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Full prepared remarks of President Obama's Address to the Nation on Libya


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Not sure I understand your post Dana?

Ron Paul is the Congressman from Texas

Rand Paul is his son & is a Senator from Kentucky

Rand Paul like his dad Ron voted no on the no fly zone as they would for any unprovoked attack.


Thanks, as I was reffering to Rand. I am a huge fan of flat tax and term limits so I support that aspect. Very few politicans care about anything more than getting re-elected. I also realise this was a unamimous vote on a non-binding re asolution. But it was unamimous..Curious as to your thoughts of this vote and the self serving comments that followed 4 weeks later. Get rid of all lobbiest I say. Untill then, I remain a registered independent

Ok I thought maybe you meant Rand

I like Rand & it seems the apple did not fall far from the tree.

I also really liked that 12 minute video.

Very clear concise thinking with very good backing of examples & evidence.

Also what he said about Obama having time to have meetings with everyone worldwide about Libya,,,,Except Congress & Senate.

Not one minute was spent in discussions on the bombing of Libya with Congress or Senate.

That is a 180 degree pivot from the candidate Obama as Rand pointed out with facts & examples.

Lastly the 2 comments on that video on you tube were also spot on

This is what an authentic conservative sounds like.

A bill written using the President's own words, now that was clever. This speech is of infallible logic and common sense; it's upsetting he is among a minority of politicians. Perhaps one day we can see him, or his father, being inaugurated. Then, we can expect real hope and change.

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Thanks for the links but I find it amazing that none of the major media outlets have reported this.

The article from the Telegraph, quoted verbatim and without credits by Midas, has no hard facts to support the allegations.

The other article claims the information comes from an ABC news station in New Bern, NC, yet it has not been picked up by Reuters, AP, CNN, et al, that I know about.

The last I heard was several hours ago and the Marines were in Crete on the ground and on board ships in the Mediterranean.

I am going to choose to disbelieve this until such time as it is verified by a little more reliable source.

I'm not saying Obama doesn't lie...just that this one doesn't seem to be his.

Yes it is hard these days to sus out the facts & I do not know those sites at all.

But at the same time....these days it does not take long to see with our eyes as things unfold that previously we never would have thought acceptable.

We will see where this all goes but so far I do not like at all what I am seeing or how we have gotten to where we are.

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Thanks for the links but I find it amazing that none of the major media outlets have reported this.

And i feel exactly the same as you do about this - why are they not covering this :-

" Four years ago, the Junior Senator from Illinois had this to say about the use of military force:

2. In what circumstances, if any, would the president have constitutional authority to bomb Iran without seeking a use-of-force authorization from Congress? (Specifically, what about the strategic bombing of suspected nuclear sites — a situation that does not involve stopping an IMMINENT threat?)

" The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation. :o

As Commander-in-Chief, the President does have a duty to protect and defend the United States. In instances of self-defense, the President would be within his constitutional authority to act before advising Congress or seeking its consent. History has shown us time and again, however, that military action is most successful when it is authorized and supported by the Legislative branch. It is always preferable to have the informed consent of Congress prior to any military action."


Edited by midas
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Your headline and subsequent allegation that 2400 Marines are on the ground in the city of Ajdubiyah is incorrect. The alternative media outlets that are claiming a conspiracy and that are alleging boots on the ground all say they got the news from WCTI a news outlet that is in the Camp Lejeune area. Instead of actually reflecting the contect, the alternative media sources have added on wild allegations and left out key details. Here;s what the news report actually stated;

About 2,200 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will take part in support operations based aboard USS Kearsarge at sea. Those support operations have thus far included air strikes and one rescue operation. The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people.

All of these missions were launched from the USS Kearsarge more than 100 nautical miles from the coast. Other than the small TRAP force sent to locate the Air Force pilots, no U.S. Marines from the 26th MEU have landed ashore.

Will you be retracting your statements and apologizing for misleading people? Are you incapable of honest dialogue or is misleading the dimmi okay in your book?

edited to add news story link from ABC news afifiiate;


Edited by geriatrickid
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MIDAS. No offense bro but you should have known better than to post something like that without citing a source.

ChuckD was on it pretty fast.

The headline is provocative to say the least. Let's not lower ourselves to the level of libs.

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MIDAS. No offense bro but you should have known better than to post something like that without citing a source.

ChuckD was on it pretty fast.

The headline is provocative to say the least. Let's not lower ourselves to the level of libs.

Amen to that.

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Thanks for the links but I find it amazing that none of the major media outlets have reported this.

And i feel exactly the same as you do about this - why are they not covering this :-

" Four years ago, the Junior Senator from Illinois had this to say about the use of military force:

2. In what circumstances, if any, would the president have constitutional authority to bomb Iran without seeking a use-of-force authorization from Congress? (Specifically, what about the strategic bombing of suspected nuclear sites — a situation that does not involve stopping an IMMINENT threat?)

" The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation. :o

As Commander-in-Chief, the President does have a duty to protect and defend the United States. In instances of self-defense, the President would be within his constitutional authority to act before advising Congress or seeking its consent. History has shown us time and again, however, that military action is most successful when it is authorized and supported by the Legislative branch. It is always preferable to have the informed consent of Congress prior to any military action."


Grenada,and Panama come to mind. Where we under threat then? Congress can stop funding this if they want to do more than just posture and pander to their base.

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Take the following with a pinch of salt, but if true (and I've read it elsewhere) then Libyan rebels have sold chemical weapons looted from Gadaffi's stockpiles to Hamas and Hizbollah. Again I think the question bears asking - just who are we fighting for?


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Your headline and subsequent allegation that 2400 Marines are on the ground in the city of Ajdubiyah is incorrect. The alternative media outlets that are claiming a conspiracy and that are alleging boots on the ground all say they got the news from WCTI a news outlet that is in the Camp Lejeune area. Instead of actually reflecting the contect, the alternative media sources have added on wild allegations and left out key details. Here;s what the news report actually stated;

About 2,200 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will take part in support operations based aboard USS Kearsarge at sea. Those support operations have thus far included air strikes and one rescue operation. The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people.

All of these missions were launched from the USS Kearsarge more than 100 nautical miles from the coast. Other than the small TRAP force sent to locate the Air Force pilots, no U.S. Marines from the 26th MEU have landed ashore.

Will you be retracting your statements and apologizing for misleading people? Are you incapable of honest dialogue or is misleading the dimmi okay in your book?

edited to add news story link from ABC news afifiiate;


What the US supporters on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is a rebel group of the Libyan people attempting to take over the Govt of Libya by force of arms.

What you think of the Libyan Govt cant alter that fact.

That being the case Libyan people are attacking other Libyan people, the only outside force that is attacking and killing the Libyan people is that led by the US.

So to say "The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people" is a load of balls.

It would be quite easy for the only outside forces that are killing Libyan people to stop that killing by packing their bags and going home.

To pick sides, which is what the US and their allies in this have done, and support the rebels, who are incidentaly killing Libyn people, is reprehensable and in this instance is only done to get a share of the spOILs which the rebels will have promised.

And of course as you have noted they are standing well back, 100 nautical miles you said, well out of harms way just in case someone should retaliate against their agression.

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Your headline and subsequent allegation that 2400 Marines are on the ground in the city of Ajdubiyah is incorrect. The alternative media outlets that are claiming a conspiracy and that are alleging boots on the ground all say they got the news from WCTI a news outlet that is in the Camp Lejeune area. Instead of actually reflecting the contect, the alternative media sources have added on wild allegations and left out key details. Here;s what the news report actually stated;

About 2,200 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will take part in support operations based aboard USS Kearsarge at sea. Those support operations have thus far included air strikes and one rescue operation. The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people.

All of these missions were launched from the USS Kearsarge more than 100 nautical miles from the coast. Other than the small TRAP force sent to locate the Air Force pilots, no U.S. Marines from the 26th MEU have landed ashore.

Will you be retracting your statements and apologizing for misleading people? Are you incapable of honest dialogue or is misleading the dimmi okay in your book?

edited to add news story link from ABC news afifiiate;


What the US supporters on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is a rebel group of the Libyan people attempting to take over the Govt of Libya by force of arms.

What you think of the Libyan Govt cant alter that fact.

That being the case Libyan people are attacking other Libyan people, the only outside force that is attacking and killing the Libyan people is that led by the US.

So to say "The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people" is a load of balls.

It would be quite easy for the only outside forces that are killing Libyan people to stop that killing by packing their bags and going home.

To pick sides, which is what the US and their allies in this have done, and support the rebels, who are incidentaly killing Libyn people, is reprehensable and in this instance is only done to get a share of the spOILs which the rebels will have promised.

And of course as you have noted they are standing well back, 100 nautical miles you said, well out of harms way just in case someone should retaliate against their agression.

Exactly right. You hit the nail right on the head. Furthermore, the side the US is supporting has its ranks full of Al Qaeda operatives. Hahaha. How is the irony in that? What will they do if the rebels are successful and Al qaeda has a new safe haven under a new Libyan government.

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Your headline and subsequent allegation that 2400 Marines are on the ground in the city of Ajdubiyah is incorrect. The alternative media outlets that are claiming a conspiracy and that are alleging boots on the ground all say they got the news from WCTI a news outlet that is in the Camp Lejeune area. Instead of actually reflecting the contect, the alternative media sources have added on wild allegations and left out key details. Here;s what the news report actually stated;

About 2,200 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will take part in support operations based aboard USS Kearsarge at sea. Those support operations have thus far included air strikes and one rescue operation. The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people.

All of these missions were launched from the USS Kearsarge more than 100 nautical miles from the coast. Other than the small TRAP force sent to locate the Air Force pilots, no U.S. Marines from the 26th MEU have landed ashore.

Will you be retracting your statements and apologizing for misleading people? Are you incapable of honest dialogue or is misleading the dimmi okay in your book?

edited to add news story link from ABC news afifiiate;


yes the day Obama does the very same ! :lol:

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Maybe this is the Marine invasion force Midas heard about...


Alert Issued After Security Incident On Camp Pendleton

3 Middle Eastern Men Tried To Enter Base Without Proper Authorization, Base Alert Says

POSTED: 4:36 pm PDT March 30, 2011

UPDATED: 6:22 pm PDT March 31, 2011

SAN DIEGO -- One of the nation's largest military bases is reportedly under tighter security after three Middle Eastern men tried to enter without proper authorization.

10News learned the three men -- 40-year-old Afghani Ahmad Rahmani Naeem, 41-year-old Iranian Vahik Petrossian and 27-year-old Iranian Sengekdi Norvik Avanosian -- attempted to get into Camp Pendleton last weekend under what was considered suspicious circumstances.

On Wednesday, base officials said there was no threat, but others on the base told 10News security has been stepped up.

I even provide links... http://www.10news.com/news/27377448/detail.html

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Your headline and subsequent allegation that 2400 Marines are on the ground in the city of Ajdubiyah is incorrect. The alternative media outlets that are claiming a conspiracy and that are alleging boots on the ground all say they got the news from WCTI a news outlet that is in the Camp Lejeune area. Instead of actually reflecting the contect, the alternative media sources have added on wild allegations and left out key details. Here;s what the news report actually stated;

About 2,200 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will take part in support operations based aboard USS Kearsarge at sea. Those support operations have thus far included air strikes and one rescue operation. The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people.

All of these missions were launched from the USS Kearsarge more than 100 nautical miles from the coast. Other than the small TRAP force sent to locate the Air Force pilots, no U.S. Marines from the 26th MEU have landed ashore.

Will you be retracting your statements and apologizing for misleading people? Are you incapable of honest dialogue or is misleading the dimmi okay in your book?

edited to add news story link from ABC news afifiiate;


What the US supporters on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is a rebel group of the Libyan people attempting to take over the Govt of Libya by force of arms.

What you think of the Libyan Govt cant alter that fact.

That being the case Libyan people are attacking other Libyan people, the only outside force that is attacking and killing the Libyan people is that led by the US.

So to say "The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people" is a load of balls.

It would be quite easy for the only outside forces that are killing Libyan people to stop that killing by packing their bags and going home.

To pick sides, which is what the US and their allies in this have done, and support the rebels, who are incidentaly killing Libyn people, is reprehensable and in this instance is only done to get a share of the spOILs which the rebels will have promised.

And of course as you have noted they are standing well back, 100 nautical miles you said, well out of harms way just in case someone should retaliate against their agression.

ummm...have you forgotten this is a UN initiative? With a bunch of nations being involved, including Arab? Is the US leading this? Maybe for now, but they are the leading military power in the world....

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Your headline and subsequent allegation that 2400 Marines are on the ground in the city of Ajdubiyah is incorrect. The alternative media outlets that are claiming a conspiracy and that are alleging boots on the ground all say they got the news from WCTI a news outlet that is in the Camp Lejeune area. Instead of actually reflecting the contect, the alternative media sources have added on wild allegations and left out key details. Here;s what the news report actually stated;

About 2,200 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will take part in support operations based aboard USS Kearsarge at sea. Those support operations have thus far included air strikes and one rescue operation. The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people.

All of these missions were launched from the USS Kearsarge more than 100 nautical miles from the coast. Other than the small TRAP force sent to locate the Air Force pilots, no U.S. Marines from the 26th MEU have landed ashore.

Will you be retracting your statements and apologizing for misleading people? Are you incapable of honest dialogue or is misleading the dimmi okay in your book?

edited to add news story link from ABC news afifiiate;


yes the day Obama does the very same ! :lol:

This is not about President Obama, it is about you posting inaccurate and misleading statements. You have been shown that your allegations are false, yet the best that you can do is make a smartass comment and toss in a smiley. Basically, what you are telling everyone is that you are unreliable because you do not understand what being truthful means. Refusing to take responsibility when you are caught in the act speaks volumes about your character. Is it so hard to take responsibility and retract your false statements?

Edited by geriatrickid
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Maybe this is the Marine invasion force Midas heard about...


Alert Issued After Security Incident On Camp Pendleton

3 Middle Eastern Men Tried To Enter Base Without Proper Authorization, Base Alert Says

POSTED: 4:36 pm PDT March 30, 2011

UPDATED: 6:22 pm PDT March 31, 2011

SAN DIEGO -- One of the nation's largest military bases is reportedly under tighter security after three Middle Eastern men tried to enter without proper authorization.

10News learned the three men -- 40-year-old Afghani Ahmad Rahmani Naeem, 41-year-old Iranian Vahik Petrossian and 27-year-old Iranian Sengekdi Norvik Avanosian -- attempted to get into Camp Pendleton last weekend under what was considered suspicious circumstances.

On Wednesday, base officials said there was no threat, but others on the base told 10News security has been stepped up.

I even provide links... http://www.10news.co...448/detail.html

If they are of Afghani and Iranian decent. Then they are NOT Middle Eastern. They are infact Persian. :jap:

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What the US supporters on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is a rebel group of the Libyan people attempting to take over the Govt of Libya by force of arms.

What you think of the Libyan Govt cant alter that fact.

That being the case Libyan people are attacking other Libyan people, the only outside force that is attacking and killing the Libyan people is that led by the US.

So to say "The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people" is a load of balls.

It would be quite easy for the only outside forces that are killing Libyan people to stop that killing by packing their bags and going home.

To pick sides, which is what the US and their allies in this have done, and support the rebels, who are incidentaly killing Libyn people, is reprehensable and in this instance is only done to get a share of the spOILs which the rebels will have promised.

And of course as you have noted they are standing well back, 100 nautical miles you said, well out of harms way just in case someone should retaliate against their agression.

The USA is not leading this intervention. France and the UK are key parties and it was France that initiated the attacks. France made clear that it would intervene with or without NATO support. I appreciate that you need to blame the USA for everything, and although it will break your heart to know, this is a UN sanctioned and arab backed intervention. The USA would not have been involved without UN support or arab requests. One thing to come out of Iraq is that the USA now realizes that it needs UN agreement in matters like this. And in case you have conveniently forgotten, the USA has little clout in getting these types of initiatives passed. It was France and several mediterranean EU nations along with several key arab nations that pushed this through the UN. Why don't you go shake your finger at them? Why is the USA that you are targeting?

You have conveniently forgotten that in the early weeks of this uprising tens of thousands of foreigners were desperate to escape from Libya. Do you remember the cries of where is government assistance to evacuate people? It takes time to position rescue vessels and aircraft. The NATO vessels involved in this intervention were also evacuating foreign workers. The 29 New Zealanders that were safely evacuated don't seem to be too upset with the UK and US resources that made it possible. The next time something like this happens, the US should invoke the Robby NZ protocol and deny evacuation seats to anyone from New Zealand. This should also be done to Germany as well. Several german posteriors occupied Canadian evacuation flights. Meanwhile Germany is pleased to tutut on the intervention, but quite comfortable with Canadian defense forcesf protecting Germany's oil interests.

Your post can be altered to read as follows;

What the US bashers on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is an established history of a regime that has funded terrorism around the world, that started wars with Chad, and egypt and tried to topple several arab governments. The government has had an established history of crushing dissent and of torturing its own people.

What we have here is a population that has risen up because it can't take anymore of the violence and brutality imposed by Gaddffi's regime.

Your last line is a gem; as you have noted they are standing well back, 100 nautical miles you said, well out of harms way just in case someone should retaliate against their agression.

You still don't get it do you? It is the enforcement of a no fly zone and the prevention of a massacre of Libyans. What part of Gadaffi's invasion of Chad did you miss? Do you remember when the Libyans slaughtered whole villages? During the last Libyan uprisings in the 80's and 90's Gadaffi slaughtered rival ethnic groups with impunity.

The only governments supporting Libya at this time are Zimbabwe,Cuba and Venezuala. 3 beacons of freedom in the world where human rights are so well respected. Gadaffi is in good company.

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What the US supporters on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is a rebel group of the Libyan people attempting to take over the Govt of Libya by force of arms.

What you think of the Libyan Govt cant alter that fact.

That being the case Libyan people are attacking other Libyan people, the only outside force that is attacking and killing the Libyan people is that led by the US.

So to say "The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people" is a load of balls.

It would be quite easy for the only outside forces that are killing Libyan people to stop that killing by packing their bags and going home.

To pick sides, which is what the US and their allies in this have done, and support the rebels, who are incidentaly killing Libyn people, is reprehensable and in this instance is only done to get a share of the spOILs which the rebels will have promised.

And of course as you have noted they are standing well back, 100 nautical miles you said, well out of harms way just in case someone should retaliate against their agression.

The USA is not leading this intervention. France and the UK are key parties and it was France that initiated the attacks. France made clear that it would intervene with or without NATO support. I appreciate that you need to blame the USA for everything, and although it will break your heart to know, this is a UN sanctioned and arab backed intervention. The USA would not have been involved without UN support or arab requests. One thing to come out of Iraq is that the USA now realizes that it needs UN agreement in matters like this. And in case you have conveniently forgotten, the USA has little clout in getting these types of initiatives passed. It was France and several mediterranean EU nations along with several key arab nations that pushed this through the UN. Why don't you go shake your finger at them? Why is the USA that you are targeting?

You have conveniently forgotten that in the early weeks of this uprising tens of thousands of foreigners were desperate to escape from Libya. Do you remember the cries of where is government assistance to evacuate people? It takes time to position rescue vessels and aircraft. The NATO vessels involved in this intervention were also evacuating foreign workers. The 29 New Zealanders that were safely evacuated don't seem to be too upset with the UK and US resources that made it possible. The next time something like this happens, the US should invoke the Robby NZ protocol and deny evacuation seats to anyone from New Zealand. This should also be done to Germany as well. Several german posteriors occupied Canadian evacuation flights. Meanwhile Germany is pleased to tutut on the intervention, but quite comfortable with Canadian defense forcesf protecting Germany's oil interests.

Your post can be altered to read as follows;

What the US bashers on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is an established history of a regime that has funded terrorism around the world, that started wars with Chad, and egypt and tried to topple several arab governments. The government has had an established history of crushing dissent and of torturing its own people.

What we have here is a population that has risen up because it can't take anymore of the violence and brutality imposed by Gaddffi's regime.

Your last line is a gem; as you have noted they are standing well back, 100 nautical miles you said, well out of harms way just in case someone should retaliate against their agression.

You still don't get it do you? It is the enforcement of a no fly zone and the prevention of a massacre of Libyans. What part of Gadaffi's invasion of Chad did you miss? Do you remember when the Libyans slaughtered whole villages? During the last Libyan uprisings in the 80's and 90's Gadaffi slaughtered rival ethnic groups with impunity.

The only governments supporting Libya at this time are Zimbabwe,Cuba and Venezuala. 3 beacons of freedom in the world where human rights are so well respected. Gadaffi is in good company.

IMO France and England were / are conducting shop front operations on behalf the US. Theysimply do not have the capability that the US has. Call it attemting to decieve the Arab world into believing that the US are not the aggressor / villian in this one.There would be no way in the world both countries would go in without US support. Lets face facts. Western countries, NATO, UN do not wipe thier own <deleted> unless the US gives them the nod. ALL intelligence would be US generated, most of the airstikes were carried out by US aircraft. US cruize missiles were also heavily used as well as US logistics [ best in the world] which is an intergal part of any operation. :ph34r:

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Your post can be altered to read as follows;

What the US bashers on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is an established history of a regime that has funded terrorism around the world, that started wars with Chad, and egypt and tried to topple several arab governments. The government has had an established history of crushing dissent and of torturing its own people.

I suspect Gerry that the US can be accused of much the same thing, like for instance:

Supplying and encouraging the Talaban when Russia was in Afganastan, now the weapons they supplied then are being used against them.

Supplying helping and encouraging Sadam when he was trying to take over Iran, check out who fired the last shots in that war and what they were fired at.

These are only 2 instances and your country are certainly no saints when it comes to starting wars and having people killed.

Then if you want to talk of torture we could look into Gitmo.

The rest of your post is only trying to twist things around, like there would have been no need for anyone to be evecuated from Libya if the rebels had not attacked the Govt.

Do you really think the French, Italians and others would be there if they didnt have the US with its missiles and bombs to hide behind?

And while you are at it tell us how many missiles and bombs other countries have fired into Libya to save the people.

As for those who support the US I always thought the N A in NATO meant North Atlantic but it now seems it means North Africa.

The only thing it has to do with North Atlantic countries is OIL.

I dont see countries that dont bow down to the US, like Russia for instance supporting this travesty.

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Maybe this is the Marine invasion force Midas heard about...


Alert Issued After Security Incident On Camp Pendleton

3 Middle Eastern Men Tried To Enter Base Without Proper Authorization, Base Alert Says

POSTED: 4:36 pm PDT March 30, 2011

UPDATED: 6:22 pm PDT March 31, 2011

SAN DIEGO -- One of the nation's largest military bases is reportedly under tighter security after three Middle Eastern men tried to enter without proper authorization.

10News learned the three men -- 40-year-old Afghani Ahmad Rahmani Naeem, 41-year-old Iranian Vahik Petrossian and 27-year-old Iranian Sengekdi Norvik Avanosian -- attempted to get into Camp Pendleton last weekend under what was considered suspicious circumstances.

On Wednesday, base officials said there was no threat, but others on the base told 10News security has been stepped up.

I even provide links... http://www.10news.co...448/detail.html

If they are of Afghani and Iranian decent. Then they are NOT Middle Eastern. They are infact Persian. :jap:

While you are not completely correct, my link is much closer to the truth than the one NOT provided by Midas.

1. Iran is considered a Middle East country by all sources. Afghanistan by many...



2. Not all Afghan citizens are Persians. Many are Pashtun...


3. Persians consider themselves Aryans...


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Your post can be altered to read as follows;

What the US bashers on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is an established history of a regime that has funded terrorism around the world, that started wars with Chad, and egypt and tried to topple several arab governments. The government has had an established history of crushing dissent and of torturing its own people.

I suspect Gerry that the US can be accused of much the same thing, like for instance:

Supplying and encouraging the Talaban when Russia was in Afganastan, now the weapons they supplied then are being used against them.

Supplying helping and encouraging Sadam when he was trying to take over Iran, check out who fired the last shots in that war and what they were fired at.

These are only 2 instances and your country are certainly no saints when it comes to starting wars and having people killed.

Then if you want to talk of torture we could look into Gitmo.

The rest of your post is only trying to twist things around, like there would have been no need for anyone to be evecuated from Libya if the rebels had not attacked the Govt.

Do you really think the French, Italians and others would be there if they didnt have the US with its missiles and bombs to hide behind?

And while you are at it tell us how many missiles and bombs other countries have fired into Libya to save the people.

As for those who support the US I always thought the N A in NATO meant North Atlantic but it now seems it means North Africa.

The only thing it has to do with North Atlantic countries is OIL.

I dont see countries that dont bow down to the US, like Russia for instance supporting this travesty.

Not bowing would have been a veto.

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Awww cute. Robby nz even when your arguments are shown to be inaccurate and nowhere even near the truth you still have to try and push the blame the USA card.

BTW, I'm in vile humour here, it's 6.30 in Patong and a bar somewhere on Rat U near Jungceylon has been blaring boompa boompa boompa all night/morning and I'm ready to rip the nads off of someone.

Let's have a look at your statements;

I suspect Gerry that the US can be accused of much the same thing, like for instance:

Supplying and encouraging the Talaban when Russia was in Afganastan, now the weapons they supplied then are being used against them.

Stop right there sunshine. This is all about Libya. The US may have supplied weapons to the Afghani resistance of which the Taliban was one small group, but they were fighting an illegal invasion by the Russians. The US is in Afghanistan under an approved UN mandate. The Russians had no mandate.

Supplying helping and encouraging Sadam when he was trying to take over Iran, check out who fired the last shots in that war and what they were fired at.

Sadam never tried to take over Iran. He was waging war against Iran that had repeatedly attacked Iraq in an attempt to gain control over the Shatt al Arab waterway. The Iraq Iran dispute goes back centuries. The USA had no choice but to support Hussein in 1984 because of the impact of the tanker war. Look it up. Iran and Iraq were blowing oil tanlkers out of the water. The world was faced with an interruption of oil supplies and an environmental catastrophe. Iran had threatened to close the entire Persian Gulf and prevent the GulfStates from shipping oil. Now look at the Iranian illegal seizure and occupation of the UAE islands.

These are only 2 instances and your country are certainly no saints when it comes to starting wars and having people killed.

Huh? My country has never started a war.I am not an American if that is what you are insinuating.

Then if you want to talk of torture we could look into Gitmo.

I do not agree with waterboarding and the current President of the USA stopped it. The previous President that allowed it had a legal opinion from Mr. Gonzales the attorney General that said it was legally ok. I think you should go and blame Cuban Americans for the bad decision. The waterboarding of a small number of known terrorists was wrong but hardly compare's to the Gaddaffi regimes practice of rape, ripping out of fingernails, electrocutions and pouring of caustic substances down the troats of thousands.

The rest of your post is only trying to twist things around, like there would have been no need for anyone to be evecuated from Libya if the rebels had not attacked the Govt.

Did you actually think before you wrote that? It makes no sense. It's a <deleted> civil uprising. Who do you think the general public was rising against? At the time there were no rebels. It was a civilian event. It became a rebellion when Gadaffi started machine gunning down unarmed protestors.

Do you really think the French, Italians and others would be there if they didnt have the US with its missiles and bombs to hide behind?

Yes. Are you clueless as to the capabilities of the French and UK military forces. The French could have taken down Libya on its own. The Italians are only supporting the effort and are not supplying personnel. Do you still not grasp that Libya is the oil supplier to the EU in particular Italy, Germany and the UK.

And while you are at it tell us how many missiles and bombs other countries have fired into Libya to save the people.

I don't know. I do know that the French and Canadian air force sorties have been quite successful.

As for those who support the US I always thought the N A in NATO meant North Atlantic but it now seems it means North Africa.

Do you want a cookie now or something?

The only thing it has to do with North Atlantic countries is OIL.

Cute. You do understand that Canada and the USA do not use Libyan oil. France has other sources. The lead non combatants, germany and Italy are key markets for Libya, but Germany has led the cowards to safely hide behind the apron of France and the UK.

I dont see countries that dont bow down to the US, like Russia for instance supporting this travesty.

Russia, and China offered defacto support when they abstained from voting. You are demonstrating a profound ignorance and insult the nations of France and Canada when you say they bow before the USA. Canada made clear at the outset that it would not participate unless there was a UN mandate.

You can't make one intelligent or accurate comment and instead you resort to innuendo and tangential statements. Good job.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Your headline and subsequent allegation that 2400 Marines are on the ground in the city of Ajdubiyah is incorrect. The alternative media outlets that are claiming a conspiracy and that are alleging boots on the ground all say they got the news from WCTI a news outlet that is in the Camp Lejeune area. Instead of actually reflecting the contect, the alternative media sources have added on wild allegations and left out key details. Here;s what the news report actually stated;

About 2,200 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will take part in support operations based aboard USS Kearsarge at sea. Those support operations have thus far included air strikes and one rescue operation. The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people.

All of these missions were launched from the USS Kearsarge more than 100 nautical miles from the coast. Other than the small TRAP force sent to locate the Air Force pilots, no U.S. Marines from the 26th MEU have landed ashore.

Will you be retracting your statements and apologizing for misleading people? Are you incapable of honest dialogue or is misleading the dimmi okay in your book?

edited to add news story link from ABC news afifiiate;


yes the day Obama does the very same ! :lol:

This is not about President Obama, it is about you posting inaccurate and misleading statements. You have been shown that your allegations are false, yet the best that you can do is make a smartass comment and toss in a smiley. Basically, what you are telling everyone is that you are unreliable because you do not understand what being truthful means. Refusing to take responsibility when you are caught in the act speaks volumes about your character. Is it so hard to take responsibility and retract your false statements?

I am waiting for the fat lady to sing :rolleyes:

The fact is the Commander in Chief told lies to the American public and I think you should direct your outrage in that direction B)

US says no American 'boots' on ground in Libya, but it is fancy footwork: The CIA is there

WASHINGTON — When U.S. officials promise there will be no American "boots on the ground" in Libya, they are not talking literally, nor about footwear.

It is military shorthand that may look to some like rhetorical sleight of hand. But the CIA paramilitary officers now known to be operating alongside rebel forces in the North African nation are not part of the U.S. military, and so they are excluded from the promise. :huh:


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Maybe this is the Marine invasion force Midas heard about...


Alert Issued After Security Incident On Camp Pendleton

3 Middle Eastern Men Tried To Enter Base Without Proper Authorization, Base Alert Says

POSTED: 4:36 pm PDT March 30, 2011

UPDATED: 6:22 pm PDT March 31, 2011

SAN DIEGO -- One of the nation's largest military bases is reportedly under tighter security after three Middle Eastern men tried to enter without proper authorization.

10News learned the three men -- 40-year-old Afghani Ahmad Rahmani Naeem, 41-year-old Iranian Vahik Petrossian and 27-year-old Iranian Sengekdi Norvik Avanosian -- attempted to get into Camp Pendleton last weekend under what was considered suspicious circumstances.

On Wednesday, base officials said there was no threat, but others on the base told 10News security has been stepped up.

I even provide links... http://www.10news.co...448/detail.html

If they are of Afghani and Iranian decent. Then they are NOT Middle Eastern. They are infact Persian. :jap:

While you are not completely correct, my link is much closer to the truth than the one NOT provided by Midas.

1. Iran is considered a Middle East country by all sources. Afghanistan by many...



2. Not all Afghan citizens are Persians. Many are Pashtun...


3. Persians consider themselves Aryans...


Geographically speaking the Middle East region starts from the Iran - Iraq border to the East going down the Arabian penincular and across to the Mediterainian sea.

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Peaceniks and/or normally war gung ho Obamabashers that is.

Not you again. :lol: This post is a classic case of a personnal vendatta against fellow TV members and has notcontent on the subject, or any subject except for memeber bashing.Grow up.;)

The only war gung ho person in your pathetic little statement is infact Obama. Would you care for a box of tissues ???

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WARMONGER : Asked about the rebel ceasefire offer, White House spokesman Jay Carney appeared to indicate that the administration of US President Barack Obama does not want the conflict in Libya to end with Gaddafi still in power

Nothing in the UN mandate about this is there ????????????? It is infact a personnal issue that the US has with GaddafiIn Washington,

Carney said: "The president's position is that Muammar Gaddafi is no longer fit to lead, he has lost legitimacy in the eyes of his people and the world.

It is not his position that Gaddafi should stay in power "

How do you know that? Have you spoke to the apparent large amount of pro Gaddafi citizens ????

And it is NOT your position to decide if Gaddafi should stay in power or not.It is that of the Libyan people.

"We believe that the Libyan people no longer want Gaddafi to remain in power as the leader of Libya" he said.

If this was the case there would be no ongoing civil war you fool.

At the western entrance to Ajdabiya, 54-year-old reservist and rebel Abdelkarim Mansouri explained: We're implementing a new tactic. We don't want any more kids to die. War is not a game These are the orders of the military council.

Is this news to the rebels? War is not a game? Sending kids off to fight, some of them will inevitabley die.

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I am waiting for the fat lady to sing :rolleyes:

The fact is the Commander in Chief told lies to the American public and I think you should direct your outrage in that direction B)

US says no American 'boots' on ground in Libya, but it is fancy footwork: The CIA is there

WASHINGTON — When U.S. officials promise there will be no American "boots on the ground" in Libya, they are not talking literally, nor about footwear.

It is military shorthand that may look to some like rhetorical sleight of hand. But the CIA paramilitary officers now known to be operatingalongside rebel forces in the North African nation are not part of the U.S. military, and so they are excluded from the promise. :huh:


There was no lying by the President of the USA. The only one that has lied was the person that made the false allegation that there were marines in Libya. Why is it so hard to acknowledge that he lied?

Now you claim that the presence of the CIA in Libya is boots on the ground. You are really trying every which way to avoid dealing with the lie. Deny, deny, go off on a tangent, make up stories, but the lies remain. The CIA is not a military organization. Nor is it a paramilitary organization. It is 100% civilian, just as a US police agency is civilian and not paramilitary .

How about you just stay on story and quit with fantasy tales.

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