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I just saw the post about which Kindle which is something I have been wondering too.

I will be in the states this summer and would like to (have succumbed to the idea of)an ebook reader. (even though I love my books, the paper, cover, feel, etc).

Also as someone pointed out to me you can not take an ipad to the beach and leave it while you swim. At least here no one will steal your book or Vanity Fair if you leave it on a table in a restaurant or beach or where ever..

Besides price, what is the advantage of a Kindle over an ipad with the Kindle app?


I have a friend who has both. The Ipad does not come close to the Kindle as it is a dedicated reader as against the Ipad just being an App.

I have been tempted myself but am like yourself. I don't know whether I could do without the feel of a book in my hand rather than the reader ? :o

I will have to try and borrow one for a book and see how I get on. I love the idea of having loads of books with you in the reader. :D



do you know if you can read the ipad in the sun and how much heavier it is?

Yes the idea of lots of books is great and also a way to prop them up as I like read when I eat but this is hard with a paperback.

And of course shipping books and or carrying them back...

Let me know what you think after you try it.


I bought a Kindle a few months ago and I love it. I used to love books and spent a small fortune on them for a time, but the Kindle is the way to go. It has an incredable battery and I can instantly obtain books. As far as the feel I never liked holding books but I did it because I wanted the words that was in them. I love the way the Kindle works. I can flip the pages with my thumb. The price of kindle books is about half the cost of paper and I don't have to run around looking for something I want to read. I don't have a Ipad (yet) but I've played around with them and they are much better for media in color but the kindle will remain better for reading books I think.


With an Ipad (or any other gadget with a traditional backlit screen) the more light/sun you have the more difficult it becomes to read it.

The Kindle is the exact opposite, the more light/sun you have the easier it gets to read it, just like a book. It's incredible, you have to see it in real life to understand.


I got a Kindle for Christmas and it was love at first read! I too loved the feel of books and seeing my book mark work its way through the book and was dubious about the changeover. No matter how bright the sun it does not affect the screen, books are so easy to buy and download and the very much cheaper than books here. I would say to anyone thinking about buying a Kindle go ahead you will not regret it.


Getting a Kindle doesn't mean you're going to stop reading paperbacks and hardcovers. Some books are not available on Kindle, e.g. books on Thai politics, history, religion, etc.

I'm reading a big, heavy 800 page non-fiction paperback at the moment that I wouldn't want to carry about and read in Starbuck's, so I read that at home and take my Kindle with me to the mall. While Mrs Xangsamhua is doing her thing I can have coffee, flip out my Kindle and decide if I want to read a current periodical, a non-fiction book I'm working through or relax with a novel.

Kindle gives you that flexibility and the benefits for storage, price etc are significant. There's nothing fancy or complex about a Kindle. It's just a very convenient and effective reading device.


I've had a Kindle for a few months now. So far very pleased with it. Main reason for getting one being I couldn't find decent books here in Thailand and as I work offshore it's alot easier to carry than 5 paperbacks. Cos it holds thousands of books I'm never likely to run out of reading material at work. Only disadvantage I see is the chance of dropping it if reading in bed then falling asleep. I often find my book on the floor next to my bed where I dropped it the previous night.. So far this hasn't happened.. Also there are thousands of free books available online thru sites like the gutenberg library or from torrent sites. Only thing I'd say that would be an improvement would be making the screen exactly the same size as a regular paperback. and having a touch screen interface rather than the keyboard buttons. But not sure if that would be posible with the e-ink screen. But generally its really cool and usable.


I've had a Kindle for a few months now. So far very pleased with it. Main reason for getting one being I couldn't find decent books here in Thailand and as I work offshore it's alot easier to carry than 5 paperbacks. Cos it holds thousands of books I'm never likely to run out of reading material at work. Only disadvantage I see is the chance of dropping it if reading in bed then falling asleep. I often find my book on the floor next to my bed where I dropped it the previous night.. So far this hasn't happened.. Also there are thousands of free books available online thru sites like the gutenberg library or from torrent sites. Only thing I'd say that would be an improvement would be making the screen exactly the same size as a regular paperback. and having a touch screen interface rather than the keyboard buttons. But not sure if that would be posible with the e-ink screen. But generally its really cool and usable.


I've had a Kindle for two years now, and an iPhone for about two and a half years, and I have the Kindle app on my phone and my laptop. The difference is amazing!!! I've probably used the app on my phone and MAC only two or three times, it's just nicer to put down the phone or computer and read something that is easier on the eyes. The app for the iPhone and iPad is the same app, and it has a large, bright white background and black text, it makes the eyes tired after a while. But the Kindle is so easy on the eyes, it's just amazing!!!!

One thing to note though, is that Apple has filed patents for the iPhone 5 to have both a high res, retina display mixed with an e-ink display. It's the big reason the Kindle can hold it's market share, and continue to grow. While the iPad can do more, the Kindle does one job, and does it superbly. If you don't want to drop a lot of cash, I would recommend the Kindle. If you don't want an authentic, as close to paper as you can get electronically experience, then go with the iPad.

My recommendation though, just for books, go Kindle. If you want more than books, Ipad. Also, the Kindle 3G works here in Bangkok, free of charge for wireless book delivery.


Thanks, also did some research too and the bottom line is Amazon has more books. Sony does have one that is eink and touch screen (or less clunkier) but it weighs more.

Thanks again for all the feeedback and look forward to buying my kindle in the states.

Is it the same price everywhere? ( Amazon, best buys)

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