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Thai University Accused Of Selling Graduate Teaching Diplomas For Upwards Of Bt30,000

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Council keeps close eye on universities




The Teachers' Council of Thailand is closely monitoring various higher-education institutions in the wake of a recent scandal about a university accused of selling graduate teaching diplomas for upwards of Bt30,000 apiece.

"We are keeping a close eye on institutions with suspicious practices," secretary-general Ongkorn Amornsirinan said yesterday.

An investigation is under way into a northeastern university, which has been accused of selling graduate diplomas to those wishing to apply for positions as government teachers.

"Three more buyers have come forward. We will treat them as witnesses," he said.

He said one of them had paid Bt30,000 for a diploma, while another had shelled out Bt55,000. The third said he paid much more, but he has not yet agreed to specify how much, said Ongkorn.

The council chief is now fully convinced that the university in question has been selling diplomas, given the incriminating evidence against it.

"How can it arrange the programme for up to 1,349 people at a time?" he said, "Besides, at least three doctorate-degree holders listed as instructors in the programme have no idea how their name has appeared on the list."

Ongkorn added that about 20 schools named as places where the programme's students had become interns also said they had not been involved in the programme.

Education Minister Chinnaworn Boonyakiat has instructed the council and the Department of Special Investigation to crack down on the sellers and buyers of degrees from the country's educational sector.

Both sellers and buyers are liable for legal action.

A self-confessed buyer said she and dozens of friends had enrolled for the programme offering a graduate diploma in teaching because they wanted to apply for government-teacher posts in the middle of the year.

"We are science graduates. We need diplomas in teaching," she said, "After registration, we were told we could pay Bt50,000 each and had no need to attend classes."

She said that after payment, she and her friends were able to get authentic diplomas within a week.

"But now, we won't dare to use these diplomas to apply for government-teacher jobs anymore," she added.

A government teacher in the Northeast said a staff member of the accused university had contacted her about degrees for sale.

"I was almost tempted to take the offer, but I finally declined," she said.

The teacher said many of her friends had, however, jumped at the offer and successfully used the degrees to claim the right to sit a test and get promoted to the higher rank.

"They have paid between Bt90,000 and Bt150,000 each for a one-month course that took them to resorts and parties. Then, they got the degrees and were able to claim promotion," she said, adding that such a practice was so unfair to those who stuck by the rules.

"Many degree-buyers have now become school directors or executives," she said.

Earlier this month, E-sarn University president Assadang Sawaengkarn acknowledged that the Office of Higher Education Commission had demanded an explanation from his institution about alleged degree-selling.

"The university's council set up a fact-finding committee to look into the allegation on April 10. The committee has 15 days to complete the investigation," he said.

Assadang insisted that his university was not involved in selling degrees.


-- The Nation 2011-04-20

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The Thai government sure don't like competition. I wonder how much longer it will be, before they stop recognizing TEFL certificates.blink.gif But <deleted> who ever fails a test in thailand anyway.


I thought that was the way most positions in Thailand were achieved, put up the money and promotion etc is yours.

Nothing hew here, if it is done at one university/ institution you can bet most are in on it. It's been a way of life here forever.

You don't need brains to get ahead here just cash!


"Keep a close eye on these institutions", "both parties involved are liable to legal action".

Someone must have been skimming on amounts over the lower amounts paid. The latter statement ought to slow down the informants, talk about shoot the messenger. Wonder how many purchased degree there are out there in positions where a degree is a prerequisite of appointment, hire, election, etc?


Education Minister Chinnaworn Boonyakiat has instructed the council and the Department of Special Investigation to crack down on the sellers and buyers of degrees from the country's educational sector.

Is there an election looming? Two crackdowns in one day. Deputy P.M to crackdown on tourism scams and the Education Minister to crackdown on bodgy degrees. Has everyone in power been informed to organise a Crackdown for thier respective portfolios? Oh well it will be business as usual after the election. Haven't heard anything yet on a Crackdown on vote buying.


These degrees sound very expensive, have the buyers never heard of Khaosan road. You can get degrees there from good English and American universities for around 500 to 2000 Baht.


what's the difference ? Many Thais go to university just to get the degree...... Attending class + Pay all the money = Degree ... without intention to learn anything...... Private uni. , some Rachapaks and Rachmonkols are very well known for that....

where is the quality?


Given the (lack of) competency of most University graduates in The Kingdom, I wish all schools would do this and skip the going to classes and having tests and grades and the rest of the show - except the uniforms of course :licklips:


Given the (lack of) competency of most University graduates in The Kingdom, I wish all schools would do this and skip the going to classes and having tests and grades and the rest of the show - except the uniforms of course :licklips:

they voted the best of all uni. uniforms is Thai(female)......... beaten up the sailor moon like of the Japanese.......:guitar:


nobody is surprised by this I hope - well only the 'I am more Thai than the Thais' posters who see everything through rose coloured specs.


The Thai government sure don't like competition. I wonder how much longer it will be, before they stop recognizing TEFL certificates.blink.gif But <deleted> who ever fails a test in thailand anyway.

Exactly! Students could have not shown up and still passed so what is the issue? That question answers itself, doesn't it. How dare a University not feed the bureaucrats' percentages up the food chain. It's amazing how righteously indignant those who customarily buy their positions of authority can be if cut out of the loop of corruption.


You can do anything with money these days. Even institutions for higher education is corrupt. Is there anyone clean in Thailand?

the cops cleaned the junkie up with 5 bullets and gave a brand-new car to the victim. seen that?;)


Short Answer...No. jap.gif

You can do anything with money these days. Even institutions for higher education is corrupt. Is there anyone clean in Thailand?

the cops cleaned up with 5 bullets and gave a brand-new car to the victim. seen that?;)


Given the (lack of) competency of most University graduates in The Kingdom, I wish all schools would do this and skip the going to classes and having tests and grades and the rest of the show - except the uniforms of course :licklips:

they voted the best of all uni. uniforms is Thai(female)......... beaten up the sailor moon like of the Japanese.......:guitar:

Wasn't there a crackdown on Uni Uniforms in Thailand. They were considered tooooooooooo sexy and offensive for the thai way of life.


Tut tut! Shocking. Yet another example of Thailand becoming very expensive. At Oxford University in the 1980s it only cost 5 pounds (or was it 10?) to convert a B.A. degree into a Master of Arts degree - no work involved!


Nothing to worry about then as they've only 'been accussed' and the authorities response is 'keep an eye on it'.

Wouldn'' how much money will change hands before this local difficulty simply goes away?

Should we actually be surprised that degrees, qualifications, somebodies grand ma is for sale in Thailand? They seem to sell their daughters to Pataya vice rings, and those that can't get in, simply go freelance. Pedophiles from the world over travel over for the Wats and waterfalls. Film stars come not to Bondi but to bondage themselves to death in gay hotels and even the ex-Lord of War chooses a nice civilised Thai hotel to supply death and destruction and terrorism on a scale the US is trying to contain.

Even Thaksin has his son resort to cheating his way through the University exams.

This is Thailand.

What they can't provide they forger, fake, copy, lie about.

Does it hurt anyone? Well, yes. Does it matter? Yes again. Does anyone care? Have you heard of mai pen rai?

Try getting your head around the unfathomable Thais who paid the money, that is accepted a corrupt dishonest practice and entered into it, then complain to the authorities about what exactly?

Not getting their dishonest qualification because the criminals they were dealing with were dishonest?

It is mind bogglingly baffling just how Thais think. And when the cavalry arrives by way of the University Stranded Committee they in all their highly qualified wisdom opt to 'watch this space.'

I wonder just where they got their teaching diplomas if not Khoa San Road Academy of Learning.



Given the (lack of) competency of most University graduates in The Kingdom, I wish all schools would do this and skip the going to classes and having tests and grades and the rest of the show - except the uniforms of course :licklips:

they voted the best of all uni. uniforms is Thai(female)......... beaten up the sailor moon like of the Japanese.......:guitar:

Wasn't there a crackdown on Uni Uniforms in Thailand. They were considered tooooooooooo sexy and offensive for the thai way of life.

nope............ it's too complicated

Arrest a swinger couple... is much easier .... then


some years ago it was 'popular' to buy your fake degree online from some unknown US university...

but time chances and now you can just buy it here for the right price

good for the reputation of Thailand

It starts to show why governement education and other services lacks about anything

open corruption policy, nice one LOS(ers)


You can do anything with money these days. Even institutions for higher education is corrupt. Is there anyone clean in Thailand?

"Many degree-buyers have now become school directors or executives," she said.

Anybody got any idea where the said university is?:jap:


You can do anything with money these days. Even institutions for higher education is corrupt. Is there anyone clean in Thailand?

Now I'm pretty sure that the doctor who implanted a plate after a motorcycle accident in the northeast had bought his degree.

The result was breathtaking and it's hard to understand how a 'specialist' could make such an operation. :jap:


"Many degree-buyers have now become school directors or executives," she said.

Anybody got any idea where the said university is?:jap:

I believe E-Sarn University is in Khon Kaen, near the city's airport....

Never been there, but seen a sign for them on the highway....

Maybe they'll be changing their name to E-Scam University... :lol:


As everybody in Thailand knows: Not only the university degree is for sale but also the government job or position for which they need the degree is for sale.


As everybody in Thailand knows: Not only the university degree is for sale but also the government job or position for which they need the degree is for sale.

to be fair ..............

cop, solider, civil servant, politician are all.... in the set.....


I can verify that police positions go for approx. B300,000.

Please verify your verified post. B 300,000 would buy you a job driving in a car instead of a motorbike. :jap:


These degrees sound very expensive, have the buyers never heard of Khaosan road. You can get degrees there from good English and American universities for around 500 to 2000 Baht.

Not the same thing is it?

The bought degrees have come from a Uni here that will actually verify the successful graduation, whereas a bought degree from Khaosan will not be verifiable.

How do you know the Khaosan asking prices anyway? ;)


These degrees sound very expensive, have the buyers never heard of Khaosan road. You can get degrees there from good English and American universities for around 500 to 2000 Baht.

Not the same thing is it?

The bought degrees have come from a Uni here that will actually verify the successful graduation, whereas a bought degree from Khaosan will not be verifiable.

How do you know the Khaosan asking prices anyway? ;)

Because I used to know the guys that made them :lol:

I have two British degrees and am also a retired school department head. Throughout my working life I have never had my degrees queried or verified, and only once had my teaching certificate verified.

Most educational establishments know that paper qualifications are no help when presented with 40 unruly pupils.

The best physics teacher I ever knew was an ex navy bosun with a City and Guilds and no teaching certificate.

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