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UK to send military advisory team to Libya


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UK to send military advisory team to Libya

2011-04-20 01:16:33 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON (BNO NEWS) -- United Kingdom Foreign Secretary William Hague on Tuesday announced that the National Security Council decided to send an additional military liaison advisory team to Libya.

"This deployment is fully within the terms of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 both in respect of civilian protection and its provision expressly ruling out a foreign occupation force on Libyan soil," said Hague.

The team will consist in experienced British military officers that will enable the UK to build on the work already being undertaken to support and advise the National Transitional Council (NTC) over protecting Libyan civilians.

They will advise NTC on how to better protect civilians and how to improve their military organizational structures, communications and logistics, particularly in distributing humanitarian aid and providing medical assistance.

"Our officers will not be involved in training or arming the opposition's fighting forces, nor will they be involved in the planning or execution of the NTC's military operations or in the provision of any other form of operational military advice," remarked Secretary Hague.

In addition, Major General John Lorimer, Strategic Communications Officer to the Chief of Defense Staff, informed that the NATO mission in support of UNSCR 1973 has maintained a high tempo of operational activity under Operation Unified Protector.

On Monday, allied air patrols continued their missions and attacked a pair of multiple rocket launcher vehicles and a light artillery piece in Misurata. After that, two allied aircraft destroyed a self-propelled gun and tank in the area.

However, Gen. Lorimer recognized that more needed to be done to disrupt Colonel Gaddafi's strategic ability to direct his armed forces. Over the last two nights, NATO launched a carefully planned strike against command and control facilities which played a key role in coordinating the movement of Gaddafi's forces.

"As part of this operation, a number of Tomahawk missiles were fired by HMS Triumph in the early hours of Monday morning. These were synchronized with precision strikes by coalition aircraft, including Tornados and Typhoons," added Lorimer.

NATO Operation Unified Protector is mandated under the UN Security Council Resolution 1973 to help protect the Libyan people from government-led attacks using any means necessary.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-04-20

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Yes this is how it starts, a few military advisers who will request additional resources etc etc, in military jargon its known as "mission creep"

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but I suspect the protection of civilians is not high on their agenda

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Yes. This is how it starts. Now we indeed have BOOTS on the ground. And soon some of these guys will be suffering the same fate as those in Iraq and Afghanistan. The blame for that will only lye on one shoulder. British foriegn policy.

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It really pisses me off when I read stuff like this.

To see them proudly spouting about how many "vehicles" they have destroyed without even a thought about all the people who would have died in these raids.

What do they think this some kind of a video game where nobody actually gets hurt or do they think there are robots driving the vehicles they have destroyed?

And all to "help protect the Libyan people", <deleted> arent those they have killed in their raids, not only on the tanks etc but on the HQ and Gadaffi's home "Libyan people"?

And now 'military advisors' to help the rebel leaders or whatever they choose to call themeslves, not to train them, next step will be an arms shipment then more advisors to 'help' not train the rebels in their use, and so on to a full scale invasion to secure the oil the rebel leadres will have promised..

I have no time for Gadaffi, remember Lockerby, but what this rightous bunch of A holes are doing bombing and launching missiles at someone who has no way or retaliating is just remote controlled murder.

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Okay men: first we need bright red uniforms, with a white cross belt; makes it so much easier to identify our own.

Then we need to ensure that tea is served promptly at four...

Best start work on those nice big colonial houses we will need for the top brass, what.B)

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The frothers must be disappointed that this is a European initiative as two of the 4 combat participants, USA and Canada are not willing to send ground forces. It should be very clear now that it was the Europeans that started this intervention.

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The frothers must be disappointed that this is a European initiative as two of the 4 combat participants, USA and Canada are not willing to send ground forces. It should be very clear now that it was the Europeans that started this intervention.

Yes, but why?? It is clear that without outside intervention Gadaffi would probably prevail and oil supplies from Libya would not be disrupted for long. Now we have a civil war with the UK & France trying to prop up the weaker side. They are also in effect doing the Arab league's dirty work by proxy, which they will get no thanks for however the cards may drop.

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I agree. This is a big mistake and now we will look like hypocrites if we do not run around helping al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood take over all the other Arab dictatorships.:(

Too Late for that my friend.

Libya: al-Qaeda among Libya rebels, Nato chief fears

Libyan rebel forces may have been infiltrated by al-Qaeda fighters, a senior American military commander has warned.


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