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another environmental vandal.......you and big guy and sandman should start a 'friends of O&G' feel good group........you could play dunk the pelican in a tub of oil for laughs.

So you yourself are not responsible in any way for using any hydrocarbons?

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I really couldn't give a rats either way. All I want to do is get a job on one of them instead of stuck in my bloody office earning a pittance. :D


You are protesting a tad much there for an innocent big guy.....

Your term 'tree huggers' shows your ignorance in such a big way.......the air you breath is from those trees people try to protect.....perhaps you would prefer bottled air ??

And the fuel you are putting in your motor bike or maybe even your car , the power for your computer, lights & aircon....comes from O&G guys who are producing that hydrocarbon....perhaps you would prefer no hydrocarbons ?....:rolleyes:

To date you havent even constructed a rational arguement or provided any facts..., so lets talk about ignorance in a subject...:rolleyes:

Now there is a subject he is really qualified to speak about. ie "how to NOT use facts or reason to propigate lies'

He not only drinks their 'Kool-Aid' he spews it out. It is easier than thinking and it works for any topics these liberal elitist

are attacking. Don't forget they know what is best for us. Who needs facts we make up our own is their credo.


another environmental vandal.......you and big guy and sandman should start a 'friends of O&G' feel good group........you could play dunk the pelican in a tub of oil for laughs.

Or maybe we could form a group called "dunk the idiot living in a bamboo hut in a tub of bicycle’s"


Or maybe we could form a group called "dunk the idiot living in a bamboo hut in a tub of bicycle's"

has sandman been dishing out funny lessons on the quiet ??


another environmental vandal.......you and big guy and sandman should start a 'friends of O&G' feel good group........you could play dunk the pelican in a tub of oil for laughs.

Or maybe we could form a group called "dunk the idiot living in a bamboo hut in a tub of bicycle's"

The one thing that occured to me after reading all our favorite tree hugger posts is the famous quote which starts....."Dont argue with an idiot.....:rolleyes:

Maybe our favourite tree hugger is just a troll...trying to wind people up...


and along comes the environmental vandal without a care in the world....

If you choose to be so ignorant of what you and your industry does around the world...up to you.

I would wager you are the type of guy that smokes at the table in a restaurant ignorant of your smoke affecting all those around you...but you place the offending piece of filth away from your eyes so it drifts anywhere but to you or perhaps your nearest guest....yet each and every other person is affected ......all to your blissful ignorance....as most smokers are.


Nawtier - I do suspect you may be attempting to achieve nothing more than obtaining a rise with some of your more emotional rhetoric against the oil industry. I also would agree that a few tree hugger comments may have led to a childish need to do this.

While the Energy Industries are not perfect they are without doubt necessary. It is also without doubt that these Energy Companies are heavily reliant on Oil.

Notice I use the phrase Energy companies rather than Oil Companies - I do this to outline the fact that as soon as there are economically viable alternative energy sources these very same companies will be front-lining this resource.

My cousin works in what I'm assuming to be a relatively high global position in Green Peace - Christmas dinner a few years back generated some highly interesting discussion, we agreed on pretty much all the major points.

We can't avoid the fact that without fossil fuels the currently global economy would meltdown, the knock on effect would be far more devastating than any human-created-environmental disaster thus far. Green Peace work with the 'Energy Companies' to mitigate any ill effect the industry may have on the local and global environment while at the same time recognising its necessity.

I don't suggest that the Energy / Oil Industry is Perfect - But the Oil Industry is certainly by no means the devil some suggest. These very same Energy Companies with the investment of their vast resources will at some point in the future secure economically viable cleaner alternatives but they can't do so with out continued financial investment - that money has to come from somewhere and at the moment is profits from Oil and Gas production.


and along comes the environmental vandal without a care in the world....

If you choose to be so ignorant of what you and your industry does around the world...up to you.

I would wager you are the type of guy that smokes at the table in a restaurant ignorant of your smoke affecting all those around you...but you place the offending piece of filth away from your eyes so it drifts anywhere but to you or perhaps your nearest guest....yet each and every other person is affected ......all to your blissful ignorance....as most smokers are.

It that was in an air conditioned restaurant in Thailand...that would be illegal....:whistling: and I agree with you not good to smoke at the dinner table...and I smoke

So as you can't get at the O&G guys...you are now turning your pathetic rhetoric at smokers...whose next the beer drinkers


PTT is a corporation that make the top profit in Thailand...

Thailand and its own people are enjoying the wealth?

Will the quality of life (the locals) be better? i doubt.... the petrol is cheaper? Nope... only their own people , very small group of people.....

destroying the marine life.... their environment......

Total + Chevron + PTT = (Environment destruction)10

Total has its YANADA project running in Myanmar.... and is waiting to get mega projects when the land dispute between the Cambodian and the Thai is over.....


Total + Chevron + PTT = (Environment destruction)10

Please provide factual information to substantiate this..?

FYI...its not PTT offshore its PTTEP...:whistling:


and along comes the environmental vandal without a care in the world....

If you choose to be so ignorant of what you and your industry does around the world...up to you.

I would wager you are the type of guy that smokes at the table in a restaurant ignorant of your smoke affecting all those around you...but you place the offending piece of filth away from your eyes so it drifts anywhere but to you or perhaps your nearest guest....yet each and every other person is affected ......all to your blissful ignorance....as most smokers are.

The Analogy is Childish - Attempting a personal attack is not really an intelligent method in discussing your side of this interesting debate.

Responding to the initial comment: I suggest we in the Oil Industry are far less ignorant of the damaging impact the oil industry has had on the world than anyone else- with all the facts and first hand information at hand we have the most balanced view point.

The favorable incomes of those in the Oil Industry is not sufficient reason to suggest 'brain washing' to a degree of blindness to what environmental damage the oil industry may generate. Being in the industry we 'see everything' which is why we can easily make accurate and unbiassed statements regarding what we have observed with regards to environmental damage in our careers.

The fact that we haven't seen anything is not reason to draw analogy that we are financially brainwashed - With an open mind we simply haven't observed anything considered environmentally damaging (other than the visual pollution of an oil platform at sea - but them some buildings in a city are dammed ugly too !)....

A discussion of pollution as a result of combusted hydrocarbons and CO2 generation vs global warming etc... is something everyone is aware of and that would lead on to a different discussion i.e. deforestation etc... volcanoes (CO2 production) etc...

What you are suggesting is that the Oil Industry directly pollutes its environment. What we who work in the industry are saying is that we haven't witnessed this.


Total + Chevron + PTT = (Environment destruction)10

Please provide factual information to substantiate this..?

FYI...its not PTT offshore its PTTEP...:whistling:

Yep......... PTTEP is the one.... thankx


Nawtier....been reading your responses for a while now and you seem like yet another "typical" Eco Warrior without any clear concept or alternative to the way we live now, but you seem to think its perfectably acceptable to assume that everyone that works in the oil and gas industry wants to somehow destroy the world??? Going off your argument, you should also be targeting anyone that works in any kind of Industry at all...Yes even basket weavers like yourself!

Every single one of us are responsible for the damage done to the enviroment to some degree or other...have you any idea how much fuel is used to make the trendy cotton T-Shirt, shorts and sandal you are wearing no doubt wearing as you sit there reading this with maybe an ice cold refrigerated drink or hot herbal drink in your airconditioned house listening to a bit of background music reading this email on your monitor...

As most of the electricity in the world is provided by some kind of fossil fuel i would like to hear your alternative solution?


PTT is a corporation that make the top profit in Thailand...

Thailand and its own people are enjoying the wealth?

Will the quality of life (the locals) be better? i doubt.... the petrol is cheaper? Nope... only their own people , very small group of people.....

destroying the marine life.... their environment......

Total + Chevron + PTT = (Environment destruction)10

Total has its YANADA project running in Myanmar.... and is waiting to get mega projects when the land dispute between the Cambodian and the Thai is over.....

No one is denying that these companies operate for profit - Of course they do, what's the point otherwise? - An Exploration well costs anywhere from 5 to 200 Million Dollars, in my experience only 1 in 20 exploration wells pay off. Who would risk such monies without sufficient rewards ?

Destruction of Marine Life ? Apart from the fact that there are a significant number of land operations which are no more damaging to the environment than the farming of a single field (thats all the space it takes up), I have no idea where this 'Destruction of Marine Life' idea originates. In the USA mothballed ships have been used as reefs, in a similar manner the platforms in the GOT generate a form of artificial reef - We don't see dead fish etc floating around - but hoards of marine life can be observed ranging from Barracuda, whale sharks, pilot whales, sharks, flying fish... on some days the sights are truly incredible.

Where is this 'destruction of Marine life' idea coming from ?


PTT is a corporation that make the top profit in Thailand...

Thailand and its own people are enjoying the wealth?

Will the quality of life (the locals) be better? i doubt.... the petrol is cheaper? Nope... only their own people , very small group of people.....

destroying the marine life.... their environment......

Total + Chevron + PTT = (Environment destruction)10

Total has its YANADA project running in Myanmar.... and is waiting to get mega projects when the land dispute between the Cambodian and the Thai is over.....

No one is denying that these companies operate for profit - Of course they do, what's the point otherwise? - An Exploration well costs anywhere from 5 to 200 Million Dollars, in my experience only 1 in 20 exploration wells pay off. Who would risk such monies without sufficient rewards ?

Destruction of Marine Life ? Apart from the fact that there are a significant number of land operations which are no more damaging to the environment than the farming of a single field (thats all the space it takes up), I have no idea where this 'Destruction of Marine Life' idea originates. In the USA mothballed ships have been used as reefs, in a similar manner the platforms in the GOT generate a form of artificial reef - We don't see dead fish etc floating around - but hoards of marine life can be observed ranging from Barracuda, whale sharks, pilot whales, sharks, flying fish... on some days the sights are truly incredible.

Where is this 'destruction of Marine life' idea coming from ?

the cables, communication and electricity etc and the pipes installations..............are not wanted..... they are not the environment friendly....though

.... and recently, PTTep similar to BP in the states.....

The fire that destroyed a leaking oil drilling platform that has been spewing crude oil into the Timor Sea, north of Australia, for months has finally been extinguished, PTTEP chief executive officer Anon Sirisaengtaksin said on Tuesday.


the cables, communication and electricity etc and the pipes installations..............are not wanted..... they are not the environment friendly....though

:lol: ....please elaborate...where are are sub-sea electrical cables in the Gulf of Thailand ?....:blink: ...you are surely dont think they get the power for the ptatforms from the beach do you via an extension lead....:blink:

If you didnt have the comms cables is the gulf you would not be typing on TV right now.

Who doesnt want the pipelines ?.....the fish...:lol:

Why are these items not enviormentally unfriendly ?


the cables, communication and electricity etc and the pipes installations..............are not wanted..... they are not the environment friendly....though

:lol: ....please elaborate...where are are sub-sea electrical cables in the Gulf of Thailand ?....:blink: ...you are surely dont think they get the power for the ptatforms from the beach do you via an extension lead....:blink:

for this .....one I am not sure.... give me more information if you can... please.

If you didnt have the comms cables is the gulf you would not be typing on TV right now. - i know they are for inter connections

Who doesnt want the pipelines ?.....the fish...:lol: although they are not seen from the surface.... but these things should be with the nature.... I DO not like it personally... and sure many others.

Why are these items not enviormentally unfriendly ? - How long will the distance be to some platforms? HOw much is the destruction to marine life like the coral... which is stationary

I am not expert in O&G area...

I met a guy working form a British company and its expertise in cabling providing to offshore platforms ..... not the tiny LAN or Broadband internet cables .... He said like Communication and power cables sub-sea installation.... If i'm wrong tell me... i will do a research....

I just got it................ A guy workin' offshore.... gave me the answer... there will be a power generator on a platform... so.... no need for the power cable installation...


the cables, communication and electricity etc and the pipes installations..............are not wanted..... they are not the environment friendly....though

:lol: ....please elaborate...where are are sub-sea electrical cables in the Gulf of Thailand ?....:blink: ...you are surely dont think they get the power for the ptatforms from the beach do you via an extension lead....:blink:

for this .....one I am not sure.... give me more information if you can... please.

If you didnt have the comms cables is the gulf you would not be typing on TV right now. - i know they are for inter connections

Who doesnt want the pipelines ?.....the fish...:lol: although they are not seen from the surface.... but these things should be with the nature.... I DO not like it personally... and sure many others.

Why are these items not enviormentally unfriendly ? - How long will the distance be to some platforms? HOw much is the destruction to marine life like the coral... which is stationary

I am not expert in O&G area...

I met a guy working form a British company and its expertise in cabling providing to offshore platforms ..... not the tiny LAN or Broadband internet cables .... He said like Communication and power cables sub-sea installation.... If i'm wrong tell me... i will do a research....

In the gulf of Thailand there are only 3 sub-sea coms cables, cabling on/to an offshore PF can mean a lot things, he may be taking about fibre optic cabling, a lot of remote facilties these days are linked together via fiber optics so they can be operated remotely from a central location, currently in the Gulf for the most part, same process via microwave links


PTT is a corporation that make the top profit in Thailand...

Thailand and its own people are enjoying the wealth?

Will the quality of life (the locals) be better? i doubt.... the petrol is cheaper? Nope... only their own people , very small group of people.....

destroying the marine life.... their environment......

Total + Chevron + PTT = (Environment destruction)10

Total has its YANADA project running in Myanmar.... and is waiting to get mega projects when the land dispute between the Cambodian and the Thai is over.....

No one is denying that these companies operate for profit - Of course they do, what's the point otherwise? - An Exploration well costs anywhere from 5 to 200 Million Dollars, in my experience only 1 in 20 exploration wells pay off. Who would risk such monies without sufficient rewards ?

Destruction of Marine Life ? Apart from the fact that there are a significant number of land operations which are no more damaging to the environment than the farming of a single field (thats all the space it takes up), I have no idea where this 'Destruction of Marine Life' idea originates. In the USA mothballed ships have been used as reefs, in a similar manner the platforms in the GOT generate a form of artificial reef - We don't see dead fish etc floating around - but hoards of marine life can be observed ranging from Barracuda, whale sharks, pilot whales, sharks, flying fish... on some days the sights are truly incredible.

Where is this 'destruction of Marine life' idea coming from ?

the cables, communication and electricity etc and the pipes installations..............are not wanted..... they are not the environment friendly....though

.... and recently, PTTep similar to BP in the states.....

The fire that destroyed a leaking oil drilling platform that has been spewing crude oil into the Timor Sea, north of Australia, for months has finally been extinguished, PTTEP chief executive officer Anon Sirisaengtaksin said on Tuesday.

Fair enough - There is also the Exxon Valdez, the Deepwater Horizon (GOM) and many others... These are disasters / accidents and they do destroy marine life. In very much a similar way plane crashes destroy human lives - The Airlines while to blame continue to be in such high demand and can not cease to operate because of this risk of human error and equipment failure (and even terrorism). In a similar manner the oil companies cannot cease to operate because of the global demands of you and I.

Normal operations have no effect on marine life. If we are going to discuss disasters and accidents we could be talking about any industry where accidents occur with damaging effects on the environment. When also including any industry we may well discover that many of the industries especially when 'local' (i.e. sugar refineries, cement factories etc in Thailand) damage the environment more frequently and substantially on a daily basis than any of the Oil Industry in the GOT.

Not to excuse those responsible: The reason these accidents reach such dramatic proportions is in part due to the volumes and rates we as a global society demand of the Oil and Gas Companies, it is also because of the dramatic proportions and implications of disasters in the Oil Industry that the measures in place to prevent any pollution are extensive and costly, however nothing is infallible as we are finding out in Japan.

Hydrocarbons are without alternative a critical resource to maintain our standard of health and living. Unfortunately maintaing our standards of Health and Living generate demands which come at a cost - That cost is not the not the short or long term environmental effects of daily operations because there are none and the oil industry on 'normal' operational basis is very clean.

The cost is the result of occasional disasters and their damaging impact on the environment: If this is what's is being said by those on the Side Debating against the Oil Industry, then I agree. But in this case, all industry falls under the same criticism and arguing solely against the oil industry indicates some bias.


thankx :jap:

In the gulf of Thailand there are only 3 sub-sea coms cables, cabling on/to an offshore PF can mean a lot things, he may be taking about fibre optic cabling, a lot of remote facilties these days are linked together via fiber optics so they can be operated remotely from a central location, currently in the Gulf for the most part, same process via microwave links

PTT is a corporation that make the top profit in Thailand...

Thailand and its own people are enjoying the wealth?

Will the quality of life (the locals) be better? i doubt.... the petrol is cheaper? Nope... only their own people , very small group of people.....

destroying the marine life.... their environment......

Total + Chevron + PTT = (Environment destruction)10

Total has its YANADA project running in Myanmar.... and is waiting to get mega projects when the land dispute between the Cambodian and the Thai is over.....

No one is denying that these companies operate for profit - Of course they do, what's the point otherwise? - An Exploration well costs anywhere from 5 to 200 Million Dollars, in my experience only 1 in 20 exploration wells pay off. Who would risk such monies without sufficient rewards ?

Destruction of Marine Life ? Apart from the fact that there are a significant number of land operations which are no more damaging to the environment than the farming of a single field (thats all the space it takes up), I have no idea where this 'Destruction of Marine Life' idea originates. In the USA mothballed ships have been used as reefs, in a similar manner the platforms in the GOT generate a form of artificial reef - We don't see dead fish etc floating around - but hoards of marine life can be observed ranging from Barracuda, whale sharks, pilot whales, sharks, flying fish... on some days the sights are truly incredible.

Where is this 'destruction of Marine life' idea coming from ?

the cables, communication and electricity etc and the pipes installations..............are not wanted..... they are not the environment friendly....though

.... and recently, PTTep similar to BP in the states.....

The fire that destroyed a leaking oil drilling platform that has been spewing crude oil into the Timor Sea, north of Australia, for months has finally been extinguished, PTTEP chief executive officer Anon Sirisaengtaksin said on Tuesday.

Fair enough - There is also the Exxon Valdez, the Deepwater Horizon (GOM) and many others... These are disasters / accidents and they do destroy marine life. In very much a similar way plane crashes destroy human lives - The Airlines while to blame continue to be in such high demand and can not cease to operate because of this risk of human error and equipment failure (and even terrorism). In a similar manner the oil companies cannot cease to operate because of the global demands of you and I.

Normal operations have no effect on marine life. If we are going to discuss disasters and accidents we could be talking about any industry where accidents occur with damaging effects on the environment. When also including any industry we may well discover that many of the industries especially when 'local' (i.e. sugar refineries, cement factories etc in Thailand) damage the environment more frequently and substantially on a daily basis than any of the Oil Industry in the GOT.

Not to excuse those responsible: The reason these accidents reach such dramatic proportions is in part due to the volumes and rates we as a global society demand of the Oil and Gas Companies, it is also because of the dramatic proportions and implications of disasters in the Oil Industry that the measures in place to prevent any pollution are extensive and costly, however nothing is infallible as we are finding out in Japan.

Hydrocarbons are without alternative a critical resource to maintain our standard of health and living. Unfortunately maintaing our standards of Health and Living generate demands which come at a cost - That cost is not the not the short or long term environmental effects of daily operations because there are none and the oil industry on 'normal' operational basis is very clean.

The cost is the result of occasional disasters and their damaging impact on the environment: If this is what's is being said by those on the Side Debating against the Oil Industry, then I agree. But in this case, all industry falls under the same criticism and arguing solely against the oil industry indicates some bias.

I agree

I 'm not sure how many of the members in this forum are working for O&G especially PTTep...

PTT is the top earning profit in Thailand.... .... PTT so far hasn't returned anything much to the society.... that's why we spend too much for gasoline.. as the price is based on the retail price index in Singapore . very disappointed .... thankx for your information anyway..:jap:


I agree

I 'm not sure how many of the members in this forum are working for O&G especially PTTep...

PTT is the top earning profit in Thailand.... .... PTT so far hasn't returned anything much to the society.... that's why we spend too much for gasoline.. as the price is based on the retail price index in Singapore . very disappointed .... thankx for your information anyway..:jap:

Its not PTT or PTTEP or Chevron or Total who "set" the price at the pumps, in reality its the goverment....the biggest portion of cost on 1 liter of fuel is tax to the goverment, this is where people get confused about pump prices


PTT is a corporation that make the top profit in Thailand...

Thailand and its own people are enjoying the wealth?

Will the quality of life (the locals) be better? i doubt.... the petrol is cheaper? Nope... only their own people , very small group of people.....

destroying the marine life.... their environment......

Total + Chevron + PTT = (Environment destruction)10

Total has its YANADA project running in Myanmar.... and is waiting to get mega projects when the land dispute between the Cambodian and the Thai is over.....

Well, PTT is a third owned by shareholders - ie Thai citizens, foreign investors + fund managers. The other 2/3's are owned by the government. PTT also owns a number of subsidiaries, either with a majority, or in some cases, a minority holding with the remainder either listed or in a JV. Indeed PTT has its hand in most downstream and upstream activities. Basically, any Thai can invest in PTT, and many do...and enjoy the benefits.

As for petrol being cheaper - why should it be? The world market sets the price (excluding taxes). If for some reason Thailand decided to set prices cheaper than the world price, then people would consume more oil than they normally would, investment would be distorted, and more importantly, there would be no incentive to invest in Thai oil exploration as the returns wouldn't be as attractive. You'd have the industry basically decay and then go backwards.


I just got it................ A guy workin' offshore.... gave me the answer... there will be a power generator on a platform... so.... no need for the power cable installation...

You got it....:lol: and the generators are fueled by ? (at least in the gulf of Thailand) Natrual gas which comes from the wells, they even have solar panels as well..!!!...so who was saying oil companies dont embrace renewable energy sources...;)

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