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Robbed By The Police


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After several years in Thailand, I have never had any serious incidents. Sure I have been victim to a couple of scams, highly elevated prices etc, but nothing I could not protect myself against with more care. As such I was quite surprised, but most of all extremely upset about what happened a couple of days ago. Probably due to Songkran, police had set up checkpoints, and due credit for that. Good to see measures being taken to elevate road safety. Anyway, I was following traffic flow down South Pattaya road, when I was called over. Much to the surprise, and probably disappointment of the police, I had Thai driving license, insurance, green book etc. with me. A senior officer were called over from across the street who recited a story probably made up for such occasions; I had modified the bike. It was so silly I just could not believe it. It is just a stock bike, 100% original that you can buy in any Kawasaki shop. I refused to accept, but after a while police threatened me with "monkey house". After a heated debate I gave up, accepted the 1000B ticket and went to the police station in the belief that this "mistake" would be sorted out there.

How utter wrong that assumption was... At the police station, I spoke to 5 different officers, including a captain. None of them would even look at the bike parked outside. I repeat, not even look at it. The response varied from "you must pay" to "illegal in Thailand" to threats of elevating the case!!! I also spoke to a tourist police volunteer that was present that could do nothing (not even speak Thai). He recommended me to pay, which probably was a fair advice. Great. TIT.

Any others been victim of the boys in brown? Would be interesting to hear, as I am surely not the only one.


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Probably the best way would be to make them believe it is a rental bike, glue a big sticker "expat rentals" on it.

For a good laugh, did you ask them which part of the bike had been modified?

Edited by manarak
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Nothing surprising here, some of these guys are so low they could parachute out of a snakes rear end.

I got stopped a couple of weeks ago, same deal, had all the papers, licence etc. So after taking them all from me the officer moved to the front of the car & started to write in his ticket book. I blasted the car horn at him & scared the crapper out of him laugh.gif.

He raced back around to my window & ask me why I did that. I asked him why he was writing a ticket & he replied, no car paper. He then showed me all my papers minus one. SMELLING A RAT, I jumped out & went to the front of the car where my other paper now was laying under the front of the car.

I picked it up, showed it to him & then removed my documents from his hands, got into the car. My misses gave the mongrel a bit of a tune up and then we drove off. GOOD RIDDANCE LOW LIFE! 1zgarz5.gif

I know he was trying one on me, because I actually initially handed each item to him individually, annoucing each item as I went.

They think you are stupid and an easy target. For me only half of that is right, I might be stupid - but definately not an easy target cheesy.gif.

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How much Thai do you know? If not much, than that was probably the crux of your problem. Well, that and you're in Pattaya.

If you can speak enough Thai to joke around a little with the cops, these problems usually resolve themselves, with the ending being a simple smile and wave goodbye.

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Probably the best way would be to make them believe it is a rental bike, glue a big sticker "expat rentals" on it.

For a good laugh, did you ask them which part of the bike had been modified?

They'd be the last ones laughing, as simple logic doesn't play into their scamming themes. They just makes <deleted> up for the moment. The larger picture has to be universally addressed. Police corruption and criminal activity.

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If you were not breaking the law and had a completely stock bike you should not have backed down. I have never heard of them escalating to actual jail when it is a scam. I have always heard them back down unless you get angry and insulting, just stay calm and refuse, ask politely to demonstrate to you which part is modified etc and counter them at every turn.

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If you were not breaking the law and had a completely stock bike you should not have backed down. I have never heard of them escalating to actual jail when it is a scam. I have always heard them back down unless you get angry and insulting, just stay calm and refuse, ask politely to demonstrate to you which part is modified etc and counter them at every turn.

He said it was the muffler, that it was longer than normal. Total scam. I was not intending to back down, but they had my driver's license. The tourist police guy said they could be up to all kinds of nasty tricks, and with the officers hostility I felt it was very plausible right there and then. For all I know they could plant some drugs on me or something like that.

Like some of you has mentioned, best way to resolve such situations is to keep your calm and be polite. I agree, but after a while I lost it and got really angry and quite confrontational. My bad, I know, but it was extremely hard to keep cool when you have this axxhole lying to you straight in the face. Anyway, not even sure it made a difference. It took a while before I lost it, and he seemed intent on going through with the scam.


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If you were not breaking the law and had a completely stock bike you should not have backed down. I have never heard of them escalating to actual jail when it is a scam. I have always heard them back down unless you get angry and insulting, just stay calm and refuse, ask politely to demonstrate to you which part is modified etc and counter them at every turn.

He said it was the muffler, that it was longer than normal. Total scam. I was not intending to back down, but they had my driver's license. The tourist police guy said they could be up to all kinds of nasty tricks, and with the officers hostility I felt it was very plausible right there and then. For all I know they could plant some drugs on me or something like that.

Like some of you has mentioned, best way to resolve such situations is to keep your calm and be polite. I agree, but after a while I lost it and got really angry and quite confrontational. My bad, I know, but it was extremely hard to keep cool when you have this axxhole lying to you straight in the face. Anyway, not even sure it made a difference. It took a while before I lost it, and he seemed intent on going through with the scam.



patience is a virtue.

Just steadily deny any wrongdoing and they will back off.

Make a counter offer of 200 baht or a bottle of Sang Som to speed things up if you are bored or in a hurry.

Who gives a shit about 7 dollars.

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Driving long distances I always see to it that I have plenty of 100 Baht bills in case I get stopped, often they just don't take the trouble saying you violated some rule when you hand over money right away. 100 Baht or at the most 200 should do the trick. On the Bangkok-Surat Thani leg once I got stopped 4 times or so, but also often enough I got through without being stopped at all. Just pay, and if you don't like situations like this consider setttling in Switzerland.

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Been here for 10 years, driving throughout (cars and bikes) and only had to pay a 'fine' once.

I,000 Baht is quite a big fine and if it was a proper ticket rather than cash in someones pocket and all those police said he was in violation, I guess there was a violation. What is the bike?

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I'm not going to say that there isn't corruption among the police force, but what I have a problem with is these doubious examples I read here that go against what I am experenceing day after day. I really have a problem with projecting the negativity onto the whole police system and by extension the entire Thai population. I think that you people who do it are making fools of yourselves because: 1. You can't judge a society on the basis of your claimed interaction with one individual. and: 2. Your inability to be objective reflects badly on you.

I live in east Pattaya and I'm getting stopped on my motorbike almost every time I go out now. I ride a new Yamaha with a red plate in my wife's name. I don't even know what papers I have or if there the correct ones. The first 5 times I was stopped I was only asked for my license. I have a Thai license. Yesterday was the first time I was asked for papers. I gave him the lot of them and told him the bike was in my wifes name. He asked what her name was and I told him. I was polite and respectful, he was professional enough.

I conducted a little test. I have a photo of the family of the cop who was killed in BKK with a 100 baht bill wraped in it and I offered it to him asking if he could get it to the family. I've already made a donation to the family at the Pattaya police station where it was met with a impressive degree of gratitude and respect. The cop did not take the money and told me to look on the internet for the proper donation site. OK, good he passed my test.

Now I have a new test. Each time I'm stopped I smile and behave respectfully. A couple of times I even tried to joke with them by putting my arms out like to put the handcuffs on. I am respectful because MY experences with them have been deserving of respect. My new test is to behave with arrogance and put on a sour face and let my body language give a different message and see how they react to that.

Nevermind I can't do that. I don't have to because you folks are doing it for me. I think that the Thai's may have a 6th sense that can smell derision. They don't like and it gives them an invitaion to mess with you. I remain convinced that people who show the respect that is deserved when interacting with Thai's will not have a problem.

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Nevermind I can't do that. I don't have to because you folks are doing it for me. I think that the Thai's may have a 6th sense that can smell derision. They don't like and it gives them an invitaion to mess with you. I remain convinced that people who show the respect that is deserved when interacting with Thai's will not have a problem.

Delete 'derision' insert 'money'

Your talking horseshit here buddy.

Thai plice are corrupt and rotten to the core. They target motorists with the usual 'pay 300 here or 500 at the police station' knowing people will not want to ass around for 2 hours to get there license back.

To the people who pay because "its only a couple of dollars" you are making the problem worse. If you were accused of sexual assault but the fine was only a couple of dollars, would you pay???

refuse to pay, take a picture of the policeman in question and send it to the mayor of Pattayas website/facebook page. Or send it to Big Mark in Government house. Getting umpteen thousand pictures of corrupt policemen a day along with umpteen thousand emails from pissed off westerners might jolt him into action!

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Two stories;

1. Once got stopped for no seat belt. After a bit of haggling paid 100bt spot fine, but just before I drove off, he put his hand inside the car, and helped himself to a pile of 7-11 vouchers I save for a young relative. He said nothing, Just put them in his pocket and walked off. I just sat there laughing.

2. Another time I picked up a friend and his wife from BKK Airport as they came to visit on holiday. On the way back home on the expressway, I was pulled over by a motorbike cop ( falang driving a car with a Phuket number plate , easy target ? ) . He instructed me to drive down a side ramp to a deserted piece of road, then got off his bike and yapped away angrily in Thai. I picked up a few words but my wife translated . ' A few Kilometers back I had pulled out in front of someone and had caused a multiple car accident'

This was of course BS of the highest order. After a long day for my friends, and now arriving here for their holiday, they were distraught that this bent copper, was now asking for 20,000 bt , or we accompany him to the local station !!

I would have done the latter under normal circumstances. Called my insurance company, sat around for a pointless 6 hrs, before being let go, but my friends were knackered. I told my wife to tell him this was BS, and my friend sat next to me was a serving Police Officer from the UK( truth ) , and would verify our version when we got back to the Station. My wife shouted this at him, and he looked angrily inside the car at me, and told me to go. " Bpai Bpai " . Waving me away with the back of his hand.

I wonder how many times poor tourists have folded under duress, and paid up. I used to have some respect for the Police at home and the <deleted> they put up with, but here, never.

Actually, Maybe this was him .............

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What is the video all about? A Thai cop counting bits of paper?

Yes Rich thats what it is. A Thai TRAFFIC cop hiding behind a building counting bits of paper stuffed down his jacket. every bit of paper just happened to have a picture of the Kings head. Who would have thought it eh ? .

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"Your talking horseshit here buddy"

I am talking about MY experences with Thai's after 6 years of living here. Maybe yours are different. I was suggesting a possible explaination for your bad outcomes. I know lots of farang here and have a pretty good bullshit meter. I will continue to hold my opinion based upon hundreds of real, honest, OBJECTIVE experences.

That doesn't mean that something could happen to me. My wife doesn't like the BIB and once when she was defending me, when I was completely in the wrong, I thought she was going to get herself arrested. She got her brother, who seems to have a gift for dealing with them to settle it. In the future, If I get jammed up I will hand my phone to to the cop and let my brother in law do his magic. I have a Thai family full of intelligent, clever people who I have cultivated a respectful relationship with not to mention I also have grandmothers 10,000 year old ghosts looking out for me.

I'm a pragmatist and a poker player. I look at the odds for producing the outcome I desire. Works for me. I'f you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you always got. If you you find yourself in these situations repeatedly perhaps the problem is with you. I'm not trying to persuade you to change your approach and adapt because I beleive in natural consequences. If you choose to be the poster boy for stupid farang, have at it.

Edited by trisailer
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It's a great system where if you get in a 'jam' with the police you have to rely on a brother with connections. What a great way to garner respect for these intelligent people, and not project a negative image.

Edited by Richb2004v2
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"What a great way to garner respect"

I could care less if anyone Thai or otherwise respect me. I respect them and am willing to admit that I don't have a clue of how to deal with them. If something is wrong with my car I take it to an expert, simple.

What do you do??

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Several poster mentioned giving the police "papers" when they were stopped. On my car (and everyoune else) the registration is on the windshield. So other then your driver license what other "papers" do they want? I have been stopped a few times over the years and the only thing they ever wanted was my license. The only other thing I can think of would maybe be the actual car blue book.

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I'm not sure what papers. The cops stop me once in a while on the fino. I just show them my ID and pop the seat on the fino and let them dig around in there. Most won't bother. Sometimes they come out with that paper that says 2554 on it. Seems to make them happy.

Never once been asked for a satang when I was innocent.

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I'm not sure what papers. The cops stop me once in a while on the fino. I just show them my ID and pop the seat on the fino and let them dig around in there. Most won't bother. Sometimes they come out with that paper that says 2554 on it. Seems to make them happy.

Never once been asked for a satang when I was innocent.

On the bike they can ask for the green book and your insurance. The one with the 2554 on it is road tax.

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I've been stopped on my motor bike many times here in Phuket at the set up check points.....

I always put on my helmet before the visible checkpoint...Along with lots of thais stopped there waiting for the check point to finish i assume because they are wanted by the law or have no papers....funny too see..

I have no licence, but always show the police man my Employee ID with picture and company name and address and when asked i tell them this is my Companies international driving licence that allows me too drive company vehicles all over the world....works everytime never been asked for any money either...

Then about a 100 meters past the check point take off my helmet and im on my way....


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