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Ten UN staff members killed in northern Afghanistan


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Ten UN staff members killed in northern Afghanistan

2011-04-02 00:35:23 GMT+7 (ICT)

MAZAR-I-SHARIF, AFGHANISTAN (BNO NEWS) -- Ten United Nations staff members on Friday were killed in a violent protest in northern Afghanistan, the Pajhwok news agency reported.

On Friday, demonstrators staged a protest against the Quran burning in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif, the capital of Balkh province. The demonstration turned violent and ten UN foreign employees were killed.

"We can confirm that the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) operations centre in Mazar-i-Sharif has been attacked today following a demonstration. We can also confirm that there have been United Nations personnel deaths," said UNAMA's spokesperson, Dan McNorton.

A group of demonstrators attacked the operations centre for UNAMA. The attackers fired gunshots at peacekeepers guarding the compound and set fire inside it. In addition to the fatal victims, at least 12 people were injured.

"The situation is still confusing and we are currently working to ascertain all the facts and take care of all our staff," added McNorton.

Initial reports indicate that UN staff members were trapped in the burning building and died. The nationalities of the deceased are currently unavailable. Violence lasted for hours as thousands of people took the streets protesting the burning of the Islam holy book by a Florida, U.S., pastor on March 20.

According to McNorton, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Staffan de Mistura, is on his way to Mazar-i-Sharif to deal with the situation personally. De Mistura is also the head of UNAMA.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-04-02

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How does klling Nepalese Sewedes and Norwegians redress the Afghni claims of hurt? Is it their view that murdering non implicated parties who did not support the Koran burning fixes everything. Great logic. Someone remind me again why the world wastes money and and time trying to help stoneage dwellers?

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Inocent people murdered because of the Actions of some idiots in the U.S. Islam the religion of peace and harmony just who are these murdering muslims trying to fool. Islam is so far removed from religion it is not funny. It is a cult nothing more just like Charles Manson and his band of nutters. Sorry no time for all these so called religious nut cases murdering and killing in the name of peace, love and allah.

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How does klling Nepalese Sewedes and Norwegians redress the Afghni claims of hurt? Is it their view that murdering non implicated parties who did not support the Koran burning fixes everything. Great logic. Someone remind me again why the world wastes money and and time trying to help stoneage dwellers?

Exactly. Than those not wanted there should vacate the region today. Of course, sound logic never triumphs over {covert} imperialism, does it?

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There should be a ban on any religious group that condones atrocities to be committed in their name. The leaders of Islam could issue an edict declaring that these kinds of criminals will be condemned to hell instead of being rewarded for these despicable acts. Since this is not happening, then one must assume that Muslims approve of these crimes against mankind. Those Muslims that do not are afraid to speak out for fear of retribution. As SG has said, Islam is not a religion, but an insidious cult and a plague on mankind.

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