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Discrimination (Don'T Shop Here)


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This morning I accompanied some old school friends from a foreign country to a well known supermarket.

One of them was a red head. Imagine my horror when I spotted on the shelf... a packet of 'GINGER NUTS'

Well I was well aware of the colour of his testicles due to an unfortunate observation in the communal showers at school.

As a person who has grown up around red headed children I am well aware of the discrimination and nicknames that they were branded with!

I felt that Thai nationals, although none of them suffer from the red headed affliction, could have been more culturally aware and not stocked this brand due to the offence it may cause these ginger people.

I have tried to contact the company that manufactures this product, but to no avail!

I will be taking this up with all relevant embassies and heads of state!

In the meantime, I urge anyone who may empathise with people who have red hair on their testicles to not shop at stores which stock these 'GINGER NUTS'!

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Pizza face is nasty nickname often given to those poor buggers who suffer from acne, so why don't we ban the word 'pizza' while we're at it!!! Either that or ban those suffering from moderate to severe acne from eating at places with Pizza on the menu. At least they'll not have to cringe with discomfiture every time they hear the word 'Pizza' roll off the lips of their fellow diners.

Perhaps that great British pudding the 'Spotted dick' should be renamed too? It must be awful for past and present victims (for want of a better word), of unsightly VDs to be reminded of their infliction in a steamed sponge cake!

Where will it all end? Not on TV by the looks of things, where political correctness seems to rule the virtual roost. Or does it?


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"Well I was well aware of the colour of his testicles due to an unfortunate observation in the communal showers at school."

You really lived an abused life in school if you felt or still feel that communal showers were/are places where unfortunate observations might occur. My God! A naked human! Good for you.

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A friend of mine had 'ginger terrorist' graffiti all over his front door. I guess the graffiti 'artist' was insinuating that he was spreading the ginger virus around Chiang Mai. Hopefully that will have put a stop to the spread, saying that, I have spotted more and more ginger people around town. Maybe further action is called for, maybe something inventive with a packet of ginger nuts......

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What you should do is go back into the shop, knock all the nuts to the floor and spray them with water. Apparently there a some really good mops that can be used to clean them up.

That was so insensitive!

Can I buy these ginger nuts attached to ginger bananas?

Edited by Jingthing
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Post if you want to post, this is a forum for discussion. Just be aware your very unlikely to change the stick in the mud anti-ginger attitudes of many posters here.

Good to know that people on this forum find racism to be such a big joke. Classy.

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Good to know that people on this forum find racism to be such a big joke. Classy.

No the people on this forum find perceived racism and the cult of the thin skinned victim hood culture a joke. Real racism is very rare these days thankfully but people finding offence on behalf of other people has become a plague that has devastated the UK and hopefully will never reach the same heights here in Thailand.

In my working life I have been called all things and had insults thrown at me daily. It didn't bother me in the slightest. I just got on with my job.

Get a life or maybe move to the UK where you are guaranteed to get a wide audience with your cries of racism.

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Again, speak for yourself. Real racism isn't rare actually. But people do have different perceptions of it. I don't see Black Man cleaning products in Thailand as real racism, others might, I think they're being silly, but different points of view make life interesting.

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Good to know that people on this forum find racism to be such a big joke. Classy.

No the people on this forum find perceived racism and the cult of the thin skinned victim hood culture a joke. Real racism is very rare these days thankfully but people finding offence on behalf of other people has become a plague that has devastated the UK and hopefully will never reach the same heights here in Thailand.

In my working life I have been called all things and had insults thrown at me daily. It didn't bother me in the slightest. I just got on with my job.

Get a life or maybe move to the UK where you are guaranteed to get a wide audience with your cries of racism.

As other poster said racism is not rare, not rare at all. I don't know what you're trying to say, are you saying if someone gets racial insults they should just keep their head down and ignore it?

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Post if you want to post, this is a forum for discussion.

Where is the discussion? If there was one going on, the thread might be half interesting, if even I didn't agree with what was being said, all I see posters are doing are making wise cracks and cheap jokes.

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Again, speak for yourself. Real racism isn't rare actually. But people do have different perceptions of it. I don't see Black Man cleaning products in Thailand as real racism, others might, I think they're being silly, but different points of view make life interesting.

Can I ask what you see it as then? Do you think that there is absolutely no racism involved at all with black man cleaning products? There are different levels of racism, some of it is subtle, some of it is blatant.

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Again, speak for yourself. Real racism isn't rare actually. But people do have different perceptions of it. I don't see Black Man cleaning products in Thailand as real racism, others might, I think they're being silly, but different points of view make life interesting.

Can I ask what you see it as then? Do you think that there is absolutely no racism involved at all with black man cleaning products? There are different levels of racism, some of it is subtle, some of it is blatant.

Honestly, it would be racist (and also not done) in the US with the name and logo. The phrase black man in itself is not at all racist, but the Minstrel type picture has racist implications in the west, as does the association of black people with cleaning work. Within the context of Thailand, I just don't see it. Seems like innocent branding. The products are high quality and the black man pictured is quite attractive. I doubt a company would start today in Thailand with branding like that, but it is an older brand, they have brand loyalty here, and I don't think they should be harassed for something foreigners may see but Thais generally won't see the same way.

Edited by Jingthing
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Post if you want to post, this is a forum for discussion.

Where is the discussion? If there was one going on, the thread might be half interesting, if even I didn't agree with what was being said, all I see posters are doing are making wise cracks and cheap jokes.

You might be wrapped a little to tight for TV & Thailand :whistling: , probably better to move back to the PC world :bah: , anxiety is a killer you know :(

Much ado about nothing. :lol:

Edited by Diablo Bob
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