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Britains Stranded In Thailand


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There are Brits who come to Thailand 1 way ticket and then spend all their money . P**Sing it against the wall amongst other wasteful activities,

Then they beg for help they had no Plan when they came. Wonder if they beg agressively?

I well remember the agressive beggars in London, abusing and insulting if you never gave them money, one even squared up to me, Wont tell you where he finished up after I dealt with his attitude.:angry:

So, let me see. You are saying all the Brits that come here spend all their money getting drunk and like such activity and then spend the rest of their lives agressively begging!!! :huh:

By using the term Brit, would you be north American?

No I'm British, Not afraid to criticize wasters in Thailand.

No, what it was was a childish generalisation, unworthy of being labelled as a criticism.

Just to iron this out I once had an American staying in my London flat for a couple of weeks. Ran up a huge phone bill while I was at work.....nice surprise that was I can tell you.

So we learn to be more careful with the company we keep....I also have a dislike of short fat balding Glaswegians...but that's more of a racial...or is it tribal?? prejudice.

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Reminds me of that Nicholas Cage and Elizabeth Shue movie about a guy who goes to Vegas and proceeds to drink himself to death ... even the good-hearted hooker (ES) could not save him.

The good-hearted monk and good samaritan (OP) will not save this loser either. Just hope he is not a breeder. The gene pool is bad enough as it is.

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Be VERY VERY carful, there alot of British Scammers in Bangkok all using the above SAME story to make money, i saw ' Mat ' plating his cames on Soi 3 / 4 , same story, asking for 1,000 THB to help for food, bus, transport back to the embassey for help, you would be surprised how many people fall for the story and offer to help them......

plating his cames ??

Can anybody translate please

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Be VERY VERY carful, there alot of British Scammers in Bangkok all using the above SAME story to make money, i saw ' Mat ' plating his cames on Soi 3 / 4 , same story, asking for 1,000 THB to help for food, bus, transport back to the embassey for help, you would be surprised how many people fall for the story and offer to help them......

plating his cames ??

Can anybody translate please

You have to excuse Boater, he's a daily mail reader.

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It seems that you did insult Warpspeed also myself, so a simple apology from such a gracious person as you would be sufficient thank you . :jap:

Wow, here's one to go in my little Black Book if ever i've seen one Mr Mobi..;)

What is the point of this post may I ask?

Did you read my response?

Why don't you return to your rubbishing of Spurs, where you are much more in your element as a typical, childish football yobo and leave these forums to the 'grown ups'....

Hang about here Mobi, he's not all bad he doesn't like celtic either.

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If these people are in such a state, begging for food and money, if they really are genuine, why don't they walk through the front gates of their embassy and ask for repatriation?

Easier to beg...nice warm weather....no need to sign on once a fortnight.

"Look I'm poor! I'm hungry! I've been scammed!"

Little bit of foresight needed when travelling abroad.

Give these people a one way ticket home and have their passports revoked. Permanently.

From your posts,I believe the world a better more compassionate place if people like you would have their Birth Certificates revoked.

More compassionate or more stupid? He's questioning why people in such dire straits would'nt just go to the embassy and get helped out, as i questioned in my post that he replied to.

Truth is I could take his insult as personally as he appears to have taken my posts.

But then mine are true and based on personal experience.

If he's had a luckier time with his debtors then good for him.

Still its offensive isn't it?....whatever way you choose to view it.

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well thanks for the replys up to now. First I know the man is telling the truth, because i and my wife has spoken to the head monk in Thai .He told us that they have been to the British Embasy, The Do not repatriate people now , they stoped doing it two years ago, I have not been scammed or conned,or given him or lent him any money, How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money, I have seen his state of health and the cloths he wears, I know where he sleeps and i have seen working cleaning and doing meanial jobs as instructed by the monks, I am goimg back to see him on Saturday, to see what can be done if any thing. I will update again and maybe get some more infomation.

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well thanks for the replys up to now. First I know the man is telling the truth, because i and my wife has spoken to the head monk in Thai .He told us that they have been to the British Embasy, The Do not repatriate people now , they stoped doing it two years ago, I have not been scammed or conned,or given him or lent him any money, How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money, I have seen his state of health and the cloths he wears, I know where he sleeps and i have seen working cleaning and doing meanial jobs as instructed by the monks, I am goimg back to see him on Saturday, to see what can be done if any thing. I will update again and maybe get some more infomation.

If this is true I would try to contact a british newspaper.

I'm sure they would be interested.


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well thanks for the replys up to now. First I know the man is telling the truth, because i and my wife has spoken to the head monk in Thai .He told us that they have been to the British Embasy, The Do not repatriate people now , they stoped doing it two years ago, I have not been scammed or conned,or given him or lent him any money, How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money, I have seen his state of health and the cloths he wears, I know where he sleeps and i have seen working cleaning and doing meanial jobs as instructed by the monks, I am goimg back to see him on Saturday, to see what can be done if any thing. I will update again and maybe get some more infomation.

If this is true I would try to contact a british newspaper.

I'm sure they would be interested.


Not a bad idea that, So its confirmed then that the British Embassy DO NOT REPATRIATE. I hope Brits over here don't blame the embassy and their staff. Its obviously another of Tony and Gordons caring governments cut backs.

So the morale is, as a Brit, if your luck falls foul in LOS, bar for the invervention of a good samaritan, or friends/family with disposable income/savings to send over, you are totally and utterly f_ucked. Stay lucky everyone. ;)

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well thanks for the replys up to now. First I know the man is telling the truth, because i and my wife has spoken to the head monk in Thai .He told us that they have been to the British Embasy, The Do not repatriate people now , they stoped doing it two years ago, I have not been scammed or conned,or given him or lent him any money, How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money, I have seen his state of health and the cloths he wears, I know where he sleeps and i have seen working cleaning and doing meanial jobs as instructed by the monks, I am goimg back to see him on Saturday, to see what can be done if any thing. I will update again and maybe get some more infomation.

If this is true I would try to contact a british newspaper.

I'm sure they would be interested.


Not a bad idea that, So its confirmed then that the British Embassy DO NOT REPATRIATE. I hope Brits over here don't blame the embassy and their staff. Its obviously another of Tony and Gordons caring governments cut backs.

So the morale is, as a Brit, if your luck falls foul in LOS, bar for the invervention of a good samaritan, or friends/family with disposable income/savings to send over, you are totally and utterly f_ucked. Stay lucky everyone. ;)

I'm not a Brit so cannot contact the British Embassy to ask for confirmation of this.

After all we only have the words of a Thai monk sofar.

If however this is true then shame on Great Britain. And here I was thinking that my embassy was bad.


Edited by yermanee
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How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money.

He can't come up with 10baht to stick into a computer to send some email..? Please...I'm sure i could find 10baht in a few hours if i had to just by looking around for coins on the floor on in phone booths, or vending machines...

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well thanks for the replys up to now. First I know the man is telling the truth, because i and my wife has spoken to the head monk in Thai .He told us that they have been to the British Embasy, The Do not repatriate people now , they stoped doing it two years ago, I have not been scammed or conned,or given him or lent him any money, How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money, I have seen his state of health and the cloths he wears, I know where he sleeps and i have seen working cleaning and doing meanial jobs as instructed by the monks, I am goimg back to see him on Saturday, to see what can be done if any thing. I will update again and maybe get some more infomation.

If this is true I would try to contact a british newspaper.

I'm sure they would be interested.


Not a bad idea that, So its confirmed then that the British Embassy DO NOT REPATRIATE. I hope Brits over here don't blame the embassy and their staff. Its obviously another of Tony and Gordons caring governments cut backs.

So the morale is, as a Brit, if your luck falls foul in LOS, bar for the invervention of a good samaritan, or friends/family with disposable income/savings to send over, you are totally and utterly f_ucked. Stay lucky everyone. ;)

I'm not a Brit so cannot contact the British Embassy to ask for confirmation of this.

After all we only have the words of a Thai monk sofar.

If however this is true then shame on Great Britain. And here I was thinking that my embassy was bad.


I would'nt be surprised. Judging by their performance at the end of 2004, the British Embassy and their staff did'nt think it was their responsibility either to help British citizens after the tsunami. Disgraceful bunch of freeloaders at best.

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How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money.

He can't come up with 10baht to stick into a computer to send some email..? Please...I'm sure i could find 10baht in a few hours if i had to just by looking around for coins on the floor on in phone booths, or vending machines...

exactly and if the OP is so concerned about this person and this issue of not having 10Baht to send this possible life changing e-mail, why doesn't he take him to an internet cafe and pay for an hours worth of internet and the terrible situation could be changed. Or just get an e-mail address and send an e-mail on his behalf.

Smells fishy...

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How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money.

He can't come up with 10baht to stick into a computer to send some email..? Please...I'm sure i could find 10baht in a few hours if i had to just by looking around for coins on the floor on in phone booths, or vending machines...

exactly and if the OP is so concerned about this person and this issue of not having 10Baht to send this possible life changing e-mail, why doesn't he take him to an internet cafe and pay for an hours worth of internet and the terrible situation could be changed. Or just get an e-mail address and send an e-mail on his behalf.

Smells fishy...

I thought we were past the scam theories. There could be dozens of reasons why an email would not work. To name just a few :

His only remaining close relatives don't have internet or he cannot remember their email address.

He has no more close relatives and or friends left.

etc. etc.


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How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money.

He can't come up with 10baht to stick into a computer to send some email..? Please...I'm sure i could find 10baht in a few hours if i had to just by looking around for coins on the floor on in phone booths, or vending machines...

exactly and if the OP is so concerned about this person and this issue of not having 10Baht to send this possible life changing e-mail, why doesn't he take him to an internet cafe and pay for an hours worth of internet and the terrible situation could be changed. Or just get an e-mail address and send an e-mail on his behalf.

Smells fishy...

I thought we were past the scam theories. There could be dozens of reasons why an email would not work. To name just a few :

His only remaining close relatives don't have internet or he cannot remember their email address.

He has no more close relatives and or friends left.

etc. etc.


The OP has mentioned more than once about not being able to send a letter or e-mail because the lad had no money. You would assume from these comments that there is someone to e-mail

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How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money.

He can't come up with 10baht to stick into a computer to send some email..? Please...I'm sure i could find 10baht in a few hours if i had to just by looking around for coins on the floor on in phone booths, or vending machines...

exactly and if the OP is so concerned about this person and this issue of not having 10Baht to send this possible life changing e-mail, why doesn't he take him to an internet cafe and pay for an hours worth of internet and the terrible situation could be changed. Or just get an e-mail address and send an e-mail on his behalf.

Smells fishy...

I thought we were past the scam theories. There could be dozens of reasons why an email would not work. To name just a few :

His only remaining close relatives don't have internet or he cannot remember their email address.

He has no more close relatives and or friends left.

etc. etc.


So why was email even mentioned then?

At first it was a home address. Now it's a letter AND an email he can't afford to send. It's all becoming rather convoluted, isn't it?

Has a credit card account, but can't get any money.

Going on a wild goose chase for his passport, although it could just be cancelled and replaced.

I'm beginning to winder if 'Matt' even exists.

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Hang on a sec.....

He has tried to send many letters from Thailand to the Uk which none seem to have got through.

And then

How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money

Which one is it? Why can't the OP keep his story straight? What is he going to tell us next?

OP, are you sure you didn't meet 'Matt' under your bridge one day?

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Mind you, a major load of crap that ThaiVisa members fell for was The Richard Hewitt tale.

You all look upon him as being the victim, in some ways he was, but I knew him and he was a real pain the butt and was lucky that he wasn't buried long ago.

But hey, lets not slag off a Farang, there was a Thai taxi driver that overcharged him 20 Baht 7 years ago, lets have a go at him instead, f;;king Thais, they're all the same, they all hate us, why can't they drive, why do they drink and get drunk then drive, why can't they speak English, I want to buy land so I can keep my wife 35 years my junior as a financial hostage, why can't I buy land, why won't a women 35 years younger than me love me for who I am and not for what I have, why do motorcycle taxi drivers sleep in between fares, why are poor people poor , why did I come to Thailand, why didn't I leave, why don't I leave now, why do I stay, I know, I'll stay in Thailand just to spite the Thais , I'll show em, I'll join ThaiVisa and be a miserable bastard, I'll spend the rest of my life typing meaningless posts on an anonymous forum, I'll show em, really, they'll care, the wife hates me, the kids don't even know who I am as I spend all my time tapping away on a keyboard, pass me the freekin' cyanide pill quick !!!

Edited by MrsMills
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Excellent post there Mrs M, keep up the good work.

Some of the farang deadbeats I have seen would have difficulty tieing their shoe laces, if they could actually afford shoes.

Others should stick to the confines of Euro socialist la la land where big brother knows whats best.

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Excellent post there Mrs M, keep up the good work.

Some of the farang deadbeats I have seen would have difficulty tieing their shoe laces, if they could actually afford shoes.

Others should stick to the confines of Euro socialist la la land where big brother knows whats best.


... and for sure cannot afford our privileged

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"He went to the British embassy to report the loss of his passport and his predicament. they told him they could not help him and just left him to his own devices"

Before you write off the respondents as cynical and uncaring perhaps you might care to visit the British Embassy yourself and do a bit of due diligence on this (IMO ridiculous) statement.

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I'm not a Brit so cannot contact the British Embassy to ask for confirmation of this.

Nonsense. There is no reason at all why they should not answer you.

It's the consulate or consular services that you need to contact about this anyway, not the Embassy.

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the British Embassy and their staff did'nt think it was their responsibility either to help British citizens after the tsunami.

I remember seeing (on television) a group of people from the British Embassy who had gone down to the Phuket area quite soon after the event. I dont know what they actually did there though.

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I would'nt be surprised. Judging by their performance at the end of 2004, the British Embassy and their staff did'nt think it was their responsibility either to help British citizens after the tsunami. Disgraceful bunch of freeloaders at best.

Hang on, I missed this.

I was in the Tsunami.

I ended up in Phuket hospital. While I was there I had a visit from an embassy bod who helped me out with what I needed.,

No passport to get back to Bangkok......... sorted.

No transportation to the airport from the hospital... Done

Need my family in the UK contacted so they know I'm OK....... done

Help with getting a seat on a plane back to BKK....... Done

Passport replaced with a new one back at the embassy, and at no cost...... brilliant.

I didn't need money, I had money in BKK but they offered to make arrangements to get money organised through my family.

British embassy staff also had a large stall set up at BKK airport to help people who were arriving on flights from affected parts of the country. They were also coordinating with B.A. (I think) to get people on planes headed back home.

You are lying, stop it!

Edited by Moonrakers
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<br />
<br />I would'nt be surprised.  Judging by their performance at the end of 2004, the British Embassy and their staff did'nt think it was their responsibility either to help British citizens after the tsunami.  Disgraceful bunch of freeloaders at best.<br />
<br /><br /><br />Hang on, I missed this.<br /><br />I was in the Tsunami.<br /><br />I ended up in Phuket hospital. While I was there I had a visit from an embassy bod who helped me out with what I needed.,<br /><br />No passport to get back to Bangkok......... sorted.<br />No transportation to the airport from the hospital... Done<br />Need my family in the UK contacted so they know I'm OK....... done<br />Help with getting a seat on a plane back to BKK....... Done<br />Passport replaced with a new one back at the embassy, and at no cost...... brilliant.<br /><br />I didn't need money, I had money in BKK but they offered to make arrangements to get money organised through my family.<br /><br />British embassy staff also had a large stall set up at BKK airport to help people who were arriving on flights from affected parts of the country. They were also coordinating with B.A. (I think) to get people on planes headed back home.<br /><br /><b>You are lying</b>, stop it!<br />
<br /><br /><br />

You are 100% correct and, while many may criticise what the BritEmb cannot do here, they were excellent at responding to this tragedy.

I flew into Phuket less than 10 days after the tsunami (which as most folk know affected Kaow Lak far more than Phuket itself) and found a British Embassy booth set up between Arrivals and the taxi rank.

It was covered with photos and appeals for missing people (quite heartbreaking) and staffed by a bright, sympathetic young man who had been hauled in at zero notice to do his best with all aspects of aiding communications.

Credit where credit is due for UK systems, please. Other affected nations were notable for their absence, at the airport and in Phuket town. No names, no pack drill.

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.........I know the man is telling the truth, because i and my wife has spoken to the head monk in Thai .He told us that they have been to the British Embasy, The Do not repatriate people now , they stoped doing it two years ago.........

Did the monk tell you what the consular staff told him; or, more likely, what the man told him the consular staff said?

From the embassy website

Contacting friends and relatives

If you want us to, we can contact your relatives and friends and let them know what has happened. In some cases, we can offer financial assistance.

(My emphasis)

The embassy will also arrange a replacement passport, or if he needed to travel urgently an emergancy travel document. All he needs to do is report it stolen to the police and present the police report to the embassy. See Lost or stolen passport and Urgent travel (The links go to Hong Kong as they deal with passport applications for the region; but all the paperwork etc. is done in Bangkok.)

..........How do you post a letter or send an E mail with out any money.............

As you can see from the above, he doesn't need money; the embassy will contact them for him.

You obviously have access to the internet; why not offer to let him use that to send an e-mail?

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