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Ossie Dollar

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On Thursday 28 April 2011, 13:22 EST [/b]The Australian dollar has passed the 109.00 US-cent mark as market confidence in the global economy remains buoyant.

The local currency also continued to benefit from a weak US dollar, which came under further pressure after the US Federal Reserve gave no indication it would raise its interest rate anytime soon.

At 1016 (+1000), the local unit was trading at 109.03 US cents, its highest level since the currency was floated in December 1983

You little beauty, this should put a smile on some blokes faces. :rolleyes:

Edited by Rimmer
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It puts a bloody nice smile on my face mate.

I will be arriving in mid-May for a couple of months and am very encouraged to be able to get over 32 baht (and rising!) per oxford scholar.

I can remember the bad old days when 21 or 22 baht per oz dollar was common. That was when our dollar dropped under 50 cents US.

How times change eh?

Let's enjoy it while we can. You never know what's around the corner.

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With all respect in the face of the fantastic surge of the AUD, was it really necessary to start a new thread, especially when you posted exactly the same comment in the other running thread on EXACTLY the same topic, which YOU had already started just a short time ago?

Please try and keep the noise down a bit, thanks.

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With all respect in the face of the fantastic surge of the AUD, was it really necessary to start a new thread, especially when you posted exactly the same comment in the other running thread on EXACTLY the same topic, which YOU had already started just a short time ago?

Please try and keep the noise down a bit, thanks.

This one was spelt differently

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With all respect in the face of the fantastic surge of the AUD, was it really necessary to start a new thread, especially when you posted exactly the same comment in the other running thread on EXACTLY the same topic, which YOU had already started just a short time ago?

Please try and keep the noise down a bit, thanks.

This one was spelt differently

I'll drink to that ... or just about anything while the AUD rises.


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With all respect in the face of the fantastic surge of the AUD, was it really necessary to start a new thread, especially when you posted exactly the same comment in the other running thread on EXACTLY the same topic, which YOU had already started just a short time ago?

English are we :D

Please try and keep the noise down a bit, thanks.

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I just transfered some money and received about 31.94 baht for my dollar even after the bank took their grab.

Happy with that, although the baht is much stronger these days than a couple of years ago.

Will enjoy it while it lasts.

Still not enough incentive to plan a visit to the land of the fundamentalist republicans.

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