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Hi, hope someone can help with this seemingly hopeless situation.

I live in the ladprao which according to my landlord has only 2 mb maximum Internet access from TOT. It's frustratingly slow for anyone to get any thing done over the Internet. I called TOT and they concluded it has something to do with the cables, nothing they can do. And it seemed like there is no other provider possible for this area. Is that true?

AIS said their maximum GPRS speed is like 200kbps or something..

With speeds like that, I can hardly get videos streaming at all...

Gosh, there must be a solution out there I dunno of. Anyone out there with suggestions?

Appreciate any advice, thanks!

And it seemed like there is no other provider possible for this area. Is that true?

Have you checked directly with True, CAT and 3BB, to see if the can offer a faster speed? If they do, they might need to install new wiring, and that would need to be approved by your landlord.

I've read that True and 3BB are constantly installing new cables (sometimes even fibre optic) and switching boxes throughout Bangkok. If your area is covered, you might find MUCH faster speeds available.


Some Landlords only allow TOT in the building, I have the same problem and I own the condos. If it is okay to get someone else in then try TRUE. TRUE use the TOT line or lay a new one to the box on the outside of the condo building, all that is needed is the owner to patch to his internal line box.


This "problem" has nothing to do with providers its the wiring.

older buildings have old wires which can not handle anything faster. to rewire the building is big bucks and big job, so you do not have a hope of getting anything more.

however keep in mind, even though higher speeds sounds like its a way to go, if you surf or work with overseas websites, your speed does not really change

i use to have 2MB, upgraded to 4PM and no change to any of the regular sites i visit(speed wise)

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