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President Obama launches re-election campaign


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Not accustomed to being challenged or loosing arguments are you?? Doesn't seem to set well with you, the mark of a true liberal, anyway carry on..

Bets on who gets the last word? Liberals usually insist on the last word, I think.

No way, not a betting man and yours is a no brainer, you win by default :whistling: ..

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I receive an investment letter on a daily basis with news articles, also from blogs.

One of them was this (but I didn't read it yet so have no idea why it claims the title) and thought it could be of interest to read it.

Obama will lose in 2012



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The guns are put in place......but, with a budget of $ 1 Billion it will be tough for any RP Candidate to beat him.

But, in America you'll never know.


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I receive an investment letter on a daily basis with news articles, also from blogs.

One of them was this (but I didn't read it yet so have no idea why it claims the title) and thought it could be of interest to read it.

Obama will lose in 2012



This article pretty much expresses my sentiments. Unfortunately, America will probably give him another four years to effect his so called change. Runaway energy prices and worldwide inflation will slow down or reverse the recovery and then neither major party will be able to do much but blame each other. Dark days ahead, no matter who is elected president.

As you say LP, anything can happen between now and election day.

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It's already over.


Presidential Projections: 12 Reasons Obama Wins in 2012

You don't mind if we pretend for awhile that it is not all over yet?

Oh, by the way, here are some more articles from your source material telling us it is all over...

It looks like an extreme Rush Limbaugh for the liberals.


Wicked Imperialist Demons: Louis Farrakhan Warns, Advises Obama on Libya

Idiotic Bias: Fox Attacks Obama ‘Vacation’ in Brazil, Refuses To Air Speech

Bill Maher: Republicans Are Like Meth Addicts, Always Focused on Imaginary Problems

Who Picks Military Names?

Straight From Up Dick Morris’ Butt: No Way Obama Wins in 2012 — Because of Tsunami in Japan!

Preaching To The Gullible: Limbaugh, Fox’s Beck & Hannity — Mock Japan Quake Victims, Downplay Disaster With a Stiff Dose of ‘Obama Bashing’

‘Asians in The Library’ – UCLA Girl (Alexandra Wallace) Goes Wild on Koreans

The ‘Fab Five’ and Exploitative Racism in NCAA Sports

Obama’s New Black Enemy — Conservative Mascot, Punk Ass, Uncle-Tom Herman Cain

The Quest for Greater Transparency in Extractive Industries in Africa

Denmark's Gruesome Festival: Mass Killing of Whales and Dolphins To Prove Adulthood

Kenya's Ancentus Akuku 'Danger': Married 130 wives and still going strong

Kenyans Salute Barack Obama

The Reverend James David Manning, PhD[?]: "Obama is Satan and 'White Trash'"

Clarence Thomas - A ReTHUGliTOM Smothered In "Uppity Niggerdom" a.k.a "NegroPhobia Syndrome"

Why Obama is Black, not White

Lou Dobbs - 'Awakening the American "Racist" Spirit'

'Bend Over And Touch Ankles' -- Is Rush Limbaugh A 'Closet' GAY FASCIST?

Time For Barack Obama And John Edwards To Hit Hillary Clinton Hard

Conservatives Are Such Jokers

Denmark’s Gruesome Festival: Mass Killing of Whales and Dolphins To Prove Adulthood (307)

On pervert Dick Morris and Fox News – Birds of a feather flock together! (33)

His Majesty King Abdullah: Why Jews Cannot Claim a Historic Right To Palestine (33)

Bush has perverted, distorted and tarnished America’s image beyond repair (31)

The TeaBag ‘Terrorist’ Suckers Are The New ‘White Power Movement’ (31)

‘Blubbering Baboon’ Glenn Beck: A Savvy Fraud Who Knows Just How to Please His Audience of Conservative Suckers (29)

Census: Mexicans & Hispanics/Latinos Can Identify as Indigenous (29)

Oprah Winfrey To Interview Nitwit Sarah Palin (27)

The O’Garbage Factor: The Fox Virus Has Corrupted ALL News in America (24)

Clarence Thomas – A ReTHUGliTOM Smothered In “Uppity Niggerdom” a.k.a “NegroPhobia Syndrome” (23)


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The guns are put in place......but, with a budget of $ 1 Billion it will be tough for any RP Candidate to beat him.

But, in America you'll never know.


And it was just a couple of elections ago when the liberals were crying foul and calling for campaign spending reform cause they couldn't match the Republicans. The amount of money being spent these days is just obscene especially in this economy as it doesn't speak too favorably to the candidates ability to budget and still get thier message across.

Unfortunately the preponderance of voters don't see through that to it's core and it just serves to distort the elections to the most publicized and not the most qualified, Obama is the most recent and extreme example of that phenomena..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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The American election machine is an industry unto itself. a billion dollars and nearly 2 years to elect a head of state, all of which ties the winners to the special interest groups making it decidedly undemocratic.

In contrast Canada set the election spending at 21 million, for each party, and the election takes 36 days.

Edited by canuckamuck
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The American election machine is an industry unto itself. a billion dollars and nearly 2 years to elect a head of state, all of which ties the winners to the special interest groups making it decidedly undemocratic.

In contrast Canada set the election spending at 21 million, for each party, and the election takes 36 days.

I have to agree with you. The election big show is a big part of American culture though, so it's actually going in the wrong direction. Even if it was cut down 50 percent in cost and time, that would be an improvement. Too much campaigning, not nearly enough governing.

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After having just checked the debtclock I'm not surprised of what's going on. I think the limit was $ 14,300,000,000,000.00 . When that line gets crossed means bankcuptcy. The live ticker shows now $ 14,279,152,900,000.00 http://www.usdebtclock.org/

Other news report that 800000 govt employess won't get their saleries, including soldiers. All government employess will be sent on holiday with no payments. Even Zoos will be closed.

The govt has money good until Friday evening. After then an epic battle within America mayt beginn.

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I don't want to intrude on private grief, especially as I can't see the grief staying private.


The sad truth is that the U.S. economy is in the midst of a long-term decline and it is coming apart at the seams. Right now the Obama administration and the Federal Reserve are attempting to "paper over" our economic problems with massive amounts of government debt and paper currency, but in the end it is not going to work. When you analyze the numbers objectively, it leads to the inescapable conclusion that we are headed for another Great Depression.

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It is indeed in a sad state of decline. Yet however, Mr Obama plans to raise 1 Billion $$$$$ to fund his re-election campaign. :ermm:

That in itself could come back and bite him if the voter think hard and smart.

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It's already over.


Presidential Projections: 12 Reasons Obama Wins in 2012

I'm an atheist, but now you mention it I can see we are right on track for armagedon some time in 2012.

By the time the world goes under, December 21, 2012, the next President of the USA has been elected already but it doesn't matter WHO becomes the next President, since he wouldn't have to lead the country anyway :lol:

So, the last known President would be Barrack Obama; but who's interested in that fact if there's no more world ? :rolleyes:


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It is indeed in a sad state of decline. Yet however, Mr Obama plans to raise 1 Billion $$$ to fund his re-election campaign. :ermm:

That in itself could come back and bite him if the voter think hard and smart.

A more democratic law would be that the final 2 Presidential campaigners should have the same budget; that would be fair and giving a more honest outcome.

If all contributors would only donate their cash into one big bowl, to be divided by a commission amongst the 2 final campaigners.....would be fun :rolleyes:

Now, the chap with most money is likely to win.

A campaign WITHOUT television ads and speeches...now THAT would be fun since both campaigners have to visit all states and many cities and villages.

Oh, I know....dreaming :whistling:


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The guns are put in place......but, with a budget of $ 1 Billion it will be tough for any RP Candidate to beat him.

But, in America you'll never know.


I wonder if it helps if your enemies support your election campaign :ermm:

" We still pray that you continue to be president of the U.S.A. We Endeavour and hope that you will gain victory in the new election campaigne. "

Muammar Gaddafi

Leader of the Revolution


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Politics as usual. Don't get your panties in a twist. It's a big show and also a trap that the republicans have conveniently fallen right into.

Are you claiming the closure of the federal government is simply a trap set up by the Democratic Party to confuse and befuddle the Republican Party? The thinking would be that this would cause the Republicans to lose face and look bad prior to the 2012 election?

That seems a rather devious endeavor and fraught with danger that it might backfire on the Democrats.

For instance the Republicans might start pointing out the Democrats had a majority in both Houses of Congress for some months before the 2011 fiscal year began in October of 2010. The Democrats had plenty of time and plenty of votes to pass a budget before they went into their Christmas recess. They could have even passed it during the lame duck session after Christmas because they still held the majority in both Houses. Instead they passed four continuing resolutions to keep the government operating. The Pelosi/Reid led 111th Congress is the only Congress to not pass an annual budget since the current rules for budgeting were placed into effect in 1974.

The Democrats in Congress, led by Barack Obama as their President, decided to kick the can down the road and failed to step up and pass a budget for 2011, even though they had the votes to pass anything they wanted.

They had the votes, but not the backbone.

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It is indeed in a sad state of decline. Yet however, Mr Obama plans to raise 1 Billion $$$ to fund his re-election campaign. :ermm:

That in itself could come back and bite him if the voter think hard and smart.

A more democratic law would be that the final 2 Presidential campaigners should have the same budget; that would be fair and giving a more honest outcome.

If all contributors would only donate their cash into one big bowl, to be divided by a commission amongst the 2 final campaigners.....would be fun :rolleyes:

Now, the chap with most money is likely to win.

A campaign WITHOUT television ads and speeches...now THAT would be fun since both campaigners have to visit all states and many cities and villages.

Oh, I know....dreaming :whistling:


Yes. You are dreaming. But it is a good idea. B)

The fact of the matter is that the wealthy put people in the White House. Nobody can deny it. And they don't get a free ride either. The elected President is then put in a position where they must pay that money back in the form of 'political favours' to said wealthy people and in some cases other Countries. :bah:

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The American election machine is an industry unto itself. a billion dollars and nearly 2 years to elect a head of state, all of which ties the winners to the special interest groups making it decidedly undemocratic.

In contrast Canada set the election spending at 21 million, for each party, and the election takes 36 days.

I have to agree with you. The election big show is a big part of American culture though, so it's actually going in the wrong direction. Even if it was cut down 50 percent in cost and time, that would be an improvement. Too much campaigning, not nearly enough governing.

Me too, I can't stomach 2 years of campaigning and nothing gets done as everyone is preoccupied and walking on egg shells afraid to be controversial..

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Politics as usual. Don't get your panties in a twist. It's a big show and also a trap that the republicans have conveniently fallen right into.

Are you claiming the closure of the federal government is simply a trap set up by the Democratic Party to confuse and befuddle the Republican Party? The thinking would be that this would cause the Republicans to lose face and look bad prior to the 2012 election?

That seems a rather devious endeavor and fraught with danger that it might backfire on the Democrats.

For instance the Republicans might start pointing out the Democrats had a majority in both Houses of Congress for some months before the 2011 fiscal year began in October of 2010. The Democrats had plenty of time and plenty of votes to pass a budget before they went into their Christmas recess. They could have even passed it during the lame duck session after Christmas because they still held the majority in both Houses. Instead they passed four continuing resolutions to keep the government operating. The Pelosi/Reid led 111th Congress is the only Congress to not pass an annual budget since the current rules for budgeting were placed into effect in 1974.

The Democrats in Congress, led by Barack Obama as their President, decided to kick the can down the road and failed to step up and pass a budget for 2011, even though they had the votes to pass anything they wanted.

They had the votes, but not the backbone.

Unfortunately that is overshadowed by the ensuing politics in the publics eye and in the past during Bill Clintons first term it proved to be his redemption and impetus to his reelection..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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After having just checked the debtclock I'm not surprised of what's going on. I think the limit was $ 14,300,000,000,000.00 . When that line gets crossed means bankcuptcy. The live ticker shows now $ 14,279,152,900,000.00 http://www.usdebtclock.org/

Other news report that 800000 govt employess won't get their saleries, including soldiers. All government employess will be sent on holiday with no payments. Even Zoos will be closed.

The govt has money good until Friday evening. After then an epic battle within America mayt beginn.

Yes the US debt clock is always impressive to see.

Yet most folks still do not realize what a trillion is. Most just hear numbers & think yes that is a lot.

Here is a graphic that helps put it in perspective

Note in the final picture showing 1 trillion that the pallets are also double stacked.


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The American election machine is an industry unto itself. a billion dollars and nearly 2 years to elect a head of state, all of which ties the winners to the special interest groups making it decidedly undemocratic.

In contrast Canada set the election spending at 21 million, for each party, and the election takes 36 days.

I have to agree with you. The election big show is a big part of American culture though, so it's actually going in the wrong direction. Even if it was cut down 50 percent in cost and time, that would be an improvement. Too much campaigning, not nearly enough governing.

Nothing wrong with the lengthy selection process to select candidates for the prospective leader and the a public participation in it. Nothing wrong with campaigning if it would be with substance and not just a expensive show,a carnival funfair, most of the money is used to inflate balloons with hot air.

American culture though. :whistling:

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The sad thing about the campaign circus is clearly shown now....

As the government is on the eve of shutdown & with no other candidate for presidency even announced...

It has not stopped our current president from leaving Washington on tax funded aircraft to go to Pennsylvania to kick off his re-election campaign....

Priorities lacking

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Perhaps the poster was suggesting America doesn't have a culture.

That occurred to me. It always surprises me how often people who are otherwise not moronic can make such a truly inane comment but some do (not saying this person has); love it or hate its collosally stupid to claim it doesn't exist (or even to claim it has nothing redeeming).

Sorry. off topic. No mas.

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Perhaps the poster was suggesting America doesn't have a culture.

That occurred to me. It always surprises me how often people who are otherwise not moronic can make such a truly inane comment but some do (not saying this person has); love it or hate its collosally stupid to claim it doesn't exist (or even to claim it has nothing redeeming).

Sorry. off topic. No mas.

Ironically when I was a young man who had traveled around Europe, I myself came to the conclusion that America didn't have a culture. Then I started hanging out with some Montrealers (French Canadians) and they convinced me that the USA has a culture, big time. They were right.

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