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ABAC Poll Reports Best/Worst Behaviors Of Thai Politicians

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ABAC Poll reports best/worst behaviors of politicians


BANGKOK, 28 March 2011 (NNT) – Rhetoric and nepotism are found to be the best and the worst practices of politicians and government officials respectively, according to a recent survey by Assumption University Research Center (ABAC Poll).

The survey was conducted with 1,429 respondents aged over 18 in 17 provinces across the country from 15 to 26 March 2011. The respondents were asked to vote for the best and the worst behaviors of politicians and government officials in the past 12 months.

As for the behaviors that people found nicest among Thai politicians and government officials, 70% of the respondents cited their polite talk while 58.2% thought they were ‘man of principles’. Besides, 49.9% voted for their respects to the will of majority, 49.4% for upholding democracy and 45.5% for good contacts with people.

Other positive aspects of Thai politicians and government officials mentioned by the respondents are upholding common benefits at 42.9%, and sacrifice and dedication at 36.7%.

Regarding behaviors found ‘very bad’, 86.0% of the respondents pointed to nepotism, followed by unethical competition at 82.4%, discrimination at 81.9%, revengeful mind at 81.0% and corruption at 80.5%.

Other bad behaviors are failure to attend parliamentary meetings, negligence of duties, arrogance and many others.


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Rhetoric and nepotism are found to be the best and the worst practices of politicians and government officials respectively, according to a recent survey by Assumption University Research Center (ABAC Poll).

Methinks someone should buy the Original Writer a good Dictionary....

"Rhetoric - Formal,often disapproving, speech or writing that is intended to influence people, but that is not completely honest or sincere."

- Oxford Dictionary.

If "Rhetoric" is one of the BEST attributes of a Thai politician, then there is little hope for this country!

Any other place, this attribute would be consider Negative, and a good reason to kick out the Bum!!!


Rhetoric and nepotism are found to be the best and the worst practices of politicians and government officials respectively, according to a recent survey by Assumption University Research Center (ABAC Poll).

Methinks someone should buy the Original Writer a good Dictionary....

"Rhetoric - Formal,often disapproving, speech or writing that is intended to influence people, but that is not completely honest or sincere."

- Oxford Dictionary.

If "Rhetoric" is one of the BEST attributes of a Thai politician, then there is little hope for this country!

Any other place, this attribute would be consider Negative, and a good reason to kick out the Bum!!!


Definition of RHETORIC


: the art of speaking or writing effectively: as a : the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times b : the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion


a : skill in the effective use of speech b : a type or mode of language or speech; also : insincere or grandiloquent language


: verbal communication : discourse


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