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Thaicom 5 Glitch Makes Case For Back-Up Satellite


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Thaicom 5 glitch makes case for back-up satellite



Last week's technical glitch has given Thaicom hope that the Information and Communications Technology Ministry will be more willing to support its plan to launch a back-up satellite for Thaicom 5.

However, it remains to be seen if the plan will muster full political support, since Thaicom is mainly owned by Shin Corp, which was founded by the family of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Thaicom CEO Arak Cholatanont said the company is eager to hold more talks with the ministry on its plan and related conditions. It recently proposed to the ministry its plan to send the new satellite to the 78.5-degree east orbital slot, the same position as Thaicom 5.

The technical problem last Thursday knocked satellite TV programming off the air for three hours before Thaicom could finish fixing it.

Last Thursday Jirawan Boonperm, the ICT Ministry's permanent secretary, said the ministry would talk with Thaicom on the possibility of jointly drawing up the specifications for the new satellite, which she said is expected to be launched in 2013.

The country's sole satellite |operator has the Thaicom 5 broadcasting satellite and iPStar broadband satellite in its fleet. Thaicom has been eager to launch another satellite but on condition that |the ministry extend its concession to a certain period to make the project viable. Its concession ends in 2018.

A Thaicom source said the company is also willing to talk with the ministry on its plan to rectify its concession amendments.

Part of the Supreme Court's |ruling in February on Thaksin's assets devolvement case cited |the Thaicom concession amendments as part of Thaksin's abuse of power to benefit his telecom empire.

The Cabinet has acknowledged the ICT Ministry's plan to rectify the Thaicom concession amendments.

As part of the plan, Thaicom has to return to the original concession terms by building a backup satellite for its Thaicom 3 satellite, which was de-orbited in 2006 following a partial breakdown. Shin will also be asked to raise its stake in Thaicom back to 51 per cent from the current 41 per cent. The ministry will appoint a committee to talk with Thaicom on how to deal with its iPStar satellite, which was not included in its original concession.


-- The Nation 2011-04-25

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It's all a big set-up. Take your pick:

1) So now, when the next election comes up it will be easier to black-out communications when the coup comes rolling in (because they've just set precedence).

2) It was another effort to tell the public we need billions more to send up another satellite.

3) It seems a legitimate way to not have Shinsat in use anymore.

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No ones needs to worry about this. The govt will appoint a committee to work all this out (i.e., kick the can further down the road). Yes sir, quick and definitive action--NOT!!! Besides ain't having all your eggs in one basket a good thing?

P.S. Everyone really should invest in some rabbit ear antennas because if the Thaicom5 satellite ever does experience a hard breakdown, get hit by space junk/a meteor, etc., your wife/GF wouldn't be able to watch their soap shows which would make last year's riots in Bangkok look like an extremely small protest. But if you have your rabbit ears peace in the household will endure. Don't wait to long...I hear there is already a run on rabbit ear antennas making the recent palm cooking oil shortage look tame in comparison. But maybe the govt committee will just recommend every Thai household receive a subsidy for rabbit ear antennas...with the election coming up that would probably get a lot of votes. This subsidy would also probably save the cost of a backup satellite and allow the current Thaicom5 issue to fester even more....employee more committee members for a longer time. Now where is that can at?....it needs to be kicked again. ;)

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Testing the system for when they shut it down and begin the patriotic coup music we are so familiar with.

Camera crews are at the ready, to photograph the local cheering citizens, handing out flowers to the smiling soldiers.....

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