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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet

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Very amusing, for the Thai government (yes, he is a minster, so a representitive of the government) referring to foreigners with less than 400,000 baht as a "burden" on Thai society. Tell me the ratio of Thais vs. Farang over the age of 50 with less than 400,000 in the bank?

This, if passed will be a huge economic blow for Thailand - a large percentage of Farang business owners in Thailand are 45+, and many buy those businesses and run it with their partner. Many own land with their partners. Most of these girls are not rich when they meet the "old burden" Farang. Infact, sadly most of these girls meet their Farang in the go go bars. Who was it that was the burden again?

I have never said this before, but this move really does look discriminatory against non-Thai nationals, and will be a huge blow both to the future development, educational and economic growth to Thailand if passed. Maybe Thailands politicians needs to learn when passing law, that you have the power to make the decisions but with that power you must execute vision, or your power is worthless and often destructive rather than constructive.

Awesome Post, and you have Gut to stand tall. Believe me I have no idea what is going on in Thailand...while...her neighbors Laos and Vietnam are doing so well. They are surpassing Thailand in every turn. All I hear about Thailand are Conflict and negative publicity. To our Thai Visa Farang members please wake up and smell the coffee. My take and an opinion.

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Again a proof, farangs in Thailand are only TOLERATED when they leave a lot of money there. Best: simple dump it at the airport and depart again. Even better: transfer is and stay away.

I am so happy I sold my condo in time, and switched all my business away to Sri Lanka and Southern China

Grats on 100 posts! (but on page 23 of this - oops :whistling: )


Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

But in Laos it is not about being over 50 years, but about not more then 30years of age differences. So a 55 y/o can not marry a 20 y/o girl. whistling.gif


Looks like I'm the first person to make a comment about this guys's name. How can we take anything seriously that comes from a man with a name like Tawatchai. What a silly tawat!!

So instead of trying to introduce such a disgraceful law, if Mr Tawatchai Suksoom believes the problem is that people are trying to circumvent visa rules why don't they simply change the visa requirement to be 800K in the bank? I guess as that would be a simple solution it illustrates that is not what Mr Tawatchai Suksoom really thinks. He is simply a racist bigot who is insecure and trying to make his name by promoting a nationalist bill.

The idea of the bill is as disgusting as the comment in the post by trodgers

And there will be a baby boom of half breed bastards on the laps of the government - because he is not permitted to get married by law.

Is there a need for such a term in a 21st century world?:angry:


I knew that the Thai politicians are stupid but that they are so stupid I never imagined........

I always imagined they were this stupid. Their ignorance and stupidity is on display every day in this backward country. First, to all the Thia numb nuts in Parliament, if you are really concerned about the retirement amount, just raise it for men who marry Thai nationals you idiots! It's a pitence to us anyway! The fact is, it just bugs the heck out of you that your women prefer farang of any age over your little shrink-wrapped package! You want to remain free to treat your women like crap and have them do all the work you are all to lazy or stupid (likely both) to do so you have time to play with little boys and ladyboys in your local brothels, drink your days away and gamble away what little baht you do have from whatever scam you were running . As far as the little fatherless bastards that might be created by an old farang who keels over before it's grown, I suspect the geezer will have provided for the wife and child much better than any Thai man is capable of doing. Also here is a heads up for you brain dead little MP droids, just because you all believe 400,000 or 800,000 is alot of money, to most farang of retirement age it is absolutely nothing, and I seriously doubt any farang ever married a Thai girl of any age with this thought in mind. So I guess it will still be perfectly ok for these impotent little lilliputions to cheat on their wives with these young girls or marry them themselves and abuse them. Thailand is a country on the decline in a big way and this will be another huge step towards its demise. Other than your women, you have little else to offer us and you will learn this lesson the hard way.

best frothing rant of the thread... :thumbsup:

I believe AZBill is angry that he has had the most sensitive and pleasure-producing portion ('shrink wrap' as he calls it) of his wang amputated. Maybe he is jealous of the ~85% of men on Earth who have whole wangs. April fool and everday fool... some people are.

I think it would be a blessing for AZBlll if the Thai government would deport him to a up and coming country suitable to his needs. Burma comes to mind.B)


so im 60 she 42 and married for 6 years and happy in the uk so when we do move to thailand in 2 years then our marriage is not real and im more or less being told im to old to be married if she was say 20 i could understand

the law gets more silly as it goes on what about my human rights hahahahahaha :D

the other end is whats wrong with marrying someone half your age and if your happy keeping there mother father brother sister uncle tom cobberly and all that better than them going without

mind you i dont they can look after themselves they did before we married and can now


Unless the foreigner has a Justin Bieber haircut and the woman studied at Srinakarinvirot University. :whistling:


Remember that maids, taxi drivers, construction workers etc. are rarely registered residents in Bangkok. I never said that everybody earns more than 75,000 (which you would have known if you knew how to divide), I merely stated that to my knowledge many earn that much and much more! The statistics also states that the surrounding provinces earn around half of Bangkok on average.


The link above is a rough listing of the salaries paid by different sectors in Thailand. This goes back to the old question of financial gap between the poor and the rich which I will not get into here. Check out the link you will find that even qualified professionals hardly make the income you are talking about, unless they are in Managerial positions.

I also find it hard to believe that a majority registered Bangkokians are Managers and businessmen.

BTW, here is the link discussing income in Thailand. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/104961-whats-the-average-thai-salary/


Seems to me that this is one of those bendable laws. In other words, if you look decent and your relationship seems legit, they would probably allow it. This law is basically to keep the undesirables out, which is a good thing.


One TD poster thought there were 18 pages of suckers here. Didn't realize the mods were quickly deleting the spoiler posts here on TV.

So I wonder if the mods at TD deleted the biters there? conspiracy? You decide :ph34r:


It is starting to make the rounds of the Thai female websites now. Some are a bit upset. I would imagine the major news outlets soon.



woulnt it be common sense just to say, if any couple who have more than 15 or 20 years of age difference have to show documented proof that they have been living together for 5 years 1st.? or something like that!!!!




I wonder where this would leave me. I married a younger Thai lady in a Buddhist ceremony last year - note no civil ceremony. She came to the UK in September of last year and we married here in February. She now has her Biometrics card to stay here for a further 2 years, but we intend to return to Thailand once I fully retire which is only two or so years down the line. Perhaps I should see about getting her passport changed to reflect our marriage status here in the UK.


Remember that maids, taxi drivers, construction workers etc. are rarely registered residents in Bangkok. I never said that everybody earns more than 75,000 (which you would have known if you knew how to divide), I merely stated that to my knowledge many earn that much and much more! The statistics also states that the surrounding provinces earn around half of Bangkok on average.


The link above is a rough listing of the salaries paid by different sectors in Thailand. This goes back to the old question of financial gap between the poor and the rich which I will not get into here. Check out the link you will find that even qualified professionals hardly make the income you are talking about, unless they are in Managerial positions.

I also find it hard to believe that a majority registered Bangkokians are Managers and businessmen.

BTW, here is the link discussing income in Thailand. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/104961-whats-the-average-thai-salary/

If you read my posts, you would have known that the newest reliable statistics state that the average income in Bangkok is around 400,000 THB a year which gives an average monthly income of roughly 33,000 a month. I only stated the 75,000 because a previous post claims that none earn more than 40,000.

The data you are posting is quite useless in the calculation of GPP. Try to check how many of the low income employees in Bangkok actually live in Bangkok, and how many live in the surrounding provinces and commute daily? I never talked about the average salary for workers in Bangkok, I talked about the average income for people LIVING in Bangkok!


I knew that the Thai politicians are stupid but that they are so stupid I never imagined........

I always imagined they were this stupid. Their ignorance and stupidity is on display every day in this backward country. First, to all the Thia numb nuts in Parliament, if you are really concerned about the retirement amount, just raise it for men who marry Thai nationals you idiots! It's a pitence to us anyway! The fact is, it just bugs the heck out of you that your women prefer farang of any age over your little shrink-wrapped package! You want to remain free to treat your women like crap and have them do all the work you are all to lazy or stupid (likely both) to do so you have time to play with little boys and ladyboys in your local brothels, drink your days away and gamble away what little baht you do have from whatever scam you were running . As far as the little fatherless bastards that might be created by an old farang who keels over before it's grown, I suspect the geezer will have provided for the wife and child much better than any Thai man is capable of doing. Also here is a heads up for you brain dead little MP droids, just because you all believe 400,000 or 800,000 is alot of money, to most farang of retirement age it is absolutely nothing, and I seriously doubt any farang ever married a Thai girl of any age with this thought in mind. So I guess it will still be perfectly ok for these impotent little lilliputions to cheat on their wives with these young girls or marry them themselves and abuse them. Thailand is a country on the decline in a big way and this will be another huge step towards its demise. Other than your women, you have little else to offer us and you will learn this lesson the hard way.

Just tell us how you really feel, don't hold back .


This is certainly a disturbing development.

I'd think a law on age difference should be more appropriate, like it has been passed in Laos.

And the law should apply to all, Thai and foreigners.

Can anyone explain the link between this law and the ASEAN integration?

Does ASEAN integration have any other surprises?


Again a proof, farangs in Thailand are only TOLERATED when they leave a lot of money there. Best: simple dump it at the airport and depart again. Even better: transfer is and stay away.

I am so happy I sold my condo in time, and switched all my business away to Sri Lanka and Southern China

This thread is proof of something alright...

It is proof of certain levels of IQ.


I'm over 50. So that means that I and my 52 year old Thai wife would not be able to get married. <deleted>?

I live in Issan. I look around at most married ex-pats over 50 and I see guys that are married to Thai women ranging from their own age to maybe 15 years younger. I'd say that the average farang in his 50's in married to a woman in their 40's. So this will essentially affects middle class, middle aged Thai women who are looking to marry at an acceptable status level.

It's a lose/lose situation and will gain the Thai banks and the politicians nothing. It will affect Thai families who are being supported by potential Farang suitors. If they had any sense, they would limit that age disparity, i.e., you can't marry outside of a specific age range.

Totally craziness, but not unexpected.


Again a proof, farangs in Thailand are only TOLERATED when they leave a lot of money there. Best: simple dump it at the airport and depart again. Even better: transfer is and stay away.

I am so happy I sold my condo in time, and switched all my business away to Sri Lanka and Southern China

This thread is proof of something alright...

It is proof of certain levels of IQ.

Or total lack thereof.


Again a proof, farangs in Thailand are only TOLERATED when they leave a lot of money there. Best: simple dump it at the airport and depart again. Even better: transfer is and stay away.

I am so happy I sold my condo in time, and switched all my business away to Sri Lanka and Southern China

This thread is proof of something alright...

It is proof of certain levels of IQ.

It is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.


It's fine...

It only applies to straight marriages. The sexpats can just marry an eighteen year old boy instead of an eighteen year old girl.

Fifteen bottles of Heineken and they feel the same anyway...

Tell me old wise one, how does it feel


First of April isnt it? whistling.gif

Well done 'crazyswede'

I can't believe it went 22 pages before someone worked it out.

Chances are it didn't, but 3-4 mods went mothering over the topic and removing all the early calls.

I think that's cheating: not clever enough to do an 'organic troll', so there is a need to resort to keeping things going artificially, keeping posts only from all the idiots. :lol:

Secondly: It's a topic of the kind that would normally be locked. So even when people know it's BS, it's still an excellent chance to vent the usual anti Thai and/or misogynist crap.

I was being sarcastic mate. It had been mentioned every other post for about ten pages, yet still people are revealing it, as if for the first time.

If you want a new law, how about one where you're not allowed to post on TV, when you haven't read a single post that's gone before.


Again a proof, farangs in Thailand are only TOLERATED when they leave a lot of money there. Best: simple dump it at the airport and depart again. Even better: transfer is and stay away.

I am so happy I sold my condo in time, and switched all my business away to Sri Lanka and Southern China

This thread is proof of something alright...

It is proof of certain levels of IQ.

It is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

kinda like a gift that keeps on giving.

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