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Israel warns against recognition of Palestinian state


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Israel warns against recognition of Palestinian state

2011-03-30 07:41:34 GMT+7 (ICT)

JERUSALEM (BNO NEWS) -- Israel threatened the United Nations Security Council and several European Union countries to respond with a series of "unilateral steps" if the Palestinian Authority persists in its efforts to gain international recognition for statehood at the UN General Assembly session in September, the Haaretz newspaper reported Tuesday.

Rafael Barak, the Foreign Ministry's director general, sent a classified cable last week to more than 30 Israeli embassies, directing them to launch a diplomatic protest against the Palestinian efforts. Israeli diplomats stressed that such a move violates the Oslo Accords and could lead to violence on the ground.

According to the newspaper, Israel's government has not decided yet how to respond to a possible UN recognition of Palestinian statehood, but right wing groups have suggested that the country might apply Israeli law to the West Bank or annex major settlement blocs to Israel.

September will mark one year in which Israel and the Palestinians agreed to conclude negotiations and in which U.S. President Barack Obama hoped Palestine would become a member of the United Nations General Assembly. In addition, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's program of establishing institutions for a future Palestinian state is due to be wrapped up this coming September.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas met on Sunday in Ramallah with former Israeli Foreign Minister Yossi Beilin and told him that the Palestinian Authority would not engage in further negotiations with Israel after September. Senior Palestinian sources added, however, that if negotiations are resumed before September and make progress, the Palestinians would be prepared to defer efforts to gain UN recognition of statehood.

Abbas told Beilin that it would be possible to engage in three months of talks in an effort to achieve progress before September, but Netanyahu would have to suspend construction in the West Bank settlements during that period.

Meanwhile, it appears that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has backtracked on his intention to start the peace process.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-30

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Hahaha. :cheesy: You can threaten the United Nations Security Council and several European Union countries and launch all the diplomatic protests against the Palestinian efforts for a homeland that you want. But the World seems to be NOT listening to you Mr Netanyahu. Stall all you want and obstruct the inevitable but sooner or latter you will have to come to terms with the fact that you are WRONG. The Palestinians and the larger world community want Palestinians to have a home land. Safe and free from Israeli incursions. Be part of the solution and stop being the ONLY problem in the process. If you don't play ball now you may find yourselves without any friends at all in the not too distant future. It would be wise to be careful and more diplomatic at this time for the sake of both your own people and the Palestinians. :guitar:

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They are still light years away from Fatah and Hamas reaching agreement or indeed Hamas recognising Israel's right to exist so quite who you would confer authority to Fatah and certainly not Hamas seeing as they are a terrorist organisation. We then have the issue of what borders such a state would have.

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Just as a nation can recognize Palestnian statehood, Israel has the right not to.

What some people might not grasp is that if Israel says, watch us now and unilaterally declares a Palestinian state based upon the land structure now, it will be a mess. As it is, the PLA is not even set up to operate as a nation. Declaring statehood and having a functional state are two very different situations.

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On both sides, internal politics is a huge factor. Any Israeli PM confronted by the UN shoving something down Israel's throat that Israel doesn't get a chance to negotiate directly about would similarly push back in some way. Doing otherwise would mean the end of his government. No, I am not a Netanyahu fan by any means, but I also don't think the UN pushing this is ultimately the real answer to bring peace and a stable two state solution. Would be thrilled to be proven otherwise.

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Israel threatened the United Nations Security Council and several European Union countries to respond with a series of "unilateral steps"...

(Reuters) Wed Mar 30, 2011 - Members of the United Nations Security Council and the inhabitants of several European Union countries are shitting in their pants shivering with fear after Irael's threats were published to respond with...


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Just as a nation can recognize Palestnian statehood, Israel has the right not to.


Try that the other way around. :whistling:

EXACTLY! I cannot believe what I just read. All the anti Palestinian posters main reason/ defence for being against Palestine is because some factions rufuse to recognize Israel. And here we have one saying that Israel has the right not to recognize Palestine.That is a highly hypocritical view. Can't believe some peoples logic. :bah: Wake up and smell the coffee people. The entire world except for Israel is pro Palestinian Statehood. :partytime2: I can see how the very thought of a FREE Palestine gets under peoples skin but I don't understand why ?

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Israel threatened the United Nations Security Council and several European Union countries to respond with a series of "unilateral steps"...

(Reuters) Wed Mar 30, 2011 - Members of the United Nations Security Council and the inhabitants of several European Union countries are shitting in their pants shivering with fear after Irael's threats were published to respond with...


At the end of the day Israel is a flea on a dog arse [ so to speak] It is beginning to over estimate its own importance on the world stage and unless they come to the table they will be going solo and stand to lose alot more than they do now. I hope for every country in the region's sake that the Israeli government talk their people around and start to act like mature citizen of the world.

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The entire world except for Israel is pro Palestinian Statehood.

Israel is all for a Palestinian state - when they are willing to make peace.

Not according to Mr Netanyahu. Hamas has been offering peace deals most recently in this last month. Anybody who seriously thinks Israel is all for a Palestinian State needs to rethink thier position.

p.s No need to put VDO clips in your replies to me in the future cuz I never watch them. ;)

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The entire world except for Israel is pro Palestinian Statehood.

Israel is all for a Palestinian state - when they are willing to make peace.

Not according to Mr Netanyahu. Hamas has been offering peace deals most recently in this last month. Anybody who seriously thinks Israel is all for a Palestinian State needs to rethink thier position.

p.s No need to put VDO clips in your replies to me in the future cuz I never watch them. ;)

Hamas has been offering peace deals? do you have a link for that please?

You do not watch video clips or read for that matter, so what visual stimuli would you prefer?

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Hamas has been offering peace deals?

Well at least they admitted the truth for a change.

A statement recently made by a Hamas leader confirms that Israel was correct in claiming that approximately 700 combatants were killed

Since the end of the Gaza War in January 2009, Israel has stood accused of targeting civilians, rather than terrorist combatants.

The Israeli Defense Force has claimed that during Operation Cast Lead it targeted only combatants in its efforts to protect its civilians from rocket attacks. It has also claimed that most of the dead were combatants and issued lists of names of many of the combatants killed and identified them as members of the specific Hamas military units.

Despite unprecedented efforts to avoid civilian casualties—including hundreds of thousands of leaflets, telephone calls and non-lethal, noise-making warning bombs—some civilians were killed, because Hamas deliberately hid behind civilians, using them as shields, when they fired rockets at Israeli civilians. more: http://www.middleeastwarpeace.info/2010/12/18/hamas-leader-admits-that-israel-killed-mostly-combatants-in-gaza/

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Recognizing Palestinian state as it is currently is indeed in breach of Oslo agreement.

For starters there is no Palestinian government but 2 factions running 2 areas.

Hamas is a terrorist organization and is deemed so by all nations(besides Iran and their few mates)

How can one recognize Palestine as a state with terrorist group as a government, that pretty much recognizing A terrorist state.

The only time Palestine can and should be recognized is when it is united under 1 government, who recognizes its neighbor and stops all terror attacks.

Some of the points agreed in Oslo agreement by both sides were-

Israel to withdraw from Gaza and Palestinian authority to create police force to maintain law and order-failed, even though Israel withdrew

Palestine to recognize state of Israel-failed

Palestinian authority to stop all terror attacks on Israel and its citizens-failed

The list goes on.

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The entire world except for Israel is pro Palestinian Statehood.

Israel is all for a Palestinian state - when they are willing to make peace.

Not according to Mr Netanyahu. Hamas has been offering peace deals most recently in this last month. Anybody who seriously thinks Israel is all for a Palestinian State needs to rethink thier position.

p.s No need to put VDO clips in your replies to me in the future cuz I never watch them. ;)

Hamas has been offering peace deals? do you have a link for that please?

You do not watch video clips or read for that matter, so what visual stimuli would you prefer?

Light romantic comedy is good stimuli. Google for the link yourself. Anything I put up here will just be refuted by your obvious biasness.

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Anything I put up here will just be refuted by your obvious biasness.

And with good reason. You and your ilk are constantly posting fake quotations which you attribute to various Jews and Israelis and links to hate-sites that make statements that are blatantly false..

That is the difference between the pro-Israel posters and the pro-Arab ones. Your sources and your claims are almost always proved to be historically inaccurate and ours are almost always correct according to any legitimate history book..

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Just as a nation can recognize Palestnian statehood, Israel has the right not to.


Try that the other way around. :whistling:

EXACTLY! I cannot believe what I just read. All the anti Palestinian posters main reason/ defence for being against Palestine is because some factions rufuse to recognize Israel. And here we have one saying that Israel has the right not to recognize Palestine.That is a highly hypocritical view. Can't believe some peoples logic. :bah: Wake up and smell the coffee people. The entire world except for Israel is pro Palestinian Statehood. :partytime2: I can see how the very thought of a FREE Palestine gets under peoples skin but I don't understand why ?

Excuse me, but there is a big difference between not recognizing the UN's general declaration of a state, ven though there wouldn't be a state, and pledging to drive the state into the sea and to wipe out its inhabitants.

How about you 2 leaders of Thai Visa's anti Israel coalition take into consideration what Israel actually said in respect to the UN position? My comments were made in respect to the possible UN decision on statehood,

The Israeli diplomatic corps conveyed the message that support for international recognition, particularly by most of the members of the European Union, encouraged the Palestinians to forgo negotiations with Israel and to move more quickly toward recognition at the UN of Palestinian statehood. Israeli diplomats stressed that such a move violates the Oslo Accords and will not lead to a Palestinian state even if the General Assembly grants recognition, but could lead to violence on the ground.

The Israeli position is logical. The arabs signed off on the Oslo accords and now they don't want to comply with that agreement. amas and the Fatah factions will go to war as they struggle over the aid money. Go figger. The UN can recognize Palestine as a state but that doesn't mean a state would exist. The arabs would have to be able to get a functioning state up and running. Considering the fact that the Gaza is a money maker for the arabs in terms of already being a welfare state paid for by the west, do you really think there is a real incentive for change? Declaring statehood won't change the living conditions in Gaza or the West Bank.

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How can Israel say that 'this land belongs to us because it is in " the book" ',what if people don't belive in the "book"?how can they except that answer.

Zionism was born in a time were it was seen quite normal for the the white man from Europe to colonizes some territory in Africa or Asia. Continents without proper history and civilisation, just savages, tribes and barbarians. the white man came to help them.

Back these days was it also quite modern to create nation states, multi-ethnic empires bounded by Royal intermarriage of the rulers became so yesterday or one ethnic group splitted into numerous independent principalities, each with own laws and own governments was almost medivial. A revolution, national liberation movements, uprisings, to became united or to became independent. self-determination.

Zionism combined both. The ethnocentrism of the national liberation spirit and because in diaspora they lacked some territory to create a nation state they went the colonialist route.

"The book" or the fairy tales in that book helped the Zionists a bit to make a choice and settle for that certain area but it isn't the Zionists gasoline. Only for same Zionists maybe.

They are not religious loons, Zionists are a product of what was modern in the late 19 and early 20 century Europe.

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How can Israel say that 'this land belongs to us because it is in " the book" ',what if people don't belive in the "book"?how can they except that answer.

Zionism was born in a time were it was seen quite normal for the the white man from Europe to colonizes some territory in Africa or Asia. Continents without proper history and civilisation, just savages, tribes and barbarians. the white man came to help them.

Back these days was it also quite modern to create nation states, multi-ethnic empires bounded by Royal intermarriage of the rulers became so yesterday or one ethnic group splitted into numerous independent principalities, each with own laws and own governments was almost medivial. A revolution, national liberation movements, uprisings, to became united or to became independent. self-determination.

Zionism combined both. The ethnocentrism of the national liberation spirit and because in diaspora they lacked some territory to create a nation state they went the colonialist route.

"The book" or the fairy tales in that book helped the Zionists a bit to make a choice and settle for that certain area but it isn't the Zionists gasoline. Only for same Zionists maybe.

They are not religious loons, Zionists are a product of what was modern in the late 19 and early 20 century Europe.

LOL, I can not help myself but LOL

So please enlighten us according to what book, law, paper this land is Palestinian, ever belonged to Palestine?????

When there ever was Palestine as a country or region?

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They are not for those of your ilk. ;)


Uploaded by AssyrianPride1000

The description:

A small number of righteous Lebanese Arabs protest at a pro-Israel rally in New York in support of Israel and against Hezbollah terrorism in Lebanon and are getting screamed by a Arab Islamic terrorist fanatic nut head for standing up for themselves against Islamic terrorism and Arab occupation of Israel. Three of those Lebanese are Christian and one was a Lebanese Muslim.

United they stand, old allies of the Sabra and Shatila massacre. :bah:

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When there ever was Palestine as a country...

There has never been a country called Palestine (since the Jewish one) or a Palestinian language.


The residents of Palestine are called "Palestinians". Since Palestine includes both modern day Israel and Jordan both Arab and Jewish residents of this area were referred to as "Palestinians".

It was only after the Jews re-inhabited their historic homeland of Judea and Samaria, that the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created and marketed worldwide. Jews come from Judea, not Palestinians. There is no language known as Palestinian, or any Palestinian culture distinct from that of all the Arabs in the area. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. "Palestinians" are Arabs indistinguishable from Arabs throughout the Middle East. The great majority of Arabs in greater Palestine and Israel share the same culture, language and religion.

Much of the Arab population in this area actually migrated into Israel and Judea and Samaria from the surrounding Arab countries in the past 100 years. The rebirth of Israel was accompanied by economic prosperity for the region. Arabs migrated to this area to find employment and enjoy the higher standard of living. In documents not more than hundred years, the area is described as a scarcely populated region. Jews by far were the majority in Jerusalem over the small Arab minority. Until the Oslo agreement the major source of income for Arab residents was employment in the Israeli sector. To this day, many Arabs try to migrate into Israel with various deceptions to become a citizen of Israel.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Just as a nation can recognize Palestnian statehood, Israel has the right not to.


Try that the other way around. :whistling:

EXACTLY! I cannot believe what I just read. All the anti Palestinian posters main reason/ defence for being against Palestine is because some factions rufuse to recognize Israel. And here we have one saying that Israel has the right not to recognize Palestine.That is a highly hypocritical view. Can't believe some peoples logic. :bah: Wake up and smell the coffee people. The entire world except for Israel is pro Palestinian Statehood. :partytime2: I can see how the very thought of a FREE Palestine gets under peoples skin but I don't understand why ?

Excuse me, but there is a big difference between not recognizing the UN's general declaration of a state, ven though there wouldn't be a state, and pledging to drive the state into the sea and to wipe out its inhabitants.

How about you 2 leaders of Thai Visa's anti Israel coalition take into consideration what Israel actually said in respect to the UN position? My comments were made in respect to the possible UN decision on statehood,

The Israeli diplomatic corps conveyed the message that support for international recognition, particularly by most of the members of the European Union, encouraged the Palestinians to forgo negotiations with Israel and to move more quickly toward recognition at the UN of Palestinian statehood. Israeli diplomats stressed that such a move violates the Oslo Accords and will not lead to a Palestinian state even if the General Assembly grants recognition, but could lead to violence on the ground.

The Israeli position is logical. The arabs signed off on the Oslo accords and now they don't want to comply with that agreement. amas and the Fatah factions will go to war as they struggle over the aid money. Go figger. The UN can recognize Palestine as a state but that doesn't mean a state would exist. The arabs would have to be able to get a functioning state up and running. Considering the fact that the Gaza is a money maker for the arabs in terms of already being a welfare state paid for by the west, do you really think there is a real incentive for change? Declaring statehood won't change the living conditions in Gaza or the West Bank.

No but statehood might mean they can then finally get some sausages :blink:

" Pasta, which had been forbidden in the past, is now allowed, after U.S. Senator John Kerry expressed his astonishment at the ban during a visit to Gaza in February. But tea, coffee, sausages, semolina, milk products in large packages and most baking products are forbidden. So are industrial commodities for manufacturing food products, chocolate, sesame seeds and nuts. Israel does allow importing fruit, milk products in small packages and frozen food products as well as limited amounts of industrial fuel."

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No but statehood might mean they can then finally get some sausages
No sausages? :o

Benz for taxi, yeah must be really struggling.

I do not know any other Western country besides Germany where taxi is a Benz, BUT even in Germany a huge number are VW's and Opels

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