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A friend of mine is planning to visit Thailand by mid of coming May, and I want to take the opportunity to buy my favorite bird from Thailand.

I appreciate your help to guide me getting contacts information of some of the breeders so that I could ask my friend to visit them or to get contacted with them to buy from them, the bird is known as "Hagoromo" and it looks exactly like the one in the attached picture (with various colors).

Your help is highly appreciated.


i thought april fools day was over. its a budgie with ruffled feathers

its a crested parakeet but the hagoromo name comes from some japanese mythological swan girl personage with ruffled wings (ruffled mantle).... therefore the name of the bird... japanese always breeding newer wierder more bizarre sub species and breeds of animals...

seems rather rare and difficult to breed to type. never seen them in israel although there are doves with the crest and ruffle like that, along with feathered feet....hmm see somethng new everyday....



Off topic BS deleted. OP is looking for info not snide comments. If you don't have anything informative to offer then I suggest you don't bother to post


Are you talking about your friend bringing the bird out of Thailand to you somewhere else?

In most cases this is impossible.. and the few instances where it is possible the paperwork is extreme.. If an endangered species (like many parrots) even worse.

Bangkok Images is a Thai Visa advertiser. Please click on my Avatar for URL and Email contact information.


folks, its just a fancy version of a parakeet: bred for a crest and ruffles on its back... perhaps u could get eggs and have one of your females to brood? our budgies never seemed to care whose eggs they sat on... but the genetics of the crest dont seem to be easy to know what will come out of the egg...the birds are not wild, wouldnt survive long in the wild probably, are a genetic trait chosen for beauty (eye of beholder),but not sure if u can bring a bird from thailand to somewhere else... check with avian vets.

didnt realize thais liked that sort of breeding?


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