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Natural Beauty Products available in thailand

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Sorry ladies to chime in. According to Indians, the best skincare cosmetic is Turmeric Powder (Normally used to cook Thai Yellow curry/Indian curry and Sambar). Take 20 grams Turmeric power and mix with water until it becomes a loose paste. Before taking bath, wet your face and neck. Apply this Turmeric paste and leave it for 10 minutes and take a bath. Your skin will become as smooth as silk and all the skin problems will go away. It can be applied to whole body also. It has no side effects and best skin protection in the world. It can be used for children also of any age 100% safe. Americans wants to patternise this Turmeric and failed because Indian Ayurvedha claims this is found and used from years. It has best healing power of ulcer or any wound happen in the skin. Try it out. Since it can make you yellow in color, you can try in weekends first, also don’t wear white cloths after taking Turmeric bath because it color your cloths yellow.

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Sorry ladies to chime in. According to Indians, the best skincare cosmetic is Turmeric Powder (Normally used to cook Thai Yellow curry/Indian curry and Sambar). Take 20 grams Turmeric power and mix with water until it becomes a loose paste. Before taking bath, wet your face and neck. Apply this Turmeric paste and leave it for 10 minutes and take a bath. Your skin will become as smooth as silk and all the skin problems will go away. It can be applied to whole body also. It has no side effects and best skin protection in the world. It can be used for children also of any age 100% safe. Americans wants to patternise this Turmeric  and failed because Indian Ayurvedha claims this is found and used from years. It has best healing power of ulcer or any wound happen in the skin. Try it out. Since it can make you yellow in color, you can try in weekends first, also don’t wear white cloths after taking Turmeric bath because it color your cloths yellow.

I agree with your recommendation. Have tried it and really like the effect on tanned skin - it gives it a gold tone. However, it does make an aweful mess on the tub, tiles, etc.

I also found a Burmese product that seems to contain tumeric that seems to be a combination of the Thai white chalky face powder and tumeric. It does keep your facial skin tight but very dry, so people with oily face should benefit from it. However, the instructions/ingredients list are all in Burmese, so I'm not sure what's really in it....

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I know I have young skin and I shouldn't really be wearing makeup but I've worn it since I was 13 and I'm pretty used to it now. And it's not like I look like a clown,


oh, you are so right. You know you should not wear any, esp in the daytime.

I dont, it is not necessary. You got used to it, so feel naked going out without it OK

so try to use less, or try none, get used to that, it is much better for your skin

I bet you would look just as nice, or nicer without :o:D

Thankyou :D

I think I may try this Tumeric. So does it leave a tone to your skin? I'm wondering if it would look suitable on fair skin if it leaves a golden tone. And thankyou everyone for your advice :D

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I know I have young skin and I shouldn't really be wearing makeup but I've worn it since I was 13 and I'm pretty used to it now. And it's not like I look like a clown,


oh, you are so right. You know you should not wear any, esp in the daytime.

I dont, it is not necessary. You got used to it, so feel naked going out without it OK

so try to use less, or try none, get used to that, it is much better for your skin

I bet you would look just as nice, or nicer without :o:D

Thankyou :D

I think I may try this Tumeric. So does it leave a tone to your skin? I'm wondering if it would look suitable on fair skin if it leaves a golden tone. And thankyou everyone for your advice :D

Ice - if you haven't developed a tan, you'll look a little yellow - try it under your clothing first, maybe? Need to scrub you palms out too because they will look yellow. It does make the skin feel good, and does smell good.

Have you seen Tamarind soaps - they are Thai brands - feels really good and the AHA in it is really good for the skin. Thai ladies of the past used the tamarind/tumeric combination to protect themselves from the elements......

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:o You're welcome. Thanaka is also used to block the sun. Burmese ladies even paint designs on their skin with Thanaka.

I lover tumeric products and don't know what I will do without them when I return to the West. I use a Thai tumeric soap and scrub, followed by a tumeric moisturizer. The scrub is a bit messy. And the cheap, ordinary tamarind scrubs that I've found in Chiang Mai markets for 20 baht is amazing. I love Thai herbal products.

When I go to India, I want to buy some of their facial tumeric moisturizers. I'm a bit of a skincare nut and natural herbal nut. I would swim in green tea if I could :D

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It is amazing to see support for natural products based on Turmeric. I suggest to use Thai natural soaps also, it cleans perfectly and you feel very fresh after each use. I use Koklieng a Chineese herbal soap available in all the stores but botton of the rack. It is bit expensive 36 bhat per soap, but it is worth paying that money.

In India Vicco Turmeric Auyrvedic cream is a famous face cream. Try that.

For your information i bought 6 pieces of Amway soaps and still having 4 of them unused. It is an expensive useless brand. Dont buy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Ice, that's great!

I hope it is also not unwelcome for me to post here. I just ran across this thread when doing a search in TV on ayur.

In addition to turmeric, one other miraculous and simple substance for the skin is ghee (clarified butter). It is very cleansing and healing and gives the skin a very healthy glow. A quick search on skin, ghee, health will yield up lots of interesting info.

When I was married, my wife had a mole on her face that went quickly from the size of a small pea to the size of a quarter. It was rough and multicolored and a doctor friend told her she should have a biopsy as it might likely be cancerous.

Then another friend told us that he had had a nasty mole and an ayurvedic doctor told him to gently apply a small amount of ghee at least 3 times a day. He said in 3 weeks the mole was gone without a trace. Despite being strong believers in ayurveda we were skeptical, to say the least, that simple ghee would do this. However my wife decided to give it a try as it would be a while before she could get an appointment for the biopsy.

We watched in amazement over the next three weeks as the mole shrank and finally disappeared with no sign that it had ever been there. No scar, nothing. And she had had the original mole for more than a decade. To make a long story short, 6 months later I thought why not try it on a cyst I had had on my eyelid for years. Also, gone within 3 weeks. And finally a friend with a large, marble sized cyst on his back. Also gone in weeks!

Ghee helps get rid of all kinds of complexion problems and wrinkling (more effective than botox, very easy, inexpensive and only positive results)and helps bring out facial beauty better than cosmetics IMHO. Including both ghee and turmeric in your diet as well is also very good for the skin.

Of course there is more to maintaing youthful beauty and great looks than just ghee and turmeric and I know I have oversimplified it here. Healthy eating habits and lifestyle and things like meditation all contribute wonderfully and easily to ones natural beauty. Do a search, check it out and enjoy the results.

Sorry if I went on a bit here. :o

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:o Thanks! I also see that you have a nice new avatar. Cute heart pupil.

Re ghee: Not sure what effect it has on freckles, but no harm trying, as it will have an overall beneficial effect on the skin and complexion.

I have not done a deep study on this subject, but I will suggest some alternatives for general application (for things like moles just apply and leave on):

After washing and drying the face (or wherever you wish to apply), put a small quantity of ghee in your hands and massage it in. Leave it on for 20 minutes or however long you have time for. Gently wash off the surface residue with a nice natural soap. Rinse, dry and go about your normal day.

Ghee can also be applied before bed and left on overnight if you do not mind getting some oil residue on your sheets or pillow cover. As above, you could also wash off a little of the surface residue before getting in bed.

Ghee, BTW, applied at night on the head and/or feet promotes good sleep. I used to put it on my feet, then go to bed with some socks on. Worked nicely and improved the texture of my feet as a bonus. :D

Hey Ice, that's great!

I hope it is also not unwelcome for me to post here.  I just ran across this thread when doing a search in TV on ayur.

In addition to turmeric, one other miraculous and simple substance for the skin is ghee (clarified butter).  It is very cleansing and healing and gives the skin a very healthy glow.  A quick search on skin, ghee, health will yield up lots of interesting info.

When I was married, my wife had a mole on her face that went quickly from the size of a small pea to the size of a quarter.  It was rough and multicolored and a doctor friend told her she should have a biopsy as it might likely be cancerous. 

Then another friend told us that he had had a nasty mole and an ayurvedic doctor told him to gently apply a small amount of ghee at least 3 times a day.  He said in 3 weeks the mole was gone without a trace.  Despite being strong believers in ayurveda we were skeptical, to say the least, that simple ghee would do this.  However my wife decided to give it a try as it would be a while before she could get an appointment for the biopsy.

We watched in amazement over the next three weeks as the mole shrank and finally disappeared with no sign that it had ever been there.  No scar, nothing.  And she had had the original mole for more than a decade.  To make a long story short, 6 months later I thought why not try it on a cyst I had had on my eyelid for years.  Also, gone within 3 weeks.  And finally a friend with a large, marble sized cyst on his back.  Also gone in weeks!

Ghee helps get rid of all kinds of complexion problems and wrinkling (more effective than botox, very easy, inexpensive and only positive results)and helps bring out facial beauty better than cosmetics IMHO.  Including both ghee and turmeric in your diet as well is also very good for the skin.

Of course there is more to maintaing youthful beauty and great looks than just ghee and turmeric and I know I have oversimplified it here.  Healthy eating habits and lifestyle and things like meditation all contribute wonderfully and easily to ones natural beauty.  Do a search, check it out and enjoy the results.

Sorry if I went on a bit here.  :D

Great advice thankyou :D

Of course you're welcome on this forum as long as you behave yourself (Boo's words :D ) This ghee sounds amazing. I have a few freckles that appear when I am over exposed to the sun on my cheeks so I may just try that. You have been very helpful thankyou and I hope I see you contribute more often in the ladies forum.

By the way I like you're avatar, it's very pretty.

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So this sounds interesting. Do you make your own ghee? Or are there some products you buy based on this? My husband is full of moles and my 2 youngest daughters are now starting to have more and more pop out all the time.

I have used vitamin e oil in the past to remove surgical scars with great results, but never tried this.

My 2 cents worth on make up, foundation only for special evenings out. Everyday, light wisp of powder blush and eye make up.

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So this sounds interesting. Do you make your own ghee? Or are there some products you buy based on this? My husband is full of moles and my 2 youngest daughters are now starting to have more and more pop out all the time.

I have used vitamin e oil in the past to remove surgical scars with great results, but never tried this.

My 2 cents worth on make up, foundation only for special evenings out. Everyday, light wisp of powder blush and eye make up.

I do make my own ghee from organic butter. However it is fine to just buy pure organic butter ghee in a shop, if you can find it. Make sure it is butter ghee as some shoddy operators are selling something they call "vegetable ghee". There is no such thing as "vegetable ghee". It is a made-up concept for selling vegetable oil or margarine at a high price. Ghee is a sanskrit word and only refers to the oil that can be derived from milk.

If you wish to make your own ghee research it thoroughly on the internet or in a book before attempting to make it. The key is in being sure not to burn the milk solids on the bottom of the pan toward the end of the process. This can happen quite suddenly. Preferably use a good quality, thick bottomed pot and definitely no aluminum or teflon interior. The ghee would take on some of their toxic nature. For the same reason, especially when you are wanting to use the ghee for its medicinal qualities, I recommend organic or as close to that as you can get.

On a side note, I wonder if this post or part of it should be moved to the health area (and maybe retitled) as it seemed to have quickly taken on a health tone from the beginning and stuck with it. Or should we just start a new one?

Ice? What do you think? You originated this post. Or is this strictly a moderator decision. Not sure how this works, but have seen it done in similar instances.

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Thanks so much for your information on Ghee. I have learned all kinds of information on natural herbal products for skin and health, but Ghee is completely new for me.

I'm definitely going to try it. Do you know where we can find ready-made Ghee in BKK? I guess at the Indian Market, but does anyone know a good place to shop?

Thanks again.

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Thanks so much for your information on Ghee.  I have learned all kinds of information on natural herbal products for skin and health, but Ghee is completely new for me.

I'm definitely going to try it.  Do you know where we can find ready-made Ghee in BKK?  I guess at the Indian Market, but does anyone know a good place to shop?

Thanks again.

Hi Kat,

I might have seen 'Purity Farms Ghee' in the import grocery store accross from the Emporium or in one of the nicer grocery stores in the Sukhumvit area (but that may have been as much as 3 years ago) PFG is very good quality and organic

At the Indian markets you will most likely only find the tins of ghee from Australia or NZ. Or maybe from India, but do not buy ghee from India. Most of it is adulterated with buffalo ghee at best and buffalo ghee has very different ayurvedic properties.

The ghee from down under may be old and being in a tin is not great for the ghee either. Glass jar is best for storage.

Maybe just start with a pound or two of butter and try making your own ghee. It is not that hard as long as you keep from burning it.

Bring the butter to a boil, then as the boiling becomes less keep lowering the flame. When you see the solids on the bottem become even a little light golden turn off the flame. Once the moisture is gone the temp of the ghee rises like a rocket and the milk solids will be black in a split second. The only other aspect is seperating the solids (some on top and some on bottom) from the oil and that is relatively easy. There are many ways, so look for suggestions on the web or ask a friend to come by who has done it before.

Good luck.


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Hi guys,

Whilst were on the topic I wonder if anyone could offer some advice for me - either with the ghee or another product. I have a patch of skin on my chin that is always prone to spots. So over the years I have always used alot of chemical products on it. I have noticed recently that this patch of skin in particular is really wrinkly like ive been smoking 40 a day for 20 years (ok I social smoke). I wonder if this is permanent damage or if there is anything I can do to it to make it look a bit better, it is also quite red.

Any suggestions for quick fix bad skin remedies would be greatly appreciated. Btw, I would try the ghee but not sure if I would get any in Samui. thanks.

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Hi guys,

Whilst were on the topic I wonder if anyone could offer some advice for me - either with the ghee or another product.  I have a patch of skin on my chin that is always prone to spots.  So over the years I have always used alot of chemical products on it.  I have noticed recently that this patch of skin in particular is really wrinkly like ive been smoking 40 a day for 20 years (ok I social smoke).  I wonder if this is permanent damage or if there is anything I can do to it to make it look a bit better, it is also quite red.

Any suggestions for quick fix bad skin remedies would be greatly appreciated.  Btw, I would try the ghee but not sure if I would get any in Samui.  thanks.

But I'm sure good butter is available. :o It isn't that hard to make.

For anything like this you should really see an ayurvedic doctor. I know there was a farang (British maybe) lady trained in Ayurveda on Phuket a couple of years ago (she seemed very nice and knowledgeable), but not sure of Samui, but I did hear some talk of maybe something there.

Ghee can certainly be tried, but really try to see someone as soon as you can as there will probably be numerous things you should do internally. This is just one manifestation of some type of improper digestion.

I see so many posts in the health section and I think "Oh how I would love to see some "real" AV clinics with vaidyas from India open in Thailand" There is so much that ayurveda can cure not to mention its' even better preventive abilities. Oh well, change takes time.

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Seeker - I'm not sure really but I agree with you, the thread has turned into one more suited in the health forum so if the mods agree with us then they shall move it. More males would read it then, well if the title was changed :o

I have problems sleeping so I'll try the ghee during the night then. I think I'll buy it rather than attempt to make it. That would be a kitchen disaster! Once again thankyou for your comments and advice.

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Not sure about Ayurvedic clinics here, but there are enough spa's around im sure there would be something, I will start to investigate, thanks.  :o

Hi Soph,

I was a little sleepy last night and so forgot that I can put you (or anyone needing AV advice) in touch with one of the world's best vaidyas in India via Skype and or email. He is always busy with hundreds of foreign patients (many of whom go to see him), but I am sure he will help you in this way (no charge).

Anyone wanting his advice should PM or email me as I want to let you know the best way to go about contacting him to minimize the the use of his scarce time and maximize the result you get. For this reason I am not posting his contact details here.


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Lemongrass House do some great natural products here in Thailand, made fresh, their line includes Thanaka face scrubs/creams, aromatherapy shampoo's, conditioners and soaps, shower gels etc...

Bangkok - ChataChak Market (3 outlets)

Phuket - Surin, Chalong and Phuket City Hotel

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