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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet


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Yes, lets ban all over 50's men from even visiting Thailand!!

How would you feel about tens of thousands of geriatric Thais coming to your home town each year and making off with your wimmin!

LOL I would love to see that!

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I nearly throw upo when I read that we falang are being a burden to Thailand.... a burden?? They must be pure idiots here thgese politicians....

Oh I am laying here outside the hospital sik to death - OK where is your creditcard??? So Thailand not pay???

Oh, I have no money no food - everyone demands money/creditcard from me... So Thailand is not taking care???

Oh I have no money for paying my rent, everyone demands creditcard/cash!!! Oh! isn´t Thailand take care of me???

So what in hell is Thailand doing for a falang-, absolutely NOTHING. I am expecting nothing when I moved here, and I really got nothing.

So why talking about being a burden to this country... For gods sake I give them money every month - for free!!!!!!!


No, not the politicians who are the idiots. Take a look in the mirror.

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Oh what the hell....I just can't resist adding my two cents worth.

Here is an interesting tidbit that I picked up not too long ago: An acquaintance was applying for a spousal visa for his Thai wife to go back to America with him; the visa was denied on the grounds that the girl was more than 25 years younger than him. It appears that the Asian countries are not the only ones going after the "Dirty Old Men".

I am not passing judgment on the "older/ much younger" marriages due to the fact there is a significant age difference between myself and my spouse, fortunately the laws do not and will not affect us since we are both Westerners. But, I want to make it very clear that I find it nauseating when I see a very young girl (of any nationality) with a man old enough to be their grandfather, especially when there children involved (I mean when they procreate, not the child they married).

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quick, before they pass this law.

you can easily divorce anytime in the future.

on the second thought, over 50 you can get a retirement visa, no need to marry


Believe me, it is much better to get a retirement visa, than to marry a Thai woman. lol. I am speaking from experience. I am married to a younger, Thai woman and I love her dearly and she loves me, but in retrospect, neither of us would get married again. ;-) We have been together for about 8 or 9 years now and things are great, but my advise, to anyone single....RENT, DON'T BUY! ;-)

In all seriousness though, I think it is a good law and I support it.

Same here. Although, I am married to an older thai woman 5 years my senior. Married now for 13 years since I was 21...LOL. But she is a naturalised Aussie now and has no intention of ever living in LOS. Infact she thinks it's a bit of a <deleted> hole. I wish there could be more like her. And no, she was not innocent at the time. I think non of them are. They are rather cool and calculating to get the most back on their investment. Probably the ones pressuring to get married in the first place.

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May I play

...devils advocate?

We have no right to exploit these tender innocent women, but this courageous Thai politician is bordering on social engineering.

Bump it up to 1,000,000B to be married and it's back on eh?

Edited by ding
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Has to be said, the moderators are doing a fantastic job on this thread.

The young girl I had in my shower this morning was giggling and clearly happy with being with a man 39 years her senior.

She's quite happy to be left to stay the night with friends of mine too. This is what healthy young girls want. Lots of play and fun. Sometimes I don't have the energy or just want to give her a change. Who's to say that only somoene of the same age can give them this? They don't care about the age.

Why do people see anything wrong with this?

Edited by pedro01
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I nearly throw upo when I read that we falang are being a burden to Thailand.... a burden?? They must be pure idiots here thgese politicians....

Oh I am laying here outside the hospital sik to death - OK where is your creditcard??? So Thailand not pay???

Oh, I have no money no food - everyone demands money/creditcard from me... So Thailand is not taking care???

Oh I have no money for paying my rent, everyone demands creditcard/cash!!! Oh! isn´t Thailand take care of me???

So what in hell is Thailand doing for a falang-, absolutely NOTHING. I am expecting nothing when I moved here, and I really got nothing.

So why talking about being a burden to this country... For gods sake I give them money every month - for free!!!!!!!


Isn't that just the way it should be. Let Thailand take care of it's own (except they don't do even that!) Trouble with Europe, and UK especially, is that they take care of everyone better than their own citizens!

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Unbelievable how brain of some Thai administration works.

It's seem NO one understod the meaning and idea of Cambodian Governement :whistling:

It was never any idea to restrict any visa etc., just to protect very young girls from ver oly penis guided men!

It is stupid to mention the visa law that married need 400 K and non married 800 K in bank. How about income?

This regulation of 400 to 800 seem anyway strange, in whole Europe and rest of world if we go married a life get

more expensive so the regulation shall be opposite 800 K for married and 400 K for celibate or more logical in both case 800'000 as this handle neigbour countries (different amounts).

I believe it is a very low percentage of marriage with any Thai to stay here for 400 K, I guess many go married by love

and a marriage is by social reasons in case the Farang die a Thai widow will touch a percentage of his pension only

in case be married since a certain time.

Beside such mesure are agains "human rights and liberty" and such law avoid nothing in real but is the most simple way make it more awful as it is.

Elder Farang have soon only the chance f..... around and in case of pregnancy, say "solly government not allow we go maly"!

Such case the should also prohibit that elder Farang go visit lady bar's or as they call "Karaoke Etablisements". a next step an important income for Thai women drop down.

Songkran is soon, a good occasion to wash some brain in the administration :lol:

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Has to be said, the moderators are doing a fantastic job on this thread.

The young girl I had in my shower this morning was giggling and clearly happy with being with a man 39 years her senior.

She's quite happy to be left to stay the night with friends of mine too. This is what healthy young girls want. Lots of play and fun. Sometimes I don't have the energy or just want to give her a change. Who's to say that only somoene of the same age can give them this? They don't care about the age.

Why do people see anything wrong with this?

Because they're Pedrofiles?


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I am concerned that these people are attempting to circumvent the rules by marrying innocent Thai women.

Seems some people really do have their heads in the clouds.


There is no such thing as an innocent Thai woman. They should be considered sharks. I think they have this backwards. The innocents are the new farangs coming here.

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I knew that the Thai politicians are stupid but that they are so stupid I never imagined........

they are not stupid ............... Selfish is what we should say...

clearly the law is for themselves....

doesn't reflect the voices of the majority ...

somehow I don't think that it will be the Thai politicians who will be proven stupid in this case....

Just call it intuition.

The intuition of those in the know ;);)

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before i rush off to the Amphur to get Married , i would like to thank George and the Mods for giving TV members the opportunity to have a lively debate about a very important subject and show how intellectually diverse they really are

its good of Thaivisa to keep us up to date with day to day developments in Thailand

thanks George and for the contributions by the more usually informed posters

you have made my day brighter..............

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