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The answer is "it depends". It depends on what product, it depends on the brand, it depends on the model.

If you want a general answer, Japan and Hong Kong. They have some very good bargains, sometimes more than half the price of Thailand. Just beware of Hong Kong... there are hustlers in nearly every store. In Hong Kong, be sure of what you're getting, check the box, check the warranty, check the operation, *NEVER* pay until you see the product, check prices elsewhere before you buy. If you suspect you're getting hustled, IMMEDIATELY call the police. (I really *hate* Hong Kong, or rather the people there.. I've never gotten such a negative experience from travelling *anywhere*).

There are exceptions, and some things in Japan and HK will be quite expensive, sometimes more expensive than Thailand. When buying internationally, take into consideration compatibility issues (phone systems, TV systems, plugs, voltages, warranties, manuals, user menus, etc).

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Singapore is a bit better for a lot of things (Thailand isn't particularly cheap, even for stuff they make). The odd person has shown me stuff they got in Japan for very cheap price, but I don't know if its a general trend.

Best prices I'm aware of are the US. They are spoilt rotten over there!

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K.L is worth a look if you happen to be in Malaysia on a visa run (I wouldn't go specially though). It certainly used to be a lot cheaper that Singapore.

Two or three malls around Jalan Imbi, Imbi Plaza for PC stuff and Sungai Wang (next door) for other gadgets, cameras etc. Low Yat (out the back of Imbi) is also worth a look.

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If you want a general answer, Japan and Hong Kong.  They have some very good bargains, sometimes more than half the price of Thailand.  Just beware of Hong Kong... there are hustlers in nearly every store.  In Hong Kong, be sure of what you're getting, check the box, check the warranty, check the operation, *NEVER* pay until you see the product, check prices elsewhere before you buy.  If you suspect you're getting hustled, IMMEDIATELY call the police.  (I really *hate* Hong Kong, or rather the people there.. I've never gotten such a negative experience from travelling *anywhere*).

That's a spectularly negative view of HK.

You'll get better customer service than you will in Thailand as well as a better price.

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Sorry, Spog, but that's the view that I got. I walked to more than 10 different electronics stores, and each was worse than the last. First one: haggle for 2 hours, only to discover that the standard battery is not included. Second one: Ask for a discount, get shushed away. Third one: Store owner shouts at you for saying the wrong info about a product. Fourth one: Store owner quotes a price *twice* normal, and then accuses you of thinking that he's stupid. Fifth one: Store owner tells you to leave, when he learns where you're from. Sixth one: Store owner does the classic "bait and switch".

The list goes on and on. Keep in mind that this is what *I* personally experienced within a period of *one day* in Hong Kong. The other days I was there were no better. I can say that Thailand's *politeness* and *service* is LEAGUES and LEAGUES above Hong Kong. In Thailand, I see store owners who actually know what "customer service" actually means. In Hong Kong, I see store owners who are complacent in the fact that Hong Kong is known for shopping, and will therefore care very little about service, since there will be more pigs coming to the slaughter anyways. They don't care if you leave unsatisfied or cheated.

Better price? Maybe (if you're savvy enough to not get robbed blind). Better service? Not a chance in ######.

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Hong Kong, of course. The day that I'm talking about I was walking along Tsim Tsa Tsui, the place that's supposed to be a tourist destination. But I also went to other places, and the customer service was very uniformly AWFUL. Horrific. But I guess the people of HK are used to it. I was there for 4 days. It was a nightmare.

I'm not alone in feeling this way. I've spoken to others who've had similar experiences.

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Hong Kong, of course.  The day that I'm talking about I was walking along Tsim Tsa Tsui, the place that's supposed to be a tourist destination.  But I also went to other places, and the customer service was very uniformly AWFUL.  Horrific.  But I guess the people of HK are used to it.  I was there for 4 days.  It was a nightmare.

I'm not alone in feeling this way.  I've spoken to others who've had similar experiences.

When, not where.

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It was a few months ago.

Perhaps it's hard for you to understand or grasp, but this is indeed what I experienced. I wish to god that no one else has to go through the same continuously bad experience. It made me realise just how good service was in Thailand... you can never fully appreciate the sweet until you've tasted the sour... and this was awfully sour.

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It was a few months ago.

Perhaps it's hard for you to understand or grasp, but this is indeed what I experienced.  I wish to god that no one else has to go through the same continuously bad experience.  It made me realise just how good service was in Thailand...  you can never fully appreciate the sweet until you've tasted the sour... and this was awfully sour.

Well, I've honestly never experienced anything like that there. And I've been there a lot.

The chinese are very abrupt compared to the Thais, maybe a bit of culture shock? Or maybe you've been very unlucky.

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I can call perhaps 1 or 2 bad experiences unlucky. But going to so many shops and seeing all the shopowners act this badly... that's not something that I would attribute to being unlucky. I practically went to every electronics shop there, and didn't find a helpful/polite shopowner in the bunch. Being abrubpt and being outright rude: shouting (VERY loudly), and throwing customers out for trivial reasons... those are very different things. I've been to several countries, and nowhere have the people been as absurdly rude as in Hongkong. Well, actually, Shenzhen comes very close, but at least they *want* customers rather than chasing them away.

No curtesy, no respect, no qualms. But very consistent.

I'm glad you didn't experience it yourself. If you did, you'd probably personally go there and bomb the place to bits.

Edited by Firefoxx
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