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Thaksin Kicks Off Election Campaign In New Phone-In

Lite Beer

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Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained. Other wise his grave becomes a shrine for further burnishing to a demi-god status, demagoguery, and others will milk that for decades to come.

Do you honestly believe that calling for the death of Thaksin is a responsible statement? And yet you point your finger at various political groups in Thailand calling them violent thugs? You can dance around with semantics and claim oh, but it was just a hypothetical scenario and snicker. Sadly, the fact remains that you are calling for death. Did you think your statement through? If a plane goes down, and is never found or specifically explained, what happens to the crew, or does your sick fantasy only have Thaksin on board? Basically you are asking that the pilot, co-pilot and FAs die too. Nice. Would you like to have a super orgasm and have the privilige of telling the aircraft crew's family that their loved ones died? Would your joy go to a new height if you could laugh at a kid while saying, Guess what, your daddy died at sea, hahaha??

As his own press clippings show, a single-seat F-16 should relieve you of your concerns...


Geriatric, where does it say I 'called for his death'?

Where does it say I 'called someone to do this'?

Or does it say the flight crew should die to further this?

Anywhere? No, it doesn't.

I just said it would be a "better resolution" of the political crisis, than most other possibilities. In reference to another statement you might have been more correct aiming your over heated and over wraught invective at.

While he is alive he is clearly obsessed with getting power back, and his recent past history shows he has no compunctions about how he does this. This weeks announcements show he is no more lucid than he was this time last year, and that is not totally, and as obsessed as ever. So yes, if he goes by Act of God or mechanical accident, it does pull the plug on much of Thailands current problems and political crisis.

Noting this, is not the same as calling for an assassination, is it? Oops. You just fell off your high horse.

Yes he want´s the power back. I think he also want´s revenge.

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Just read in the other BKK English newspaper that there was speculation that Thaksin will back his sister (Yingluck Shinawatra) to be the next PM.

The party also says the person who the elect to be the party leader may not be the same person they choose for PM.

Doesn't really sound like a party that wants the public to know what they are up to.

What point are you making? It's quite common in parliamentary democracies for the leader of the party not to also be the PM because the PM doesn't have time to handle the daily running of the party's business. At least that's the way it works in UK. Is Obama the leader of the Democraty party?

Obama is a directly elected president. A president isn't elected as part of an election of MPs and can for all intent and purposes be an independent.

Talk about comparing Oranges and Birds.

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Just read in the other BKK English newspaper that there was speculation that Thaksin will back his sister (Yingluck Shinawatra) to be the next PM.

The party also says the person who the elect to be the party leader may not be the same person they choose for PM.

Doesn't really sound like a party that wants the public to know what they are up to.

What point are you making? It's quite common in parliamentary democracies for the leader of the party not to also be the PM because the PM doesn't have time to handle the daily running of the party's business. At least that's the way it works in UK. Is Obama the leader of the Democraty party?

Please name a parliamentary democracy where the PM is not the leader of the party in government. Or, just to make it easier for you, name a party (in government or opposition) where the leader is not the PM candidate.

I am not say there aren't any, it's just that I have never known of one. I know it's never happened in Aus.

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Just read in the other BKK English newspaper that there was speculation that Thaksin will back his sister (Yingluck Shinawatra) to be the next PM.

The party also says the person who the elect to be the party leader may not be the same person they choose for PM.

Doesn't really sound like a party that wants the public to know what they are up to.

What point are you making? It's quite common in parliamentary democracies for the leader of the party not to also be the PM because the PM doesn't have time to handle the daily running of the party's business. At least that's the way it works in UK. Is Obama the leader of the Democraty party?

Please name a parliamentary democracy where the PM is not the leader of the party in government. Or, just to make it easier for you, name a party (in government or opposition) where the leader is not the PM candidate.

I am not say there aren't any, it's just that I have never known of one. I know it's never happened in Aus.

Thanks for the clarification. I suspected it was not too common because if it was then why would it need mentioning in a news article.

But the fact it could be possible leaves this American a bit confused being that we do vote for the actual President who seems to hold similar power as a PM. Would just seem odd to me to vote for a party but not be sure who they are going to choose to head up the country. Of course I am assuming that if they can pick anybody to be PM and have it not be the party leader that they can also do this at any time including after the election but correct me if I am wrong.

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I expect Apisit will offer to debate other Prime Minister candidates on TV and of course they will refuse because they can't hold a candle to him.

To be honest the election is going to be decided on who the known candidate in a rural area is, and usually another bug hitter wouldnt dare run against the annointed one controlled by the money lenders, mafia and millers, so most arent even competetive races. What information put out is usually blatant propaganda and there is no attempt at all to allow people balance in making decisions. It is slightly better in urban areas where varied information is more easily accesible. Note how people must vote where their house is registered and not where they live and how there are always attempts to diminish the number of early voters who can vote out of constituency and have their vote counted locally. These voters tend to be be less influencible than those living in the villages. Of course influence comes not just from bad things but from being able to supply information too by which people decide how to vote. It makes whoever controls that info very powerful and is the usual overlord in most places.

Interesting that Thai people equate democracy with freedoms and rights over elections.

Anyway nobody would want to go head to head nationally with Abhisit as it gives him access to places where information is heavily controlled by his enemies, and they saw his performance against the red leaders. No poltician is going to give advantage to another. This is about power. In many ways Thailand isnt unique in this respect.

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.... assorted earlier posts redacted....

Yes he want´s the power back. I think he also want´s revenge.

Yes, and THAT is the greater worry than most other possibilities. He has shown he can be more than normally vindictive in the past, why would that change.

Edited by animatic
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Just read in the other BKK English newspaper that there was speculation that Thaksin will back his sister (Yingluck Shinawatra) to be the next PM.

The party also says the person who the elect to be the party leader may not be the same person they choose for PM.

Doesn't really sound like a party that wants the public to know what they are up to.

What point are you making? It's quite common in parliamentary democracies for the leader of the party not to also be the PM because the PM doesn't have time to handle the daily running of the party's business. At least that's the way it works in UK. Is Obama the leader of the Democraty party?

No, Obama is not the leader.

Democratic National Committee Chairman

Gov. Tim Kaine

Upon his election as the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Gov. Tim Kaine declared that Democrats will continue to fight in all 50 states "now and forever."

Gov. Kaine, fluent in Spanish from his community service as a missionary in Honduras,

believes that every state, every region, every community, and every person matters.

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I expect Apisit will offer to debate other Prime Minister candidates on TV and of course they will refuse because they can't hold a candle to him.

To be honest the election is going to be decided on who the known candidate in a rural area is, and usually another bug hitter wouldnt dare run against the annointed one controlled by the money lenders, mafia and millers, so most arent even competetive races. What information put out is usually blatant propaganda and there is no attempt at all to allow people balance in making decisions. It is slightly better in urban areas where varied information is more easily accesible. Note how people must vote where their house is registered and not where they live and how there are always attempts to diminish the number of early voters who can vote out of constituency and have their vote counted locally. These voters tend to be be less influencible than those living in the villages. Of course influence comes not just from bad things but from being able to supply information too by which people decide how to vote. It makes whoever controls that info very powerful and is the usual overlord in most places.

Interesting that Thai people equate democracy with freedoms and rights over elections.

Anyway nobody would want to go head to head nationally with Abhisit as it gives him access to places where information is heavily controlled by his enemies, and they saw his performance against the red leaders. No poltician is going to give advantage to another. This is about power. In many ways Thailand isnt unique in this respect.

Yes, he wiped the floor with Veera Nutawat and Jatuporn even three on one, and no chance even the likes of a departed Chalerm can make a dent in his technique, one on one.

Add to that the obvious need to control the dialog in the hustings, and if there is a widely reprinted debate between their people and Abhisit it is MUCH harder to suppress. It's like the movie Brazil, controlling the information is the most important thing, secondly controlling the regional heads and then they controlling the tambon heads.

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Just read in the other BKK English newspaper that there was speculation that Thaksin will back his sister (Yingluck Shinawatra) to be the next PM.

The party also says the person who the elect to be the party leader may not be the same person they choose for PM.

Doesn't really sound like a party that wants the public to know what they are up to.

What point are you making? It's quite common in parliamentary democracies for the leader of the party not to also be the PM because the PM doesn't have time to handle the daily running of the party's business. At least that's the way it works in UK. Is Obama the leader of the Democraty party?

No, Obama is not the leader.

In the history of the democratic and republican parties never has anyone been elected president that at any time in their career headed the party. As another poster alluded .. it doesn't at all seem to be a reasonable comparison.

I also would suspect only a very very very very tiny percentage of Americans even know who chairs either party unless they actually work within the party.

Edit: I certainly didn't know but Wikipedia lists the Chairmans of each party going back more than 150 years.

Edited by Nisa
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I can't wait for the coming elections!

Any bets on who will win?

Like last time, i don't think anyone will win outright. Will come down to which party does the best job of horse-trading. And it will be ugly. And whichever party loses out, they won't accept it and they'll accuse the winning party of cheating. And they'll be right to a degree i'm sure. Of course the losing party will be equally guilty.

Thaksin won't make the same mistakes as last time.

Be specific. Which mistake?

I really hope the will of the people win!

Majority rules right? :)

Nope, not majority... money.

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Yes he want´s the power back. I think he also want´s revenge.

I think that (revenge) is what he is talking about when he says, "After the first three months, the headache will be gone"

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Yes, he wiped the floor with Veera Nutawat and Jatuporn even three on one, and no chance even the likes of a departed Chalerm can make a dent in his technique, one on one.

Add to that the obvious need to control the dialog in the hustings, and if there is a widely reprinted debate between their people and Abhisit it is MUCH harder to suppress. It's like the movie Brazil, controlling the information is the most important thing, secondly controlling the regional heads and then they controlling the tambon heads.

The Democratic Party giving the OK to the Salary Hike of up to 70 percent for Tambon Admin officials may help here. Just a different version of vote buying.

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Yes, he wiped the floor with Veera Nutawat and Jatuporn even three on one, and no chance even the likes of a departed Chalerm can make a dent in his technique, one on one.

Add to that the obvious need to control the dialog in the hustings, and if there is a widely reprinted debate between their people and Abhisit it is MUCH harder to suppress. It's like the movie Brazil, controlling the information is the most important thing, secondly controlling the regional heads and then they controlling the tambon heads.

The Democratic Party giving the OK to the Salary Hike of up to 70 percent for Tambon Admin officials may help here. Just a different version of vote buying.

Actually it isn't even close to the same thing. It may be pandering to local officials but since there is no quid pro quo it isn't vote buying or election fraud. It would be election fraud if the money only went to Tambon admins where the Tambons voted Dem. Kinda like a promise by Thaksin that he would come and spend a night in every place that voted for his proxy party PTP unless you think there is not a promise implied of anything other than a night in a hotel for Thaksin. Now, a direct payoff in the form of a huge chunk of cash like that which saw PPP dissolved is a different beast entirely.

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I can't wait for the coming elections!

Any bets on who will win?

Thaksin won't make the same mistakes as last time.

I really hope the will of the people win!

Majority rules right? :)

Who knows but not long to wait unless the dudes with the tanks decide otherwise.

By the way betting on who wins is one way, and a very very effective way, of buying votes;)

I would guess no party will actually win in terms of getting half the seats and that will complicate things. I would also guess PT will win the most seats but that will largely depend on how any defections go or dont go. PT are competing directly against BJT rather than the Dems in many constituencies and there could be a lot or little movement between the two

Elections are always good entertainment value in Thailand

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Yes, he wiped the floor with Veera Nutawat and Jatuporn even three on one, and no chance even the likes of a departed Chalerm can make a dent in his technique, one on one.

Add to that the obvious need to control the dialog in the hustings, and if there is a widely reprinted debate between their people and Abhisit it is MUCH harder to suppress. It's like the movie Brazil, controlling the information is the most important thing, secondly controlling the regional heads and then they controlling the tambon heads.

The Democratic Party giving the OK to the Salary Hike of up to 70 percent for Tambon Admin officials may help here. Just a different version of vote buying.

That was Phumjaithai, they control the Interior ministry, and yes it's a clear attempt to win votes, like Pheua Thai saying all graduates must start on a salary of 15,000 baht.

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I can't wait for the coming elections!

Any bets on who will win?

Thaksin won't make the same mistakes as last time.

I really hope the will of the people win!

Majority rules right? :)

Who knows but not long to wait unless the dudes with the tanks decide otherwise.

By the way betting on who wins is one way, and a very very effective way, of buying votes;)

I would guess no party will actually win in terms of getting half the seats and that will complicate things. I would also guess PT will win the most seats but that will largely depend on how any defections go or dont go. PT are competing directly against BJT rather than the Dems in many constituencies and there could be a lot or little movement between the two

Elections are always good entertainment value in Thailand

I remeber when a certain senator ran in the elections in the Tao Pun area of Bangkok, he himself is well known for gambling and his aides, (in disguise), all offered bets of 200 baht each that he would lose,so of course the voters all voted for him. An effective vote buying technique.

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I expect Apisit will offer to debate other Prime Minister candidates on TV and of course they will refuse because they can't hold a candle to him.

To be honest the election is going to be decided on who the known candidate in a rural area is, and usually another bug hitter wouldnt dare run against the annointed one controlled by the money lenders, mafia and millers, so most arent even competetive races. What information put out is usually blatant propaganda and there is no attempt at all to allow people balance in making decisions. It is slightly better in urban areas where varied information is more easily accesible. Note how people must vote where their house is registered and not where they live and how there are always attempts to diminish the number of early voters who can vote out of constituency and have their vote counted locally. These voters tend to be be less influencible than those living in the villages. Of course influence comes not just from bad things but from being able to supply information too by which people decide how to vote. It makes whoever controls that info very powerful and is the usual overlord in most places.

Interesting that Thai people equate democracy with freedoms and rights over elections.

Anyway nobody would want to go head to head nationally with Abhisit as it gives him access to places where information is heavily controlled by his enemies, and they saw his performance against the red leaders. No poltician is going to give advantage to another. This is about power. In many ways Thailand isnt unique in this respect.

Deja vu

Thaksin ‘afraid’ to hold live TV debate

Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva taunted caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday for refusing to participate in a televised discussion aimed at resolving the political impasse.

“When [Thaksin] went on his reality TV show he showed off his pa kao-ma, and he was happy being on TV. But now that it’s about national issues, he’s afraid.”

Source: ThaiDay - 13 Feb 2006

Samak backs down from debating Abhisit

People Power Party Leader Samak Sundaravej has refused to participate in a direct debate with his rival Democrat Party Leader Abhisit Vejjajiva.

"I will not appear with him (Abhisit) in a televised debate - this is not good for gossiping," he said.

Samak has also launched into a tirade against his rival, saying voters would risk facing a coup if giving their mandate to Abhisit to form the next government.

Abhisit said he was willing to debate with Samak anywhere, anytime.

- The Nation 2007-11-07

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Was thinking this morning that if PTP do win the election and form a Govt just what they would have to do to actually get Thaksin back.

First there would have to be some law passed to give him immunity not just for the jail time he already has but from all the other actions pending.

Once this was done he could then return to the country a free man.

He would then have to be given back all the cash he was relieved of and this would need a retrospective law change.

The Army and police would need to be 'reshuffled' at the top to put the correct people in charge to ensure they stood aside through the whole process.

There would then be the problem of his overseas citizenships to be sorted to allow him to participate on politics again, after the song and dance PTP made of The present PM being born overseas this may not be easy.

Assuming all this was done, and a lot of other on-the-side stuff like his Mrs given a free pass, other parties that have gone with PTP well paid and much more.

Then there would need to be a place made for him in the house.

A well paid resignation and By-election could sort that out.

Then he could be welcomed back as MP and of course unanamously elected as PM.

Hun Sen would be given the land he wants for being a good friend.

Then I suspect there could be the position of president (for life) created.

How long would all that take? l

Longer I suspect than the 3 and 6 months when Thaksin would make all the faithful rich.

Throughout the whole process any other business of the country would have been ignored as not so importent as getting the great man back so the place would be in a fair old mess by then

And what would the opposition be doing through all this?

I suspect there would have to be a lot of arrests and jailing of Yellow and other opposition members and possibly even a war on something that could kill off the right people.

Could be a real fun time...right?

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Yes, he wiped the floor with Veera Nutawat and Jatuporn even three on one, and no chance even the likes of a departed Chalerm can make a dent in his technique, one on one.

Add to that the obvious need to control the dialog in the hustings, and if there is a widely reprinted debate between their people and Abhisit it is MUCH harder to suppress. It's like the movie Brazil, controlling the information is the most important thing, secondly controlling the regional heads and then they controlling the tambon heads.

The Democratic Party giving the OK to the Salary Hike of up to 70 percent for Tambon Admin officials may help here. Just a different version of vote buying.

That was Phumjaithai, they control the Interior ministry, and yes it's a clear attempt to win votes, like Pheua Thai saying all graduates must start on a salary of 15,000 baht.

Korn endorsed it, but that wasn't my point. It was just a counterpoint to those who are fond of pointing out that it is only the PTP that buy votes in their opinion. It also in a small way points out the fact that Abhisit is not the Teflon Don, Mr.Clean that some posters on here declare, the best candidate so far,etc etc. Abhsit has Suthep to do his dirty work for him. Not many people pull him up on, or have selective memory of, his handling of the Rohingya boat people, the lack of transparency over the events of April/May last year , the Palm Oil crisis/scandal, reigning in the BJP (or not as the case may be), the 3G farce, the Constitutional Court scandals, the rising violence in the South, the "toys for the boys" Defence Budget, etc. As PM he has overall responsibility. Let us see what the voting brings out.

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So geriatrickid, you don't see a problem that Thailands version of Palin (i.e. Thaksin), with the same inane statements of how to fix things and lack of worldly knowledge, is being pushed as the foremost choice by a large group of people?

The large group of people are Thai electors - the same Thai electors who will most probably vote Phuea Thai into power. What's your problem with that?

So what you are saying is that if Palin was elected President you would not have any issues with it nor post any objections against it?

I would agree to having sex with Sarah Palin if she whispered sweet inanities in my ear. Thaksin? Oh no!

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Removed a post (and responses) that claimed others were forum reactionaries. Posters are reminded to stay on topic and to refrain from comments concerning the character of other posters.

"forum reactionaries" that's a new one.

More or less glad I missed it though.

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Yes, he wiped the floor with Veera Nutawat and Jatuporn even three on one, and no chance even the likes of a departed Chalerm can make a dent in his technique, one on one.

Add to that the obvious need to control the dialog in the hustings, and if there is a widely reprinted debate between their people and Abhisit it is MUCH harder to suppress. It's like the movie Brazil, controlling the information is the most important thing, secondly controlling the regional heads and then they controlling the tambon heads.

The Democratic Party giving the OK to the Salary Hike of up to 70 percent for Tambon Admin officials may help here. Just a different version of vote buying.

That was Phumjaithai, they control the Interior ministry, and yes it's a clear attempt to win votes, like Pheua Thai saying all graduates must start on a salary of 15,000 baht.

Korn endorsed it, but that wasn't my point. It was just a counterpoint to those who are fond of pointing out that it is only the PTP that buy votes in their opinion. It also in a small way points out the fact that Abhisit is not the Teflon Don, Mr.Clean that some posters on here declare, the best candidate so far,etc etc. Abhsit has Suthep to do his dirty work for him. Not many people pull him up on, or have selective memory of, his handling of the Rohingya boat people, the lack of transparency over the events of April/May last year , the Palm Oil crisis/scandal, reigning in the BJP (or not as the case may be), the 3G farce, the Constitutional Court scandals, the rising violence in the South, the "toys for the boys" Defence Budget, etc. As PM he has overall responsibility. Let us see what the voting brings out.

Like many foreigners you are mistaking Thailand for a Western democracy. You see the titles- Prime Minister, Army Chief Of Staff, etc and you automatically assume things run the same way as in your country.

But they don't.

Even Thaksin, the richest and most powerful civilian Prime Minister in Thailand's history, found that out to his cost. The army don't answer to him.

The Rohingya boat people was the responsibility of the Navy- what could Apisit do about that? Dismiss the Chief Admiral?

Thaksin didn't take the rap for the massacre in the mosque Krue Sae or the Tak Bai tragedy, rather the army leaders responsible should have done.

Regarding last April and May, do you really think the army are going to own up to any government about any deaths attributed to them?

How long did it take the British government to apologize for Bloody Sunday in Londonderry? 30 years?

Apisit's power is limited by both military and political constraints- if he had kicked out Pumjaithai, the government would have collapsed.

He needed time to show what he was capable of as PM, and indeed , he has done that.

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If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

And there are people that what to repeat it with Thaksin. :bah:


One of my daughters is working in an office in the Amata industrial estate near Chonburi and last week I boarded a bus at Mor Chit to visit her.

Whilst waiting to depart, a red shirt enthusiast boarded the bus, distributing leaflets and announcing in a loud voice. that he was here for 'true democracy'.

I asked him who the leader was of Pheua Thai and who would select him or her.

What policies they had to assist the nation.

He had no answer, no reply and quickly left the bus.

Just a headband with nothing inside.

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One of my daughters is working in an office in the Amata industrial estate near Chonburi and last week I boarded a bus at Mor Chit to visit her.

Whilst waiting to depart, a red shirt enthusiast boarded the bus, distributing leaflets and announcing in a loud voice. that he was here for 'true democracy'.

I asked him who the leader was of Pheua Thai and who would select him or her.

What policies they had to assist the nation.

He had no answer, no reply and quickly left the bus.

Just a headband with nothing inside.

He could just have been another random employee earning his daily bread and had no idea of why he was there other than to do as he was told.

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If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

And there are people that what to repeat it with Thaksin. :bah:


One of my daughters is working in an office in the Amata industrial estate near Chonburi and last week I boarded a bus at Mor Chit to visit her.

Whilst waiting to depart, a red shirt enthusiast boarded the bus, distributing leaflets and announcing in a loud voice. that he was here for 'true democracy'.

I asked him who the leader was of Pheua Thai and who would select him or her.

What policies they had to assist the nation.

He had no answer, no reply and quickly left the bus.

Just a headband with nothing inside.

This fearless freedom fighter, has a head band and 500 baht payment for being a freedom fighter, gag me with a spoon.

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