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to all of those who seem to have knowledge of the oil and gas rigs going of the coast near koh samui and koh phangan here's some information I have for you

Several firms have obtained concessions to explore for petroleum at sites in the region. The closest drilling site is 42km off Koh Samui, but the border of that site is only 5km from the island's beaches.

so you'll really big able to see the oil rig maybe up close and from the bangkok airways airplane oh such a view

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to all of those who seem to have knowledge of the oil and gas rigs going of the coast near koh samui and koh phangan here's some information I have for you

Several firms have obtained concessions to explore for petroleum at sites in the region. The closest drilling site is 42km off Koh Samui, but the border of that site is only 5km from the island's beaches.

so you'll really big able to see the oil rig maybe up close and from the bangkok airways airplane oh such a view

What blocks are they ?...getting a concession doesnt mean exploration, just means the right of exploration, as pointed out earlier the recently awarded concessions are no where near Koh Samui - closest point is 160km away


to all of those who seem to have knowledge of the oil and gas rigs going of the coast near koh samui and koh phangan here's some information I have for you

Several firms have obtained concessions to explore for petroleum at sites in the region. The closest drilling site is 42km off Koh Samui, but the border of that site is only 5km from the island's beaches.

so you'll really big able to see the oil rig maybe up close and from the bangkok airways airplane oh such a view

Just read most of the threads on this post...how amusing. Those with vested interests in the oil industry defending the oil industry, those with vested interests in the tourism industry trying to defend the tourist industry, jealousy from the have nots towards the haves, denial from the do gooders about the nature of humanity! I little gem of a microcosm of the never ending little factions of mankind.


to all of those who seem to have knowledge of the oil and gas rigs going of the coast near koh samui and koh phangan here's some information I have for you

Several firms have obtained concessions to explore for petroleum at sites in the region. The closest drilling site is 42km off Koh Samui, but the border of that site is only 5km from the island's beaches.

so you'll really big able to see the oil rig maybe up close and from the bangkok airways airplane oh such a view

What blocks are they ?...getting a concession doesnt mean exploration, just means the right of exploration, as pointed out earlier the recently awarded concessions are no where near Koh Samui - closest point is 160km away

Here is an excellent map produced by the Department of Mineral Fuels on the location of just about all land and sea concessions in Thailand.


Helps puts things into perspective. More generally, the DMF website is actually one of the better sources of information on concessions in Thailand. Hopefully it can add some (factual) information to what is passing for a debate here.


Chris Larkin

Managing Director

CLC Asia



to all of those who seem to have knowledge of the oil and gas rigs going of the coast near koh samui and koh phangan here's some information I have for you

Several firms have obtained concessions to explore for petroleum at sites in the region. The closest drilling site is 42km off Koh Samui, but the border of that site is only 5km from the island's beaches.

so you'll really big able to see the oil rig maybe up close and from the bangkok airways airplane oh such a view

Just read most of the threads on this post...how amusing. Those with vested interests in the oil industry defending the oil industry, those with vested interests in the tourism industry trying to defend the tourist industry, jealousy from the have nots towards the haves, denial from the do gooders about the nature of humanity! I little gem of a microcosm of the never ending little factions of mankind.

My only interest is in increasing the supply of oil and gas to bring down the price of gas at the pump and plastics etc. and everything else the price of oil adds to the cost of either by manf. or transport.

So yea I guess I am vested like every one on the planet. I'll be dead when the powers that be allow a viable alterative so 'drill baby drill'.


I'm sitting in an onshore oil and gas facility right now looking out my window at the sea.

I would just like to say get stuffed to all the tree huggers and the begrudgers who are using the products that are produced by oil and gas,

Aspirin, Computers, Crayons, Dentures ,Diapers ,Fertilizers ,Food Storage Bags, Glue,Life Jackets, Lipstick, tights, Piano Keys, Shampoo, Shaving Cream, Soft Contact Lenses, Toothpaste ,Vitamin Capsules, Ammonia, Anesthetics, Antihistamines, Artificial limbs, Artificial Turf, Antiseptics, Aspirin, Auto Parts, Awnings, Balloons, Ballpoint pens, Bandages, Beach Umbrellas, Boats, Cameras, Candles, Car Battery Cases, Carpets, Caulking, Combs, Cortisones, Cosmetics, Crayons, Credit Cards, Curtains, Deodorants, Detergents, Dice, Disposable Diapers, Dolls, Dyes, Eye Glasses, Electrical Wiring Insulation, Fishing Rods, Fishing Lines, Fishing Lures, Food Preservatives, Food Packaging, Garden Hose, Glue, Hair Coloring, Hair Curlers, Hand Lotion, Hearing Aids, Heart Valves, Ink, Insect Repellant, Insecticides, Linoleum, Lip Stick, Milk Jugs, Nail Polish, Oil Filters, Panty Hose, Perfume, Petroleum Jelly, Rubber Cement, Rubbing Alcohol, Shampoo, Shaving Cream, Shoes, Toothpaste, Trash Bags, Upholstery, Vitamin Capsules, Water Pipes, Yarn.


to name but a few.


to all of those who seem to have knowledge of the oil and gas rigs going of the coast near koh samui and koh phangan here's some information I have for you

Several firms have obtained concessions to explore for petroleum at sites in the region. The closest drilling site is 42km off Koh Samui, but the border of that site is only 5km from the island's beaches.

so you'll really big able to see the oil rig maybe up close and from the bangkok airways airplane oh such a view

What blocks are they ?...getting a concession doesnt mean exploration, just means the right of exploration, as pointed out earlier the recently awarded concessions are no where near Koh Samui - closest point is 160km away


My only interest is in increasing the supply of oil and gas to bring down the price of gas at the pump and plastics etc. and everything else the price of oil adds to the cost of either by manf. or transport.

So yea I guess I am vested like every one on the planet. I'll be dead when the powers that be allow a viable alterative so 'drill baby drill'.

The simplist solution is to get goverments to reduce their taxation....:whistling:


I'm sitting in an onshore oil and gas facility right now looking out my window at the sea.

I would just like to say get stuffed to all the tree huggers and the begrudgers who are using the products that are produced by oil and gas,

Spoken like a true O&G guy....well done...:lol:

Lets hope the barrel rates continue to increase......more days more pays ....happy days are here again.....:rolleyes:


I'm sitting in an onshore oil and gas facility right now looking out my window at the sea.

I would just like to say get stuffed to all the tree huggers and the begrudgers who are using the products that are produced by oil and gas,

Spoken like a true O&G guy....well done...:lol:

Lets hope the barrel rates continue to increase......more days more pays ....happy days are here again.....:rolleyes:

Day worked multiplied by day rate= happiness ;)


Here is an excellent map produced by the Department of Mineral Fuels on the location of just about all land and sea concessions in Thailand.


Helps puts things into perspective. More generally, the DMF website is actually one of the better sources of information on concessions in Thailand. Hopefully it can add some (factual) information to what is passing for a debate here.


Chris Larkin

Managing Director

CLC Asia


This concessions map can be read and looked at in conjunction with


Although a bit dated, give a good overview of where the producing basin's are and the over all geology of the gulf and why drilling/production in close proximity of Koh Samui is highly unlikely


Here is an excellent map produced by the Department of Mineral Fuels on the location of just about all land and sea concessions in Thailand.


Helps puts things into perspective. More generally, the DMF website is actually one of the better sources of information on concessions in Thailand. Hopefully it can add some (factual) information to what is passing for a debate here.


Chris Larkin

Managing Director

CLC Asia


There is only about 12 rigs drilling in the whole Gulf of Thailand which is nothing really specially if you compare it to the number of islands which is over a hundred.


These islands become R&R retreats for the platforms. In fact they are already, for quite some time. Thus they bring in money to these islands.

The only big negative for me is if they have an oil spill. This is Thailand and PTT had a major spill off Australia recently. Safety and all that and doing things on the cheap to maximise profits...

The first point is true but as tourists abandon the islands then the cold wind will blow for sure especially when the oil 'barons' move on to pastures new! The second point is the key point to this debate - the oil industry doesnt have a reliable reputation in this area.


These islands become R&R retreats for the platforms. In fact they are already, for quite some time. Thus they bring in money to these islands.

The only big negative for me is if they have an oil spill. This is Thailand and PTT had a major spill off Australia recently. Safety and all that and doing things on the cheap to maximise profits...

The first point is true but as tourists abandon the islands then the cold wind will blow for sure especially when the oil 'barons' move on to pastures new! The second point is the key point to this debate - the oil industry doesnt have a reliable reputation in this area.

Another industry expert I see......:whistling:

Please provide factual information of why the oil industry in this area doesnt have a reliable reputable.....facts only please not what you heard from a man in a bar

If you actually took the time to read the full post...the new concessions are nowhere near the "tourist islands"


How this thread turned into an slanging match is beyond me....

I have worked as a consultant on many of the blocks identified in the DMF Map - Along with other areas I have witnessed companies loose millions of $ on unrealized exploration attempts. One company I witnessed spending in excess of US$120 million with no discovery (not in Thailand). These companies take huge 'educated risks'. They are not going to take these risks without the potential to realize significant gains. However we you choose criticize the Oil Compaies, we need these companies to be taking these risks.

Yes, like it or not, the Energy Industry is needed - At the moment there is no viable alternative for Oil and Gas.

There have been a couple of terrible disasters tarnishing the name of the oil industry, these were have been avoidable and every effort continues to be made to avoid further incidents, however the only true way to prevent another incident is to Stop the Production of Oil and Gas. However, If the oil industry stopped producing oil and gas the impact would spiral the globe into a crisis far beyond any witnessed in human history.

The environmental impact of every operation I have witnessed is taken more seriously than that of any other industry or operation I know of. Certainly I know of operations in Thailand where even the rain water run off from location is tested for Chemicals etc, where factories and sugar plants etc down the roads are dumping waste into the nearby rivers and belching out fumes at an unimaginable level. The Oil industry IMO takes a far more responsible approach.

The subject of this thread before side tracking was regarding the discovery of Oil and Gas in the Gulf of Thailand. Firstly 'Drillers' do not discovery anything, they follow the instructions of the 'Geologists'. There is a continual phase of exploration, appraisal and development that has been going going since Unocal first discovered oil in Erawan field in 1973 - This announcement is nothing new what soever.

The DMF (also known as Dumb Mother..... you get it) in a so very typically Thai way have made a press announcement to puff up their feathers ahead of election time... I can't see anything more to this story than that.


The environmental impact of every operation I have witnessed is taken more seriously than that of any other industry or operation I know of. Certainly I know of operations in Thailand where even the rain water run off from location is tested for Chemicals etc, where factories and sugar plants etc down the roads are dumping waste into the nearby rivers and belching out fumes at an unimaginable level. The Oil industry IMO takes a far more responsible approach.

The subject of this thread before side tracking was regarding the discovery of Oil and Gas in the Gulf of Thailand. Firstly 'Drillers' do not discovery anything, they follow the instructions of the 'Geologists'. There is a continual phase of exploration, appraisal and development that has been going going since Unocal first discovered oil in Erawan field in 1973 - This announcement is nothing new what soever.

Well said....having working in many places in the world, IMHO the gulf of Thailand operations are some of the best set up in the world as regards their approach to safety/enviromental etc.


Prey tell how much you have sent to Japan and to the victims of the Southern floods ? :huh:

The oil companies are providing jobs and security for many local families and businesses in the area and the offshore workers spend a lot of money en route to the platforms and on the way home.

Just your typical knee jerk reaction from tree hugging loonies :o

Spoken like a true O&G guy...well done..:lol: ......the tree huggers would have us on solar power, riding a donkey and eating lentils...

Yes....god bless the O&G guys......the poor peoples saviour....... when you ruin the environment and leave behind fishing grounds devoid of life.....I bet the villagers will be thanking you for all that beer you bought over the years, not to mention taking advantage of the girls and cheap living costs allowing you to save your above minimum wage on your month off.


Prey tell how much you have sent to Japan and to the victims of the Southern floods ? :huh:

The oil companies are providing jobs and security for many local families and businesses in the area and the offshore workers spend a lot of money en route to the platforms and on the way home.

Just your typical knee jerk reaction from tree hugging loonies :o

Spoken like a true O&G guy...well done..:lol: ......the tree huggers would have us on solar power, riding a donkey and eating lentils...

. when you ruin the environment and leave behind fishing grounds devoid of life.....I bet the villagers will be thanking you for all that beer you bought over the years, not to mention taking advantage of the girls and cheap living costs allowing you to save your above minimum wage on your month off.

Where in the gulf has the envioment been ruined and fishing grounds been rendered deviod of life by O&G ?......I frequently hang over the hand rail watching whale sharks and turtles and all the loverly fish....so if you have facts to sustantiate this claim please post

I may be tempted to take advantage of girls but Mrs Soutpeel would cut my b*lls off...:rolleyes: .....yes my wage is significantly above minimum wage even by most western countries standards thank you very much and would be putting a sizeable amount of money away each month irrespective of where I lived even in a western country...;)

Let me guess you are in Thailand for the temples and culture...??...you dont drive a car, motor bike..but ride a donkey, use solar power and eat lentils ?

I do detect a hint of jealousy of offshore oil & gas workers in your post....:whistling:


Prey tell how much you have sent to Japan and to the victims of the Southern floods ? :huh:

The oil companies are providing jobs and security for many local families and businesses in the area and the offshore workers spend a lot of money en route to the platforms and on the way home.

Just your typical knee jerk reaction from tree hugging loonies :o

Spoken like a true O&G guy...well done..:lol: ......the tree huggers would have us on solar power, riding a donkey and eating lentils...

. when you ruin the environment and leave behind fishing grounds devoid of life.....I bet the villagers will be thanking you for all that beer you bought over the years, not to mention taking advantage of the girls and cheap living costs allowing you to save your above minimum wage on your month off.

Where in the gulf has the envioment been ruined and fishing grounds been rendered deviod of life by O&G ?......I frequently hang over the hand rail watching whale sharks and turtles and all the loverly fish....so if you have facts to sustantiate this claim please post

I may be tempted to take advantage of girls but Mrs Soutpeel would cut my b*lls off...:rolleyes: .....yes my wage is significantly above minimum wage even by most western countries standards thank you very much and would be putting a sizeable amount of money away each month irrespective of where I lived even in a western country...;)

Let me guess you are in Thailand for the temples and culture...??...you dont drive a car, motor bike..but ride a donkey, use solar power and eat lentils ?

I do detect a hint of jealousy of offshore oil & gas workers in your post....:whistling:

don't forget, he rowed his boat from Farangland to get to Thailand. The boat being made of recycled wood.

Pearl Oil found petroleum in G6/50 field; Chevron (Thailand) discovered it in G7/50; and PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) made its find in the G8/50 field.

Well I'm not going to add to the debate for and against the oil and gas business as firstly I'm biased and secondly the defence has been very eloquently put already.

However I've got to say one thing, I am darned impressed with the skill of these guys. Most people only find crude oil that has to be put through expensive refineries to make it useful. These boys have cut out the middle man and found a naturally occuring source of the end product. :o Any more discoveries like that and I might have to think about retirement. ;)

Pearl Oil found petroleum in G6/50 field; Chevron (Thailand) discovered it in G7/50; and PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) made its find in the G8/50 field.

Well I'm not going to add to the debate for and against the oil and gas business as firstly I'm biased and secondly the defence has been very eloquently put already.

However I've got to say one thing, I am darned impressed with the skill of these guys. Most people only find crude oil that has to be put through expensive refineries to make it useful. These boys have cut out the middle man and found a naturally occuring source of the end product. :o Any more discoveries like that and I might have to think about retirement. ;)

yes, it has naturally high occurrence of Jet there. Only a little bit of bunker coming out, just enough for the VLCC's to ship them off.


"330 million cubic feet per day" Jeez, and who wil take care of all those crippled people ?

I thought Thaïland was a "metric system" country, but in fact it bows to The Imperium ...


Pearl Oil found petroleum in G6/50 field; Chevron (Thailand) discovered it in G7/50; and PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) made its find in the G8/50 field.

Well I'm not going to add to the debate for and against the oil and gas business as firstly I'm biased and secondly the defence has been very eloquently put already.

However I've got to say one thing, I am darned impressed with the skill of these guys. Most people only find crude oil that has to be put through expensive refineries to make it useful. These boys have cut out the middle man and found a naturally occuring source of the end product. :o Any more discoveries like that and I might have to think about retirement. ;)

:lol: missed that one...


"330 million cubic feet per day" Jeez, and who wil take care of all those crippled people ?

I thought Thaïland was a "metric system" country, but in fact it bows to The Imperium ...


Measuring gas production in cubic feet is a customary unit world wide.....nothing to do with Imperialism.

O&G in Thailand actually uses mixed units ie both metric and imperial units...eg pipe diameter in inches and wall thinkness of said pipe in mm, even by people brought up in the metric system.

So sorry to burst your imperialist p*g conspiracey theroy....:whistling:


Prey tell how much you have sent to Japan and to the victims of the Southern floods ? :huh:

The oil companies are providing jobs and security for many local families and businesses in the area and the offshore workers spend a lot of money en route to the platforms and on the way home.

Just your typical knee jerk reaction from tree hugging loonies :o

Spoken like a true O&G guy...well done..:lol: ......the tree huggers would have us on solar power, riding a donkey and eating lentils...

Yes....god bless the O&G guys......the poor peoples saviour....... when you ruin the environment and leave behind fishing grounds devoid of life.....I bet the villagers will be thanking you for all that beer you bought over the years, not to mention taking advantage of the girls and cheap living costs allowing you to save your above minimum wage on your month off.

Not sure where you get your sea life info from but there is more sea life around offshore rigs as they form an artificial reef and support many forms of sea life, so much so that enviromentalist want the rigs left in place.

As for taking advantage of girls your name Mr Nawtier would suggest you may well partake in something similar?

I think a small donation is better than no donation, lots of small fish make a meal.


Funny how I knew the answers before they were written.

I hope you have more concern for the environment and its flora and fauna that your well paid for toil effects in the long run......than the sea life you see frolicking about beneath your rig.

It is nice you appreciate the short term benefits......turn a blind eye to all else though and you sleep better at night hey !!

Carry on.


I do detect a hint of jealousy of offshore oil & gas workers in your post....:whistling:

Yes....I really wish I had to work away from home for what...at the best month on month off and deal with the stench of your oilfields.......instead of what I do now.......I really really envy you.


I do detect a hint of jealousy of offshore oil & gas workers in your post....:whistling:

Yes....I really wish I had to work away from home for what...at the best month on month off and deal with the stench of your oilfields.......instead of what I do now.......I really really envy you.

Why what do you do now?

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