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Obama releases long form birth certificate to end debate


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,,,only a dumbass couldn't see the difference. Protruding ears? Should have used an elephant then.

Elephants have different ears. "Only a dumbass couldn't see the difference" - for sure. :rolleyes:


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I'm sorry but if you don't understand the difference between a black man and a white man being called a monkey then you are very naive.

That would be a lot more true if the black man did not have protruding ears and very little else in his physical appearance to make jokes about. There are undoubtedly some racists doing this, but it is mostly folks who do not like him or his policies and could care less that he is part black.

This all stems from liberal commentators playing the race card when it is not warrented.

But sometimes, I think it is warranted.

I would have to say I think that most people who don't like Obama are not of that opinion because of his race but rather his policies and party affiliation. However, I am pretty much in the camp that some people really are racist and don't like him for those reasons. And I also believe that many of the fringe who are dyed-in-the-wool birthers do have at least some degree of racism in their core reasoning. If Obama's father had been born white in Germany or the UK, I really don't think the whole birther issue would have had the same legs as it ended up having.

No way to prove it, but that is my opinion.

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I would have to say I think that most people who don't like Obama are not of that opinion because of his race but rather his policies and party affiliation.

I respect your opinion and agree that there are some racists out there that hate him for that. However, I also do not think that most Americans care if Obama is black, or not.

Most of the American citizens who do not like him, dislike his politics, his policies and dishonesty about a lot of the things that he is doing and has done.

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And I also believe that many of the fringe who are dyed-in-the-wool birthers do have at least some degree of racism in their core reasoning. If Obama's father had been born white in Germany or the UK, I really don't think the whole birther issue would have had the same legs as it ended up having.

No way to prove it, but that is my opinion.

You might be right about the birther thing. It is not something that I ever bought. However, I did think that ii grew more and more strange that he would not provide the long form of his birth certificate and started to wonder if he was hiding something else connected with it. I am glad that he finally cleared it up.

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While this post does not directly relate to the disclosure of Obama's birth certificate, it is interesting in light of current events.


Obama's father forced out at Harvard


BOSTON — President Barack Obama's father was forced to leave Harvard University before completing his Ph.D. in economics because the school was concerned about his personal life and finances, according to newly public immigration records.

Harvard had asked the Immigration and Naturalization Service to delay a request by Barack Hussein Obama Sr. to extend his stay in the U.S., "until they decided what action they could take in order to get rid of him," immigration official M.F. McKeon wrote in a June 1964 memo.

Harvard administrators, the memo stated, "were having difficulty with his financial arrangements and couldn't seem to figure out how many wives he had."

An earlier INS memo from McKeon said that while the elder Obama had passed his exams and was entitled on academic grounds to stay and complete his thesis, the school was going to try and "cook something up to ease him out."

"They are planning on telling him that they will not give him any money, and that he had better return to Kenya and prepare his thesis at home," the memo stated.

Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz1L5Bi1MBK

I'm sorry but what does any of this have to do with where Obama was born?

Please read my opening statement in the quoted post and you wouldn't have to apologize for asking an unnecessary question.

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I would have to say I think that most people who don't like Obama are not of that opinion because of his race but rather his policies and party affiliation.

I respect your opinion and agree that there are some racists out there that hate him for that. However, I also do not think that most Americans care if Obama is black, or not.

Most of the American citizens who do not like him, dislike his politics, his policies and dishonesty about a lot of the things that he is doing and has done.

And I would agree with that assessment.

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And I also believe that many of the fringe who are dyed-in-the-wool birthers do have at least some degree of racism in their core reasoning. If Obama's father had been born white in Germany or the UK, I really don't think the whole birther issue would have had the same legs as it ended up having.

No way to prove it, but that is my opinion.

You might be right about the birther thing. It is not something that I ever bought. However, I did think that ii grew more and more strange that he would not provide the long form of his birth certificate and started to wonder if he was hiding something else connected with it. I am glad that he finally cleared it up.

My opinion? He let it run for as long as he could so he could "trump" the birthers. If the Republican mainstream had been more onboard the birther train, he would have waited until even closer to election time to make them look even sillier. But as the Republican mainstream had mostly abandoned the issue, now was a chance to take the birthers down a notch, and maybe even to give Trump more time to recover (I am sure Obama would rather run against trump than most other potential candidates.)

I have nothing to back this up. It is merely conjecture.

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  • 9 months later...

not over yet ......!

Sheriff Joe: 'Probable cause' Obama certificate a fraud

PHOENIX – An investigative “Cold Case Posse” launched six months ago by “America’s toughest sheriff” – Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County – has concluded there is probable cause that the document released by the White House last year as President Obama’s birth certificate is a computer-generated forgery.

The investigative team has asked Arpaio, who is at a news conference in Phoenix live-streamed by WND TV that began at 3 p.m. Eastern time, to elevate the investigation to a criminal probe that will make available the resources of his Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.

The posse, comprised of former law enforcement officers and lawyers with law enforcement experience, has interviewed dozens of witnesses and examined hundreds of documents. It also has taken numerous sworn statements from witnesses around the world.


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Why get hung up on whether his birth certificate is a fraud when the man himself clearly is if he purports to champion the best interests of the United States.

" Why get hung up on whether his birth certificate is a fraud "

i believe the Sheriif answers that question in his interview

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Why get hung up on whether his birth certificate is a fraud when the man himself clearly is if he purports to champion the best interests of the United States.

" Why get hung up on whether his birth certificate is a fraud "

i believe the Sheriif answers that question in his interview

I hope the Sheriff has no preexisting medical conditions.

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This story isn't going anywhere.

oh i don't agree with that .......

Sheriff Arpaio asserted:

"As I said at the beginning of the investigation, the president can put all this to rest quite easily. All he has to do is demand the Hawaii Department of Health release to the American public and to a panel of certified court-authorized forensic examiners all original 1961 paper, microfilm, and computer birth records the Hawaii Department of Health has in its possession."

At the press conference, WND journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi reported that he had arranged on the evening prior, a private conference between the sheriff and conservative media champion Andrew Breitbart, and Corsi wondered whether it might have been Breitbart's last interview. As we mourn Breitbart's passing, we hope that his colleagues continue to pursue his inspiring legacy of boldness in uncovering and reporting the truth. At CPAC, Breitbart had assured attendees: "This election, we're going to vet [Obama]."

This investigation by fellow warrior Sheriff Arpaio demonstrates that we need other brave individuals willing to come forward and delve further back in Obama's history.

Thomas Jefferson once said: "When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property."

Like Sheriff Arpaio, Obama has assumed a public office. But while Obama shields the property of his history from public view, the question arises: Should the public trust Obama?


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Best of luck to all the folks on a witch-hunt. Barack Obama did not sign his birth certificate. It is a document released by the hospital. Whoever it has been released to can sue in court if they believe the document is a fraud.

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This story isn't going anywhere.

The story might not go anywhere, but unless posters remain on topic and cease endless nonsense infighting, some posters will be going someplace.

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Best of luck to all the folks on a witch-hunt. Barack Obama did not sign his birth certificate. It is a document released by the hospital. Whoever it has been released to can sue in court if they believe the document is a fraud.

If you listen carefully to the interview with the Sheriff he actually shares your view. He said he doesn't matter even if it's the janitor who carried out the alleged forgery, the point is as a law enforcement officer he says it is his duty to now keep going with this matter and not throw it in the bin. Technology has proved that someone is responsible for forgery. The motive will come out later.

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Some lies are just too big to shine the light of truth on (the Kennedy assassination might be one example). If Obama's birth certificate has been forged, it would be one of those lies. If that's the case, the Democrat - and Republican - leadership have no interest in the public finding out.

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Some lies are just too big to shine the light of truth on (the Kennedy assassination might be one example). If Obama's birth certificate has been forged, it would be one of those lies. If that's the case, the Democrat - and Republican - leadership have no interest in the public finding out.

yes I had also thought about this possible scenario although I would expect many would instantly label as a conspiracy theory.

but notice Sheriff Joe said he doesn't trust anybody in Hawaii so anything is possible

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Some lies are just too big to shine the light of truth on (the Kennedy assassination might be one example). If Obama's birth certificate has been forged, it would be one of those lies. If that's the case, the Democrat - and Republican - leadership have no interest in the public finding out.

Mr Rate: That's how a conspiracy works. Them boys on the Grassy Knoll they were dead within three hours, buried in the damned desert, unmarked graves out past Terlingua.

Nick Memphis: You know this for a fact?

Mr Rate:Still got the shovel...

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Some lies are just too big to shine the light of truth on (the Kennedy assassination might be one example). If Obama's birth certificate has been forged, it would be one of those lies. If that's the case, the Democrat - and Republican - leadership have no interest in the public finding out.

yes I had also thought about this possible scenario although I would expect many would instantly label as a conspiracy theory.

but notice Sheriff Joe said he doesn't trust anybody in Hawaii so anything is possible

I'm not suggesting this is a conspiracy. I'm saying that even though the Republicans want Obama out of the White House, doing so in a way that would make (even more of) a mockery of our political system, country, office of the President, etc might be some damage they would rather avoid if all they need to do is beat him in an election or wait 4 years. Ruling him ineligible after the fact would create such an incredible mess. If everything he signed into law became invalid, it boggles the mind what would have to happen. All those political deals cut would be null and void. Taxes refunded. Nobel Prize returned - no, wait, he could keep that.

Personally, while I wouldn't be the least surprised if the document were forged for some reason and Obama knows about it, the 50-year old birth announcements in one or two local newspapers in Hawaii is all the proof I need that he was born there.

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Some lies are just too big to shine the light of truth on (the Kennedy assassination might be one example). If Obama's birth certificate has been forged, it would be one of those lies. If that's the case, the Democrat - and Republican - leadership have no interest in the public finding out.

Mr Rate: That's how a conspiracy works. Them boys on the Grassy Knoll they were dead within three hours, buried in the damned desert, unmarked graves out past Terlingua.

Nick Memphis: You know this for a fact?

Mr Rate:Still got the shovel...


This quote is from a Hollywood movie. Don't have time now to look up the title but will get back to you later in the day with it.

Hollywood is hardly a viable source for factual data.

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This quote is from a Hollywood movie. Don't have time now to look up the title but will get back to you later in the day with it.

Hollywood is hardly a viable source for factual data.

It was from shooter & was meant to be funny when I posted it...not factual....I thought you of all folks would do better at sarcasm wink.png

Remember Mark Wahlberg as Bob Lee Swagger? Great flick IMO...Then again I like shooting

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Based on the book Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter. All of his novels are good reads and feature Bob Lee Swagger or someone in his family.

I really liked Levon Helm's part as Mr Rate in that film........

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