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PM. A Thaksin Return To Politics Would Be Possible.

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I don't think he can come back.......... because Gen.Prem keeps watchin' his moves....

if he can come back and restore his power in LOS, I'll leave...

will say farewell to LOS... ......

I suggest you rediscover an interest in the 91 year old retired General Prem. I don't think his daily schedule leaves much room for Thaksin watching. cool.gif

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"That have managed to keep it civil without resorting to nastiness.." and "mental cripples" etc also seems like hypocrisy. Obviously a move from baiting to flaming and objecting to nastiness whilst participating in it certainly shows a fairly weak argument.

I agree that some people do resort to said nastiness (such as "mental cripples") and that it isn't needed. Many people that are anti-Thaksin certainly don't look down on the poor or the rural poor. Many people that are anti-Thaksin will point out uncomfortable facts to those that excuse his behavior and point out things like, although Thaksin was elected, he was a failed extra-constitutional caretaker PM at the time of the coup and no longer an elected official. Many people who proclaim to take a middle-of-the-road approach never do address the issues of Thaksin buying up the support of the regional political machines that have been the ones keeping the rural poor weak and powerless for ages. It only takes a quick look at who was elected where, and if any of the names changed. Not very many people doubt that vote-buying is more pronounced in poorer areas. Not many people think that Thaksin did significant damage to the checks-and-balances needed for a democracy to function. Many people do think that Thaksin represented a level of corruption never before seen in Thailand, as well as more nepotism and cronyism than is visible before or after Thaksin.

A direct Thaksin return to politics (getting back to the topic) as in running for office, is currently precluded by the constitution. YEAY! The vast number of other cases still waiting for his appearance in court probably will prevent his return to Thailand, even if the fear for his own safety doesn't.


He's right, democracy must evolve locally for it to work. Install it and it will fail, continuously, but history shows that in the long-term it ends up as the only workable model.

If you actually read history, you would see that history shows democracy never works. In the end, it always returns to a monarchy or a dictator. Democracies appear to work during the brief period of time when a society is on its ascendency and is relatively peaceful. Once decline sets in, democracies always fail. Always.

This belief that democracy is the ideal form of government is naive. It is a form of government, that is all. It is not even a particularly efficient one. Give me a good, old fashioned monarchy with a benevolent monarch any day over a democracy. The real problem comes when you get stuck with a tyrannical ruler, who sadly happen to be more prevalent than the good ones.

But democracies are no better in this regard. Witness Nazi Germany, or Thaksin's idol in Cambodia, Hun Sen. Coups aren't a bad thing when they act to remove a would be evil dictator. The form of government is irrelevant in this case.


It would be silly for anyone to rule out Thaksin coming back. In politics anything is possible and Thailand will see political changes in the next decade and maybe quite substantial ones. Thaksin may at that point not even be that crucial to what happens.

Abhisit's comment is interesting in its simplicity as it mentions only returning as long as within the law. It isnt a doom and gloom doomsday scenario. Of course other forces may be a lot more wary of what Abhisit said but at the end of the day the Democrat party are going to be part of the future of Thai democracy whatever personalities come and go. The more interesting thing in many ways is what opposite party to the Democrats develops. As things change over the next decade there will be a need for a party that represents those the Democrats do not. The red shirt movement could develop this and the PTP or part of it could evolve into this party. None of the swing parties or the Dems are pro-poor parties and the PTP is pro-poor in terms of throwing bones so they can get on with eating the meat. This really needs to be resolved.

Representation of the poor within a democratic system and by leaders that genuinely represent them is something the country needs so that Thailand can evolve into a more developed democracy. If this party doesnt evolve as it is obstructed or it is subordinated to vested interests then the future will be a lot more volatile.


Hammered, I agree that nothing is impossible in politics (particularly Thai politics!) but I don't see a scenario where Thaksin could make any hasty return even when things change radically here. Last year should have shown us all something, and that is there are people that simply will kill other people on both sides of the political divide.

The future in Thailand will be "interesting times" and the challenge of adapting to those times (or cutting and running) will keep life interesting here, both for the locals and the expats :)


Wow, and a quick move from baiting to flaming! "The need to label people that disagree..." certainly looks like hypocrisy in light of the "mental cripples" etc remarks

Get over it. Stop playing the pointing of fingers game. It is tiresome. The fact of the matter is that there has been a great deal of labelling of anyone not aligned with the small cult of Thaksin haters in Thai Visa as scions of Satan. It's not indicative of rational behaviour. Plenty of people are opposed to Thaksin's policies and actions, but they have managed to keep it civil without resorting to nastiness or constantly belittling rural folk, the poor, or referring to Thaksin voters as bought off.

It's more than balanced by the number of posts that belittle, besmirch, and bedamn those that point out Thaksin's deficiencies.

Your own name-calling of these posters is a lengthy one, often preferring to ridicule those that provide information rather than address the issue that's raised. Over-personalizing posts of a derogatory nature.

There's a few here, those obsessed with erroneously pointing out the "obsessed with Thaksin."



Wow, and a quick move from baiting to flaming! "The need to label people that disagree..." certainly looks like hypocrisy in light of the "mental cripples" etc remarks

Get over it. Stop playing the pointing of fingers game. It is tiresome. The fact of the matter is that there has been a great deal of labelling of anyone not aligned with the small cult of Thaksin haters in Thai Visa as scions of Satan. It's not indicative of rational behaviour. Plenty of people are opposed to Thaksin's policies and actions, but they have managed to keep it civil without resorting to nastiness or constantly belittling rural folk, the poor, or referring to Thaksin voters as bought off.

It's more than balanced by the number of posts that belittle, besmirch, and bedamn those that point out Thaksin's deficiencies.

Your own name-calling of these posters is a lengthy one, often preferring to ridicule those that provide information rather than address the issue that's raised. Over-personalizing posts of a derogatory nature.

There's a few here, those obsessed with erroneously pointing out the "obsessed with Thaksin."


Perhaps if the political commentators/contibutors on Tvisa concentrated on the achievements of the current government, rather than raking over past deficiencies, they may garner a little more support, and in the process they might also contribute to the unification of thailand rather than being a divisive element.


Wow, and a quick move from baiting to flaming! "The need to label people that disagree..." certainly looks like hypocrisy in light of the "mental cripples" etc remarks

Get over it. Stop playing the pointing of fingers game. It is tiresome. The fact of the matter is that there has been a great deal of labelling of anyone not aligned with the small cult of Thaksin haters in Thai Visa as scions of Satan. It's not indicative of rational behaviour. Plenty of people are opposed to Thaksin's policies and actions, but they have managed to keep it civil without resorting to nastiness or constantly belittling rural folk, the poor, or referring to Thaksin voters as bought off.

It's more than balanced by the number of posts that belittle, besmirch, and bedamn those that point out Thaksin's deficiencies.

Your own name-calling of these posters is a lengthy one, often preferring to ridicule those that provide information rather than address the issue that's raised. Over-personalizing posts of a derogatory nature.

There's a few here, those obsessed with erroneously pointing out the "obsessed with Thaksin."


And your signature lines show a healthy non-obsession with Thaksin?

Thaksin Shinawatra is generating 4 to 5 Billion Baht in profitsa year, and has in total 400 Billion Baht worth of total wealth.

UPDATE: Might have to subtract 3.6 Billion Baht after Thaksin claims it was stolen from him by a Dubai lawyer. hahaha

Edit to remove uneccessary coding


My quote was taken out of context (and a violation of posting rules at that). The full text was;

I think it would be hilarious if the Thaksin associated parties were to somehow win the next election. One could have so much fun suggesting that the secret internet police were closing in on Pattaya and Si Racha looking for angry old miserable farangs.laugh.gif

I have bolded the section you dropped which conveys the reason for my finding it amusing. Perhaps I should have added, it would also cause some to have conniptions to the point of being so throughly vexed they would revert to a zombie state. Yes corruption is bad. Do you think there is a possibility that PM Abhisit might consider acting since he is PM? What do you make of the current Deputy PM, the one with the lengthy dossier?

Quoting the part of the text in a member's post to which you are specifically replying, is not a violation of posting rules at all, in fact it is encouraged, as it cuts down on unnecessary repeating. The exception to that rule is when it is done deliberately to corrupt someone's intended meaning. There was certainly no intention on my part to corrupt the meaning of your post and futhermore, i don't think that i did. Perhaps had i, a moderator would have taken action.

As for what my opinion of the current Deputy PM is concerned, you should already be aware of that. I covered it when i said what would bring happiness to my life would be seeing corrupt politicians actually brought to justice. It goes for them all. There are no exceptions.

Would i get some sort of amusement/pleasure from seeing a certain politician evade justice, just because it particularly agitated and annoyed a member/members here with whom i disagree? Absolutely not, and i really struggle to imagine just what sort of level one is required to sink to, to start thinking in that way.


Wow, and a quick move from baiting to flaming! "The need to label people that disagree..." certainly looks like hypocrisy in light of the "mental cripples" etc remarks

Get over it. Stop playing the pointing of fingers game. It is tiresome. The fact of the matter is that there has been a great deal of labelling of anyone not aligned with the small cult of Thaksin haters in Thai Visa as scions of Satan. It's not indicative of rational behaviour. Plenty of people are opposed to Thaksin's policies and actions, but they have managed to keep it civil without resorting to nastiness or constantly belittling rural folk, the poor, or referring to Thaksin voters as bought off.

It's more than balanced by the number of posts that belittle, besmirch, and bedamn those that point out Thaksin's deficiencies.

Your own name-calling of these posters is a lengthy one, often preferring to ridicule those that provide information rather than address the issue that's raised. Over-personalizing posts of a derogatory nature.

There's a few here, those obsessed with erroneously pointing out the "obsessed with Thaksin."

And your signature lines show a healthy non-obsession with Thaksin?

Thaksin Shinawatra is generating 4 to 5 Billion Baht in profitsa year, and has in total 400 Billion Baht worth of total wealth.

UPDATE: Might have to subtract 3.6 Billion Baht after Thaksin claims it was stolen from him by a Dubai lawyer. hahaha

Edit to remove uneccessary coding

You and others may wish to learn to understand just what an obsession is, before mislabeling someone with it.

To give you a clue... a signature line on an internet forum "shows" precious little.

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