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Notary Public

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I have an affidavit for the UK courts (related to divorce) sworn in front of a Notary Public.

Anybody have any experience of this in Thailand? I have no desire to go back to the UK to have it done! I was wondering if the UK embassy might provide such a service (for a price of course!)

Grateful for any ideas.


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There are a number of places in the Pattaya area that provide notary services. All the ones I have seen were either law offices or lawyers. The one I used once was in the German-Thai office on Naklua Rd. The cost however was about 10x what it would cost in the states (8000 Baht total for two contracts with eight signatures). It would have been expensive at my embassy although though, as they charge by the signature way above stateside rates also.

If you have any contacts with a real estate company you could call them, they may have a lawyer on staff that does notary service.

The last time I was asked to have something notarized I stopped at a place on 3rd road that I just happened to be driving by. They wanted 3000 Baht for one notary stamp/signature. I sent the form back without being notarized as it was unimportant to me whether it was accepted or not.

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I have an affidavit for the UK courts (related to divorce) sworn in front of a Notary Public.

I was wondering if the UK embassy might provide such a service (for a price of course!)

Yes, although as I recall, you probably should make sure you are sitting down when they tell you the price. If this document is meant for the UK courts, however, don't use anyone other than the embassy or it almost certainly won't be accepted.

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When I did my divorce I had mine notarized by a Thai lawyer with a certified true copy of their lawyers' license. I was then asked to get the translation of the lawyers' license notarized by the British Embassy in Bangkok :o

Red tape in the UK - only the "Nanny State" can go to such lenghts...

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A reading of the UK Embassy does not provide much information but it appears you have to have document certified by the Embassy and then legalized (which would probably mean registration at the MFA).

For US the Embassy can provide notary service that is accepted in the US but UK web site does not mention any such option (that I could find).

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Hi Hughden, I've got the same problem with my Form E for my UK divorce. I was thinking of just signing it with a ficticious lawyer's name etc!! (If the UK court doesn't accept it, I have very little to lose since my UK wife has taken me to the cleaners anyway.....)

Fancey swapping Form E's?? Maybe I would have better luck with yours :o

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Needed a witness for my TW's signature on an Aust. 'Power of Attorney' form I downloaded of the www. Toung in cheek I figured the only other Aussie living within 100km of us in Isaan would have to be a "Notary Public" so he signed and included his passport number.

To my surprise it worked.

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I have an affidavit for the UK courts (related to divorce) sworn in front of a Notary Public.

I was wondering if the UK embassy might provide such a service (for a price of course!)

Yes, although as I recall, you probably should make sure you are sitting down when they tell you the price. If this document is meant for the UK courts, however, don't use anyone other than the embassy or it almost certainly won't be accepted.

I totally agree with you. Pissing the Court off isn't the way to go.

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Thanks for all the feedback. I will try using a Thai Notary and hope that the UK court does not ask for more!

A word of caution on using Thai Notaries. I had a matter that needed notarizing last month and discovered that there are no notaries public in Thailand, except at embassies. This was the word of an official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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