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The internet could be such a good place except for those who have nothing else to do but sniff enough butt to get the wacking wand and then abuse their responsibility by offering up insults that would cause a poster to be banned.

Ding Dong some may think you are cool, I am not one of them

Banning....hmmmmm there's a good idea. Perhaps you shouldn't push it.

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Exactly what I said.....Moddies can belittle people and insult thme but when the tables are turned the threat of POWER comes out... Absolute power corrupts absolutly......Here it is: just like I said:


Banning....hmmmmm there's a good idea. Perhaps you shouldn't push it.


My guess is these power struck moddies have, as they say in LOS "No Power" and get their ya ya's out being a dictator!

Dr. Ding Dong can inslut me but if I inslut him I get the threat of being banned?

BTW the way I've looked over many of Dingies posts and he's a bloddy flamer!

Lead by example and not by terroistic threats! I expect "next time" you'll be a three legged dog.

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Honolulu, how many loops have you got around you?????? It must really weigh you down with them say ohlaa ohlaaaaaaaa ohlaalaaalaa. I think Hawaii truly did a number on you. B)

Hmmmmm, speaking of moderators powers, I have no comment. Got spanked enough. B):D

Like Dr. PP said, and trust me he can spank you indeed. :o

Daveyoti B)


Thanks Dr. PP, and by the way, Honolulu is not hawaiian. He is English From the land of Brits.

Can I have another Brit bashing Dr. PP. ???? Request your permission cause my arf arf is getting tuned properly. :o



Sir, having used Honolulu as a stopover to BKK I can assure you that Honolulu is in Hawaii. Looking at the clock it must not be Houoli Makahiki Hou although Mele Kelekimaka has passed. Happy Holidays to all! The Times Square action is about to start. How was BKK since it has pass for about 12 hours at this moment!

Even a Brit retard would be able to express him/her self better....nope...don't believe you Dave.

I think I picked him as being different after his first post! :o

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