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Obama releases long form birth certificate to end debate


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I managed to watch just a small bit about this on CNN and they were interviewing some of the right-wing folks.  As I suspected, it settled nothing.  

Fox News has been saying that this is a non issue forever. Of course CNN could find a few wackos to say otherwise, but most people will just forget about it. 

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Apparently in one of Obama's memoirs that was written before he was elected he said he wasn't a good student.

Was that the second book which he wrote or the first one that was allegedly ghost written by Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers?

Allegations not more, not true and of course BS. the ghost writer part.

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Well the real issue is spending & I remember a few weeks ago the dear leader said he couldn't accept 5 billion in cuts. Yet in his SOTU speech he wants a trillion or a trillion & a half for high speed rail. Someone needs to take away his credit card & for some adults to take a pair of scissors to it. Your broke Barack. It's over. We're not going to accept higher taxes to pay for boondoggles.

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There are still a ton of ignorant bigots in the US, who, for what ever reason, don't want to come directly out of the closet and admit the real reason for their angst.

You mean the ones who elected Obama in the first place? :lol: There are hard-core bigots in the U.S. who hate him for his color, but they are a small minority. However, more and more average citizens are starting to hate his silly policies. :bah:

I doubt its such a small minority, lest this birth certificate issue would not have drug out so long. And as far as the average citizens starting to hate, we'll see in 2012. My money, and my vote (again) is on Obama.

Haters gonna Hate ..it's just what they do.

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This whole birthing thing is ridiculous, coming from a country where some generations ago almost everybody was "imported" either voluntarily or forced like the African slaves.

You want a real American for president, than it should have been an Indian, Sioux maybe? But the " imported americans" didn't really leave that choice open, now did they.

Everywhere I worked in the states and when asked where I was from, people always gave me the rundown on their own family history like: Actually, I am X % Irish because my great great great grandfather... and also X % Polish because from my mothers side…. but some X % German and X % Italian was added there too because........ and for some authenticity some added the fact that they still had `some` native American blood because of whatever vague reason.

It was always told with a strange kind of pride as if it made them more special having some "real American blood", and of course they knew I wasn't about to check and frankly I couldn't care less.

How much of a percentage `different flavor` did the founding fathers have?

Outside America this whole birthing thing has been looked upon as being completely nuts and a source of entertainment, but also very often linked to racism considering who it was about, something what could conveniently be used in this case without having to make real racist remarks.


edit for typo

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Outside America this whole birthing thing has been looked upon as being completely nuts and a source of entertainment, but also very often linked to racism considering who it was about, something what could conveniently be used in this case without having to make real racist remarks.


Not only OUTSIDE America. It's racism. No doubt about it.

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This whole birthing thing is ridiculous, coming from a country where some generations ago almost everybody was "imported"...

None of that is the point. The point is whether he was legally able to be President and it has been answered.

Calling it "racism" is as silly as saying that he was born overseas after seeing his birth certificate. :rolleyes:

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This whole birthing thing is ridiculous, coming from a country where some generations ago almost everybody was "imported"... 

None of that is the point. The point is whether he was legally able to be President and it has been answered. 

Calling it "racism" is as silly as saying that he was born overseas after seeing his birth certificate.  :rolleyes:

You're joking, right? It was answered YEARS ago and anyone with basic reasoning abilities knows that for a fact. Seriously, dude, do you think Hillary would have let this happen if there was even one iota of doubt?

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I doubt its such a small minority, lest this birth certificate issue would not have drug out so long.

Do you think that Donald Trump is a racist?

Not sure but he panders to them. So what's the difference? I do think he's a moron and agree with Obama's take on him as carnival barker. Yes you can indeed be super rich and a total moron at the same time and he's the living proof.

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It is ironic that so many Americans remained quite nonchalant

about this issue all through this debate even as the Obama administration prepares to introduce

the most unbelievably tough set of new criteria for USA passport applications :lol:

" The U.S. Department of State is proposing a new Biographical Questionnaire for some passport applicants: The proposed new Form DS-5513 asks were you circumcised? Also asks for all addresses since birth; lifetime employment history including employers' and supervisors names, addresses, and telephone numbers; personal details of all siblings; mother's address one year prior to your birth; any "religious ceremony" around the time of birth; and a variety of other information. According to the proposed form, "failure to provide the information requested may result in … the denial of your U.S. passport application."


How about you include the reason why the form is requested?

The form is used for those people that cannot provide a legally valid birth certificate.

Oh, the irony.

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I doubt its such a small minority, lest this birth certificate issue would not have drug out so long.

Do you think that Donald Trump is a racist?

Not sure but he panders to them. So what's the difference? I do think he's a moron and agree with Obama's take on him as carnival barker. Yes you can indeed be super rich and a total moron at the same time and he's the living proof.

At least the billionaire moron businessman has shown he is capable of leading and succeeding. The guy with a wall of "brainiac" diplomas but a CV with half a page of work experience hasn't been able to do either.

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I doubt its such a small minority, lest this birth certificate issue would not have drug out so long.

Do you think that Donald Trump is a racist?

Not sure but he panders to them. So what's the difference? I do think he's a moron and agree with Obama's take on him as carnival barker. Yes you can indeed be super rich and a total moron at the same time and he's the living proof.

At least the billionaire moron businessman has shown he is capable of leading and succeeding. The guy with a wall of "brainiac" diplomas but a CV with half a page of work experience hasn't been able to do either.

Capable of leading and succeeding in business, but as President? Would you really want a man like him? Genuine question...:unsure:

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Can any of you supporters please tell me just why somebody would spend around 3 million dollars keeping this and his school records hidden if there is nothing wrong ? :huh:

Why didn't / doesn't he just show them ? :o

I couldn't care less either way whether he is a naturtally born American or not just can't understand the reason he has spent so much money trying to stop people from seeing his records ? :blink:

Ithought him winning would have been a good thing for America but he seems to be like the rest of them :o

What business is it of yours or anyone elses to see someone's school records? I'd block nosey people from seeing my record too.

What's next a daily report on how many times he goes to the loo?

Last I checked you're not the leader of the most powerful country in the world.....Are you?? Who's also supposed to lead by example and be beyond reproach by playing by the rules accordingly, not being elusive of them..

I have to provide my underwear size (figuratively speaking) to the government just to bring my wife in as an immigrant, why shouldn't the POTUS of all people be required to have his checked? When you choose to run for President one better be prepared to be scrutinized and held under a magnifying glass and rightly so, people have conveniently forgotten that McCain was the first to be vetted and investigated for his being born in Panama..

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Do you think that Donald Trump is a racist?

Not sure but he panders to them. So what's the difference? I do think he's a moron and agree with Obama's take on him as carnival barker. Yes you can indeed be super rich and a total moron at the same time and he's the living proof.

At least the billionaire moron businessman has shown he is capable of leading and succeeding. The guy with a wall of "brainiac" diplomas but a CV with half a page of work experience hasn't been able to do either.

Capable of leading and succeeding in business, but as President? Would you really want a man like him? Genuine question...:unsure:

In the current economical climate and deficit we have? You bet ya..

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Capable of leading and succeeding in business, but as President? Would you really want a man like him? Genuine question...:unsure:

In the current economical climate and deficit we have? You bet ya..

Ok, i can see why from an economical aspect, the man has made billions, but that doesn't mean he can run the economy for the benefit of ordinary people. Also there is a lot more to politics than just the economy, and some of the quotes given by Mr Trump are somewhat in line Bush's :D I'm no expert, and i'm not american, just trying to understand why people would vote for him.

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That's easy. They would vote for him for the same reason they voted for W. Fascist tendencies. It would be a vote for a "strong" leader.

BTW, Trump isn't really running for president. He's acting out his massive ego, yet again.

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Fox News type propagandists 

The "Fox News type propagandists" have been saying that Obama was born in Hawaii all along and making fun of Trump.  It is interesting how many blatant lies are told about what is said on Fox News.  :whistling:

Oh  you mean like this blatant lie


Please provide a link. Photoshop works wonders.   ;)




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To be a natural born citizen you do not have to be born on US soil. If one of your parents is a citizen you are a 'natural' born citizen. A non-natural born citizen is one who is 'naturalized'.

It's not quite as simple as that - see Title 8 Section 1401. While he would appear to have been American from birth by 1401(g) even if he had been born in Kenya, I have read that the law was different when he was born, and he would not have qualified under the then equivalent section. I suspect Section 1409 was less liberal when Obama was born - he'd then waltz home if he could establish that he was a bastard!

The Wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_Born_Citizen_Clause, and even more so its discussion, suggests that a 'natural-born citizen' is not the same as 'someone born a citizen'.

It's interesting to note the claims that McCain is not a natural-born citizen. Can't the Americans work out what their electoral laws are?

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