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China hits back at critical U.S. human rights report with its own report


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China hits back at critical U.S. human rights report with its own report

2011-04-11 10:42:48 GMT+7 (ICT)

BEIJING (BNO NEWS) -- Responding to the U.S. State Department's 2010 Human Rights Report that addressed the human rights situation in China, the Asian country on Monday hit back at the United States with its very own report.

The 'Human Rights Record of the United States in 2010', which was released by China's Information Office of the State Council, said the U.S. report on China is "full of distortions and accusations" on the situation in more than 190 countries, including China.

China said the United States is using the annual report as a political instrument to defame the image of other nations and to seek its own strategic interests. It said these moves expose the "hypocrisy" of the United States by exercising a double standard on human rights.

In the U.S. report, which was released on Friday, the U.S. State Department said on China that "a negative trend in key areas of the country's human rights record continued" in 2010. It said the Chinese government had taken additional steps to rein in civil society, particularly organizations and individuals involved in rights advocacy and public interest issues, and increased attempts to limit freedom of speech and to control the press, the Internet, and Internet access.

"Efforts to silence political activists and public interest lawyers were stepped up, and increasingly the government resorted to extralegal measures including enforced disappearance, 'soft detention,' and strict house arrest, including house arrest of family members, to prevent the public voicing of independent opinions," the U.S. report notes. "Public interest law firms that took on sensitive cases also continued to face harassment, disbarment of legal staff, and closure."

The U.S. said Chinese citizens continued to have no right to change their government in 2010, and it said principal human rights problems include extrajudicial killings, including executions without due process, enforced disappearance and incommunicado detention. It also accused China of torturing prisoners and getting coerced confessions. "Corruption remained endemic," it also noted.

But China has rejected the report and said the United States should focus on its own situation instead. "The United States turned a blind eye to its own terrible human rights situation and seldom mentioned it," the Chinese report notes. "The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2010 is prepared to urge the United States to face up to its own human rights issues."

China's report slammed the United States on numerous issues. For instance, the report says, U.S. minority groups confront discrimination in their employment and occupation. "Racial discrimination, deep-seated in the United States, has permeated every aspect of social life," the report said, adding that black people are being treated unfairly and excluded in promotions.

Furthermore, the Chinese report said the violation of citizens' civil and political rights by the government is "severe." It said more than 6,600 travelers had been subject to electronic device searches between October 2008 and June 2010, and security alerts at airports had been raised to require passengers to go through a full-body scanner machine or pat-downs.

Americans are also often wrongfully convicted of crimes, the report said, adding that the abuse of violence and torturing suspects to get a confession is a serious situation in the U.S. law enforcement.

In another critical note, China said the U.S.-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have caused 'huge' civilian casualties with 63 percent of those killed in the Iraq War being civilians. "The U.S. military actions in Afghanistan and other regions have also brought tremendous casualties to local people," said the report.

Also, the report said, one out of every five people in the United States is a victim of a crime each year. "No other nation on earth has a rate that is higher," said the report, adding that the country has some 20 million female rape victims.

China's report on the United States was dominating the top stories of state-run news organizations in China on Monday. The United States did not immediately respond to the Chinese report.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-04-11

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Another case of the USA sticking its nose in other countries business. In ten years time the Chinese will be looking at the States in thier rear view mirror and that mere thought is rattling the US administration big time. :lol:

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Who is comparing ? Just saying it aint the US business as usual.However I still feel for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

" The report found that the U.S. government neglected to adhere to "internationally recognized human rights principles the Bush administration has promoted in other countries."[4] From May to June 2008, United Nations Special Rapporteur Doudou Diène was invited by the U.S. government to visit and study racial discrimination in the U.S. Diène's 2008 report was delivered to the United Nations Human Rights Council and was published in 2009.[5] " ;)


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Another case of the USA sticking its nose in other countries business.

Well, if you want to get right down to the truth - other countries business IS the USA's business because it is our world. The rest of you are just renting space on it. When you other countries start pulling your own weight maybe you'll get some slack. In the meantime, just keep buying blue jeans, Marlboros, Coca-Cola, McDonalds and watching Hollywood movies and speak only when spoken to. There, now you know why we really don't give a rat's patootie what you think. :)

BTW - I think it's brilliant that China released its own report about the USA. Classic.

Edited by koheesti
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Who is comparing ? Just saying it aint the US business as usual.However I still feel for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

" The report found that the U.S. government neglected to adhere to "internationally recognized human rights principles the Bush administration has promoted in other countries."[4] From May to June 2008, United Nations Special Rapporteur Doudou Diène was invited by the U.S. government to visit and study racial discrimination in the U.S. Diène's 2008 report was delivered to the United Nations Human Rights Council and was published in 2009.[5] " ;)


Please tell me what Hurricane Katrina has to do with this topic. :offtopic::spamsign:

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Another case of the USA sticking its nose in other countries business.

Well, if you want to get right down to the truth - other countries business IS the USA's business because it is our world. The rest of you are just renting space on it. When you other countries start pulling your own weight maybe you'll get some slack. In the meantime, just keep buying blue jeans, Marlboros, Coca-Cola, McDonalds and watching Hollywood movies and speak only when spoken to. There, now you know why we really don't give a rat's patootie what you think. :)

BTW - I think it's brilliant that China released its own report about the USA. Classic.

The most arrogant answer so far; " it is our world" .:lol: ( wrapped up in a joke of course, just in case some flack ... ) There has been a time I could get worked up over this, but now I know where it is coming from.

Oh and by the way, if the US pulled a bit less weight, I am sure something would change too, but you wouldn't understand what the rest of the world means by that.

Thanks for the laugh anyway, and thanks for saving the planet :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: And now i am joking too.

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Such a report from China would have been unthinkable just a few short years ago. Revelations will continue to flow from the Wikileaks for years to come, less than 2% has been released thus far. The Wikileaks evidence of under-reported civilian deaths in Iraq has proven extremely damning.

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USA- Capital punishment, Imprisonment without trial ,

China- Capital punishment, Imprisonment without trial.

Very similar but one big difference. China doesnt get involved(polite way of saying attacking) other states .

So 2 fingers to USA.

And Long may the Yuan rule.


How many Billions of $ in US Bonds does China Hold? Or how much in Debt is the USA to China?

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Once each year we submit the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices to Congress, but advancing freedom and human rights is a daily priority for the men and women of the Department of State, both in Washington and in our embassies overseas. Through these reports, through our diplomacy, and through our example, we will continue to press for the universal human rights of all individuals. Now is the opportunity for us to support all who are willing to stand up on behalf of the rights we cherish.

In that spirit I hereby transmit the Department of State's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2010 to the United States Congress.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Secretary of State

Hillary should shut her pie hole as she only makes everything worse.

Now especially is not the time for her to be pointing her finger at anyone.

She needs to take a nap & give us & the world a break of her shining example.

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USA- Capital punishment, Imprisonment without trial ,

China- Capital punishment, Imprisonment without trial.

Very similar but one big difference. China doesnt get involved(polite way of saying attacking) other states .

What about Tibet? Or Taiwann? The invaded Vietnam in the late 70's and got their butts kciked back across the border. The even went into India according to an Indian colleague of mine.

Why is China building up its conventional military? Are they afraid of an American invasion?

Edited by koheesti
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Such a report from China would have been unthinkable just a few short years ago. Revelations will continue to flow from the Wikileaks for years to come, less than 2% has been released thus far. The Wikileaks evidence of under-reported civilian deaths in Iraq has proven extremely damning.

China or any other country could always make such a report about any society that is free and open. Just read the newspapers and the government's own statistics.

I remember not long after the USSR dissolved, an ex-KGB officer who had been stationed in the US was complimented by his superiors for providing so much good intel. His source? The newspaper.

Back in the early 80's a man was visited by the FBI for selling a poster of the Space Shuttle with a detailed cross-section. They wanted to know where he got the classified information. You know where? The Public Library.

I wonder if we'll get a wikileaks that shows the under reporting of deaths of people in China who are against the government?

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Such a report from China would have been unthinkable just a few short years ago. Revelations will continue to flow from the Wikileaks for years to come, less than 2% has been released thus far. The Wikileaks evidence of under-reported civilian deaths in Iraq has proven extremely damning.

China or any other country could always make such a report about any society that is free and open. Just read the newspapers and the government's own statistics.

I remember not long after the USSR dissolved, an ex-KGB officer who had been stationed in the US was complimented by his superiors for providing so much good intel. His source? The newspaper.

Back in the early 80's a man was visited by the FBI for selling a poster of the Space Shuttle with a detailed cross-section. They wanted to know where he got the classified information. You know where? The Public Library.

I wonder if we'll get a wikileaks that shows the under reporting of deaths of people in China who are against the government?

Why? this is about the US, not China. Commenting on the reporter is just a nonsense, comment on the report instead.

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Such a report from China would have been unthinkable just a few short years ago. Revelations will continue to flow from the Wikileaks for years to come, less than 2% has been released thus far. The Wikileaks evidence of under-reported civilian deaths in Iraq has proven extremely damning.

China or any other country could always make such a report about any society that is free and open. Just read the newspapers and the government's own statistics.

I remember not long after the USSR dissolved, an ex-KGB officer who had been stationed in the US was complimented by his superiors for providing so much good intel. His source? The newspaper.

Back in the early 80's a man was visited by the FBI for selling a poster of the Space Shuttle with a detailed cross-section. They wanted to know where he got the classified information. You know where? The Public Library.

I wonder if we'll get a wikileaks that shows the under reporting of deaths of people in China who are against the government?

Why? this is about the US, not China. Commenting on the reporter is just a nonsense, comment on the report instead.

Nonsense? I'm not sure what you are talking about. This thread is about China making a report about the US.

China made a report about the USA (rapes, murders, crime in general, etc).

All of that information is readily available to anyone. If you wanted, you could compile the "Wallaby Human Rights Report on the USA" (or UK, Australia, Canada, etc) and fill it full of statistics and news accounts that are all available to the public.

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Comparing U.S human rights abuses to China's is laughable. There is not modern equivalent to Tiananmen Square just for starters. :rolleyes:

You are forgetting that China stays within its borders while the US occupies many nations on earth and hence has its Tianamen Square incidents outside its border.


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Who is comparing ? Just saying it aint the US business as usual.However I still feel for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

" The report found that the U.S. government neglected to adhere to "internationally recognized human rights principles the Bush administration has promoted in other countries."[4] From May to June 2008, United Nations Special Rapporteur Doudou Diène was invited by the U.S. government to visit and study racial discrimination in the U.S. Diène's 2008 report was delivered to the United Nations Human Rights Council and was published in 2009.[5] " ;)


Please tell me what Hurricane Katrina has to do with this topic. :offtopic::spamsign:

Well, it substantiate the claim mentioned in the OP. The situation of human rights in the US.

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So "Racial discrimination, deep-seated in the United States, has permeated every aspect of social life," the report said, adding that black people are being treated unfairly and excluded in promotions."

Unusual statement about a country whose President is black, whose highest military officer was once a black man (Colin Powell), whose highest diplomat (Secretary of State) was once a black woman and whose Ambassador to the UN was once a black person. There have been literally dozens of black cabinet members over the years, and just about all the largest cities once had black mayors (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, San Francisco, Seattle, New Orleans, Washington DC, Atlanta and too many others to mention.) I would have to look up how many black members of the House and Senate there have been but it must number in the hundreds.

The highest paid person in entertainment is a black woman (Oprah Winfrey) and the list of highest paid athletes all contain significant numbers of blacks. There have been and still are CEOs of fortune 500 companies that are black; Merck and Company, American Express, Aetna Insurance, Xerox, Citigroup, Darden Restaurants (Red Lobster and The Olive Garden) Merrill Lynch, McDonalds and Symantec Corporation to name a few.

I'm certainly not saying that discrimination no longer exists in the US these days but to say that it "permeates every aspect of social life" is absurd. Can any of the ethnic minorities in China ever expect to become anything more than low level party bureaucrats at best? I seriously doubt it. Pure hypocrisy.

On the issue of civilian casualties in the Iraq War I must admit that it is true that had the US not entered into that huge mistake thousands of Iraqi civilians who were killed would still be alive today. It is only fair to point out however, that the overwhelming number of those civilian casualties were inflicted not by US or Allied troops but by the different warring factions within Iraq itself, most notably Sunnis vs. Shiites and often by groups from extremist elements from outside the country altogether.

Edited by Groongthep
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So "Racial discrimination, deep-seated in the United States, has permeated every aspect of social life," the report said, adding that black people are being treated unfairly and excluded in promotions."

Unusual statement about a country whose President is black, whose highest military officer was once a black man (Colin Powell), whose highest diplomat (Secretary of State) was once a black woman and whose Ambassador to the UN was once a black person. There have been literally dozens of black cabinet members over the years, and just about all the largest cities once had black mayors (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, San Francisco, Seattle, New Orleans, Washington DC, Atlanta and too many others to mention.) I would have to look up how many black members of the House and Senate there have been but it must number in the hundreds.

The highest paid person in entertainment is a black woman (Oprah Winfrey) and the list of highest paid athletes all contain significant numbers of blacks. There have been and still are CEOs of fortune 500 companies that are black; Merck and Company, American Express, Aetna Insurance, Xerox, Citigroup, Darden Restaurants (Red Lobster and The Olive Garden) Merrill Lynch, McDonalds and Symantec Corporation to name a few.

I'm certainly not saying that discrimination no longer exists in the US these days but to say that it "permeates every aspect of social life" is absurd. Can any of the ethnic minorities in China ever expect to become anything more than low level party bureaucrats at best? I seriously doubt it. Pure hypocrisy.

On the issue of civilian casualties in the Iraq War I must admit that it is true that had the US not entered into that huge mistake thousands of Iraqi civilians who were killed would still be alive today. It is only fair to point out however, that the overwhelming number of those civilian casualties were inflicted not by US or Allied troops but by the different warring factions within Iraq itself, most notably Sunnis vs. Shiites and often by groups from extremist elements from outside the country altogether.

The president is white.

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So "Racial discrimination, deep-seated in the United States, has permeated every aspect of social life," the report said, adding that black people are being treated unfairly and excluded in promotions."

Unusual statement about a country whose President is black, whose highest military officer was once a black man (Colin Powell), whose highest diplomat (Secretary of State) was once a black woman and whose Ambassador to the UN was once a black person. There have been literally dozens of black cabinet members over the years, and just about all the largest cities once had black mayors (New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, San Francisco, Seattle, New Orleans, Washington DC, Atlanta and too many others to mention.) I would have to look up how many black members of the House and Senate there have been but it must number in the hundreds.

The highest paid person in entertainment is a black woman (Oprah Winfrey) and the list of highest paid athletes all contain significant numbers of blacks. There have been and still are CEOs of fortune 500 companies that are black; Merck and Company, American Express, Aetna Insurance, Xerox, Citigroup, Darden Restaurants (Red Lobster and The Olive Garden) Merrill Lynch, McDonalds and Symantec Corporation to name a few.

I'm certainly not saying that discrimination no longer exists in the US these days but to say that it "permeates every aspect of social life" is absurd. Can any of the ethnic minorities in China ever expect to become anything more than low level party bureaucrats at best? I seriously doubt it. Pure hypocrisy.

On the issue of civilian casualties in the Iraq War I must admit that it is true that had the US not entered into that huge mistake thousands of Iraqi civilians who were killed would still be alive today. It is only fair to point out however, that the overwhelming number of those civilian casualties were inflicted not by US or Allied troops but by the different warring factions within Iraq itself, most notably Sunnis vs. Shiites and often by groups from extremist elements from outside the country altogether.

The president is white.

Only when he gets something right. ;)

Not my original line, I heard some black comedian say it first.

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Well, if you want to get right down to the truth - other countries business IS the USA's business because it is our world.

With the ammount that the US owes China, as in; has borrowed from then to fund its 'business in other countries' like Iraq, Afganastan, Libya, it must be getting close to the stage where China 'ownes' a fair chunk of the US.

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Well, if you want to get right down to the truth - other countries business IS the USA's business because it is our world.

With the ammount that the US owes China, as in; has borrowed from then to fund its 'business in other countries' like Iraq, Afganastan, Libya, it must be getting close to the stage where China 'ownes' a fair chunk of the US.

China owns a huge amount of US Treasury securities (bonds or T-bills) which pay a very modest rate of interest. The central Chinese government bought them of their own free will hoping they would be a safe place to "park" the enormous surplus of dollars they have accrued as a result of the trade imbalance with the US due at least partly to the intentional under valuation of their own currency.

True, a lot of that borrowed money goes to military expenditures but even more goes to Medicare and Medicaid which each year keep falling farther and farther behind the skyrocketing cost of medical care. China doesn't "own" anything in the US as a result of buying these Treasury Bills except debt.

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The president is white.



Yes. He is a white guy. He grow up with his white mother and white grandmother. He got a 'white' education and became a WASP. He does SWPL like like turning the lawn into a organic vegetable garden. He is like the regular white guy who enjoys beer and cigarettes and thinks smoking ganja is a sickness of black people.

What makes you think he is black?

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Comparing U.S human rights abuses to China's is laughable. There is not modern equivalent to Tiananmen Square just for starters. :rolleyes:

You are forgetting that China stays within its borders while the US occupies many nations on earth and hence has its Tianamen Square incidents outside its border.

Already refuted. ;)

What about Tibet? Or Taiwann? The invaded Vietnam in the late 70's and got their butts kciked back across the border. The even went into India according to an Indian colleague of mine.

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Fact is any USA NGO or GO can put out any report it wants about China its "water off a ducks back" as we say in these parts.

Just when Obama asked Hu Jintao to look at devaluing the Yuan, yeah China had a look and then does whats best for its economy just as the US did before exporting all its production overseas and wasting money on overseas wars .

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