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Seh Daeng's Daughter Seeks Answers, Might Contest Under Pheu Thai Banner


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Seh Daeng's daughter seeks answers, might contest under Pheu Thai banner




Khattiya Sawasdipol, daughter of key red-shirt supporter late Maj-General Khattiya "Seh Daeng" Sawasdipol, said yesterday she might contest in the upcoming elections under the banner of the Pheu Thai Party.

She added that she had petitioned Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to look into the investigation of her father's death, which was progressing far too slowly.

"Nobody has really invited me, but senior members of the Pheu Thai Party suggested that since we have the same principles and policies, I should join them and learn how to further develop my father's Khatiyatham Party," she said.

She added that she would decide next week whether to run under the Khatiyatham Party banner or that of Pheu Thai. Khattiya also explained that before she made any decisions, she had to estimate Khatiyatham Party's potential to win in the election and would also consult people who helped her father found the party. She is the current leader of the Khatiyatham Party.

"A lot of people had faith in my father, but whether this faith turns into votes for our party and if they will put their hopes in a 29-year-old girl like me is another issue," she said.

Besides, if she does decide to join Pheu Thai, then other key members of her party would have to decide whether they should follow her. However, she said, she would not abandon her father's party.

She said the two parties' common objective was to bring justice to people who have been treated unfairly by the country's bureaucracy and government.

Maj-General Khattiya was shot dead in front of the Silom MRT station, close to the red-shirt rally site, on May 13 last year. The late general's daughter said she had submitted a letter to Abhisit calling on him to acknowledge her petition. She said that since her father's death, she had only been interviewed once by the Department of Special Investigation and she had not heard anything more about the case.


-- The Nation 2011-04-27

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She could start by asking herself for some answers about what her father was up to in the first place to warrant an assassination.

What hope is there for the next generation of politicians when someone like this with no prior experience is made head of a new party, wants to run as an MP, but can't quite decide whether to do so under the banner of the party she leads, or under another party's banner.

I'm sure she's a well meaning and decent women, started out as a yellow shirt, but she needs a reality check.

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Is this the same daughter who on the 11th of July 2010 said

"For the rest of her life, she will take care of and nurture the three things her father left for her.

- The first is the copyright to his book series, "Kom She Daeng".

- The second thing is the Khatiyatham Party, the political party he founded.

- The third legacy from her father is his "mass" of supporters."

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She added that she would decide next week whether to run under the Khatiyatham Party banner or that of Pheu Thai.

followed by...

However, she said, she would not abandon her father's party.

she's quite appealing to the Confused Conflicted Constituents segment of the voting public.

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She is the current leader of the Khatiyatham Party.

I suppose it's progress as the former Party Leader for months and months (in fact, this OP is the very first mention of her as Party Leader) was 2nd LT Surapat Chantima, a Red Shirt fugitive who has an outstanding arrest warrant on terrorism charges.


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blink.gif I am so undecided now that she is considering running. What to dounsure.gif

I was unaware that you had the right to vote in a Thai election.

If you are one of the many men that has fallen in love with the dynamic, educated and attractive woman, then join the line.

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Standard TRT/PPP/PTP tactic of getting as many powerbrokers/small parties in as possible to try and get number one position in the election. It usually works. Odd why the Democrats disadvantage themselves by not doing the same after all it only costs money and promises of some power

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Daughter of Seh-Daeng Demands Progress in Investigation

The daughter of Khattiya Sawasdipol, the late army specialist who was shot and killed during the red-shirt unrest last year, has submitted a letter to the prime minister demanding progress in the investigation into her father's death.

Khattiyaa Sawasdipol, daughter of the late army specialist Major General Khatiya Sawasdipol or Seh Dang, who was shot and killed during the red-shirt unrest last year, has traveled to parliament to submit a letter to the prime minister demanding that the Department of Special Investigation speed up the investigation into her father's death.

According to Khattiyaa, no progress has been made in the investigation, though it has been nearly a year since her father was killed.

On behalf of the prime minister, the letter was accepted by Deputy Secretary-General to the Prime Minister, Panitan Wattanayagorn.

In addition, Khattiya, leader of the Khattiyatham Party, has admitted that she has been invited to join the Pheu Thai Party.

Khattiyaa believes the two parties could work together because of their shared principles. Khattiya said she will consider the invitation.


-- Tan Network 2011-04-27


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blink.gif I am so undecided now that she is considering running. What to dounsure.gif

I was unaware that you had the right to vote in a Thai election.

If you are one of the many men that has fallen in love with the dynamic, educated and attractive woman, then join the line.

You need to come into town more often...............on further consideration, please don't. Rhetorical question; Do you know why alcohol was invented?

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She could start by asking herself for some answers about what her father was up to in the first place to warrant an assassination.

What hope is there for the next generation of politicians when someone like this with no prior experience is made head of a new party, wants to run as an MP, but can't quite decide whether to do so under the banner of the party she leads, or under another party's banner.

I'm sure she's a well meaning and decent women, started out as a yellow shirt, but she needs a reality check.

He was expressing his right of free speech. A crime serious enough for assassination in this country. Yes your right. She should ask.

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She could start by asking herself for some answers about what her father was up to in the first place to warrant an assassination.

What hope is there for the next generation of politicians when someone like this with no prior experience is made head of a new party, wants to run as an MP, but can't quite decide whether to do so under the banner of the party she leads, or under another party's banner.

I'm sure she's a well meaning and decent women, started out as a yellow shirt, but she needs a reality check.

He was expressing his right of free speech. A crime serious enough for assassination in this country. Yes your right. She should ask.

A bit more complicated than just 'free speech'. From Thomas Fuller who was interviewing him at that moment:

"He's a very colorful person. He was - I think colorful is probably a euphemism. I mean he was a bit wacky. He was provocative. He was defiant. And it was a mystery to a lot of people why he couldn't be reined in. A military is not supposed to have renegade generals on the loose for as long as he was. But I don't think anyone saw him more than a mysterious, charismatic renegade soldier."


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She could start by asking herself for some answers about what her father was up to in the first place to warrant an assassination.

What hope is there for the next generation of politicians when someone like this with no prior experience is made head of a new party, wants to run as an MP, but can't quite decide whether to do so under the banner of the party she leads, or under another party's banner.

I'm sure she's a well meaning and decent women, started out as a yellow shirt, but she needs a reality check.

He was expressing his right of free speech.  A crime serious enough for assassination in this country.  Yes your right.  She should ask.

A bit more complicated than just 'free speech'. From Thomas Fuller who was interviewing him at that moment:

"He's a very colorful person. He was - I think colorful is probably a euphemism. I mean he was a bit wacky. He was provocative. He was defiant. And it was a mystery to a lot of people why he couldn't be reined in. A military is not supposed to have renegade generals on the loose for as long as he was. But I don't think anyone saw him more than a mysterious, charismatic renegade soldier."


Lest any of you forget, prior to his shooting, Seh Daeng was running off at the mouth telling evenone that Thaksin told him to do this or that and Thaksin did/or did not want this or that.  His words were directly implicating Thaksin in the running of the redshits during last years fiasco.

It is my opinion that Thaksin did not like this direct implication and ordered him silenced.

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She could start by asking herself for some answers about what her father was up to in the first place to warrant an assassination.

What hope is there for the next generation of politicians when someone like this with no prior experience is made head of a new party, wants to run as an MP, but can't quite decide whether to do so under the banner of the party she leads, or under another party's banner.

I'm sure she's a well meaning and decent women, started out as a yellow shirt, but she needs a reality check.

He was expressing his right of free speech. A crime serious enough for assassination in this country. Yes your right. She should ask.

No - you see there you go again!! Another bit of red apologist blinkered diatribe!! He was advocating more murder and attacks on police posts when he was shot by a Pro Thaksin Black guard from the rail lines. How do I know? The recorded playback of the telephone conversation where he disagreed with fugitive. How dare he!! Do you think if wed have shot Hitler at the Nuremberg we may have saved ourselves a lot of trouble? I think so - only a red apologist wouldnt agree with that one!!

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