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Well first of apologies because I know this query has been posted numerous times (having read most of them!!) but now that it has came round to our application time, nerves are kicking in and I just want to check everything again!

Ok first of all this application is not going through Thailand (yeah love the country but left without a local :o ), but I figure one British embassy is the same as the next - well should be anyway!

Anyway about to apply for hubby's spousal visa and have everything that we need document wise but the one thing I am worried about is finances!!

Now I have a decent enough wage in the UK, very few outgoings as I was lucky enough to get on property ladder before prices hit the roof plus my brother is a lodger paying money (still leaves us a spare bedroom so no worries there!!) but with all the trips I have made to see him I have very little savings - like very little!!

Now I have been assured by people that this will not matter as they will see the amount of trips, phone calls and lawyers fees we have paid and realise we are ok - plus my slary just went up 20% in last month!! I have a statment from my brother confirming the rent he pays plus details of the new wage and the thousands I have spent on trips!!

Am I worrying over nothing here - I mean my bank statments are not bad but I do spend the last week of the month in my overdraft!!

I'm financially stable but don't have five grand in the bank!!

How worried should I be?


Not worried at all!

Many people in the UK can only get through the month on an overdraft. (I'm self-employed, so spend more time in the red than the black!) As long as the overdraft is approved, and you can show that it is under control, then you should be ok.


The visa officer just wants to establish that you have the wherewithall to support your husband in day-to-day terms, not that you are fabulously wealthy. So, in that regard, I do think you're worrying too much.

Anyhow, Caledonians are noted for their thrift. :o



Thanks for the reassurance - you know what it is like, I'm all calm until we are trying to file an app!!

Having been waiting three years to apply (looooonnnnggg story) just wanted to make sure they couldn't catch us out on a minor technicality - yeah we might be thrifty but we sure as blazes can't save :o

Thanks again


Oh yet another question- but how much attention should be paid to processing times of settlement visas?

I mean I know that you can have a quick interview which we won't qualify for as hubby has a checkered immigration history in uk :o so we will be holding out for the full interview.

At the moment one embassy is showing as ten weeks to process (bringing us dangersouly close to Crimbo) and the other that processes is showing as only two weeks - problem being he lives closer to the longer wait!

How accurate are these times and can you choose where to submit the application regardless of nearest office?

I notice the UK Visa site suggests you call the embassy to ask what their current times are - have these people ever tried to call an embassy!!! Maybe I have just been unlucky!! :D


Hi Caledonia,

As a general rule, a settlement application should be made at the British embassy/high commission in the country of normal residence. If there is no British representation in the country in question, then the British embassy in a neighbouring country will be designated to process visa applications.

Waiting times are dependent upon the individual mission and the more settlement applications of a given nationality, the longer the wait is at the embassy in question: some are 0 and others are up to a year.



Scouse you really are a gem!

Ahhh yes I get that bit but there are two embassies in his home country - one in Abuja which is the mai nHigh Commission with a two week wait and one in Lagos where every one and their dog goes for a visa (yes really!) where the waiting times are ten weeks.

I was just slightly confused by the fact that two embassies in one country can have such massive differences in processing times.I have tried calling but quel surprise they don't answer the phone on published numbers!

Pah I thought the Bangkok embassy were bad! They just ignore e-mails :o

Oh well i'll just keep hitting re-dial until the cleaner answers or something!


Hi Caledonia,

I have a good friend who did 3 years at the, then, High Commission in Lagos. The visa section staff were permanently pissed as that's the only way they could get through the day.

It was about 10 years ago that the Nigerian government decreed that Abuja would be the capital city and compelled the foreign missions to move there. No-one lives there, though, so the deputy High Commission in Lagos is still the busiest in terms of visa applications. However, I don't know if there is a policy of applicants having to apply for a visa at the mission nearest to where they live. Keep trying the phones.


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