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President Obama launches re-election campaign


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In his attempt to get reelected, Obama is pitching his energy policies, rather than staying at the White House to try and hammer out a budget compromise.

I seriously doubt if the questioner thought Obama's response was humorous.


The article reads in part...

"Gas prices? They’re going to still fluctuate until we can start making these broader changes, and that’s going to take a couple of years to have serious effect,” Obama said.

Obama needled one questioner who asked about gas prices, now averaging close to $3.70 a gallon nationwide, and suggested that the gentleman consider getting rid of his gas-guzzling vehicle.

“If you’re complaining about the price of gas and you’re only getting 8 miles a gallon, you know,” Obama said laughingly. “You might want to think about a trade-in.”

The president spoke at a town hall meeting at Gamesa Technology Corp., a Spanish company that makes giant turbines that use wind to generate electricity. According to the White House, it is the first overseas company of its kind to set up shop in the U.S."

Read more: http://www.heraldnews.com/archive/x675823241/Obama-Expect-little-short-term-relief-on-gas-prices#ixzz1IuLZVxI3

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That is not what it says on his birth certificate. :ph34r:

Whatever it says or doesn't say, Obama as an American not living under Sharia law is free to be whatever he likes religiously, also noting he was raised by his whitebread Mama.

I doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter what kind of bread his mothers is or his father. Self-evident since 1776 - all men are born free and equal.

No need to check what kind of religion or race is stated or not stated on his birth certificate as long there is a ☑ for MALE - Obama is equal as all the others and free to choose whatever beliefs he wanna follow or not.

No-one is a Christian by birth , at least not according to the various mainstream denominations, churches and bigger sects.

To become a member there you must participate in some rites and ceremonies like baptism or communion, reciting a creed, declare yourself to a believer or take the Jesus message as guideline for own acting.

The whole birth certificate debate is simpleminded and inane. Same as to questioning his Christian faith with the allegation that he is a secret agent of the Islam and a true-blooded Muslim. :crazy:

There are so many other points that one could raise and use as very valid argument for the opinion that Obama does not a good job and should not be the POTUS.

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Yes and happily most Americans agree that birthers are fringe whackazoids. So this helps Obama, to paint his opposition as tin foil hat wearers.

According to the latest Rasmussen Report " Thirty-seven percent (37%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14 "


One of those 37% wrote this yesterday ...............

" The Founding Fathers of the Constitution of the United States embedded inside that very Constitution, a provision that in order to become the President of the United States, the eligibility requirements were going to be much stricter than for just being a citizen. They wrote that in order to qualify for this office--in order to become the Commander in Chief--one must be born in the United States AND that BOTH parents be citizens who were born in the United States.

The reason they wrote it that was was to protect the Americans from the King of England slipping in a British Loyalist, and then once actually elected as President, then turning on the people by turning its power back to the British, so the King, once again, could be in power. It was also acknowledged that any other nation may try to do the same thing, so this amendment applies to that too.

They felt that by making it so BOTH parents must be natural born citizens, then the chances of the country being thus infiltrated would be far less. It would not be impossible, but nonetheless, the odds of it happening are far less.

They could see that if one WERE elected in, then not only could he become a KING or a DICTATOR :rolleyes: , but he could also burn the Constitution and strip the Americans of every right they have, and then they would become his slaves.

If the Americans disregard that provision of the Constitution, which is its MOST IMPORTANT PROVISION that PROTECTS them from infiltration from a foreign country like that from invading them from within, then they don't deserve the very rights that that same Constitution provides them. "

Pretty good for a " fringe whackazoid " i thought :crazy:

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It's not just some rightwingers who think Obama was born Muslim and outside the USA. In my travels and speaking to Muslims I have found that they believe for the most part that he was born in Kenya or Indonesia and that he was a Muslim if he isn't now. I wonder where they get their info on the subject?

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It's not just some rightwingers who think Obama was born Muslim and outside the USA. In my travels and speaking to Muslims I have found that they believe for the most part that he was born in Kenya or Indonesia and that he was a Muslim if he isn't now. I wonder where they get their info on the subject?

Ignorance knows no borders.

Next ...

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According to the latest Rasmussen Report " Thirty-seven percent (37%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14 "

So do you think those people or a significant number buy into the birther...eerr..stuff?

And seriously? You think this is good?

They could see that if one WERE elected in, then not only could he become a KING or a DICTATOR :rolleyes: , but he could also burn the Constitution and strip the Americans of every right they have, and then they would become his slaves.

If the Americans disregard that provision of the Constitution, which is its MOST IMPORTANT PROVISION that PROTECTS them from infiltration from a foreign country like that from invading them from within, then they don't deserve the very rights that that same Constitution provides them. "

No doubt there's loads of legitimate and reasoned arguments to be made against the Obama administration. But that above? That's truly lame. (But it is woth some humor value especially in that it's amusing how identical it is to the sort of blather we heard from the rabid anti-Bushites.)

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So do you think those people or a significant number buy into the birther...eerr..stuff?

According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll carried out last year, , 20% of Americans believe Obama was born abroad. But 31% Of “Birthers” actually still approve of Obama. So the ones that approve of Obama– are these also " fringe whackazoid "? :blink:

I mean that is 60 million " fringe whackazoids " that are on the loose :ermm:


And seriously? You think this is good?

No doubt there's loads of legitimate and reasoned arguments to be made against the Obama administration. But that above? That's truly lame. (But it is woth some humor value especially in that it's amusing how identical it is to the sort of blather we heard from the rabid anti-Bushites.)

The last paragraph yes. And i don't regard it as being about Republicans and Democrats its about understanding

why that cleverly worded document ( The Constitution) was written the way it was.

Edited by midas
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So do you think those people or a significant number buy into the birther...eerr..stuff?

According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll carried out last year, , 20% of Americans believe Obama was born abroad. But 31% Of "Birthers" actually still approve of Obama. So the ones that approve of Obama– are these also " fringe whackazoid "? :blink:

I mean that is 60 million " fringe whackazoids " that are on the loose :ermm:


And seriously? You think this is good?

No doubt there's loads of legitimate and reasoned arguments to be made against the Obama administration. But that above? That's truly lame. (But it is woth some humor value especially in that it's amusing how identical it is to the sort of blather we heard from the rabid anti-Bushites.)

The last paragraph yes. And i don't regard it as being about Republicans and Democrats its about understanding

why that cleverly worded document ( The Constitution) was written the way it was.

First of all, the writing is horrible. But I'll grant you that's subjective...

Did you write it? If not, whoever this anonymous writer was, you trust his knowledge of what the framers had in mind? Why? How does he know this? As far as I know, there are zero records of the debating of this clause nor am I aware of any writings by any of the framers that lays it out. And your man gives zero sources or corroboration.

And you think that precisely those same dangers exist today? You honestly believe that if Obama were born in another country (but presumably did spend most of his life in the US -- or is his whole biography an elaborate and massive deception?) that he could become a KING or a DICTATOR and he could also burn the Constitution, strip the Americans of every right they have, and make them his slaves?

(Holy crap -- typing that out it sounds even more idiotic and bigoted than I thought the first time.)

And you think that provision is the most important one in the the Constitution? (Even though it's the 14th amendment and until now I've never heard referred to as the most important -- more so than the first? (Yes, I know the numerical order doesn't necessarily signify the relative importance of each one -- but the 1st? Really?)

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So do you think those people or a significant number buy into the birther...eerr..stuff?

According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll carried out last year, , 20% of Americans believe Obama was born abroad. But 31% Of "Birthers" actually still approve of Obama. So the ones that approve of Obama– are these also " fringe whackazoid "? :blink:

I mean that is 60 million " fringe whackazoids " that are on the loose :ermm:


And seriously? You think this is good?

No doubt there's loads of legitimate and reasoned arguments to be made against the Obama administration. But that above? That's truly lame. (But it is woth some humor value especially in that it's amusing how identical it is to the sort of blather we heard from the rabid anti-Bushites.)

The last paragraph yes. And i don't regard it as being about Republicans and Democrats its about understanding

why that cleverly worded document ( The Constitution) was written the way it was.

First of all, the writing is horrible. But I'll grant you that's subjective...

Did you write it? If not, whoever this anonymous writer was, you trust his knowledge of what the framers had in mind? Why? How does he know this? As far as I know, there are zero records of the debating of this clause nor am I aware of any writings by any of the framers that lays it out. And your man gives zero sources or corroboration.

And you think that precisely those same dangers exist today? You honestly believe that if Obama were born in another country (but presumably did spend most of his life in the US -- or is his whole biography an elaborate and massive deception?) that he could become a KING or a DICTATOR and he could also burn the Constitution, strip the Americans of every right they have, and make them his slaves?

(Holy crap -- typing that out it sounds even more idiotic and bigoted than I thought the first time.)

And you think that provision is the most important one in the the Constitution? (Even though it's the 14th amendment and until now I've never heard referred to as the most important -- more so than the first? (Yes, I know the numerical order doesn't necessarily signify the relative importance of each one -- but the 1st? Really?)

No I didn’t write it.

Can you put you hand on your heart and honestly say that you are

100% relaxed about all the ideas and initiatives that the 28 Czar’s at the White House have proposed ?

In particular Cass Sunstein ( the Regualtion Czar ). If your answer is yes than I doubt you will appreciate why I am concerned about the last paragraph

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It's not just some rightwingers who think Obama was born Muslim and outside the USA. In my travels and speaking to Muslims I have found that they believe for the most part that he was born in Kenya or Indonesia and that he was a Muslim if he isn't now. I wonder where they get their info on the subject?

Ignorance knows no borders.

Next ...

There is a difference.

The US birther see it negative, practice othering, segregation, exclusion. A smear campaign. They wanna point out that the Obama is not one of us but one of the others, a foreign threat. for them Muslims are dangerous. They despise the Obama. The argument goes that the Obama is not a natural born citizen and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS.

The people in Kenya or Indonesia have a total different take on this. Its positive. the rumour that Obama was born there flatters them. they are not concerned about the eligibility requirements.

Born in Kenya or having a Kenyan father makes the Obama partly to one of them. They point out the things in common, their relationship, connections to The Man in the USA. Obama spend few years of his childhood in Indonesia. It got exaggerated to the claim that he was born there. Or lead to the assumption that he was/is a Muslim, at least as young boy. No problem for them, they are not afraid of Muslims. Its a compliment if they declare Obama to a member of the members of the Ummah, the mensch Obama a brother.

Actually they don't know much about Obama and the USA, the know just as much as the average American knows about Kenya and Indonesia and the notion about coming elections in the respective other countries are equally vague. Obama is not a topic for them, only for the small talk with the visitor from America. Some sweet words and a story that makes the American friend me laugh (before they overcharge him for the taxi ride.)

Its friendliness not ignorance.

Ignorance and xenophobia know no right or left wing.

And no worries about some Muslims who think Obama is one of them, he is not their secret agent and there is no master plan for an Islam invasion. These brave people are profoundly mistaken in Obama. Calling him a Muslim is an inaccurate judgment, a perceptual distortion. They got it wrong.

Don't get your own perception of the Obama tarnished by third parties who claim association, Muslims call him brother but he will veto for Israel without any hesitation. The Norwegians ("Quislings everywhere") gave him the peacenik gold medal but he is an artful commander-in-chief and knows that just words make war just. The blacks think he is one of them, but its not true. Clinton and Nixon had soul, Obama not. He is not just white like his mother and grandmother, he is a WASP. and he is a regular white guy who enjoys beer and cigarettes, but thinks potheads are sick, furthermore he does all SWPL like turning the White House lawn into a organic vegetable garden.

Obama is not a brother and will never pull a Muhammad Ali. Don't panic.

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They despise the Obama. The argument goes that the Obama is not a natural born citizen and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS.

In general, this is not about him being a Muslim or being black. It is about lying to the American people on a variety of issues to get elected and constantly flip-flopping on things that he professes to believe in order to get reelected. Obama is Jimmy Carter on steroids.

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They despise the Obama. The argument goes that the Obama is not a natural born citizen and is therefore not eligible to be POTUS.

In general, this is not about him being a Muslim or being black. It is about lying to the American people on a variety of issues to get elected and constantly flip-flopping on things that he professes to believe in order to get reelected. Obama is Jimmy Carter on steroids.

Jimmy Carter on steroids?

Jimmy Carter may have been one of our nation's most ineffectual Presidents, but lying? This is St. Jimmy, you know? The same guy who admitted to lusting and getting ambushed by a rabbit, hardly things a politician would admit to. You can say a lot about Carter, most of it bad, but lying and duplicity are not among those things.

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I don't know who I will vote for yet. But if the Republicans put up Palin or Trump, well, Obama's almost assuredly getting my vote.

Remember there will be choices that do not include Democrats or Republicans.

When enough voters get sick enough of this circus then & only then can we perhaps move towards true change.

Take this latest side show that is ensuing. Approximately two hours from now as I write this... there is the *threat* that the

US Federal Government will shut down.

This is nothing more than a bunch of idiots arguing over who will pay the bar tab on the sinking titanic.

I keep thinking the American people will wake up....but even now they only seem concerned about the silliest arguments from their chosen side of the circus.

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I don't know who I will vote for yet. But if the Republicans put up Palin or Trump, well, Obama's almost assuredly getting my vote.

Remember there will be choices that do not include Democrats or Republicans.

When enough voters get sick enough of this circus then & only then can we perhaps move towards true change.

Take this latest side show that is ensuing. Approximately two hours from now as I write this... there is the *threat* that the

US Federal Government will shut down.

This is nothing more than a bunch of idiots arguing over who will pay the bar tab on the sinking titanic.

I keep thinking the American people will wake up....but even now they only seem concerned about the silliest arguments from their chosen side of the circus.

Unless the New Revolutionary Party takes control of Congress with enough seats to override any presidential veto, America will continue to go downhill. There needs to be a major overhaul of our tax system, such as a flat tax or national VAT, or a combination of both. The present tax code is a sham which punishes innovation and rewards unethical conduct. Entitlements are bankrupting the country. Medicare and Social Security need to be fixed now. Pegging the dollar to gold and a balanced budget amendment need to be implemented. Term limits are also a must.

Few Americans are willing to take the medicine today. Tomorrow will require major surgery.

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Few Americans are willing to take the medicine today. Tomorrow will require major surgery.

I agree & so far all we see is the kicking of the can further down the road.

Looks like the government will stay open another week as this the 7th bandage has been applied.

Next month we have the much larger meeting to look forward to as they once again will need to raise the debt ceiling.

I would like to see that one stalled & refused....As you say take the medicine


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If the elections were today, Obama would have my vote. Republican politicians lie like a rug. I can't believe so many Americans are fooled by them. I am beginning to think they aren't fooled and instead the elections are rigged. I can't stand those Republican politicians especially that cry baby Boner.... what total baloney.

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Few Americans are willing to take the medicine today. Tomorrow will require major surgery.

You're not wrong there. Without constant intervention by the Fed buying U.S government debt the whole edifice will collapse, it's just a matter of time, I expect that looking over the precipice will do the trick and the doomsday clock will be set back a minute.


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If the elections were today, Obama would have my vote. Republican politicians lie like a rug. I can't believe so many Americans are fooled by them. I am beginning to think they aren't fooled and instead the elections are rigged. I can't stand those Republican politicians especially that cry baby Boner.... what total baloney.

Uh...sorry to bust your Democratic bubble, but THEY ALL lie like cheap watches.

Wisconsin and Illinois seem to be where the majority of elections are rigged nowadays.

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Without constant intervention by the Fed buying U.S government debt the whole edifice will collapse, it's just a matter of time,

I agree but not to bestow sainthood on the Fed Reserve who is right at the root of all that is wrong.

Since 1913 when that mistake was born.

They do after all buy that debt with money loaned to the US govt.

It is the interest on that which we now can no longer pay.

your right it is just a matter of time

Uh...sorry to bust your Democratic bubble, but THEY ALL lie like cheap watches.

Correct !

Give this man a cupie doll

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Mister Obama or Mister 14 Trillion as Iike to call him. Because that is the hole he has dug.

His party lost it's majority in the House for one simple reason. Backlash to Obamacare.

This person has run up more debt than all the Presidents before him combined.

One could be forgiven for thinking his master plan is to wreck the country. Cloward & Piven.

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I see our future ex-President plans to put his 2012 budget out for public display.

He seems to be targeting medicare, medicaid and tax increases for those making over $250,000 annually.

What think you folks? Will increasing taxes on the rich generate enough income to the government to make any sort of real difference...or is this just class warfare.


Obama Puts Taxes on Table


President Barack Obama will lay out his plan for reducing the nation's deficit Wednesday, belatedly entering a fight over the nation's long-term financial future. But in addition to suggesting cuts—the current focus of debate—the White House looks set to aim its firepower on a more divisive topic: taxes.

In a speech Wednesday, Mr. Obama will propose cuts to entitlement programs, including Medicare and Medicaid, and changes to Social Security, a discussion he has largely left to Democrats and Republicans in Congress. He also will call for tax increases for people making over $250,000 a year, a proposal contained in his 2012 budget, and changing parts of the tax code he thinks benefit the wealthy.

"Every corner of the federal government has to be looked at here," David Plouffe, a senior White House adviser, said Sunday in one of multiple television appearances. "Revenues are going to have to be part of this," he said, referring to tax increases.

Until now, Mr. Obama has been largely absent from the raging debate over the long-term deficit. The White House has done little with the recommendations of its own bipartisan deficit commission. And Mr. Obama's 2012 budget didn't offer many new ideas for tackling entitlement spending, among the biggest long-term drains on the federal budget.

More here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704366104576255282893680792.html?mod=WSJ_hp_LEFTTopStories

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What think you folks? Will increasing taxes on the rich generate enough income to the government to make any sort of real difference...or is this just class warfare.

Sadly all the taxes collected from here on in still will not cover the interest alone on the US debt that grows daily.

No need to even mention the fact that it is the rich that have the option of taking their business & lives offshore....the businesses that provided jobs in the USA. The sin for success penalty has a snowballs chance in hell of working

That will leave more & more unemployed citizens to NOT pay taxes on income they do NOT receive. They will become wards of the State.

Will those things help or hinder? :rolleyes:




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Jing was moaning that entitlements like Medicare are killing the country. But this massive new, soon to be repealed, Obamacare is the most massive entitlement ever conceived by man.

Hopefully Mister Paul Ryan will be drafting the next budget & not the union organizer.

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So if you are in favor of higher taxes; higher unemployment; higher prices for food & energy. If you are in favor of weakening the military, if you agree with the war on truckers, fishermen, farmers, coal miners, oil drillers then for sure 100% you should vote for Obama.

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