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High Season, Touristic Season

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The definition of tourist in Australia is someone who travels more than 40 kilometres away from their normal place of residence.

I was a tourist at least 5 days every week then... I used to drive more than that to work each day when I was in Oz.

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I think you guys have missed the point. Before sept 11, the economys in Europe and the US, were booming. Sadly that is NOT the case these days. People from farang world, just simply don't have the $$$ to go on expensive luxury holidays this year. The German economy is in disaster, and remember that Germans make up Siams biggest Farang market. Europeans are holidaying in cheap places like Spain, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus. Remember, the price for a 2 week holiday in these resorts is about the the same price of 'HALF' of the airfare from Europe to Siam.

Which is why this year these resorts have had their best Summers ever. Speaking for the UK, I know that here the demand for Long Haul holidays this year has fallen quite sharply, but the demand for holidays around Europe have sky rocketed. As I said, people just aint got the money to go to Thailand this year which is why I think it's quiet. :o


On a biased view, I see by far too many tourists here in Bangkok, running blindly

across the streets, obviously believing the ped xing protects them from taxi-drivers. :o

I think you guys have missed the point. Before sept 11, the economys in Europe and the US, were booming. Sadly that is NOT the case these days. People from farang world, just simply don't have the $$$ to go on expensive luxury holidays this year. The German economy is in disaster, and remember that Germans make up Siams biggest Farang market. Europeans are holidaying in cheap places like Spain, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus. Remember, the price for a 2 week holiday in these resorts is about the the same price of 'HALF' of the airfare from Europe to Siam.

Which is why this year these resorts have had their best Summers ever. Speaking for the UK, I know that here the demand for Long Haul holidays this year has fallen quite sharply, but the demand for holidays around Europe have sky rocketed. As I said, people just aint got the money to go to Thailand this year which is why I think it's quiet. :o

have you never spoken to the addicts on the planes coming back to UK ?

some guys will find the money come what may , they are totally obsessed with pattaya and the girls. they go to siam 4-8 times a year , booking 3 flights at a time

i met a guy who goes 10 times a year . they spend all their money going back and forth . sending girls money as well !!

you are right germany is in recession but you can always fill a jumbo with horny devils that only amounts to 360 seats or thereabouts .

i have even met aussies who are claiming social security back home and on long hols in Bangkok , they get the money sent out. same with germans on social security they get enough to slum it in siam so long as they can get a pal to sign for them while they are away.

but come what may there are enough middle aged europeans with money to go to siam even if things are really tough .

some years a go i met a german bus driver in phuket who was on social security

and who got the money sent to his bank account . he had a bad back so he convinced them .

and you try finding a plane seat these days even in low season its hard.

on a direct fight


I do not see a reduction in tourism. I read & hear from everyone that tourism is down but no one has presented any hard evidence of this fact. I am sure that the TAT figures would suggest that tourism has increased over the last 18 months. I stand to be corrected if someone can produce the figures.

It may be that some people are noting a reduction in certain types of visitors (e.g Europeans) but this may be offset by the influx of Chinese Group Tours, for example.

Whatever people think of Thaksin's initiatives I would suggest that he is approaching this from the wrong end. If he wants to improve people's perception of Thailand & promote the Thai's self esteeem & respect then he should pay the average Thai a decent wage & stop the nepotism & corruption within Thai society. Unfortunately, this is not in the interests of the 10% who own all the wealth (how rich do you need to be before you call it a day?).. they just seem to want more!

Asian values? Like the rest of the world..some good, some bad but definitely hypocritical.

Rant over.


the only europeans who can afford to travel these days are the lazy,the workshy,the malingerers,and the sicknote scroungers.

those toerags should be having a whipround to help the poor taxpayers who fork out to support their envious lifestyle.


I wouldn't mind but it's true.

The situation in the U.K. is that bad that some people can't afford to go to work as the state benefits are that good and the beaurocracy that surrounds these people is increasing by the minute.

The next time someone knocks on my door to see if I need anything will be the first.

I rent properties in the U.K. and before you start ,yes nice ones, I never see my tenants and I don't want to as they don't phone me when I am there to see if they can buy me a beer.

One of my properties is opposite to one rented to Afghan refugees they have two cars (a step up from the ox cart they had in Afghanistan) don't work and once a week a woman comes round from the local councils refugee patronising unit to see if they have enough money to enjoy life in their new country and if they don't she will see what she can do.

Now try this one! Another of my properties (you can't make this up by the way)is one of 4 flats these are ex local authority they are very beautiful and an empty one is as rare as hens teeth the people in the one next door to mine are Bosnian refugees both on disability and of pensionable age the last time I was in the U.K. I had to go to the post office making a deposit buying some stamps or whatever he comes into the next booth.

I saw him give the book over and one stamp one counterfoil,he gets £200 plus a week, free rent no council tax and heres the good bit, they went to Bosnia last year on holiday for a month and they liked it that much they went back again this year for 3 months.

I phoned the council to tell them that the flat was abandoned they said the tenants were on, ready? set? an extended holiday, refugees on holiday I ask you!

This year they will make use of whats called the right to buy so they will purchase this property at 70 % discount and if they keep it three years they can do with it what they want.

Any wonder the U.K. is the country of choice for these people.

I would be most grateful if anyone here can tell me where I can get the same sort of benefits in Thailand?

I would be most grateful if anyone here can tell me where I can get the same sort of benefits in Thailand?

You won't find it a feature of Thai social benefits yet awhile I'm afraid. Live in Afghanistan a year and take refuge in London...they might drop off bundles of money to you instead. :o


live in Afghanistan for a year then go to London?

I would rather contract Hansen's disease or leprosy (and I bet the Hansen family are thrilled to bits having this dreadful disease named after them)and be dropped off like traffic cones at the bottom of bridges on Sukhumvit road every day and picked up 10 hours later.


Which are you, maerim, the new-age guru lecturing the masses on that old saw, "What is the true definition of a freedom fighter", or the whinging, capitalist landlord, complaining about the old country being over-run by the scum of the Earth? Just wondering.

QUOTE= maerim

"I would be grateful if you could define freedom fighter for us. I am sure the Iraqis who are resisting the occupation of their country would describe themselves as "freedom fighters" same way as the AfghanTaliban did when they were financed by the U.S.A. just before they became the bad guys".


"I rent properties in the U.K. and before you start ,yes nice ones, I never see my tenants and I don't want to as they don't phone me when I am there to see if they can buy me a beer.

One of my properties is opposite to one rented to Afghan refugees they have two cars (a step up from the ox cart they had in Afghanistan) don't work and once a week a woman comes round from the local councils refugee patronising unit to see if they have enough money to enjoy life in their new country and if they don't she will see what she can do.

Now try this one! Another of my properties (you can't make this up by the way)is one of 4 flats these are ex local authority they are very beautiful and an empty one is as rare as hens teeth the people in the one next door to mine are Bosnian refugees both on disability and of pensionable age the last time I was in the U.K. I had to go to the post office making a deposit buying some stamps or whatever he comes into the next booth.

I saw him give the book over and one stamp one counterfoil,he gets £200 plus a week, free rent no council tax and heres the good bit, they went to Bosnia last year on holiday for a month and they liked it that much they went back again this year for 3 months.

I phoned the council to tell them that the flat was abandoned they said the tenants were on, ready? set? an extended holiday, refugees on holiday I ask you!

This year they will make use of whats called the right to buy so they will purchase this property at 70 % discount and if they keep it three years they can do with it what they want.

Any wonder the U.K. is the country of choice for these people.

I would be most grateful if anyone here can tell me where I can get the same sort of benefits in Thailand?"


Not sure

mrentoul reckons I am bitter, Doc Pat Pong reckons I am an erudite and the latest one I am a Madame take your pick.

So just what is a freedom fighter then? The way I read it one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist.

Happy New Year


Flights to Bangkok from Europe are expensive and hard to get.

I was quoted 1000 Euros return to bangkok for christmas, waiting list price. Thought long and hard about it, but decided, that 48000 bhat was alot of money to spend on a flight. Used to pAY 500 EUROS (WHEN THE EURO WAS 38 BHAT)

Some one is travelling. Airfares have been jacked up big time, plus economic recession in europe during 2003 means people simply got less disposable income coming in.



Airfares all round the world have been jacked up. Also airlines thesedays increase airfares to destinations that are not profitable, instead of reducing them. Funny why BA and Qantas are talking about reducing services to Siam.

"Maerim".........as for refugees buying flats at 70% reduced rate. You have obviously been away from the UK for to long. As of April this year (2003), you can 'NO LONGER' buy at reduced rate any council property in any of the London boroughs. You must buy it at FULL market value. This is being extended to the rest of the UK by 01/01/2005. So if you don't live in London, you have 1 year and 2 days to buy your council property at the reduced rate. After that it's full market value, no matter how long you have lived in it.

Also going back to flights to-from Siam. Remember there are an increasing number of Asian students studying in Europe, London especially. So what do you think they will do while College/Uni is closed for 3-4 weeks over xmas??? Do you really think they will sit alone in their student flats??? No of course not, they will go home, which is why so many flights are full.

If it was the case that it was full of holidaymakers, then why have holidays to luxury destioations such as Thailand seen a BIG decline in Europe, UK especially. But cheap local holidays have seen the demand far outstrip the supply this year?


The property I was refering to is in south Manchester and I have since been informed that the Bosnian refugee tenants have indeed bought the place.


It all depends on where you're coming from. I just bought a ticket with NWA (Northwest) from Minneapolis/BKK round trip for $877.00 US. The thing is you gotta look hard and ask for any recent sales.

mrentoul reckons I am bitter, Doc Pat Pong reckons I am an erudite and the latest one I am a Madame take your pick.

Erudition isn't a vice. Perhaps you have a little of all three in your make up.


Five, as I have now been elevated to the giddy heights of a racist and a bigot as a Christmas bonus.

This is because I object to my tax money going to bogus refugees,pay up and shut up, yeah sure.

I don't have to stay here to be insulted you know. I can go anywhere.

Guest IT Manager

True but you will still get abused ya old bastard.


Now you know nostalgia is not what it use to be.

So I might as well get slagged off here by the devils I know than wander into the mysteries of cyberspace and get slagged off by the devils I don't

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