly and that hits a nerve sobeit, but his point is valid as someone who has adopted a couple of kittens here already and could adopt a new one or 2 every few weeks here I can't see how you could tie yourself up to these kittens, of course you can walk away and should have, it is necessary, as TLM said you can't save the world and it's certain there are many just as deserving as those 2 right in your own neighborhood, if not, just ask me and I can set you up with a few.....

Personally you found a vet for them and gave the vet money to take care of them and that was very compassionate of you but from there I'd leave it to them to find them homes or not in Malaysia..

It was and is not necessary for me to just walk away. It it were, I wouldn't be on here asking for help. I'm not trying to save the world. These are two kittens that I want to keep, so how does that equate with trying to save the world?! If there were desperate kittens in my neighboorhood, I might have done the same, but I haven't seen any.

BTW, I spoke with the SPCA in Malaysia and their only option was to put them into a cattery where the chances of them finding homes were zero. So they'd spend the rest of their lives living in filthy dirty cages until they got a disease and died. That's not what I want for them. Next time you find some kittens that will die on the street and you just feel like walking away, post mail me and I'll see what I can do. This is a direct challenge to you and you only, not for anyone else reading this forum.

Ok carry on then, don't envy you your dilemma, good luck.. Bottom line though TLM and myself are right.....


Nobody seems to know the answer to OP's question, so here's my suggestion. If I were you, I would prepare a small cage with comfortable bedding which could travel on your lap, and just take a chance on it. Even if the bus gets stopped, I think you might be able to bluff your way through with them. Not an ideal answer... but what else can you do? If you win, well and good. If you lose, you feel you've tried your best. Oh yes, and sit as near the back of the bus as you can get (less likelihood of disturbance, or of others complaining).

I have small carriers for them and I have travelled (in Malaysia) with them by bus without difficulty. I'm also not worried about the bus being stopped by officers in Thailand. My concern is crossing the border and that's all. Last time I took the bus back from Malaysia, I sat in the bottom part with children and that's where I will sit again. They generally give those seats to people who might be a little loud anyway. As for the kittens, they will sleep almost the whole way. They'll wake up when the bus stops and people are moving around. From past experience, kittens sleep very soundly on buses, but not in cars!

Believe it or not I'm not trying to make you angry. I just wanted to open your eyes a bit to the harsh reality of this part of the world. Sorry for aggravating you.

Believe me, I am no stranger to this part of the world as I have been living over here for almost six years. I have seen all sorts of harsh reality all over the world, let me tell ya. You're typing to someone who's faced all sorts of harsh reality - (ever had to dodge bullets on Sukhumvit). So crossing the Thai border with tiny kittens that I saved and love so much seems like nothing by comparison.


PhoenixRIsing, ignore the haters. There are a lot of idiotsin the world who just don’t get it. I’ve done things just like the one youmention, so I understand where you’re coming from. Get a certificate from thevet. You might not need it, but better to have one with you just in case. Iflew in with two dogs and a cat and dam_n! I needed tons of papers. If you’restopped at the border with no papers at all, you mightbe asked to leave the kittens behind. Better have something, just in case youneed to argue for them.


I haven't dealt with the Thai-Malaysia border but I very often bring pets back and forth the Cambodian Thai border. Never ever had a problem. I always have their health certifss on hand just in case but haven't had to even show them.

As for those of the "you can't save all the strays in the world" persuasion, to me it sounds a lot like the rationalizations people give to avoid stopping to help accident victims and the like.

I spend a lot of time in Cambodia where accidents are even more common that in Thailand (if you can imagine that). I always stop, even though it often means a lengthy and inconvenient detour and being late for an obligation. People have argued with me about this, pointing out that there are thousands of such accidents in Cambodia each year and I can't help them all. To which I always answer: they aren't all lying right in front of me -- this one is.

Same principle. The OP happened upon these particular kittens. I'm sure he would help kittens already in Thailand as well if he happened upon them in same circumstances.

OP, ignore those who are projecting their own guilt onto you. You've got it right, and your karma is the better for it.


Good luck with the kitties, I hope you get them home and safe and that they will live a long, loved life. Please get them fixed for their own safety and yours. You don't want dozens of the wee bastards running around!!!


Good luck with the kitties, I hope you get them home and safe and that they will live a long, loved life. Please get them fixed for their own safety and yours. You don't want dozens of the wee bastards running around!!!

Yes, please. Get them fixed.

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