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Thinking Of Renting A Place In Payathai

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Hi there,

Anybody with a piece of advice about how to start a small business as a photocopy room in the payathai area ?

I'd like to do that because there are many students in the area and not so many places to make cheap photocopies.

There is that 2 floor place (it used to be an internet cafe) and I was wondering how difficult it was to find someone to work there for me... ?

The rent of the place is 30 000 baht per month but I haven't negociated with the onwer yet.

Anybody has that kind of business ? I was thinking of buying my own photocopying machines and not going through a franchise although I'll listen carefully to any recommendations.

I wonder what kind of budget you need to have as a starter (I have 300 000 baht).

Thks for your adivce

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300k isn't near enough to get at least 2 high speed full service machines unless you are considering leasing, and for some reason I doubt you'd find a company willing to lease to you. Assuming rent is 30,000 and salary is 8,000 (too low unless you are going to sit and watch your employee 24/7) electricity at 5,000 and basic advertising at 3000 and you charged 1 baht/copy (not cheap) and 50% of that was your take after buying paper and toner etc ......

46000 baht base expenses

open 360 hours a month (12 hours a day X 30 days)

50 satang gross profit per copy

(all this assumes your machines themselves are free somehow! and that you are not leasing them etc.)

You would have to make 256 copies an hour every hour you are open to break even. So assuming my numbers are inflated by 100% you would still have to make 128 copies/hour to break even.

Then you have the issue of copyrights etc ... the courts have in the past seized copy machines and fined the owners.

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