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Where Did You Meet Your Wife Or Gf


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I think you need to switch careers and start working in an office


Now that is funny, OK Greg, you have a office job for me ?

Minimum salary, 600,000 THB , 20,000 US no tax Dollars per month, you match that and I'll work in an office.

And marrying bar girls no doubt....It's a matter of priorities.

How about 40,000 - 60,000 baht per month and a guarantee you'll have many opportunities to meet many girls who have never worked in the industry?

Greg, I am warming to you, I really am, but Teaching English is for a certain type of person, honestly mate, I couldn't handle it, even if it paid 20,000 USD per month.

I take my hat off to Teachers, its a tough job for little reward, I really respect them, they're educated guys working for a pittance, that shows some kind of dedication.

BTW, O&G guys have many many opportunities to meet non working girls, internet is one way when offshore, and we can afford to push the boat out when we land, I've done it all Greg.

Believe me, you can't teach me how to suck eggs, I'm a 20 year veteran, how about you ?

At sucking eggs? Not sure what it is, but I doubt I've ever tried it. I assume that might refer to something along the lines of the sulfur content of sour crude oil?

I don't mean any disrespect to you or your profession, but you are simply wrong when you say that all farang wives, or even the majority of farang wives, are bargirls. Somebody has to tell you that. If you think it is true, you and I clearly live in different scenes of Thailand, and I doubt we'll ever agree.

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I think this is the thread you meant to post on:-


I don't know how you add your initials to the first post... maybe you just do it the same way everyone else has....


Oh come on Street Cowboy. That isn't fair. Not sure what you meant by initials, but I certainly don't feel superior to anyone. I do object to people who want to perpetuate the myth that every girl seen with a farang is a bar girl. That is simply not true. I know it isn't true. My friends know it isn't true, but sadly people keep spreading that prejudice around to the point where everyone who sees you with your wife thinks you met her in a bar.

Yes, I get annoyed by that. I think you confused condescension with pure old fashioned anger. Both negative emotions, but not the same.

If you met your girl in a bar and you're happy, then more power to you. But don't tell me it is impossible that I met my wife, and the mother of my children, outside of the bar. That is quite simply wrong, and propagating this clearly invalid stereotype is destructive.

I think you have no cause to deprecate the ignorant and bigoted, who assume that everyone's life is similar to their own. I put it to you that you feel that your wife, and hence you, are better because she has never been a prostitute, Well, if that is the basis for your arrogance, then fine; it is good to have something sound like that which hopefully you will never lose.

My arrogance used to be based on a staggering (though not literally!) ability to turn up at work after a night on the piss - sadly a transient capability which resulted in some substantially unsatisfactory work, in retrospect (Ooops - should have posted that here http://www.thaivisa....too-much-forum/)

As I recall, I met my wife in a bar; or, to be more accurate, as I don;t recall, I probably met my wife in a bar. Not through grounds of recollection-impairment, but through distance of time.


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I don't mean any disrespect to you or your profession, but you are simply wrong when you say that all farang wives, or even the majority of farang wives, are bargirls. Somebody has to tell you that. If you think it is true, you and I clearly live in different scenes of Thailand, and I doubt we'll ever agree.

LOL, you're getting more likable by the minute Greg, I always root for the underdog mate!

Still totally delusional, inexperienced and obviously not worldly traveled, but cute nevertheless.

My wife wants you as a boyfriend when she stays alone as you seem such a nice guy.

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I met my first wife in a bae, she was drinking with a buch of friends in Abby bar Pattaya, my second wife was introduced to me by two very good friends, both thai women.

On the whole I would have to say (with my experiences) Dont fall in love with a girl in a bar, better to nab them when they are away :)

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This forum would be a much more enjoyable place if nobody replied to trollposts of mr millie.

Enjoyable? We're not here for your entertainment....

But anyway, perhaps you could give us a list of posters we could respond to, in the interests of your enjoyment. We could then do a Neville Chamberlain (with the print-out, of course!)

Anyway, we're none of us perfect, and if you keep coming back (whinging or not) and I keep coming back, then our George will be making his advertising turnover that lets us all enjoy ourselves to the best of our abilities (and to the best of our self-censorship, in your case - read only what you want to hear! On my part, I prefer to mis-read what I want to hear....)


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Met my lady in a Thai restaurant in Rome (she was the chef which probably explains my increase in shirt size) :)

My wife was working in a Thai restaurant in London to help her get money, I put to her the scenario of the Chef having time to meet outsiders, The computer says NO. smile.gif

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Funnily enough, I met a few ladies before they said they were chefs at Thai restaurants. Coincidentally, same chain....

Anyway, I've drunk with binmen and princes, and a lot of blokes going commando; I've never asked them what job they do, nor the ladies that I meet


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Met my (former) English wife in a bar

Met my (current) Thai wife in a bar

Everyone (white men) I know who met their Thai wife in Thailand, met them in a bar, nearly all lie about where they met, but the girls always discuss their bar backgrounds with each other and I understand what they say (but never let on). Those that didn't meet the Thai wife in a bar, met her before or after work in the bar.

So what, I'm over 50 and hardly a virgin either (about twice a week before Thailand).

I always expect a pretty girl to have been shagged every night from age 15 upwards (same for guys).

Ugly ones only got it once a week (a lot less for guys).

(That gives you 300-100 shaggings a year from age 15, so by age 30 ....... 3000-1000 times)

So if we relate my theory

to the UK where I was doing 50yos ...... 35 years of previous usage.

and to Thailand where I am doing 30yos ..... 15 years of previous usage.

Far less mileage on the newer models!

Does it matter if it was the same guy?

(Before the mods ban me, let me just state for the record, I don't know every white man in Thailand, so am not talking about every Thai woman or even every Thai woman married to a white guy)

From experience? :rolleyes:

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From experience? :rolleyes:

Of course its from experience, he's just told you !!!

Probably the only honest poster here. smile.gif

I'd not rely on the numbers; 90% of statistics are invented, and 70% are false.

Anyway, if your/e going to call me a liar, I should like you to step outside


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I had rather a heated argument with another Farang over a few beers who suggested that ALL Farangs met their wives or Gf's in Bars, no exceptions !

I would disagree with this and suggested that it's only 99%.

What say you good people ?

Good one, MrsMills. You are welcome on the Storm Dancer, but she's getting a bit crowded with all the "trollers" already on board. :D


Edited to add where I met my wives.

My first wife was an Austrailan and I met her through friends. We weren't really in love, but both of us were 28 and just about ready to get married. I guess we each fit the criteria that the other wanted. We stayed 20 years together and raised 2 children to adulthood.

My second wife was the mother of my son's best friend. I was smitten the first time I set eyes on her and that lasted until she left 7 years later and left her 22 yr old druggie son for me to take care of. I had to get the cops to get him out of my home.

A good friend introduced me to Thailand and the rest is history. I learned from my past mistakes and decided that rentals fit my vagabond life style much better. I've never been happier.

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I had rather a heated argument with another Farang over a few beers who suggested that ALL Farangs met their wives or Gf's in Bars, no exceptions !

I would disagree with this and suggested that it's only 99%.

What say you good people ?

Good one, MrsMills. You are welcome on the Storm Dancer, but she's getting a bit crowded with all the "trollers" already on board. :D


hey, nice boat mate !

Now, think of another thread that really gets the boys wound up. rolleyes.gif

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There used to be a well-known sex club in Chiang Mai where all the girls claimed to be students at P____ University, but the foreign punters would all laugh about it as the idea was so absurd.

To make a long story short, eventually the Bangkok police came up and busted the place and the girls had been telling the truth and it was in all the newspapers.

There are a lot of women here who have done sex-work and done a good job of keeping it secret.

I was in a hotel in Khon Kaen and the bellboy asked if I wanted a girl, I said no as it was bound to be an old women, I was wrong, she was studying at KKU ( Khon Kaen University ) and was lovely and 21 years old, I met girls online from UNI too in Bangkok, same result, and I had a GF I met online who had a great job and was in bed with me faster than a girl from Soi 6.

Can I have the hotels address or phone number?

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I met someone else's wife at work. Does that count?

Anyone who knows me knows I don't frequent bars. In fact, I rarely go out. Once a week I have dinner with some old boys I used to golf with. They are all married. I never ask where/how they met their wives. I don't think it's good etiquette here, is it?

True story: 3 or 4 years ago, before I had half decent spoken thai I was driving home from a classic bike festival and stopped to ask directions. to my surprise, the 30 something lady reached in, unlocked the door and got in the car! I had been a bit slow getting my words out so maybe she thought I was a shy curb crawler... had a devil of a job getting her out! :o

This helped me understand why so many old white dudes were walking around arm in am with women half their age. Mutual respect gives way to mutual desperation.

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I met someone else's wife at work. Does that count?

Anyone who knows me knows I don't frequent bars. In fact, I rarely go out. Once a week I have dinner with some old boys I used to golf with. They are all married. I never ask where/how they met their wives. I don't think it's good etiquette here, is it?

True story: 3 or 4 years ago, before I had half decent spoken thai I was driving home from a classic bike festival and stopped to ask directions. to my surprise, the 30 something lady reached in, unlocked the door and got in the car! I had been a bit slow getting my words out so maybe she thought I was a shy curb crawler... had a devil of a job getting her out! :o

This helped me understand why so many old white dudes were walking around arm in am with women half their age. Mutual respect gives way to mutual desperation.

:lol: :lol:

Great story, Loz. I can just picture it, and you trying to explain to her that you were NOT wanting a lady for the night, but were just wanting directions. I can see how she might misunderstand. :D

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I met my first Mrs in a bar in England she was a solicitor

I met my second Mrs in a bar in Laos she was a prostitute

If that makes me or her lower class then so be it. Does it mean I was middle/upper class when I was married to the first Mrs????

I work in an office environment here in Laos and have had many offers of dates etc but have chosen not to mix business with pleasure.

Been out with a few normal women and quite frankly found them to be too boring

This thread reminds me of a bloke I know with a Laotian wife. He feels an urgent need to tell everyone he meets that his wife wasn't a bar girl.

"She worked in a restaurant serving drinks and I met her on the internet":lol::whistling:

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