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Avatars And Start New Topic Buttons


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A while back I posted in this section that avatars/type styles/fonts/sizes/emoticons :ermm: and 'start new topic' buttons were missing from your spanking new upgrade.

After a lot of erroneous advice to 'clear cache/cookies etc' (much along the lines given by TOT's call centre 'switch your modem off for ten minutes/re-jig interface/burn sage over it etc, together with remark from some cretin suggesting I was, and I quote: 'Giving everyone the shits ... and had been delegated 'read only', despite the fact the moron was reading what I'd written ... Here's a little advice for anyone having the same problem. It's the Firefox Browser stupid. And before anyone jumps in with 'oh but I use Firefox with no problems' No. And neither did I with Firefox and the TV 'upgrade'. But Firefox 3.6.16 and 4 do not work.

I'm Starting This New Topic With Google Chrome. And yes, I can see all your well chosen avatars.

Now where's the one for Cretin ... :yohan:

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Thankyou for your update (despite the condescending and rude tone).

I assume that you followed the advice to 'try a different browser' that was given immediately after the 'clear your cache' etc advice (yes I dug out your old post).

I'm using FF 4.0 with no issues, so there's certainly something different about your installation, there have been reports that certain add-ins cause odd behaviour.

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Thankyou for your update (despite the condescending and rude tone).

I assume that you followed the advice to 'try a different browser' that was given immediately after the 'clear your cache' etc advice (yes I dug out your old post).

I'm using FF 4.0 with no issues, so there's certainly something different about your installation, there have been reports that certain add-ins cause odd behaviour.

If I'm addressed with a condescending and 'rude tone' (NOT unheard of on this forum, try reading some of it) I will respond in kind.

And no, I did not bother following any more 'advice' given on this forum (LOL), I found out it out for myself and thought I'd pass it on.

And of course, here's the ubiquitous poster with 'no issues'. You may not have, some of The rest of us, have.

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Whilst it is useful to find that others have the same issue (nobody else seems to have reported it), it is sometimes nice to find that others are NOT having problems too.

So I stand by my statement, I personally have no problems with FF4, therefore if follows that our setups are not the same. I have few ad-ins, actually just one, a UK dictionary.

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The usual advice is to clear cache and cookies, try another browser and if the other browser works disable addons and restart one by one to see which one is causing the error.

No need for anyone to get rude either as an asker of advice or a giver of advice.

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