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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet

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Watch out! If this law is passed, there will be a rush of over 50 year old foreign men into Thailand.

And there will be a baby boom of half breed bastards on the laps of the government - because he is not permitted to get married by law.

I don't understand. Why would this law cause a rush of over 50 year old foreigners into Thailand? I would think it would be the opposite.

I wonder what the probability is of this proposal actually becoming law. Does anyone have any idea? I'm not very familiar with Thai politics, but in the USA, a pretty small percentage of proposals actually become law.

As to it being inappropriate for older men to marry young women, isn't it pretty common in Thai culture? Don't a lot of older Thai men marry young women? I read the results of a poll done a couple years ago that said that a large majority of Thai parents would prefer their daughters marry older men. They see older men as being more stable and reliable. And if they're so concerned about the 400,000 baht, why don't they just change that to $800,000 baht to be consistent with the retirement visa. This doesn't really affect me, since I'm already married to a Thai woman, but its still pretty distressing. I wonder if someone isn't proposing it just because the Cambodians are doing it. Or maybe there is some international pressure to do it. As far as I know Thais have nothing against older men marrying younger women, but western societies definitely do. I hate to see Thailand become politically correct. Its one of the many things I like about Thailand. Political correctness hasn't taken hold here.

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If they pass such a stupid law it should be retroactive. That is all marriages that took place when the foreigner was over 50 should be annulled.

Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

I don't think Cambodia have enacted the law yet ... just talked about it.

It seems Laos has though.


Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

Why not go one step further and ban interracial marriages altogether; if (according to you) it is ok to discriminate on the basis of age, then why not race?

Anyway, check the date this story was posted and have a good think, although the joke is often lost here in LOS as so many absurd things in the news are the norm.


So they have a problem with those over 50 who have more money to their name than most Thais yet they have no problem letting in tons of scam artists, pimp and drug dealers from Nigeria and Ghana who harrass tourists in the lower Suk area every night. Yeah, makes sense.


So instead of trying to introduce such a disgraceful law, if Mr Tawatchai Suksoom believes the problem is that people are trying to circumvent visa rules why don't they simply change the visa requirement to be 800K in the bank? I guess as that would be a simple solution it illustrates that is not what Mr Tawatchai Suksoom really thinks. He is simply a racist bigot who is insecure and trying to make his name by promoting a nationalist bill.

The idea of the bill is as disgusting as the comment in the post by trodgers

And there will be a baby boom of half breed bastards on the laps of the government - because he is not permitted to get married by law.

Is there a need for such a term in a 21st century world?:angry:


I understand what they "claim"they are trying to do as in getting guys not to come stay in Thailand that can not afford it but I really feel it will do more harm than good. I know lots of examples of older men men married to much younger women that did not work out but I know more examples just the same that have worked out. I agree on a 70 year old getting married to a 20 year is not the best thing, but lets say a 52 year old man married to a 28 year old is different all together. Both are adults and are old enough to make that decision without a law. Sometimes I wonder what these lawmakers in ÄNY"country are thinking.

This is no big deal. There is no need to marry, and it will bring a sigh of relief from many who are being pressured by their GF and her family. What is not mentioned in the article that the proposal also includes a restriction on inheritance. Any clause in the Will of foreigner which favours a Thai national will be become null and void. And this IS retro-active. This will cause some consternation, and possibly protests which will overshadow anything the red shirts have managed.


This is no big deal. There is no need to marry, and it will bring a sigh of relief from many who are being pressured by their GF and her family. What is not mentioned in the article that the proposal also includes a restriction on inheritance. Any clause in the Will of foreigner which favours a Thai national will be become null and void. And this IS retro-active. This will cause some consternation, and possibly protests which will overshadow anything the red shirts have managed.

Can you explain that further ? I have never heard of this proposal.


I remember reading somewhere deep in the piles of government policy statements or whatever, that elderly farangs who've been resident in The Kingdom for a long time would be given special consideration in a request to stay on age and health grounds, regardless of status - including financial status.


..... at 50 you can get a retirement visa or just slip over a boarder .....

... as opposed to slipping over the lodger? I think a new child bride might have something to say about that :whistling:


.... What is not mentioned in the article that the proposal also includes a restriction on inheritance. Any clause in the Will of foreigner which favours a Thai national will be become null and void. And this IS retro-active. ....

Quote your source please.


Oh look it's not 31st March today :jap: Good one Webfact and the Admins .... hey, "Webfact and the Admins" - great name for a long lost punk rock band - where's Andrew Drummond when you need him?


should be said by now: "thailand, the hub of law"

Wrong...... it should read "Thailand, the hub of incompetent, ignorant, xenophobic, sexist, manipulative, wanna-be elitist politicians with a bought degree and an indescribably warped and surreal social outlook that could only ever exist in a country that encourages xenophobia and obsessively nationalistic behavior in order to control its populace for fear that they will ever realize how they are being abused and subdued in a class controlled society and would probably start a revolution (or already have)."

Yeah, I know its a mouthful but Im not good at condensing things sorry!:)


In response to JohnHender.

sometimes i think Thai women just deseverse Thai guys"

What a stupid comment. Thai men are like any other, some good, some bad.

That is a fact even a girl i know say this to me all the time. i have been here 24 times and if you have seen some of the crazy things i have seen you would think the same way . By the way i am married to a thai and have a ex thai wife . Plus i see no rush for other women to marry thai Guys one women in my nieghborhood has already married and divorced 3 of them . Remember in thailand you are a vistor and dollars and nothing else if believe believer other you are a fool


quick, before they pass this law.

you can easily divorce anytime in the future.

on the second thought, over 50 you can get a retirement visa, no need to marry


Believe me, it is much better to get a retirement visa, than to marry a Thai woman. lol. I am speaking from experience. I am married to a younger, Thai woman and I love her dearly and she loves me, but in retrospect, neither of us would get married again. ;-) We have been together for about 8 or 9 years now and things are great, but my advise, to anyone single....RENT, DON'T BUY! ;-)

In all seriousness though, I think it is a good law and I support it.


If Thailand is going to start implementing laws originally proposed in other nearby nations then surely the 2009 amendment to Burmas Marriage Act that made divorce possible basically on the grounds that one partner had irreversibly let themselves go to seed since entering wedlock would be the best to follow. The Burmese have the right idea, age isnt important, but this amendment makes it possible for wither husband or wife to ditch their couch potato of a partner.


I'm amazed. Must be heat stroke. You're not welcomed farang but your money is.Think I'll stay home and keep my sanity and my money. Oh and my Thai wife of 40 years.


So does that mean that a foreigner over 50 cannot marry any Thai national regardless of age?

e.g Foreigner 51 and Thai woman 45 cannot get married?

That would seem ridiculous!

Yes it is ridiculous and doesn't this law also go against basic human rights?

And is that going to apply to thai nationals over 50 that marry younger thai ladies,teenagers,


It's fine...

It only applies to straight marriages. The sexpats can just marry an eighteen year old boy instead of an eighteen year old girl.

Fifteen bottles of Heineken and they feel the same anyway...

It would take 15 truck loads of whiskey or more before I would stick my jolly roger into a male. I will leave that for the gay community.:D


I have so many "farang" friends who were well over fifty when they married their far younger Thai wives. Most of them are happily married. This new law is absurd.


From the last paragraph in the news, it seems this is going to be all ASEAN countries' policies, so for all the geezers, there are more bad news to come in the near future from Vietnam, Philippine,Burma,Indonesia,Malaysia,Singapore...etc.:o


I wouldn't worry about this. The government can't even get a quorum to pass the organic laws for the election.

I'm 54 and my wife is 46. It shouldn't apply to all ages.

Dude..it shouldn't apply period! They can shove their f$%king laws where the sun doesn't shine. I'll marry who I want at what age I want.


Marriage is about 2 people.....

How can they? Nosy...!

Their thinking is indeed close to the Cambodian.

They will be regretted .... soon.....

Passing the law that the majority of its own country are not willin' to support...

Sure the number of Farangs will be drastically reduced.....

I can not agree with this sort of law....... takin' away freedom.... in many aspects

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