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President Obama launches re-election campaign


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Practice makes perfect. Don't change horses in the middle of the stream!



Of course - change takes time. Its dishonest advertising if a pitchman promise change and use it as unique selling point.

Change takes time could have been almost a slogan of the opposite team in 2008. Continuity brings progress over the time. ;)

The Change Campaign was a marketing success, no question. A way to pull over new customers to your product including a new target group who wasn't previously interested in the consumer good at all. (not interested in your product and not in the product of the competitor).

Change 2008 was a proposition to all Americans. Change Takes Time 2012 is only a rallying call to die-hard supporters and mostly an excuse to all others. Those who bought Change could be feel cheated if they are now find out that the new fad of 2008 actually takes time. It lacks the viral marketing power. Way to lose your posse.

I don't believe in Change. My bet is on exchange of the (IMHO) interchangeables.

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Are you claiming the closure of the federal government is simply a trap set up by the Democratic Party to confuse and befuddle the Republican Party? The thinking would be that this would cause the Republicans to lose face and look bad prior to the 2012 election?

That seems a rather devious endeavor and fraught with danger that it might backfire on the Democrats.

No! This is more like what I meant. They built their own trap, the silly fools.

They are the strongest voices against a budget compromise: the conservative Republicans who have said they won’t accept a deal with Democrats on spending cuts, even if that means a government shutdown.

On Wednesday, some of them began to signal, without quite saying it, that they had put themselves in a bind.

If a shutdown comes, some conservatives said, it could seriously damage their political momentum. But, after winning an election on a no-compromise pledge, they saw nothing else they could do.


Edited by Jingthing
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Perhaps the poster was suggesting America doesn't have a culture.

That occurred to me. It always surprises me how often people who are otherwise not moronic can make such a truly inane comment but some do (not saying this person has); love it or hate its collosally stupid to claim it doesn't exist (or even to claim it has nothing redeeming).

You are now suggesting what that poster meant to say. I find i quite surprising how people come up with all these suggestions, putting words in the mouth of others and call it then a truly inane comment. A never said 'comment' that is just a product of their own guess work. says a lot about this people.

Nobody said America doesn't have a culture.

The election big show is a big part of American culture though, so it's actually going in the wrong direction.

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So the November 2012 election season starts now in April 2011. What's wrong with this picture?

You have to give the union time to send in all those small donations that don't have to have a donor identified. The estimated amount the "Obama" will spend will be over a "Billion" dollars. George Soros will also dig into his pocket to keep his lap dog in power. both the unions and George have profited greatly under the "Obama"

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So the November 2012 election season starts now in April 2011. What's wrong with this picture?

You have to give the union time to send in all those small donations that don't have to have a donor identified. The estimated amount the "Obama" will spend will be over a "Billion" dollars. George Soros will also dig into his pocket to keep his lap dog in power. both the unions and George have profited greatly under the "Obama"

the "Obama"?

That's catchy.

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the "Obama"?

That's catchy.

I figured king wouldn't be good enough for him, and president is also below his self image, so I've been referring to him as the "Obama" as it almost sounds like a title

I come to find out it really isn't his Islamic last name anyway. see Ghaddaffi's letter to the "Obama" and how he writes the Islamic form.

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He/she says:quote]You are now suggesting what that poster meant to say. I find i quite surprising how people come up with all these suggestions, putting words in the mouth of others and call it then a truly inane comment.

In response to:

That occurred to me.It always surprises me how often people who are otherwise not moronic can make such a truly inane comment but some do (not saying this person has);


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I come to find out it really isn't his Islamic last name anyway. see Ghaddaffi's letter to the "Obama" and how he writes the Islamic form.

Obama is a Christian. That's doesn't make him special, but let's keep with the facts, OK?

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That is not what it says on his birth certificate. :ph34r:

Whatever it says or doesn't say, Obama as an American not living under Sharia law is free to be whatever he likes religiously, also noting he was raised by his whitebread Mama.

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Since when does whatever someone like Gaddafi says (or didn't say) mean a dam_n thing thing to any right thinking person's opinion of the US president? Lame.

And since when do American birth certificates specify religion? And even if they did/do how does that prove what religion someone is when they reach their 40s?

And while it matters not bit what religion he is, and shoudn't to any American who believes in the constitution and genuine American values, what does his birth certificate say about his religion?



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For some reason couldn't post these images. FWIW:

Birth Certficate?

And this:

Birth Certificate?

I haven't found where it says he isn't a Christian (which, again, I couldn't care less about -- I happen to believe, as the founders did, in the separation of church and state).

Or maybe I would care since if he's not a Christian he's been pulling off an elaborate deception for decades -- well before he ran for POTUS. Is that what's happened? (Maybe that's why I couldn't post the images! It's all part of the CONSPIRA...uh,oh! A knock on my door...)

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Ah, well if you want to get into what a Christian is or isn't then I'll decline thanks. (I think there LOADS of christians that aren't very christian and LOADS of churches -- like many typical fundamentalists types, for example -- that teach unChristian values; but is this the place for that debate?)

But what about your assertion regarding the birth certificate? (An hour ago that was apparently your concern, not which church he went to. And your failure to respond to my questions -- or the links -- is curious.)

Won't be able to reply for a few hours so don't think me rude.

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The sad thing about the campaign circus is clearly shown now....

As the government is on the eve of shutdown & with no other candidate for presidency even announced...

It has not stopped our current president from leaving Washington on tax funded aircraft to go to Pennsylvania to kick off his re-election campaign....

Priorities lacking

Right, so he is supposed to sit in the White House while Boehner sucks on another Camel light and cries his crocodile tears.

In case you forgot, the people in PA were welcoming the President. As President he has an obligation to go out and interact with the public. if it so happens to coincide with the election so be it. This type of trip is part and parcel of being President. He could take a US Airways flight but I believe that for security reasons he has to US the helicopter. whistling.gif

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The sad thing about the campaign circus is clearly shown now....

As the government is on the eve of shutdown & with no other candidate for presidency even announced...

It has not stopped our current president from leaving Washington on tax funded aircraft to go to Pennsylvania to kick off his re-election campaign....

Priorities lacking

Right, so he is supposed to sit in the White House while Boehner sucks on another Camel light and cries his crocodile tears.

In case you forgot, the people in PA were welcoming the President. As President he has an obligation to go out and interact with the public. if it so happens to coincide with the election so be it. This type of trip is part and parcel of being President. He could take a US Airways flight but I believe that for security reasons he has to US the helicopter. whistling.gif

Yes, but NO President has ever done such a thing before and certainly no republican would have or ever will!


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That is not what it says on his birth certificate. :ph34r:

Would you rather they tattoo children at birth?

I could care less what religion he was at birth or even what country he was born in, but I am intrigued as to why he avoids producing his original birth certificate. It certainly seems as if there is something that he does not want the public to see.

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But what about your assertion regarding the birth certificate?

It was actually a joke (as - like everyone else - I have never seen it), but why does he avoid producing his original birth certificate with all the court cases and controversy about it? :blink:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The sad thing about the campaign circus is clearly shown now....

As the government is on the eve of shutdown & with no other candidate for presidency even announced...

It has not stopped our current president from leaving Washington on tax funded aircraft to go to Pennsylvania to kick off his re-election campaign....

Priorities lacking

Right, so he is supposed to sit in the White House while Boehner sucks on another Camel light and cries his crocodile tears.

In case you forgot, the people in PA were welcoming the President. As President he has an obligation to go out and interact with the public. if it so happens to coincide with the election so be it.

Oh Puleeeze

Is Boehner the only one sucking ciggs?

Not that it means squat but since you brought it up

Secondly Obama sat in the white house last year for quite some time didnt he?

He had a democratic controlled congress didnt he?

He & they failed to pass into law the fiscal budget for 2010 didnt they?

Because they feared doing so before the midterm elections that they feared would be bad for them ( turned out to be true )

So THEY sat on their butts failing to approve their own budget trying to protect the seats they held. Now they cry it is the other sides fault?

Who has crocodile tears you say????

Yes a few canned audiences at his town hall BS meetings in Pennsylvania may welcome him as they are suppose to.

Yes as you say the President has an obligation to the people.....even the thousands that will go without pay tomorrow at midnight while he reads teleprompters telling folks how if they vote for him things will get better

Again......Puleeze your post sounds like Rachel Madcow

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The sad thing about the campaign circus is clearly shown now....

As the government is on the eve of shutdown & with no other candidate for presidency even announced...

It has not stopped our current president from leaving Washington on tax funded aircraft to go to Pennsylvania to kick off his re-election campaign....

Priorities lacking

Right, so he is supposed to sit in the White House while Boehner sucks on another Camel light and cries his crocodile tears.

In case you forgot, the people in PA were welcoming the President. As President he has an obligation to go out and interact with the public. if it so happens to coincide with the election so be it.

Oh Puleeeze

Is Boehner the only one sucking ciggs?

Not that it means squat but since you brought it up

Secondly Obama sat in the white house last year for quite some time didnt he?

He had a democratic controlled congress didnt he?

He & they failed to pass into law the fiscal budget for 2010 didnt they?

Because they feared doing so before the midterm elections that they feared would be bad for them ( turned out to be true )

So THEY sat on their butts failing to approve their own budget trying to protect the seats they held. Now they cry it is the other sides fault?

Who has crocodile tears you say????

Yes a few canned audiences at his town hall BS meetings in Pennsylvania may welcome him as they are suppose to.

Yes as you say the President has an obligation to the people.....even the thousands that will go without pay tomorrow at midnight while he reads teleprompters telling folks how if they vote for him things will get better

Again......Puleeze your post sounds like Rachel Madcow

Cute. You neglect to mention the Republican filibuster efforts. D-oh.

If the government shuts down tomorrow don't blame Obama. Go and write to your congress person. That's who s responsible. As you well know, political affiliations mean nothing when it comes to budgets and earmarks. Just ask Ted Stevens the nasty republican Senator from Alaska that siphoned off billions, or the Congressmen that won't allow defense base closings. Oh sorry, stevens is dead. ooops. No more bridge to nowhere. sad.gif

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Cute. You neglect to mention the Republican filibuster efforts. D-oh.

If the government shuts down tomorrow don't blame Obama. Go and write to your congress person. That's who s responsible. As you well know, political affiliations mean nothing when it comes to budgets and earmarks.

Efforts back then by republicans meant nothing in a congress that had a Democratic a super majority

I am the one claiming today is not the result of who is in congress today.

Trust me I do write my reps....But congress is not a single person/rep

It is the result of the majority as always & that is where the problem began...last year

Do you do your budgeting in the 11th hour or do you think ahead?

Lets stick to the subject at hand....Do you really think that today is the day for campaigning? Against who? As Rome Burns? Really?

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Cute. You neglect to mention the Republican filibuster efforts. D-oh.

If the government shuts down tomorrow don't blame Obama. Go and write to your congress person. That's who s responsible. As you well know, political affiliations mean nothing when it comes to budgets and earmarks. Just ask Ted Stevens the nasty republican Senator from Alaska that siphoned off billions, or the Congressmen that won't allow defense base closings. Oh sorry, stevens is dead. ooops. No more bridge to nowhere. sad.gif

I guess having the newly remodeled train station in Delaware named The Joseph R. Biden Railroad Station doesn't count as an earmark? This one only cost $20 Million from the $800 Billion stimulus bill.

The so called Republican filibuster efforts could have been overruled with 60 Senate votes. The Democrats had 59 seats and couldn't get one more vote from the Republicans and Independents? It didn't seem to matter when it came to Obamacare.

The Democrats were too concerned about protecting their seats to pass another trillion plus dollar budget. They, quite simply, didn't have the political will to do their jobs.

This from today. Obama claims he will veto a compromise bill because it will 'distract' the budget process.


"While leaders were at the White House Thursday, the Republican House approved, on a 247-181 vote, a plan that would keep the government open until April 15, include another $12 billion in spending cuts and fully fund the Pentagon through Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year.

Obama said he would veto the bill, calling it a "distraction" to the budget negotiations."

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2011/04/07/Obama-I-expect-an-answer-Friday-am/UPI-20001302163200/#ixzz1Iu1Mcr6g

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No wonder Obama is demanding a quick resolution to the budget crisis. This better explains his personal priorities.


UPDATE: FAA sets up no-fly zone for Obama's planned trip to Williamsburg

By Austin Bogues 247-4536

11:32 a.m. EDT, April 7, 2011

The leader of the free world may be coming to Williamsburg for some rest and relaxation if Congress is able to come to agreement on the budget. President Obama and the First Family are planning to visit the area this weekend in what the White House described Wednesday as a "long-planned family trip to Colonial Williamsburg."

But the trip might get grounded if a government shutdown can't be averted by Republicans and Democrats in Congress.


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