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Generic Xenical Diet Pills


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unfortunately not that I know of. They are very expensive but very effective if you really stick to a very low fat diet. I cut down my expense of this medication by taking only one a day with my evening meal and eating an absolutely no fat breakfast and lunch. I have lost 12 kilos and kept it off.

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unfortunately not that I know of. They are very expensive but very effective if you really stick to a very low fat diet. I cut down my expense of this medication by taking only one a day with my evening meal and eating an absolutely no fat breakfast and lunch. I have lost 12 kilos and kept it off.

go buy empty gel caps cut the capsule in 1/2 , put it in gel capsule ,get larger gel caps so you can plunk the 1/2 cap right into it.

The literature suggest 120mg is too much and in fact 60mg does the same job.

In USA 120mg is prescription yet they sell 60mg capsules over the counter.People using this amount do as well as the people @120mg dose.

This way you cut the cost in 1/2 and at the same time you give your body a break. This is a strong drug and affects metabolism so the less the better since the same result is gained with 60mg dose. Headaches are common on this stuff so cutting dose to 60mg is a good move for more than cutting the cost .

Edited by yesterday
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Phentermine increases metabolic by nearly double- far cheaper. Yet it acts like a stimulant so some get anxiety or increased heart rate. As it comes with a semi high it can be addictive, some drug store sell in CMai.

Xenical is sold nearly everywhere yet even genetics are very expensive. Yet as suggested people can plan better- like take one hour before main meal of the day being 60mg. They are sold in 60mg tablets as well- typically half the price.

Xenical does not increase fat burning via increased Metabolic rate- digests less fat and more fat passes through. Will not help much if you UP your sugars, etc. Most overweight people do not succeed on this product but as one person here lost 12kg- they had a great method... being little fat before evening main meal.... one tablet before main meal. Then over half the fat content of the meal will come out as waste and not be stored on the body. Not a bad plan, if no cheating. It can be a good AID for weight lose.

Phentermine is recommended for only 4-6 weeks per time, go for low release if select this in weight lose centres around town or drug stores, as some will hit will a high then low to normal metabolic rate after only 3 hours. You want the slow release to last 20 hours. Av. fat loss on this medicine is more than double Xenical but not for everyone. As you do feel more on edge, do not take more than 20mg I would recommend. Popped a 40mg and was running all over the place day\night. Yet depends on the individual- it does create a high if too much taken. It also classed as a cognitive enhancing drug, I guess some would class x5 coffees the same. Anyway you do not feel like eating at all, so you eat all the good stuff you need. Av. weight lose in 6 weeks with no further exercise is 6-8kg. Which is amazingly high. Typically only prescribed to those 30kg overweight being classed as obese. Yet body builders use it in their getting CUT phase in last week before a comp. This is Thailand so not as strict on the rules.

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They in capsules.... great to lose an easy 5-6 kgs fat in a month. Yet when stop taking you feel hungry again and your METABOLIC rate goes back to normal.

Cheapest option is to get 40mg capsules then open them up and eat half of the powder inside- if anxiety, etc appear- take a third or quarter of 40mg tablet. It will go away.

Truck drivers in Farang countries often use them to stay awake but they take far more- as truck drivers here are said to take Yaa Baa.... amphetitmine. It has a derivative of amphet's in it so some drug stores will never give. As Amphet makers can derive what they need from the capsules.

Anyway once I got them from a Drug Store at Thapae gate, if no go then goto a Diet centre in CMai and they all have Phentermine. If looking at inner city from Thapea Gate go approx. 200 metre down the road on the right and they in a Drug store at that daily market. Approx Soi 8 moon maung- naturally a small shop. Should be approx. 1200bt for 30x 40mg tablets. Which is really enough for 6-8 weeks.... then stop so no addiction occurs. As I know a few people who take a 6 week course every 6 months to lose 6-8 kgs each time. Yes it the lazy or faster way to do yet it what they wish. If do not up your exercise (Calorie input\output) it will come back nearly as fast as the fat disappeared.

Good luck.

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Cheapest option is to get 40mg capsules then open them up and eat half of the powder inside- if anxiety, etc appear- take a third or quarter of 40mg tablet. It will go away.

If the Phentermine are time released they are not designed to be cut in half. Phentermine pills enter the blood stream as soon as they are taken and time-release Phentermine capsules release into the body over an extended period of time, generally 8 or 12 hours.The time-release have a protective coating on them that digests over time, so you don't get an overdose of the drug. If you cut the capsule in half, you are in fact exposing yourself to the entire contents of the capsule upon swallowing albeit 20 or 40 mg.

Edited by uptheos
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The OP's question has been sufficiently answered, but please permit me to point out again, that loosing weight by any means is the easy part,

but staying down is almost impossible unless permanent, life long changes to life style and diet habits are implemented.

Otherwise loss of weight will followed by weight gain as sure as day is followed by night, and one will end up where one started, plus a little extra

on top of it in most cases, ultimately more harmful to ones health than just staying overweight.

Edited by Orita
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