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Thai Private Eye Lifts Curtain On Cheating Spouses

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it is for sure not the guys that are messing around..it is just we get caught more often.

LOL. Contradict yourself much? If guys are not messing around, then how are they getting caught?!

Now why would a guy need to look elsewhere?? Mmmm...just maybe a bloody awful, nagging,demanding, unloving, partner/wife?

Most men -- even those who manage to stay faithful to their partners with difficulty or not -- know the answer to that; without getting all bilogocal and darwinian: Variety. Ego. Recapturing youth. Etc.

And...the appeal of Strange P**y*.


you are right...meant to say "not just the guys"

You are wrong.....did you mean biological?? And Darwin is spelt with a capital!

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its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

The list is not huge! Less than 3 percent. Some species of foxes, gibbons and otters. Point taken thou! It is hard!


Actually Ranuf is correct! Some gibbons are monogamous. What he didn't add was it was new world gibbons. Asians ones not so! Must be something in the air.

it is for sure not the guys that are messing around..it is just we get caught more often.

LOL. Contradict yourself much? If guys are not messing around, then how are they getting caught?!

Now why would a guy need to look elsewhere?? Mmmm...just maybe a bloody awful, nagging,demanding, unloving, partner/wife?

Most men -- even those who manage to stay faithful to their partners with difficulty or not -- know the answer to that; without getting all bilogocal and darwinian: Variety. Ego. Recapturing youth. Etc.

And...the appeal of Strange P**y*.


you are right...meant to say "not just the guys"

You are wrong.....did you mean biological?? And Darwin is spelt with a capital!

I am wrong? How so? Or do you mean I am a bad typist (I am -- especially when hurrying and doing something else at the same time. Believe it or not I know how to spell biological (I think you're feigned mystification is silly) and also know that proper nouns are capitalized. (By the way I said "Darwinian" -- not "Darwin").


Always amazes me that people bother pulling people up on spelling mistakes and bad punctuation. It's a forum, not a English exam!


Always amazes me that people bother pulling people up on spelling mistakes and bad punctuation. It's a forum, not a English exam!

mEE tWo!

I'm as pedantic as they come but in thousands of posts on various forums -- many of them part of quite spirited debates -- I've never called anybody on their spelling or grammar. It's especially sad when someone does it in lieu of an actual argument or refutation of a point.

EDITED: to remove lame emoticon -- not to fix spelling or grammar! Really!


Always amazes me that people bother pulling people up on spelling mistakes and bad punctuation. It's a forum, not a English exam!

mEE tWo!

I'm as pedantic as they come but in thousands of posts on various forums -- many of them part of quite spirited debates -- I've never called anybody on their spelling or grammar. It's especially sad when someone does it in lieu of an actual argument or refutation of a point.

EDITED: to remove lame emoticon -- not to fix spelling or grammar! Really!

I love noodles.

Sometimes we can extract a modicum of humour from malapropisms or grammatical ambiguities, and it seems only right to share such.

It is an excellent way to highlight that you have given up on a debate, without actually explicitly admitting defeat.

Or a good way to stage a digression away from a tedious and over-worked subject, to try and break a downward spiral.

Perhaps other readers would care to share their methods of diverting discussion to less repetitive and tedious topics?



This lady assumes everyone is tarred with the same brush but some of us simply don't cheat on our wives.

Jackanory Jackanory Jackanory :lol:

I don't cheat on mine as she does not even play cards or play golf :(


Never any one had ever heard a lady say straight in your eyes with a smile " what ever you do I do " ........................

Or see their face when asked what you have done gone away when you answer to your cherished one " I have done not more neither not less than you did in my absence "....

couple life us neither easy neither simple especially when your wife is pregnant and after when she is recovering from it......

Amazing Thailand is amazing for ever.


No, I'm talking about the psychological make-up of men and women. We ARE different, certainly not the same at all. For a start men see sex as a physical need, women see it as an emotional need. Sorry to burst your PC bubble.

We're talking about men, NOT women. Women are designed to be monogomous, men aren't. There is a huge difference between men and women.

its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

The OP was talking about both men and women to be accurate. Also, one of the major differences between men and women went out the window with the introduction of birth control pills.

A woman now has control (at least in theory) over her reproductive rights.

I also think the reason more women cheat in Thailand is because so few have cats as pets.

Hi Sausage ! i am not so sure about that, as i read somewhere that its all about instinct and the female is the controller, unknown to her, she needs to reproduce and she will look for the male whom she feels is the right one to impregnate her . After the deed is done, and her natural instincts have been satisfied. She might well just want to be rid of him but she cannot as she will need to be supported. Then the trouble starts, he wants more sex, but she is not interested, so he has to look further a field for his needs ! Who is to blame for his infidelity. :( Lucky for us they are not equipped like the Praying Mantis female who just bites his head off after :blink:


Always amazes me that people bother pulling people up on spelling mistakes and bad punctuation. It's a forum, not a English exam!

Eye wudn't haf boddered but Steely pulled me up on leeving out won wurd.....


Always amazes me that people bother pulling people up on spelling mistakes and bad punctuation. It's a forum, not a English exam!

Eye wudn't haf boddered but Steely pulled me up on leeving out won wurd.....

Not so. I didn't pull you up on anything other than your self-contradiction. Only you knew you'd left out a word. And frankly, since the rest of your post seemed somewhat less than objective and a tad ill-disposed towards the female gender, I honestly thought you meant to say that men didn't cheat even though you clearly knew otherwise.

With all due respect, I'm inclined to believe you went after my typos because it was easier than actually addressing my (not very important or insightful) point and not for reasons of some silly tit for tat thing about your error. But maybe I'm wrong.


Why does Admin. continually run these ridiculous stories? When do I ever see anything positive come to my e-mail account. Nothing but crap.

Well, how about this..

Unsubscribe from the newsletter emails, sign out of the forum and never come back.

totster :ph34r:


Always amazes me that people bother pulling people up on spelling mistakes and bad punctuation. It's a forum, not a English exam!

Oh c'mon Mooner...........Its the only way that these little people can get their "fix" of power and glory , have a heart ! :rolleyes:


Always amazes me that people bother pulling people up on spelling mistakes and bad punctuation. It's a forum, not a English exam!

Eye wudn't haf boddered but Steely pulled me up on leeving out won wurd.....

Not so. I didn't pull you up on anything other than your self-contradiction. Only you knew you'd left out a word. And frankly, since the rest of your post seemed somewhat less than objective and a tad ill-disposed towards the female gender, I honestly thought you meant to say that men didn't cheat even though you clearly knew otherwise.

With all due respect, I'm inclined to believe you went after my typos because it was easier than actually addressing my (not very important or insightful) point and not for reasons of some silly tit for tat thing about your error. But maybe I'm wrong.

If you had read the post slowly and properly you should have spotted the error. I have no idea why you get so het up about a silly mistake. I did not "go after your typos". I pulled you up, gently, because you seemed to me to be so pernickity about my post and despite having glaring errors in yours.

I don't intend to "ping pong" with you here as it, as already correctly pointed out above, distracts from the issue in hand.

My comments are definitely not "ill disposed" towards the female gender. I really do get tired of knights in shining armour who don't seem to be able to take any criticism of females. I for one, and there are plenty like me, who believe they can be vicious, vitriolic and very vengeful. They are not all blessed angels. The very comment by this "lady" detective ("The only man you can trust is a dead one. If they're still alive, still breathing, then you can't trust them," she says) shows a total lack of regard and respect towards men. She is one woman who I would include in my description. I hope she does not have a partner as she stated ALL living men.


Always amazes me that people bother pulling people up on spelling mistakes and bad punctuation. It's a forum, not a English exam!

Eye wudn't haf boddered but Steely pulled me up on leeving out won wurd.....

Not so. I didn't pull you up on anything other than your self-contradiction. Only you knew you'd left out a word. And frankly, since the rest of your post seemed somewhat less than objective and a tad ill-disposed towards the female gender, I honestly thought you meant to say that men didn't cheat even though you clearly knew otherwise.

With all due respect, I'm inclined to believe you went after my typos because it was easier than actually addressing my (not very important or insightful) point and not for reasons of some silly tit for tat thing about your error. But maybe I'm wrong.

If you had read the post slowly and properly you should have spotted the error. I have no idea why you get so het up about a silly mistake. I did not "go after your typos". I pulled you up, gently, because you seemed to me to be so pernickity about my post and despite having glaring errors in yours.

I don't intend to "ping pong" with you here as it, as already correctly pointed out above, distracts from the issue in hand.

My comments are definitely not "ill disposed" towards the female gender. I really do get tired of knights in shining armour who don't seem to be able to take any criticism of females. I for one, and there are plenty like me, who believe they can be vicious, vitriolic and very vengeful. They are not all blessed angels. The very comment by this "lady" detective shows a total lack of regard and respect towards men. She is one woman who I would include in my description.

I think she was just trying to drum up business. At the sad expense of women who, until then, had not been suspicious, and their possibly occasionally foolishly errant spouses.

As I posted on another thread, its always fun to stir trouble in others' relationships, especially when they're only strangers; no doubt the detective would say "if the woman had not wanted to know, she'd have not employed me" and some similar comment about the man straying.

Perhaps we should all do our best not to interfere in the private shortcomings of others, nor to judge them too hastily.


If you had read the post slowly and properly you should have spotted the error. I have no idea why you get so het up about a silly mistake. I did not "go after your typos". I pulled you up, gently, because you seemed to me to be so pernickity about my post and despite having glaring errors in yours.

I don't intend to "ping pong" with you here as it, as already correctly pointed out above, distracts from the issue in hand.

My comments are definitely not "ill disposed" towards the female gender. I really do get tired of knights in shining armour who don't seem to be able to take any criticism of females. I for one, and there are plenty like me, who believe they can be vicious, vitriolic and very vengeful. They are not all blessed angels. The very comment by this "lady" detective shows a total lack of regard and respect towards men. She is one woman who I would include in my description.

Sorry. I don't take this place seriously enough to work hard at reading and deciding what a poster might have meant. Properly? I read what was there -- how was that not proper?

Pernickity? I even said "LOL" -- I actually thought your mistake was funny. As for the rest that I commented on, I was quite calm and reasoned in my comment and made no expression whatsoever of anger or being offended by you or your post. Read my post again -- slowly and properly -- and see if you can find where I was het up.

I didn't say your comments were ill disposed I said you seemed somewhat less than objective and a tad ill-disposed towards the female gender. And you still do.

I seem to be unable to take any criticism of females? How so?

I for one, and there are plenty like me, who believe they can be vicious, vitriolic and very vengeful. They are not all blessed angels.

First of all, I don't care how many others there are like you. I don't decide to be biased anfd bitter towards millions of people just because others may. Secondly, I haven't the slightest doubt that women can be vicious, vitriolic and very vengeful. Just like the rest of the human race. And nowhere did I in any way imply or even come close to implying that ANY of them were blessed angels, let alone all of them. I don't make those kinds of absurd generalizations nor do I idealize any humans in that way or pretend to. Just because I don't demonize roughly half the planet based on their sex (as your post seemed to indicate that you might be inclined to) doesn't mean I do the opposite either.

Nice straw man, though.

A nod to staying on topic.: Men cheat. Women cheat. It happens a lot in Thailand.

edit for typos. again.


Do most Posters take their over nighters out of the Zoo?

The obsession with animal comparison is disturbing!

Must say I have awoken a bit confused about what I brought home from where a few times.

Never wondered about chewing arm off yet

it is for sure not the guys that are messing around..it is just we get caught more often.

LOL. Contradict yourself much? If guys are not messing around, then how are they getting caught?!

Now why would a guy need to look elsewhere?? Mmmm...just maybe a bloody awful, nagging,demanding, unloving, partner/wife?

Most men -- even those who manage to stay faithful to their partners with difficulty or not -- know the answer to that; without getting all bilogocal and darwinian: Variety. Ego. Recapturing youth. Etc.

And...the appeal of Strange P**y*.


you are right...meant to say "not just the guys"

You are wrong.....did you mean biological?? And Darwin is spelt with a capital!

Ah...... the English Police are on patrol...:whistling:


Why does Admin. continually run these ridiculous stories? When do I ever see anything positive come to my e-mail account. Nothing but crap.

Its because these sort of stories attract people, a bit like the tabloid press in the UK ( cant speak for anywhere else ) .

These 'controversial but real' stories cause people to stay longer on the site, which statistically means more clicks on adverts, so more revenue.

yes..just peachy. Thanks for reminding me. What kind of people would be attracted to such rubbish? Why couldn't it be said for positive and productive news? This will be the last link I ever visit. It's simply decrepit and sickening to see every story in the lowest common denominator.


You can say the same thing about most Thai women too. Along with lies and money is normal. The only person you can trust is youself.


You can say the same thing about most Thai women too. Along with lies and money is normal. The only person you can trust is youself.

You waited for 3 years to post and that's your debut?!


Monogamy is a choice. Some couples do well on a spoken (or unspoken) decision to have encounters outside their relationship. If its clear that monogamy is desired in a relationship, then breaking that would be breaking your partners faith and trust (even if unbeknown to them). Its up to each individual if breaking their partners trust (and the pain that will cause their partner if they find out) is worth it, and if they feel no guilt about it. Im not trying to sound sanctimonious. Everyone has different values. Those values can shift and change. For me though, i do value monogamy..however, nothing in life is set in stone, communication is the key. Id rather have a discussion on possibilities and try come to some mutual agreement, or just break up, than have my trust and faith in a partner broken from them doing something behind my back. Maybe im naive, but i have my own personal values, and one can hope..


What kinda gets me, is the guys who are fed up with cheating girlfriends and want an honest girl..and when they finally do get an honest trustworthy girl, they cant keep their own hands out of the cookie jar.


We're talking about men, NOT women. Women are designed to be monogomous, men aren't. There is a huge difference between men and women.

its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

What utter nonsense Bangers!

For every man that strays,it takes the new woman to know and agree with the affair,

before it even gets started.



My girlfriend doesnt have a Thai boyfriend or husband but then she also has a real job and I didnt meet her in a bar. I was told many years ago not to look for love in a bar, it is so obvious to outsiders but so many farrang do and end up with a cheating prostitute who is married or a girlfriend to someone else. I believe that this would be the same for prostitutes all around the world who keep their working lives and personal lives separate. There are many many Thai women that would love to have a Farrang boyfriend ( I am frequently asked by my girlfriend's cooworkers if I have any free honest farrang friends) and would not cheat on them but they have real jobs in my case nurses in a hospital.

I have no reason to doubt your girlfriend's honesty or loyalty. I know for a fact that there are Thai women worthy of trust. And believe me, few are more qualified than I to know how well the odds are stacked against those who find their partner in a bar (there are some successes but they are of course relatively rare).

But with all due respect it's ridiculous to think that someone who doesn't work in bar won't cheat because they are nurses -- or office workers, or teachers or anything else. I've known some honest bargirls (well, a few -- relatively speaking) and I've known some dishonest "good girls". And really, common sense would tell us that this would be the case, no?


We're talking about men, NOT women. Women are designed to be monogomous, men aren't. There is a huge difference between men and women.

its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

What utter nonsense Bangers!

For every man that strays,it takes the new woman to know and agree with the affair,

before it even gets started.

Well, it's true that women are usually knowingly complicit in the offense, but occasionally the fact that the man has a partner already is successfully concealed -- just as women sometimes conceal if from men!

And to go along with a guy cheating on his girl may be unethical (and maybe just as bad as the guy who is cheating) but it's not the same as cheating on her partner: so Bangers posit (though a generalized and possibly a bit simplistic) isn't negated by your observation.

Jeez. I bore myself --I can't imagine what it's like for someone who reads me.


Guys..in reality (in general), do you actually want a gf/wife who doesnt mind if you cheat? If she was blase' about it, wouldnt it make you a bit paranoid? (Be honest now! No right or wrong answer :P)



My girlfriend doesnt have a Thai boyfriend or husband but then she also has a real job and I didnt meet her in a bar. I was told many years ago not to look for love in a bar, it is so obvious to outsiders but so many farrang do and end up with a cheating prostitute who is married or a girlfriend to someone else. I believe that this would be the same for prostitutes all around the world who keep their working lives and personal lives separate. There are many many Thai women that would love to have a Farrang boyfriend ( I am frequently asked by my girlfriend's cooworkers if I have any free honest farrang friends) and would not cheat on them but they have real jobs in my case nurses in a hospital.

I have no reason to doubt your girlfriend's honesty or loyalty. I know for a fact that there are Thai women worthy of trust. And believe me, few are more qualified than I to know how well the odds are stacked against those who find their partner in a bar (there are some successes but they are of course relatively rare).

But with all due respect it's ridiculous to think that someone who doesn't work in bar won't cheat because they are nurses -- or office workers, or teachers or anything else. I've known some honest bargirls (well, a few -- relatively speaking) and I've known some dishonest "good girls". And really, common sense would tell us that this would be the case, no?

Of course you are absolutely right, I think that it comes down to probabilities for example if I were to leave a fox in charge of the chickens I would think there would be more probability of the chickens being eaten than if I let a farmer look after them. I accept also that there probably are some honest bar workers but the anecdotal evidence would suggest that there are a lot that are not. I just think that if these farrangs were in their home countries they would probably be less likely to look for their partner in a red light area than they are in Thailand why it changes when they are in Thailand remains one of life's great mysteries to me.

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