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How Much You Pay For Sin Sod?


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while discussing your impending sin sot with your teeraks family be sure to mention the western tradtion of the brides family paying for everything for the wedding....you may find a compromise is forthcoming....;)

HeHeHe, yeah my inlaws started at 500,000, after a point blank refusal by me it dropped dramatically to the point Iam happy and we are tying the knot on the 7th of May, the family reckons I'm a cheap coont, I call it being "thrift" and the new price negotiated allows a V8 install on my pickup !!!

So your pickup is worth more to you than your future wife and (hopefully not) mother of your future children??

Did you negotiate the price of your pickup???

Did you flat out refuse the first price given to you??

Huh.... I hope she takes the cheapo sin sod you hand over, and then dumps you in a week... **flame removed**

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So if you give 10k baht to the family everymonth is it exceptable to give sin sod too. Im not married yet but if im giving 10k a month for my lifetime then im not paying sin sod too... Does anybody pay sin sod and also give money everymonth to the wifes mum??

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while discussing your impending sin sot with your teeraks family be sure to mention the western tradtion of the brides family paying for everything for the wedding....you may find a compromise is forthcoming....;)

HeHeHe, yeah my inlaws started at 500,000, after a point blank refusal by me it dropped dramatically to the point Iam happy and we are tying the knot on the 7th of May, the family reckons I'm a cheap coont, I call it being "thrift" and the new price negotiated allows a V8 install on my pickup !!!

A sensible reply, 454 or 502. :D

Alas its a quad toyo donk, I have however got a lead on a manifold and 6/71 jimmy back home in AUS, its topped with twin 1050 dominator's, combo on a built engine was happy with 1700hp....................

GULP, I'd be happy with half that. :D

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while discussing your impending sin sot with your teeraks family be sure to mention the western tradtion of the brides family paying for everything for the wedding....you may find a compromise is forthcoming....;)

HeHeHe, yeah my inlaws started at 500,000, after a point blank refusal by me it dropped dramatically to the point Iam happy and we are tying the knot on the 7th of May, the family reckons I'm a cheap coont, I call it being "thrift" and the new price negotiated allows a V8 install on my pickup !!!

My new name is 'Farang Jon' (no my name's not John!)

Mine is 50,000 baht and will all be given back a couple of hours after the ceremony (honest!).

Knot tying is the day after 'cheap coont' sorry... 'thrifty' Spoonman's :)

Spoonman, I reckon they only call you a cheap coont cos they can't say thrifty :)

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Personally I would feel very bad if me and the missus was living in relative luxury compared to the outlaws living day to day. I'll be happy to pay a nominal amount to assist and keep the peace.

Could you then send me some wonga as l am not living in luxury, PLEASE. :)

(just to make you feel better eh) :lol:

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So your pickup is worth more to you than your future wife and (hopefully not) mother of your future children??

In the long term the future wife will cost more than my pickup, as for kids, nope not having any, if she "accidentally" falls pregnant it will be terminated.

Did you negotiate the price of your pickup???

Would be an idiot not to.

Did you flat out refuse the first price given to you??

Yes, see above.

Huh.... I hope she takes the cheapo sin sod you hand over, and then dumps you in a week... **flame removed**

If her intentions were to dump me over this trivial amount of money she would have already done so.

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So if you give 10k baht to the family everymonth is it exceptable to give sin sod too. Im not married yet but if im giving 10k a month for my lifetime then im not paying sin sod too... Does anybody pay sin sod and also give money everymonth to the wifes mum??

Only showing sin sodt, mum gets about 1,000 baht/month, maybe 2,000 if she needs a day out for a hospital visit or some other such fripperies :)

I'll be your mother-in-law for 7.5K/month :D

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Knot tying is the day after 'cheap coont' sorry... 'thrifty' Spoonman's :)

If you want to be technical about it we are actually getting married in BKK on the 3rd before we head up to the village.

Spoonman, I reckon they only call you a cheap coont cos they can't say thrifty :)

To be honest I could not give 2 fuc_ks what they call me if they dislike up to them, good excuse to not go to the village.

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Knot tying is the day after 'cheap coont' sorry... 'thrifty' Spoonman's :)

If you want to be technical about it we are actually getting married in BKK on the 3rd before we head up to the village.

Spoonman, I reckon they only call you a cheap coont cos they can't say thrifty :)

To be honest I could not give 2 fuc_ks what they call me if they dislike up to them, good excuse to not go to the village.

Fair enough, I didn't really want to get technical about it, but good luck to you anyway.

I wasn't implying that you did care what they thought of you, it was a feeble attempt at humour on my part.

Again, good luck to you on the 3rd and the 7th :)

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Personally I would feel very bad if me and the missus was living in relative luxury compared to the outlaws living day to day. I'll be happy to pay a nominal amount to assist and keep the peace.

Could you then send me some wonga as l am not living in luxury, PLEASE. :)

(just to make you feel better eh) :lol:

Well it depends?

Do you live on a bowl of rice a day and have no windows in your home and are afraid of falling through the floorboards? Are you thai? If your answer is yes to those things and have a nice young daughter that's a good shag and happy to marry a fat old git then sure, no problem. :D

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Knot tying is the day after 'cheap coont' sorry... 'thrifty' Spoonman's :)

If you want to be technical about it we are actually getting married in BKK on the 3rd before we head up to the village.

Spoonman, I reckon they only call you a cheap coont cos they can't say thrifty :)

To be honest I could not give 2 fuc_ks what they call me if they dislike up to them, good excuse to not go to the village.

Absolutely, all these guys who give cash to the extended family every month really baffles me. They should ask how much cash does the rest of the family pay each month. Zilch.

If the lady married a Thai how much would he cough up each month. Zilch. :rolleyes:

My mrs gives her mum some cash from here house rental but her hi-so government job sisters give sod all. :)

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Knot tying is the day after 'cheap coont' sorry... 'thrifty' Spoonman's :)

If you want to be technical about it we are actually getting married in BKK on the 3rd before we head up to the village.

Spoonman, I reckon they only call you a cheap coont cos they can't say thrifty :)

To be honest I could not give 2 fuc_ks what they call me if they dislike up to them, good excuse to not go to the village.

Absolutely, all these guys who give cash to the extended family every month really baffles me. They should ask how much cash does the rest of the family pay each month. Zilch.

If the lady married a Thai how much would he cough up each month. Zilch. :rolleyes:

My mrs gives her mum some cash from here house rental but her hi-so government job sisters give sod all. :)

My woman has a sister and her thai husband gives money. Bugger all but he makes an effort. I'd at least like to get some flowing water in the house, duly sick of having to shower using the bucket they also use to 'flush' the toilet. Ahhhh the good life. :D

edit to add: I'd better stop now, otherwise this will quickly turn into a monty python skit. :D

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I built a beautiful new house for my wife's grandparents (600,000) and paid off her mothers gambling debts (50,000) using money that I didn't loose in the markets. We continue to support her grandparents who raised her to be a wonderful woman. My wife told me how when she was dumped on them her grandmother held her hand so she could sleep for the first few years and that story melted my heart. I have also loaned money to her brother for college which he paid back. I can easily afford to do what I have done.

So far, I figure that the return on that investment is better than many others I've made. It really boils down to what you can afford to walk away from and do you trust your judge of human character. If something happened tomorrow I will remember this as a highlight.

My wife is a full partner in this relationship with all the benefits she's entittled to. Afew years ago I made a bad investment which made things financilly tight for over a year. My wife went to work in a popular Thai resturant and worked her tail off to support both of us. I don't pretend that money is not a part of my relationship with my wife. When we were getting to know eachother I learned that most of her income was going towards her family and it would have been unrealistic, actually impossible for us to be togather without replaceing that.

I know lots of guys who contribute to their Thai families and when done correctly it makes a huge difference in the lives of the recievers. I also know guys who treat their wives like employees that is not for me.

Do your due dilligence and have some confidence that you know what your doing and why.

BTW we have visited many of her classmates who have become successful and there are many examples of Thai's doing the same thing. Her siblings support their mother who keeps the house and watches her brother's son. It all depends on the character of the family.

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~snip edit for space~

Of course, meeting Noi from Nakhon Nowhere in a Beer Bar in Pattaya and giving her family 500,000 Baht may bring different results.

My Wifes younger Sister won't be going anywhere until at least 500,000 is shown, I've offered 450.000 and was turned down flat !! smile.gif

I'll lend you the other 50k. Hell I'd give it too you just to see how this goes down! lol 555

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My woman has a sister and her thai husband gives money. Bugger all but he makes an effort. I'd at least like to get some flowing water in the house, duly sick of having to shower using the bucket they also use to 'flush' the toilet. Ahhhh the good life. :D

edit to add: I'd better stop now, otherwise this will quickly turn into a monty python skit. :D

We have hot shower rooms in our place but when her mum comes to visit we have to rig up buckets of water so she can wash in the garden. :(

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Sin Sot...paid by me = Zero

Although based in tradition, it is also used to extort large quantites of cash from unsuspecting farangs in the name of tradtion.....:rolleyes:

While discussing your impending sin sot with your teeraks family be sure to mention the western tradtion of the brides family paying for everything for the wedding....you may find a compromise is forthcoming....;)

if your intended marriage starts by not trusting your to be wife or her family then its a very bad start and IMO destined for failure anyway. It is custom in some parts of Thailand and is also mostly for show. I know thais who have paid many million of Baht and forangs who have bickered and boast i paid nothing. Pay whatever you can afford and what seems appropriate to satisfy Thai face. If it bothers you and you have any thought your wife or her family are trying to do you then run away quickly. If your to be wife is honest and her family care for her (a big if) then it will all come back to you in the end. I gave what was asked without hesitation and got it all back even though my wifes family are quite poor but they were happy to give back what they could and more for our children safe in knowledge if they ever seriously had severe money problems we would help. This however is im sure unusual and ive known many forang bled to death by their thai wives and her family. Do not even consider marriage until you have been with her for several years and during that time if she needs it give her much more than she needs saying you may need some of it back. Then after a year or so say you need some back. Its a mean trick and a test most girls would fail but it will save you a fortune later. Suggest give her 1 million before you mary but educate her if she needs it by helping her invest it in stocks or property.

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If you marry into a good Family, Sinsot will be shown, its all about show, I've been to Thai weddings and up to 2 million Baht has been shown, again its quality with quality, and its normal and I don't know anyone who has never shown it.

Since when is Show-Show the most important item in life? :sick:

Really rich and/or intelligent people don't need to show anything :whistling:

different culture and your comment just shows your total ignorance bah.gif

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If I remember the right amount, it was about 40 Baht at the Amphur. :rolleyes:

Edit. If you pay more than this, you are on for a ride. :whistling:

40 Baht seems a bit steep. Could you not have negotiated that down?

Personally, I think 10 Baht is a fair price; 20 Baht is expensive; and anything higher is pure extortion.

why not just rent a wife much less trouble and 10 baht gold would cover a real stunner for around 3 months I must go down to one of these cattle markets for wife's one day and see if i got good value bah.gif

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