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Obama: U.S. mission in Libya is succeeding, saved 'countless' lives


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What do you think will happen if the rebels do topple the Gaddafi regime? Do you think they are going to open up their arms and borders and welcome the West as thier saviours, pat them on the back and love them forever. Please!!! They will turn thier backs on the West in the blink of an eye.

I am forced to agree. :(

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Air raids hit Gadhafi stronghold of Sirte in Libya

In Washington, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said he could not offer a timetable for how long the Libya operation could last, as the Obama administration tried to bolster its case for bringing the United States into another war in the Muslim world.

.........But asked on ABC's "This Week" if that would mean a U.S. military commitment until year's end, Gates said, "I don't think anybody knows the answer to that."

Full article at link above

So much for the handing it over to the heavily funded by the US NATO

We are constantly told that bullying is bad & yet here we are aiding and abetting against the rule of Constitutional law....

Sad & embarrassing...to me

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Sounds like something Bush would say. I thought you liked Bush's style, so now I'm confused.

Nope didn't like Bush & don't like Obama.... I can see how you would be confused though as they both employed Gates

Not surprising....as both Bush & Obama are the lap dogs of the same master

Guess you like both eh?

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More classic double speak............

Clinton rules out U.S. Syria involvement


Speaking in an interview taped on Saturday, Clinton said she deplored the violence in Syria but the circumstances were different in Libya, where Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi had used his air force and heavy armor against civilians.

And yet........

Syria's Assad deploys army in port to keep order

Tell us the tale again Hillary

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Sounds like something Bush would say. I thought you liked Bush's style, so now I'm confused.

Nope didn't like Bush & don't like Obama.... I can see how you would be confused though as they both employed Gates

Not surprising....as both Bush & Obama are the lap dogs of the same master

Guess you like both eh?

No, I don't like both.

Serving the same master, eh? So who's their Daddy?

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No, I don't like both.

Serving the same master, eh? So who's their Daddy?

Lets leave the topic as is instead of trying to derail the thread eh?

But I suppose your a grownup so go start with the 10 largest campaign contributors for both & work from there in your free time.


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No, I don't like both.

Serving the same master, eh? So who's their Daddy?

Lets leave the topic as is instead of trying to derail the thread eh?

But I suppose your a grownup so go start with the 10 largest campaign contributors for both & work from there in your free time.


Conspiracy theory teaser!

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What do you think will happen if the rebels do topple the Gaddafi regime? Do you think they are going to open up their arms and borders and welcome the West as thier saviours, pat them on the back and love them forever. Please!!! They will turn thier backs on the West in the blink of an eye.

I am forced to agree. :(

NATO shot down one of the rebel's planes a week or so ago, by mistake. Why did they consider it a mistake if it is in a no fly zone it shouldn't matter who's plane it was? What sort or 'rebels' have planes anyway? More like 2 opposing armies going at each other in a civil war. So much for just going with the UN resolution of enforcing a no fly zone.

Typical though, go in saying you are enforcing a no fly zone and while you're at it lets just ensure we only do hits on the side we don't like.

Bloody marvellous innit.:annoyed:

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What do you think will happen if the rebels do topple the Gaddafi regime? Do you think they are going to open up their arms and borders and welcome the West as thier saviours, pat them on the back and love them forever. Please!!! They will turn thier backs on the West in the blink of an eye.

I am forced to agree. :(

NATO shot down one of the rebel's planes a week or so ago, by mistake. Why did they consider it a mistake if it is in a no fly zone it shouldn't matter who's plane it was? What sort or 'rebels' have planes anyway? More like 2 opposing armies going at each other in a civil war. So much for just going with the UN resolution of enforcing a no fly zone.

Typical though, go in saying you are enforcing a no fly zone and while you're at it lets just ensure we only do hits on the side we don't like.

Bloody marvellous innit.:annoyed:

I saw the rebels shoot down one of thier own planes pre-no flt zone,widely reported on all major networks. I believe you are mistaken. Please provide a source for your info.

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but in this day and age of austerity why would anyone want to fight more than 42 cases in Federal Courts spending a reported $800,000 just to stop people seeing your birth certificate ? :ermm:

Somehow I ain't surprised that you're a birther.

I wonder if you got your info from this guy's website (in case people don't buy the racism/birther linkage)?


no no Jingthing not just the " certificate " ....i think you are so besotted by this guy you

forgot a small detail.... :ermm:

Obama ran for the Presidency pledging the most open and transparent administration in American history.

Many Americans consider what he has delivered is the most closed and secretive White House in memory. B)

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Sounds like a good talking point for the republicans. The trouble is most people know they are just as bad or worse, so somehow I don't that will be enough to unseat your villain. A politician that doesn't keep all his campaign promises. What's the world coming to?

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wow. The President can't win can he? When he was reluctant to participate, he was condemned for his inaction as people were dying. Now that the USA has provided some support, the President is condemned for supporting a UN sanctioned activity. The fact of the matter is that the French along with the UK have taken the lead on this. Spain and Canada have provided close support. The concern for France and Spain is an influx of tens of thousands of refugees that could overwhelm their refugee service abilities and cause civil unrest. The only children are the opposing groups on the presence of US forces in the conflict. The USA never wanted to participate but was basically dragged into this mess at the insistence of its western EU allies and arab countries with a vested interest in regional stability.

What do you people want from the USA? Make up your <deleted> minds. I have always opposed the US involvement, but at this point it has no choice but to participate.

" Hillary Clinton said this morning that regime change—Gaddafi's departure from power—was also a key U.S. demand, but Obama did not include regime change in his list of “non-negotiable” terms." :whistling:

Read more: http://swampland.blogs.time.com/2011/03/18/why-are-we-going-to-war-with-libya/#ixzz1HoDQJkkl

and then there is this .............

" Obama said that intervening in Libya was "in our national interest," but Defence Secretary Robert Gates insisted that the conflict, while of interest to the United States, was "not a vital national interest." :giggle:

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Yes. I read the same : Defence Secretary Robert Gates said intervention in Libya was not vital to US interests, but explained: "You had a potentially significantly destabilising event taking place in Libya that put at risk potentially the revolutions in both Tunisia and Egypt."

It seems that the head cronies in the White House are not all singing the same sheet of music. Just too busy trying to play god by deciding who lives and who dies in Libya.

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Yes. I read the same : Defence Secretary Robert Gates said intervention in Libya was not vital to US interests, but explained: "You had a potentially significantly destabilising event taking place in Libya that put at risk potentially the revolutions in both Tunisia and Egypt."

It seems that the head cronies in the White House are not all singing the same sheet of music. Just too busy trying to play god by deciding who lives and who dies in Libya.

maybe he forgot he said this ........ :ermm:


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Yes. I read the same : Defence Secretary Robert Gates said intervention in Libya was not vital to US interests, but explained: "You had a potentially significantly destabilising event taking place in Libya that put at risk potentially the revolutions in both Tunisia and Egypt."

It seems that the head cronies in the White House are not all singing the same sheet of music. Just too busy trying to play god by deciding who lives and who dies in Libya.

maybe he forgot he said this ........ :ermm:


Egg on face. :cheesy:

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Fact. If any President had come to the Congress asking for war powers to intervene in Libya Senator Barack Hussein Obama would have rejected that out of hand.

But because this President does whatever he dam_n well pleases he just makes an end run around Congress & listens to his army of Czars.

His performance is right up there with Woodrow Wilson.

Chester A. Arthur anyone?

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wow. The President can't win can he? When he was reluctant to participate, he was condemned for his inaction as people were dying. Now that the USA has provided some support, the President is condemned for supporting a UN sanctioned activity. The fact of the matter is that the French along with the UK have taken the lead on this. Spain and Canada have provided close support. The concern for France and Spain is an influx of tens of thousands of refugees that could overwhelm their refugee service abilities and cause civil unrest. The only children are the opposing groups on the presence of US forces in the conflict. The USA never wanted to participate but was basically dragged into this mess at the insistence of its western EU allies and arab countries with a vested interest in regional stability.

What do you people want from the USA? Make up your <deleted> minds. I have always opposed the US involvement, but at this point it has no choice but to participate.

" Hillary Clinton said this morning that regime change—Gaddafi's departure from power—was also a key U.S. demand, but Obama did not include regime change in his list of “non-negotiable” terms." :whistling:

Read more: http://swampland.blogs.time.com/2011/03/18/why-are-we-going-to-war-with-libya/#ixzz1HoDQJkkl

and then there is this .............

" Obama said that intervening in Libya was "in our national interest," but Defence Secretary Robert Gates insisted that the conflict, while of interest to the United States, was "not a vital national interest." :giggle:

Looks like someone else has a hard time to make up his <deleted> mind. :whistling:

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i find it refresshing that high ranking members can freely speak thier mind. Or would you rather they tow the line. Name another US prez that inheirited 2 wars? Massive change in current events and day to day flux. These people-Clinton and Gates were chosen/appointed because of thier intellect, not despite it. Would you rather go back to the Bush/Rice days? I never see anyone dare speak out in the Putin thugocracy-political, media or private sector without paying a heavy price.

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Was saving Arab lives your principle reason for conducting Military operations in Libya Mr Obama ? Or was it this.... ?

A US treasury official said the rebels could sell Libyan crude free from sanctions, while Qatar agreed to help facilitate oil transactions :realangry:

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i find it refresshing that high ranking members can freely speak thier mind. Or would you rather they tow the line. Name another US prez that inheirited 2 wars? Massive change in current events and day to day flux. These people-Clinton and Gates were chosen/appointed because of thier intellect, not despite it. Would you rather go back to the Bush/Rice days? I never see anyone dare speak out in the Putin thugocracy-political, media or private sector without paying a heavy price.

But it would look better if they could sing to the same tune... even if just sometimes about anything :giggle:

" President Barack Obama contradicted the declarations of his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, about the Mexico’s war on drugs this week. "

" Hillary Clinton, during an interview on ABC’s This Week program, said there has been no discussion of cutting off aid to Egypt. Clinton’s statement contradicted Obama "

" Gates Contradicts Obama: Afghan "Exit Strategy" A Strategic Mistake "

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i find it refresshing that high ranking members can freely speak thier mind. Or would you rather they tow the line. Name another US prez that inheirited 2 wars? Massive change in current events and day to day flux. These people-Clinton and Gates were chosen/appointed because of thier intellect, not despite it. Would you rather go back to the Bush/Rice days? I never see anyone dare speak out in the Putin thugocracy-political, media or private sector without paying a heavy price.

But it would look better if they could sing to the same tune... even if just sometimes about anything :giggle:

" President Barack Obama contradicted the declarations of his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, about the Mexico's war on drugs this week. "

" Hillary Clinton, during an interview on ABC's This Week program, said there has been no discussion of cutting off aid to Egypt. Clinton's statement contradicted Obama "

" Gates Contradicts Obama: Afghan "Exit Strategy" A Strategic Mistake "

Yes. They are struggling to either, understand each other or agree on the US line in Libya. All of this after the fact might I add. Almost as comical as a Three Stooges episode. :D

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The US does not get oil from Libya, so cut the silly PC stereotypes.

The USA gets oil from the Gulf states and has a Navy Base there. And the USA declared that the vote of the Arab league for a no-fly zone gave them the signal to do the "right thing."

For the Sunni clerics, who support the monarchs in the Gulf states, Gadaffi with his 'revolution' is nothing more than another "infidel".

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