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Smoked Hams

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Great to hear about your success! Running at full capacity is a great achievement.

Great idea though. bangers in Bangers :D

Bangers from Bangers...great idea. :D

quick question ..where do you buy/get your skins from?...(genunine).... :o

I buy my skins from OZ natural hog casings here in Thailand have a lot to be desired and are hard work to clean.

Fellas I am contimplating smoking some legs of ham what do you think worth it or not is there a market in Thailand for this do you think? I am thinking of christmas the pork here is pretty good maybe I should make a few and see what happens thoughts please!

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Check out "www.honeybaked.com" on the internet. Click on the "California" option to start with.

An incredable product and they do franchise. If you could tie up with them, you would make yourself rich in Thailand, in my opinion.

Likewise, if you could copy them, you would be well off.

I doubt they ship overseas, but may do so if the order is large enough. I do not know what their shelf life is. Certainly an expensive product, ie. $61 USD for 7 lbs on the internet.

If you became a licensee and use their recipies in making hams from Thai pork, you should be able to markedly reduce the price FOB Thailand.

They are as popular in the U.S. as "Subway", which has taken off in Thailand.

Put me down for one a month, if you ever get the franchise or copy their product.

Good luck.

Edited by ProThaiExpat
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Two schools of thought...

1) Is the formula difficult to copy? Then franchise it Heinecke style.

2) Easy to copy? Copy'em. Don't waste your revenue on royalties. Locals who are going to copy you certainly won't be paying you royalties.


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Great to hear about your success! Running at full capacity is a great achievement.

Great idea though. bangers in Bangers :D

Bangers from Bangers...great idea. :D

quick question ..where do you buy/get your skins from?...(genunine).... :o

I buy my skins from OZ natural hog casings here in Thailand have a lot to be desired and are hard work to clean.

Fellas I am contimplating smoking some legs of ham what do you think worth it or not is there a market in Thailand for this do you think? I am thinking of christmas the pork here is pretty good maybe I should make a few and see what happens thoughts please!

I agree with Heng, copy the recipe. Short story, I had an urge for Jimmy Dean Spicey Sausage. Went to the internet and in less than 10 minutes I had the recipe. Made a 5 Kg batch, and I swear to GOD, it was just like the original.

Try http://www.otherwhitemeat.com they probably have 10,000 recipes for nothing but pork.

You can add me to your potential buyers.


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Great to hear about your success! Running at full capacity is a great achievement.

Great idea though. bangers in Bangers :D

Bangers from Bangers...great idea. :D

quick question ..where do you buy/get your skins from?...(genunine).... :o

I buy my skins from OZ natural hog casings here in Thailand have a lot to be desired and are hard work to clean.

Fellas I am contimplating smoking some legs of ham what do you think worth it or not is there a market in Thailand for this do you think? I am thinking of christmas the pork here is pretty good maybe I should make a few and see what happens thoughts please!

I agree with Heng, copy the recipe. Short story, I had an urge for Jimmy Dean Spicey Sausage. Went to the internet and in less than 10 minutes I had the recipe. Made a 5 Kg batch, and I swear to GOD, it was just like the original.

Try http://www.otherwhitemeat.com they probably have 10,000 recipes for nothing but pork.

You can add me to your potential buyers.


Hmmm! Interesting the problem I face is getting some oak chips to smoke building a smoker is easy but most of the flavor comes from the type of wood used EG: OAK,MAPLE the americans use OAK and Maple the aussies use REDGUM and Jarrah I wonder what a ham smoked with some local woods would taste like might have to do some and see what happens!

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Check out  "www.honeybaked.com" on the internet. Click on the "California" option to start with.

An incredable product and they do franchise.  If you could tie up with them, you would make yourself rich in Thailand, in my opinion.

Likewise, if  you could copy them, you would be well off.

I doubt they ship overseas, but may do so if the order is large enough.  I do not know what their shelf life is.  Certainly an expensive product, ie. $61 USD for 7 lbs on the internet. 

If you became a licensee and use their recipies in making  hams from Thai pork, you should be able to markedly reduce the price FOB Thailand.

They are as popular in the U.S. as "Subway", which has taken off in Thailand.

Put me down for one a month, if you ever get the franchise or copy their product.

Geeze that is expense what are they puting in it GOLD DUST? I could produce a ham I assume for less than half that the shelf life of a vacuum packed leg is as much as 16 weeks refridgerated once opened it should be OK for 4 weeks if it is covered and refridgerated.Its probably a concept worth playing with it isnt as easy as copying becuase ingredients vary from country to country in quality and taste and meat especially depends on what the animal is being feed incredients are the same like what fertisier is used the type of soil used to grow the herbs whats in the soil etc etc. I could guarnatee you that even if you copied the product to the TEE and used local Thai product as a substitute it would be precisely the same however this compnay must have the holy grail of ham recipes.

Good luck.

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Great to hear about your success! Running at full capacity is a great achievement.

Great idea though. bangers in Bangers :D

Bangers from Bangers...great idea. :D

quick question ..where do you buy/get your skins from?...(genunine).... :o

I buy my skins from OZ natural hog casings here in Thailand have a lot to be desired and are hard work to clean.

Fellas I am contimplating smoking some legs of ham what do you think worth it or not is there a market in Thailand for this do you think? I am thinking of christmas the pork here is pretty good maybe I should make a few and see what happens thoughts please!

If you can get a smoked ham that is close to the Honeybaked Ham, I think it would sell well...Put me down as a customer...Not sure I need one a month..

Did find some good sugar cured ham in the deli dept at Villa last week

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dr. pp
I think there'd be a lotta western buyers. Turkeys too


Never seen a turkey buy a ham.

Yanks buy 'em for Thanksgiving 

chownah...... that was a set up for him to deliver that punchline.

but good punchline it was. :o

Golllly I must be reallllly stuuuuupid to fall for such an obvious set up...doh!!!!

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dr. pp
I think there'd be a lotta western buyers. Turkeys too


Never seen a turkey buy a ham.

Yanks buy 'em for Thanksgiving 

chownah...... that was a set up for him to deliver that punchline.

but good punchline it was. :D

Once in a while :o

Golllllly dr_Pat_Pong, you sure are a smart guy. I'm glad that good ol' taxexile told me about how stoooopid I am or I might keep thinkin' I's smart like you's guys!!! Can you git me some smart pills so's I can get smart like you's guys is?

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dr. pp
I think there'd be a lotta western buyers. Turkeys too


Never seen a turkey buy a ham.

Yanks buy 'em for Thanksgiving 

chownah...... that was a set up for him to deliver that punchline.

but good punchline it was. :D

Once in a while :o

Golllllly dr_Pat_Pong, you sure are a smart guy. I'm glad that good ol' taxexile told me about how stoooopid I am or I might keep thinkin' I's smart like you's guys!!! Can you git me some smart pills so's I can get smart like you's guys is?

I've prayed for you already. Send a hundred bucks cash for prayers and pills which will be forwarded immediately :D

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Yanks buy 'em for Thanksgiving :o

Not in Thailand, we don't. Or not if we have any sense.

1. You need an oven.

2. Said oven must be large enough to hold a turkey. I haven't seen one sold for home use that's big enough. A nice 20 pound turkey is not small.

3. Said oven must run for 4 to 6 hours to cook the turkey. As if the house wasn't warm enough already. And how much propane did you say was in the tank?

While in the Philippines I experimented with doing a smoked turkey on the barbeque instead, with tasty results. But then how do you cook the stuffing, which is the best part anyway? It was nasty smoked. Back to heating up the house with the oven!

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1.  You need an oven.

Wow, you've been in Thailand too long! You need to learn about deep-fried turkey. It's all the rage -- or it was when I left, maybe I've been in Thailand too long? Anyways, you do it outside so no heating the house. It still takes about an hour though. And after you've done the turkey you can fry up a mess of snickers bars.

fryturk9.jpg How to deep fry a turkey.

fryerpic.jpg Be careful.

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