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I Saw A Rat

Blinky Bill

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Just this afternoon whilst walking down Ratchamanka Soi 1, I saw a rat lurking in the outlet of a drain, that hairy little nose was twitching and waiting for a safe moment to make its move, moments later the beady little eyes followed the snout as it became a little more courageous, it looked at me with contempt in its eyes as it came out of the drain, after a few short moments I was ignored and it continued down the soi 10 metres or so before creeping into a small shop front building which, had it been open, would have been serving noodles with pork or chicken to unsuspecting customers.

I thought to myself, should I kill this nasty, filthy, disgusting vermin or should I just accept it as another of Gods little creations and let it go on with its smelly, rabid and somewhat depraved lifestyle. I chose the latter and feel good for doing so.

What would have done?

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Those itty bitty city rats are real pussies. Wait until you get a visit from a rice field rat. They don't even knock, they just come barging in and they cast a big shadow, let me tell you. If it asks for tea, the only reply is " How many sugars?"

Edited by jackjones
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after a few short moments I was ignored and it continued down the soi 10 metres or so before creeping into a small shop front building which, had it been open, would have been serving noodles with pork or chicken to unsuspecting customers.

Or at least that's what you used to think?? :bah:

Let it live, it's no where near where I live or eat so no worries..

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The only rats I've witnessed lately are the large hairy western variety frequenting Mcdonalds near Thapae Gate.

I would also hesitate in killing them myself as, most of this week I observed they have taken the liberty of arming themselves with large guns randomly shooting people in the eyes with a high pressure water solution.

Be Warned!

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Every now and again we get a mouse in the house that terrifies the spouse and if I don’t do anything she calls me a louse.

I put down one of those cage type traps. Never fails the mouse always falls for the bait and climbs in.

Once caught I take the cage trap outside of the property and release the mouse.

Except for pesky insects, I don’t see any reason to kill anything just for the sake of.

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how would you have killed the rat? pistol shot? hand grenade? attack dog?

They are definitely a pest species that spread disease and take over eco systems due to their high rate of reproduction and adaptive skills.

Since it's not on your property then why bother? Kind of seems like burning a lot of calories. Let the locals sort out their own herd of vermin.

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Nice to see you back, Bill, and in fine form. I kind of like rats for the same reason I like crows... they are smart and adapt well. It's only in our minds that they are evil. If humans were a cleaner species and didn't toss out so much rubbish and rotten food then the rats would go back to the woods where they came from.

But, rats have to be careful around me. I'm just as likely to trap them, shave them and turn their hair into trout flies so I can go fishing.


Of course, cats might also suffer the same fat if they have the colour fur I need.


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how would you have killed the rat? pistol shot? hand grenade? attack dog?

They are definitely a pest species that spread disease and take over eco systems due to their high rate of reproduction and adaptive skills.

Since it's not on your property then why bother? Kind of seems like burning a lot of calories. Let the locals sort out their own herd of vermin.

My thoughts exactly, CSN.

Has anyone ever killed a rat that they happened upon while walking down the street?

No matter what some members think of Mr Bill, by definition, his post was a troll.

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When paranoid people kill off the snakes (including the non-venomous ones) it is just natural that we get more rats. Rats are not a lot different than any other wild animal... they are just better at adapting. Only the smart and adaptable creatures survive. Insects just mutate. So do germs. Some humans are more adaptable than others and the do-gooders in this world try to prevent it by making more laws. Most of us would prefer Darwinism to solve our problem of over populations. We need more wars, disease and pestilence, not less.:whistling:

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You are confusing Darwin with Malthus, and luckily all Malthusian predictions since 1798 have proved to be unfounded......so far.

Actually, I'm mixing the two. With Darwinism we just let the stupid people die. Unfortunately, we keep trying to teach them not to do so.

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You are confusing Darwin with Malthus, and luckily all Malthusian predictions since 1798 have proved to be unfounded......so far.

Actually, I'm mixing the two. With Darwinism we just let the stupid people die. Unfortunately, we keep trying to teach them not to do so.

Folium, what an amazing coincidence!

As I spotted that nasty little critter on Ratchmanka Soi 1 the other day, I was thinking exactly what you have posted above. Charlie Darwin and Thomas Robert Malthus are 2 of my favourites from times gone by.

Did you know that TR Malthus suggested the family size of the lower class ought to be regulated such that poor families do not produce more children than they can support. Pity it seems, that nobody but the Chinese listened albeit a little too late.

The world is full of little surprises

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Every now and again we get a mouse in the house that terrifies the spouse and if I don't do anything she calls me a louse.

I put down one of those cage type traps. Never fails the mouse always falls for the bait and climbs in.

Once caught I take the cage trap outside of the property and release the mouse.

Except for pesky insects, I don't see any reason to kill anything just for the sake of.

My missus uses the glue and cardboard method (gao jup noo) because being a good Buddhist she won't kill anything.

She puts the captured critter in the rubbish bin alive and if it has lived a good and proper life and followed the precepts then Buddha will help it escape.

Ian, how do you get them to stay still while you shave them?

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You are confusing Darwin with Malthus, and luckily all Malthusian predictions since 1798 have proved to be unfounded......so far.

Actually, I'm mixing the two. With Darwinism we just let the stupid people die. Unfortunately, we keep trying to teach them not to do so.

Folium, what an amazing coincidence!

As I spotted that nasty little critter on Ratchmanka Soi 1 the other day, I was thinking exactly what you have posted above. Charlie Darwin and Thomas Robert Malthus are 2 of my favourites from times gone by.

Did you know that TR Malthus suggested the family size of the lower class ought to be regulated such that poor families do not produce more children than they can support. Pity it seems, that nobody but the Chinese listened albeit a little too late.

The world is full of little surprises

trouble with the chinese ethic even today is, if they have a daughter they'll dump them at the bottom of the garden, at birth.

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At least the gender imbalance problem in China is easing. In much of Asia it is getting worse. India is " losing" 600,000 girls a year.

Thailand's gender imbalance is worsening and I would bet that the 2000 fetuses found recently in plastic bin liners in a temple in Bangkok were disproportionately female. Widespread availability of cheap ultrasounds, easy access to illegal abortion and a cultural preference for boys are the death knell for literally millions of Asian women.

The sexindustry plays it's part in demeaning females and placing little value on them apart from as commodities.

Edited by folium
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Excellent that in these trying times this old dog of a rat thread lives on. Someone, obviously has spared its life so far.

From a post or two above I think when we speak of the masses and the classes, we begin to speak as well of the metaphorical rats, of which this town (ahh, actually the world) has many.

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